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May 30, 2024
and by the way, guys, there's actually a Minecraft ending to this game. I'll show you how to get it at the end. End of Minecraft, yes, Minecraft. Okay, not this, okay, I'm so confused, man, how do I find that person you're talking about? I was in the bunker, right or yes, I think I have to go to the bunker, but wait, oh, the pine cone fell, okay, we have a little pumpkin. Okay, okay, can I come in here? No, the person's name, uh, whooby, yeah or something, yeah, yeah, something like that, something like that, okay, I don't understand, I'm going to go explore, guys, let us know in the comments if you know any



in this. game yesI'm definitely trying to learn them all, yes you see a bouquet of flowers everywhere.
unlocking secret endings in roblox npcs are becoming smart all endings unlocked
It's pretty nice out here. I see nothing. Okay, there are all the tango handles. Wow, everyone up here. I'm going to climb. Can I climb? Can you take that down? I can't, I can't do anything here friend, I don't understand where her friend is, I want to help, yes, what were their names, oh, I'll show you what they're looking for, oh, talk to me. when you find out oh she was just saying cool but she was saying it like cool oh baby talking I got it I got it he's here he was sleeping I got it yeah he was sleeping there we go how do I wake him up? uh she probably just keeps talking to him oh he's awake yeah this is what he says well these are new guys oh kath is looking for me yeah she's nice if you leave me with her yeah yeah follow me, follow me, oh actually follow me, wow, that's great.
unlocking secret endings in roblox npcs are becoming smart all endings unlocked

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unlocking secret endings in roblox npcs are becoming smart all endings unlocked...

This game is on, okay, we'll get them there, we'll get them together and guys, this guy's not here anymore, yeah, that was really shit, I think it was because we did the right thing four times, okay, we found him. okay let's see this works we found it we found it look talk to me when you find it cool or not I already found it we got it she says girl what's up yeah grooby this is epic wow dude okay now before we see the super


ending of Minecraft we just want to test every chat line yeah good idea so we've done it I'll do this I'll do it okay let's try it I'll explode they say who says really, yes, you.
unlocking secret endings in roblox npcs are becoming smart all endings unlocked
I don't want to do this, say no, okay guys, let's see what else we can do, okay, I'll do it or I'll do it, no, no, no, why, oh, because he's asking us to help him, um, what? what else do I say? yolo i oh he said well i guess that doesn't make sense wait the answer is yolo because yolo means you just live once he goes home wait a second im an npc i don't have a home no wow, he's


self-aware, you know what Adam, I really noticed? something in the menu here says drop blaster so you can pick it up and then drop it oh cool i picked it up he says hey my blaster and i don't have to shoot it i could drop it oh i dropped it they say oh cool you're not stupid we have this


andy we are Smart, Adam, I bet there's a secret when you take the blaster because why does it make you sit on the ground?
unlocking secret endings in roblox npcs are becoming smart all endings unlocked
Yes, that's true, I'll try it and I like it. from wiggle what wait I came wait hacks loaded wait what they just made me friend well they're hacking you they're hacking us whoa okay guys I'm going to try that again there's still something I feel like there's something underground because why would I? He put you in the ground like that, yeah that's right, what if I alternate running away from Carl? Wait, what is this? Wait, what is this? I'll see you later buddy, he said no, come back, wow, clear ending, wow, so there are a lot of


that have to do with Carl and the Blaster guys, we're still going to look for more.
Okay, there's still something to do here with this Blaster. I'm sure you do, okay, let me pick it up. I'm going to start spamming random buttons. Oh no. wait guys, what is what is this? There's a secret room down here, wait, I knew that guys, you might like a bug under the map, I really don't know how I did it, but it actually worked. Whoa, wait, this is on. How many endings are there in this? game there are so many what's at the end of this room it's like an outlet here what is this guy we're in like the void?
I think you have to go left. We are in a vacuum. Is this a maze? Yes go. that way, oh yeah, it's a maze, wow, this is like a secret room, guys, what is this? What is a dead end in no way is it an end bro what are you doing here dude what but it's creepy that they even put this in the game yeah what are you supposed to do? I'm trying to find a secret wall or something it has to be something to do something with this exit it's the only thing here oh hindquarters finishing up what's up adam what if I try that now? invert the colors first, oh right, yeah, if you run around the house, remember guys, you can invert the colors, this is going to be crazy, let's try this, see if it really works well and remember, we're still going to show you how to get it. the ending of minecraft oh wow that worked fine ok ok no way there's still any blaster around here.
What is this brother? It's failing. Something crazy is going to happen, man, oh no, what is this? No, no, what is this brother? It's okay, you have to like walking. around here to unlock the ending or something, is anyone there? No, what is that? What's that? What's that? one of the weirdest endings in the game, alright guys look closely, here we go, okay, I'm looking at all the lines now, I think what you need to do is first invert all the colors, it all starts with that, bro, it's okay, okay, then you go. over here uh-huh and I think you have to go and press this button oh yeah, tangle mangle broke free and you walk into this house okay, okay, okay, uh, go, go, and talk to this guy who's playing Minecraft, perfect, I'm playing Minecraft, but this. the guy comes back out carl says someone said minecraft he says yes now go away ok oh this is new you know what game lanky box suggested which carl i have a great idea what's the idea carl wait i'm following carl what's going on no way I go outside, he is building a portal to the lower realm.
Wow, this is the secret ending of Minecraft. What is this, brother? I have a great idea. Not really, not at all. Hey, that's great. It says epic. Well, I like box games. See you. on the other side buddy we have a buddy wow we can jump no way what does the whole world hear but it's made of minecraft wow welcome to the alternate universe feel free to explore a little i'll be cutting down some trees that's what you do in minecraft okay buddy , wait, all the other


are missing, cool, he's actually knocking down some trees, no way, carl is super strong, I'm not hacking, I'm just epic, yeah, huh, he's epic, okay, yeah, you are, You're carl.
I'm sure my digital arm hurts I'm going to stop for now okay, that makes sense Carl what do we do now hmm uh you could tell it wasn't epic okay obviously good it's epic so yeah good it's epic it's epic he says hey you know what eh, let's try press this button what's okay okay good job carl he's going to press a button no guys this should unlock the secret ending of minecraft what's going to happen buddy there's no way you're going to press it I'm going to press it , oh no, oh, no, who. live here what no way eh uh it's minecraft steve whoa what minecraft is steve in


wait what oh no oh oh oh ron well that could be good carl left what is it we have the ending of minecraft wow guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe visit and get a lanky box plushie there might be one of the rarest entries in the entire game dude yeah what do you want to do now that all the


were getting super


Let's go eat a pop-cake

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