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Unexpected Lessons Living in a Prius Full-time

Jun 13, 2024
I'm totally alone and this is how beautiful it is almost June, oh my god my thumb is bleeding. I don't know why this is so beautiful. It's just me here. I'm in the forest and it's snowing. so much and I'm making such delicious food that I can't even get angry, I can't even get angry, so most of the


, in fact, all the


I plan my voiceovers, I write them, I edit them and I read them again and then I'll edit them again until they're ready, but right now I feel like a blessed nomadic life lesson


in your car, all this madness is just letting you know if it's snowing and everything is wet and your hair is getting wet and the mud is muddy and it's just a mess so leave it alone leave it muddy let it rain let it snow let it be what it is and enjoy it yeah that's all for now just leave it It'll be in today's game about what random AO I can find to scrape the ice off my windshield.
unexpected lessons living in a prius full time
Today we have a container of dog food. I give it a seven out of 10. I say it has excellent capacity, a little awkward to hold but it's a quick, clean and efficient job with no scratches, stay tuned for this episode on what random object can I find to scratch my car if the interior of my window is frozen, so we're going to play that game again inside today we're going to use a supermarket card Lo, oh yeah, not bad, not bad, so this week has definitely been more about adjusting to a new lifestyle of working


time and at the same time


in my car, so yeah, everything I did this week was pretty much the norm, which was thinking about where I was going to shower, thinking about where I was going to park , starting with my work, getting familiar with the area and checking out things I think I needed this week to just settle in and take it easy. and that's totally fine, today for dinner we're going to make not just chicken, we're not going to make chicken tacos, we're going to make chicken enchiladas for the first time on the C stove with a frying pan, we're going to see how it goes, so first making five corn tortillas on the bottom, then we add the shredded chicken and then we add some onions, yeah, and then on the side we have a ridiculous mountain of cabbage, uh, yeah, to this one we add a little bit of enchilada sauce, delicious, add water to that and start. cooking, oh, and of course, you can't forget the cheese, the cheese, it's ster bito.
unexpected lessons living in a prius full time

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unexpected lessons living in a prius full time...

I think another lesson I'm learning from this is that nature is always here and always extremely beautiful, yes I'm trying to sit inside. my car right now and I edit these videos, but could you see a sunset like this? It's like here, the camera probably doesn't do it justice, but man, that's beautiful. I wish you could feel what that sun feels like right now. It's really a reminder to me of why Another reason I started doing this in the first place is to go outside because I feel really good when I'm outside and yeah, I mean with all the little minor annoyances, most of it is about the 99%.
unexpected lessons living in a prius full time
Organization, which is my biggest annoyance, is clutter and I actually have to get rid of some things, which is nice to know I need less of, but never mind all the annoyances, the little things that annoy me, I mean, when this is my kitchen, my backyard, my living room. my office is pretty nice and I'm very blessed yeah I mean one thing I've realized living in my Prius that I guess I should have seen coming is that all the time I spend in nature there is so much healing and


that have come with that my entire life I have always turned to Nature whenever I wanted comfort, inspiration, healing or to just clear my head and now that I spend over 90% of my time outside, it has been quite healing, so To say the least, some days are challenging and the little things feel like a big burden and other days they just completely inspire me.
unexpected lessons living in a prius full time
It has truly shown me that I can take each day as it is and be grateful for the moment I am given. There are always new challenges and big surprises around the corner. Well that's all I have to say for now, thanks for watching and stay tuned for the next one, bye.

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