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Unboxing YOUR Used Squishies | Squishy Makeover Candidates

Apr 27, 2024
Hello, it's me, so today I want to make an


video. A lot of time has passed. Oh, I hate saying that every time I hate it. I'm not going to say that. Can you hear me? Today I'm pointing at a shelf. Today I will make an



. I'm going to make an unboxing video. I'm very excited, let's get started. If you're new to my channel, read a little backstory in the description of what exactly I am. doing this for the rest of you let's continue with the video let me go get the first package here we are somehow this wrapping paper held in the mail oh that's why it's extremely difficult God oh oh cute we have this unicorn cake this In It's actually very cute, I love its color combination, a nice fat pineapple.
unboxing your used squishies squishy makeover candidates
I have some ideas about this pineapple, but I don't want to say them out loud because I don't know if I could. and I'm afraid that you guys are going to make me do it, I don't know if that would work anyway oh, on the topic of pineapple, we have these rockin' pineapple glasses, look, we agree, why do I feel like I've never seen this room before? ? that's disorienting oh a koala without ears okay, it matches my sweatshirt and it will be like the little creature that grows on my shoulder why is it so squeaky let's see what's wrapped up here oh that's cute a little dalmatian tube animal is like a tsum tsum but the tai boom version oh my god it's pusheen pusheen i don't know how pronounced it has a pom pom oh my god that's so cute i love this there's no name on this there's no lyrics i guess this person wanted to be anonymous but you know who you are thank you darling I have to stop calling people darling it's creepy thank you darling that's so much worse thank you next I couldn't cover the address on this one so let me hello everyone.
unboxing your used squishies squishy makeover candidates

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unboxing your used squishies squishy makeover candidates...

They sent so many art supplies. They sent me some. iridescent fabric paint that was very sweet of you and check this out. I'm going to throw away my chipped brushes and replace them. This is my vote. Thanks and check out that set of drawing pencils. A couple rolls of shiny tape. I can not wait. to put this in my little glitter drawer this is from sisters we are both scared that one day you will read this letter and open our little package much love marissa and alana thank you so much I am so glad I got it to open


package let me see what


they sent it seems which are diy


that have been colored this is a tart pop and this is like a coffee this came from one of those kits that use markers the markers are extremely difficult to use on squishies I don't know why any of the kits include markers .
unboxing your used squishies squishy makeover candidates
In fact, I think you did a good job on this considering the following, I love


channel and I hope you like my gifts and this is the mini


, ​​look at that look at how overflowing this is interesting is a heart that missing a tooth cat eyes gouged out oh I don't know if I should be as excited as I am about this but I am this is so incredibly cute look look how fat it is looking at those little fins it feels weird it almost feels like there's a beach ball in there. I have received this softie several times and every time I get it I rekindle the desire to paint it, I want to remember it.
unboxing your used squishies squishy makeover candidates
Don't forget to remember, don't forget to remind me, okay, something just pricked me. She wrote my name with a rainbow and put it in a fancy frame. That is so cute. I actually know who she belongs to. She approached me a long time ago. She makes hair pieces for herself and she actually sent me one and she must have gotten it lost in the mail, so she made me a brand new one. Oh, this is so cute. She dedicates a lot of time to him. There are so many things in it. I'm going to treasure this.
I'm so glad he was finally able to move on. This was sent to my old PO box. This must have been a while ago. Let's open it. It's this dog with a kind of uh that was unnecessary and I'm sorry. In this regard, his head was very loose and somehow his head came off. I don't know how that happened, we can fix it easily. Oh what the heck, I love the texture of the frosting. Very interesting, but what is this image of? Is it a sheep? No. hint, oh a little ice cream and then we have a couple of lovely fruits, this is from Eden, thanks Eden, okay I have something I've been putting off that needs to be addressed.
These are all envelopes. These haven't been touched in years, I bet you the people who sent them completely forgot about them or hated me now we just need to have a quick round, honestly, oh god let's do this boom and bada bing, it's a penguin, oh Oh my god, that's it. well, next, oh, interesting, this is weird, I've never seen this in my life, I have no idea how I would decorate this. Those eyes are so striking, it's pretty gooey, plus this one gets the award for weirdest squishy opened so far. They put a tea bag going everywhere, let's look at the squishy, ​​oh okay, it has some kind of substance that looks suspiciously like mold, I don't think it's mold, it actually smells very good, I'm afraid, although I've never seen paint let him do that.
I'm scared, we're fine, okay, thanks, okay, who's next? Well, why does he feel soaked? Oh, look at that other penguin, this one doesn't have a name, this one has some weight from Libby, this one is to blame for the polymer clay weight. Wonderful, how long does polymer clay last? Just to ask a friend. I hope it hasn't dried completely. Damn, bag of pans! It's incredibly random. Because I like it? Although here's the soft one. It's a snowman. The head is quite soft and snaps. quick there though like a slingshot oh clever lily very well done yes yes yes yes they are all saran wrapped almost makes them feel like new we have this little elephant never had an elephant


before what the hell is it in the head of the elephant that needs to go pile of cat heads smells a little weird one of these heart brownies this one is so soft it says pet me and it's a cat with googly eyes I've never seen that one before how about this one?
We sincerely regret damage to your mail during handling by the postal service, so they had to repackage this. Oh, it's a soft bell. Wow, it has a huge head that looks painful and a keychain seems to be unharmed. Great, who is this little character at heart? I don't know who this is. This says that I'm a potato, it's from a potato. Wow, this is the most whole jellyfish I have ever received. A piece of his head is missing. You can see that it doesn't even look


. it's just that for some reason it's missing a piece this one looks like it's had a day why does it have elastic bands around it um i don't know if this can be saved i'm going to be honest oh, this is cute though, oh, it's like a baby mermaid unicorn , that's a new level, I like it, it feels a little disjointed, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable, but somehow I still like to see what's in all of these, what the hell is going on with this one?
This one fell apart in the mail it's terrifying, it looks absolutely psycho, psycho, serial killer, although the shape is not the problem so we could redecorate it and make it cute, I think also this pig in a donut with some kind of neck frilly, oh, big bags of Ruby One softies. these days I want to take a cheeseburger and turn it into some kind of made-up dessert, oh, a little popsicle, it's got flowers all over it, it looks like a disease, who Is it coming out of this one? What is it? Do you know what I am?
I'll save the head because maybe I can use it, but I think it's safe to say the body is beyond repair. Here are more pieces of your body. Big fat grapefruit. Oh, eww, eww, I like this ice cream cone. I like it a lot. I don't want to change anything about it, oh another elephant, wait, this one is actually really cute, although he's standing on a ball and it's like he's one of those chocolate bar people. It would be really cute if you cut off his arms and legs. I'm almost over all of this. This is interesting.
It's a butterfly. I've never seen a soft butterfly. TRUE. I feel like ripping off the wings and adding them to some other animal. This little thing is creepy. Look at those little legs. but the wings are pretty cute this has cute potential a very dirty piece of cake it's actually a perfect candidate for a


I like it it's extremely dirty what the hell is it a sushi it seems very realistic to me like some kind of cool creepy alien liquid Where did the liquid come from? No, there's no chance I'll open this. Oh, that's great, here's a nice normal one.
It's just a big old ice cream cone and a very squished cat. This is the last envelope. We lost something, a bunch of rainbow loom and that would be a nice portion of frosting. I love the details. That was an incredible amount of envelopes. Okay, wow, this is a big, fat, heavy box. Okay, it's bigger than my butt. That crack. Ooh, don't go in there, so now I have. two of these, what do I do with two huge peaches? Any ideas, these come with stems, I wonder, ah, I like basketballs, oh, this is actually very pretty, it's so delicate and pretty, it's like a gem or a diamond.
I'm missing out right now I don't have this one and a blue sheep. Oh cute, look at this little pudding. His mouth is so thin. A nice churro from the heart. Oh, thank you. There are so many good and unique squishies here. The next one is from Keely. oh we have a yellow peach, oh the smallest little sheep, oh I can barely crush it because it's so incredibly small, the biggest squishy I have and the smallest one keeps going, okay I'm over the rainbow for you, a monkey, a donut, a dog, those are adorable, thank you, he's winking at you, what's that winking like?
Don't buy anchor art, make your own smooshables. Horrible kit so I guess they tried a kit and these were the results oh man what kind of paint did they put in there on the plus side? They're kind of cute, I think I've seen the soft ones, but in a bigger version it's like a cat holding a heart, they hold the heart to each other and two of these unicorns, I guess the paint will peel off of that one. but I'll save it for when I decide to give it a makeover, it feels almost like a plastic shopping bag.
Thank you so much for the package, oh wow for a huge squishy, ​​this is so soft. This is from Isabella, oh, thank you. Wow, that hurts, thanks, the face has a cute quality to it, it's like a baby, I have a bottle because the colors actually match quite well, man, I wouldn't be so intimidated by this one if it weren't for the tail. but this would be such a complicated repair, that's lovely, thank you so much, well I opened a lot of packages, I'm so tired, I've been through enough, so I hope what I'm talking about, what I'm saying, I hope you enjoyed from this. video thanks for watching and see you next week bye

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