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Upgrading a MOBILE BASE Until I Can Nuke the Map in Ravenfield

Jul 02, 2024
that I agree with you, excuse me, red boy, die, die, now we only have one flag point, but when you look at the deaths, we have 155 manpower supplies, they got 147, which is an enemy plane C. that me is aiming if need be i will do it i will hit you with a grappling hook but you have to be within 100gp range otherwise this thing is worthless look at that little panel this is cool let's do haduk in this thing. If he's still alive, he's in range hello, he gets hit in the body, oh, shoot, oh no, this is it, this isn't it, this isn't what I did.
upgrading a mobile base until i can nuke the map in ravenfield
I'm, I'm planting dropsy. Hello, bye, oh God, oh God, I'm going to do it. I hit this aircraft carrier, oh wow, I hit that thing really hard, but you know I'm alive here, so let's check the map, we've taken this place, the enemy has a, I guess. What we could do is strategic support through artillery. , which is one of my favorite things. We'll call him there, so it's a little further away, so I hope I can see him this time. Oh, you can hear the artillery explosions. one of those things like that It's hard to get too close to look, yeah look, Red is in the hills and I think we've got a few of them including the destruction of one of their vehicles, but wait a minute, do they have armor here?
upgrading a mobile base until i can nuke the map in ravenfield

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upgrading a mobile base until i can nuke the map in ravenfield...

My God, they have armor. I have a grappling hook over there, they just threw smoke grenades, ha, it's like a jump kick and an armored vehicle, that's a bad idea, I know. It was such a bad idea guys, we have to kill this thing, it's ruining my plans, this is so funny. oh my god i have been playing too much fortnite. I just tried to slide down the hill, there it is, it's dead, oh my God, but they're coming in hard, okay, do I? Level two, escalation, now let's call. in a barracks and we can call in an anti-tank Hilo yeah here's the barracks oh my god it's amazing uh I just 3D printed troops this is like playing Command and Conquer in first person so that's the barracks What else do I have? transport I thought this was anti-tank helicopter What does that mean?
upgrading a mobile base until i can nuke the map in ravenfield
What does it mean? I'm calling a helicopter for me. The enemy only has 8.3 points. Wait. I can call in attack helicopters. What happens if I step it up again? What happens if I request support from barracks? Aerial Air Assault, we're doing it again and this time we're going to escalate right away, basically going from level one to level two and then from level two to level three. Now this time I feel much better about the situation, so I am going to get there as quickly as possible and that will be done by taking an attack helicopter now, since I am the pilot.
upgrading a mobile base until i can nuke the map in ravenfield
If I jump, I think we'll crash. Well, I have an idea, wait. Right, the enemy is going to parachute those troops, I'm just going to blow them up. What he shot at me with an M1 Gan through armored glass. It just doesn't seem right to me, it's a glitch or a feature, you know? I just realized that. There's a giant mountain on top of this thing. What happens if we build a


on the top of the mountain? We will be close to the enemy air supply port and a lot, but there is a possibility that we can make it well, no. missile blockades still, which is fantastic, okay, I need troops to distract and air support.
I want the door to face here oh god oh my god I don't know where this is going to land because this thing is like rolling right now while someone doesn't shoot me from a distance this thing should be delivered right here please don't smash it, okay, that should work, open Mr. Magic Door, okay, on immediate escalation level two, build a barracks we get to. I love how the camera angle saw that the A transport helicopter was dropping off our troops and we built the barracks in a very strange place, okay, this is, you know, this is what happens when you build in the Himalayas.
I guess let's try building a barracks again right now, unfortunately it's on its back. of us, but that shouldn't be a big problem, it's okay, I just sent a lot of troops that should be able to protect this area, wait, I don't see any of them. Shall we break it? It's very possible by building in a place where no one would think you'd build that, we broke it right in front of that barracks, everything will be fine unless it falls and explodes, which would be fun, resupply and route, yes please, okay , I still have artillery. so now I can artillery the enemy


now, if we press tab, you'll notice that I have a kill right now and if we call in the artillery, yeah, look, we get the plane, oh, we're bombing the enemy base and you see. guys scattered everywhere we're still fine.
I don't think the artillery counts as our kills, which is unfortunate because I feel like, as you can see by the strawberry jam splatter marks, we have a couple of them, but now I want to call it AER assault team just to see what happens. and I want to call it an air assault team in that place, look, it's an enemy-held village, so you know, three-point shot at one of those things down there. now where oh where I was looking for something in the air what is that there it is oh that's a three pane glass front it's a normal transport helicopter it looks like this from the front this is like some Vietnam AA tactics right here Wait, they're telling me shooting, oh there's our supplies, give me the meds please, here we go, we're back to full health, there's the air assault, they just got hit by small arms fire, oh god, they're getting hit, wait, are they? what is this smoke like? over here oh no Brad Brad you suck Brad Brad you ruin everything but don't worry we're not going to spawn on the aircraft carrier we spawn on our


headquarters okay guys uhoh everyone who made boom skis okay Well, there I am.
I'm going to call in a strategic artillery bombardment on this port and then an air assault team and I'm going to try to get this thing very far away to where it landed. Look, that's what I'm talking about, all those guys. I have broken potatoes, wait a minute, why is there smoke in here? It's a mod uhoh. Enemy enemy troops. I have to retire, but I want to increase this strength. Wow, the enemy has 206 troops. I'm only 143. The war is not really going towards our destiny. I guess you could call in an armored personnel carrier, which would be fun to call one out on a mountain just to see, so there's the air assault again, but they're doing a pretty good job. distracting now we will bring it to the attention of armored personnel that will be delivered personally via plane and I think what we need is a cruise missile and then look at the other nuclear option.
I called it a cruise missile like I think it's in that. transport helicopter right there now I have a duck oh it came from space Oh even that vehicle is smoking while running towards the flag like an idiot don't stop okay cruise missiles are awesome and I know what you're thinking Baron I read the word nuclear there and I want to see the nuclear option, okay, after another cruise missile because that was really cool, there's the cruise missile, oh we destroyed the Skipper even though it's pretty far away, that's good, okay , I'm going to attack that. town with another cruise missile look at this, we're slowly catching up and I'm out of the blast radius on this hill.
I wonder if it's going to hit our helicopter. Where is the cruise missile? Ah well, we're losing a lot. We may have to consider the nuclear option. The credentials were accepted. Confirm. Oh my God. I guess now where is the most enemy force? I'm going to call her right here. Oh no, I wanted to call everyone in a helicopter. It has been an honor to serve. with you oh, we were too close, okay, let's do this safely, we're on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean, there's no reason to commit to the silly endeavor of being at Ground Zero for a while. nuclear explosion we can always be safe off the coast on a giant ship so call this we're going to turn this aircraft carrier into a command center where my OSP is wow that's fast.
I love how fast this thing works, you know? drill now, what if instead of invading the enemy archipelago we simply attack it with nuclear weapons, let's see, ladies and gentlemen, it has been an honor to serve with you? I love that man couch he just does a fantastic job oh my gosh okay. Me in slow motion just to see the nuclear bomb shopping oh my god oh it's beautiful and scary uh-oh I'm that thing that looks like radiation oh my god everything is destroyed oh and that's all you can do from a small shipping container brought Entered by an osprey ladies and gentlemen boys and girls let me know if you want to see more

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