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Unicorn Academy FULL MOVIE Part 1! | Cartoons for Kids

Jun 02, 2024
You're watching a special screening of Unicorn Academy, it's time, oh, oh, get out of a girl this way, let's go to the last jump, let's make it good, oh man, momma's going to freak out when she finds out you took Mary Lou out of the ranch, I'm just guessing since she said don't even think about taking Marylou out of the ranch, luckily mom never has to find out she's making dinner and you know lasagna always beats her, so it was. I ordered pizza that I'll take inside, hey mom, uh, no, don't do it. Hate me, how many times have I told you that you can't ride a horse off the ranch, but Mary Lou needed to stretch her legs?
unicorn academy full movie part 1 cartoons for kids
I just took her out on the trail, Dad, and I used to ride him all the time, Sophia. I'm just trying to keep you safe. I'm a good rider mom. Actually, you don't have to worry about me. Last week you rode into a storm to catch a chicken that escaped the week before. You played tag with a bull. Fair Point. Because? Can you never do some typical teenage things that aren't dangerous? You could have some friends go to the


s and stay over. Friends are overrated. I'm more of a pleasantly rebellious loner with a love of adventure that drives her mother crazy.
unicorn academy full movie part 1 cartoons for kids

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That's right Oh, and about you running away punished, yeah, I thought tomorrow dad, I got it hello, huh, you better hurry up if you want pancakes, your brother is a flapjack fiend, what's that? I don't know, oh, we are pleased to invite you to attend the nsor Academy of the world. Leading school for promising equestrian riders. A school where I can ride all day. It looks incredible. I can go? Can I have a room? What about your school here? They won't let me bring a horse to class and it's not like anyone is going to get lost. me but I would miss you Marco I would miss you the new room would cure the pain I'll go finish my pancakes mom I know you care about me but I have a feeling I wanted to do this I'm sorry but I don't I don't think it's a good idea.
unicorn academy full movie part 1 cartoons for kids
Seriously mom, this is a riding


, this is my dream. Dad would want it to be if he were here, he would do it, but he's not. Our family has lost enough. I don't want you to leave Sophia. I hope I didn't get you in trouble yesterday mom doesn't understand how much we need to run sometimes remember our walks with dad he always said he was destined for something extraordinary I just wish I knew what it was do you ever feel that way? There has to be more out there, like there's something inside you that's about to burst out, huh?
unicorn academy full movie part 1 cartoons for kids
It feels like the light is burning brighter and brighter, a feeling I can't ignore, a puddle to keep riding towards the horizon, to places I haven't seen. I've been to a world to explore before. I have to explore. You know, in those books where they chase adventure. That story calls me. If I know one thing, it's that staying in one place won't teach a girl anything she needs. explore I'm ready for more I have this dream of what could be a fire burning to be released there's a light inside me I feel the powerful Wind of Change guiding me somewhere I know it sounds strange it could be this F calling for my destiny and I should follow This light inside me there has to be more there has to be more I have this dream of what a burning fire could be to be so free there inside me who am I to be the light burning inside me is what they call Destiny oh uh uh hi hi I miss him too I can't believe it's been 5 years he would love for you to still wear the necklace he gave you you were his shining star he too I am amused that you wear his old shirt but it definitely needs to be washed when we went together.
I felt like I could do anything, like the whole world was within my reach. Sometimes I just want to try and feel it again. I loved you so much Sophia, he had so many dreams for you, he told me that you were destined for something extraordinary, you remind me a lot of him, do you know that your father also went to a writing


, really wait, what do you mean, it will be better too that you get something? sleep we have a lot to pack tomorrow if you're going to a new school thank you thank you thank you we're here there's my trip whoa your school bus is a ship lucky Sophia we're going to miss you call a lot, I promise now it's up to you to get into a little trouble while I'm away.
Bye, thanks for the elevator. I'm so huh. I've heard of driverless cars, but driverless boats, this Academy is fancy, huh, huh, ah. uh what's going on woohoo what kind of school is this? Ok, Sophia, you fell asleep and this is just a dream. Hello, oh it's not a dream, but what a delight


y dreamy day with sunshine and a cool breeze. Did you have a pleasant trip? It was great, thank you. you, but uh, quick question, where am I, who are you, and when did they invent the Flying Fairy winged ships? Oh, why does the conversation continue?
If you could follow me please, hey, I'm Ficus, welcome, sorry, uh, us dpans have been helping out during the day. today at the Academy for Generations dpin I'm sorry oh wait wait look Ficus my brain is about to explode I thought I was going to a riding academy you know horses a stable I have the invitation right here we have the pleasure of inviting you to attend


Academy, Come, come, orientation will begin in a few Shakes in a milkshake, sorry


s, no, no way, oh, I see you're one of those Silly Mals who grew up believing there's no such thing as magic, that unicorns aren't real because they are not next, you will tell me that dpin does not have two left feet, wait, they know something about this place, but the magic is real like you or me and unicorn island is the source of everything, excuse me, ooh, I.
I love your shirt. Purple is one of my 19 favorite colors. I'm Ava, it's a pleasure to meet you. Okay, I'm Sophia. I have loved unicorns literally forever. Can you believe we're actually here? No no. Don't believe any of this, oh you are not a legacy, my brothers went here and when I received my invitation, they secretly told me everything, you must be totally confused and a little weird, those are unicorns, real unicorns, welcome everyone to the Unicorn Academy, pinch me. It should look a little more festive on such an important day, don't you agree? Athera, that's more.
I'm Miss Primrose's principal at Unicorn Academy and this is Unicorn Island. All the magic in the world comes from here and unicorns are its protectors. only creatures powerful enough to keep the island safe from danger. You have all been invited to join a long history of Unicorn Riders. Definitely not the kind of Riding Academy I was expecting. Some of you have been chosen for your extraordinary skills and talents. Others follow the steps. from a family member who was a Unicorn Rider before you, you all have the potential to bond with a unicorn, now get ready, your journey starts tomorrow, wow, can you, wow, this place is amazing.
The new students gather to assign rooms, the Fate fairies will select a gemstone. whatever suits you best proceed to the corresponding bedroom we are both in the bedroom Sapphire it's destiny I just know we're going to be best friends boom work there # dream life # wait this is a dream # help I'm stuck in a dream In Seriously, guys, seeing this, we take our oath of secrecy here very seriously. Mr. Carmichel, right? the dirt bikes hey, in case you haven't noticed, there are people here H, who is she, that's Valentina, she's like a super legacy, her relatives were some of the founders of the Unicorn Academy, her Aunt is Miss Fury, the magic teacher, Valentina is basically Unicorn Academy? royalty and I'm definitely not used to being called wow, I could live here just fine.
I hope my room is near the refrigerator. The energy in this room is incredible. How is the energy now? Brilliant. It will be fun. I need a library. I knew something was happening. When I received an invitation to a riding academy and had never been on a horse in my life, I had a feeling that this was some kind of elite secret school. I was thinking about something government science. Cod breaking rockets, but the unicorns in Magic are amazing. I'm glad I'm not the only one I'm Ava, she's Sophia, I'm Leela, okay, I better unpack, organize and well, let's be honest, let's reorganize, oh hello, are we roommates?
I don't make roommates, hey, this is my room, no. lots of boxes of soup dude I'm Isabelle that's awesome just a warm up what about you roommate do you work out? Does speed reading count? I'm just curious, is this something that happens all the time? No, just a couple of hours at 5:00 a.m. m., but not every day. cool the other days I do K boxing Sparkle book a complete guide to Unicorn Island Can someone fall in love with a book because I'm in love with a book? They decorate our rooms to match our personalities and W this place is so wow.
I love it, I love it, wow, look at these amazing flowers waa, yeah, no, it's definitely not my room, it's perfect, wow dad, I think I found my extraordinary, whoever student is responsible for this will face the consequences, what was that? Sorry, since we are training to be Unicorn Island. Heroes, I'm just reading about some of the villains, so this place isn't all lollipops and rainbows, um, no, there's frost goblins, swamp shifters, something called Silver Mountain Cyclops, quite a list here, they come from the island, Kingdom of Grimor, base of operations for something. It's called Grim Magic, who is Raven Zella, queen of Goria?
I know it's not real, but she's giving me chills. She almost took over Unicorn Island, but a brave Unicorn Rider defeated her and locked her in the Cell of Eternity and made Goria disappear, definitely not. all the lollipops and rainbows I can walk away and or ladyb leave it Ash it's me oh I have a message for our Queen it's time well well how nice good morning students and welcome to the Wonderwood forest where the unicorns of this island Rome are and today you will find out if one one One of those unicorns is destined to be yours, aha, just in time, if you find the unicorn who is your destined


ner, the fairy of destiny will shine brighter.
For those of you matching unicorn, you'll get your uniforms at Enchanted Archway this afternoon. those who do not become unicorn riders was not their destiny and will be sent home, don't worry, just follow your heart and see if it leads you to a unicorn, but remember that while searching for your unicorn you must not go beyond the shimmerstone wall the last one to find a unicorn buy lunch I mean, the food here is free but you are at your destination good luck awaits you, come on, come on or I can't wait to meet the unicorns we match if we match, yes, without pressure or anything we'll find unicorns we'll find unicorns we'll find unicorns fast strong powerful yeah I found my what's my unicorn so it looks like we're uh um Team congratulations to you two this has to be a mistake if that's not my unicorn then dear unicorn with a sense of humor eh eh yes whoa tiger lies wow please shine please shine I'm very happy to meet you, see you on the other side, okay, yes, I'm sure I'll find it. my unicorn anytime H Fierce I like it can you do this Sophia you just need a better view I guess this is the glowing stone wall Miss Primrose said not to cross it but this is a unicorn encountering an emergency and if I'm going to do it I'll be fighting evil.
I think I can handle a quick trip out of bounds. Uh oh, it's not right. I did it. I found my unicor. Hey? Hey, where are you going? Wait, they said if the Fate Fairy clowns around, you're my rival and they said it was, you know Fate. Okay, maybe you just need to get to know me. I'm Sophia Sophia Mendoza. I live on a ranch in Northern California. I have a little brother. I love pizza and oh, you like it. My mom says she uses it too much, so We're doing this, yeah, horses are my thing and horses and unicorns are kind of similar, so I feel pretty confident about everything and I just stepped in unicorn poop.
I guess we don't all find a unicorn, don't worry, Val. I'm not leaving yet, would I mind explaining this, Miss Mendosa, uh, a leaf from a tangled tree. You were specifically ordered not to cross the glowing stone wall, but breaking the rules might be your thing at home, it's Mosa, but we take them seriously at Unicorn Academy. This is grounds for dismissal. Don't go back to your dorm and pack your things. I'm sorry.

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