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Unboxing $1,000 Worth of Isopods!

Apr 30, 2024
the others i'm not going to lie but they maybe have a bit more of a powdery look to them they also breed quickly oh perfect they're one of the ones that people get and they just take over so this is one species that you would put in your bioactive enclosure because they are going to reproduce a lot. and therefore they won't be as expensive, so if your reptile or amphibian eats a couple of them, it's not the end of the world and the last of the batch of oranges that Ed won is procellio lavis or orange, wait, is this the orange we have?
unboxing 1 000 worth of isopods
No, we have, here's the difference: the milk bags, our latest version, oh, okay, and also the dairy cow, our latest, oh, wow, all right, just an orange version of the fancy, I guess, oh, wow. , the dark orange, somewhat bright, yes, a little brighter than the powder. makes sense and bury right away yeah no you can't see us well yeah so just another orange isopod they're all buried anyway so we'll continue next the armadillo not the armadillidium that's right it's the armadillo , Yeah. an ammerdale uh an official fish is fisano aficionado since i bet the ice capsule from israel is one i've never heard of before so it came in a pack of three different kinds of the same wow they're so dark so those are called hissing




because when they get scared they roll up into a ball and then they move their legs together and it sounds like they are whistling no way these are even rounder than armadillidians look at that dome shape on their body yeah definitely It's even rounder than the Lydian's arm, so they actually make a hissing sound when they're scared.
unboxing 1 000 worth of isopods

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unboxing 1 000 worth of isopods...

I don't want to bother you too much, but I want to hear the whistle just once if you'd like to. camera which would be great so everyone else can hear you too do you want to whistle? no, so it says that these are the largest and most cautious species of ice capsules that remain tightly coiled long after the danger has passed, so they are drama queens, yes, when groups of them are disturbed, they have also been recorded subtly whistling in protest, okay, Israel is the variety of Spain, okay, so they're all the same species, but again, they're probably places, really, yeah, that must be it, oh my god, there's more out of ten here. a count of ten I see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen at least it was nice of you to throw in an extra yes, wow and they're almost all rolled up yes, they're not happy, no, they're not all right, i found a video of smug bug actually with the hissing and she is actually making them hiss so what is that?
unboxing 1 000 worth of isopods
Oh, that's the background sound, yeah, oh, wow, they make a kind of hissing sound, okay, yeah, oh, that's pretty good, you might need more. of them, yes, maybe they are definitely a different species, yes, just a very plump, very plump type of isopod, although I like it, but we have one more of those, one more hisser, yes, and then two ice capsules very specials, okay, and Sicily, no I don't know if there is much difference in color, the other one had a lot, some had spots, these are almost all black, that's cool, they have a very armored look, yes, they are very shiny and They roll up, not happy.
unboxing 1 000 worth of isopods
They roll up into a pretty tight ball, right? They're totally spherical except for that one, yeah, except for the daredevil, he's like I don't care, I'm young, I'm not afraid, I'll never die, they're so round. I love it and look at this guy, you might like him, right now he looks like a little armadillo, all curled up like he knows what you're doing, leave me alone, okay, those are cool, they may not be much for his colors, but their shape and their behavior with that kissing noise that exactly makes them unique, it would be great to be able to sell them in the store, the last two are, I guess, quite special according to Ed, these were the most expensive, pre-release extensions, white, it's good.
Are they bigger? They are in a larger deli. They're not bigger, but we'll talk about that in a second. Okay, open them up and look at them, oh my gosh, oh oh, that's a beautiful isopod. They have a completely different body. shape together wow, these look like um, I'm drawing a blank space, there's a Pokémon, ah, what's the ice capsule Pokémon? No, it's hunched over and has tiny sides like some kind of ice on top. Kind of reminds me of this. I discovered. These remember. Yo, Anarif, the Pokémon I don't know with the pointy sides and all that, they're just super cool, they're super prehistoric looking too, yeah, they're one of the reasons why that's okay, as you guys have noticed throughout of this episode. has shipped all of his 10's and 25's at these really small deli's like this one except these two yeah so the reason he only shipped 10's at a deli that size is because these are known to fight with each other, the males have actually been known to fight and kill each other and eat each other, oh my goodness, and they have also been known to eat babies, oh that's good, so you have to give them a lot of space.
I keep the male to female ratio high, female to male ratio, yes, yes, yes, they are very interesting, you have to give them a lot of space, that's really cool, okay, that's one of my best isopods too, yes, they look super cool and the last one is the orange variety, oh, the same kind, but orange, oh my god, they're orange, oh. this one has extra tape she was worried about these escaping I guess oh wow they're orange they're very very fast aren't they? This one is sitting still yeah he's like he wants to be the star and then another one waits no I want to be the star so these will have to be set up in bigger enclosures and with lots of opportunities to hide yeah okay we'll use a lot of moss, I mean, we've worked it out with these guys, but wow, that's some moss. lots of cork bark things that can because babies have to hide from males oh dear, it's a hard life if you're one of these, yeah so this is the orange variety and that's the white variety, they look very similar, I can see. a little more orange here or maybe more brown on top versus more black and white there yes, there is a noticeable difference, it's minor, but it's there and now we have the joy of setting up all these isopods, which we won't do as we are doing in this video, you've seen us set up isopods before, honestly it's nice, it's getting late so I think we'll probably let them sit here overnight because they'll be fine for another night and then I'll set them up tomorrow or something, but yeah amazing amazing isopods I can understand and I forgive you for spending a thousand dollars on isopods because there are a lot of them here and it was for a good cause we are also getting more in the mail. oh, we're getting more, yeah, you won another batch, one more, but it doesn't want to ship until it's over 50. oh, okay, what did we get 100 dairy cows? oh we need dairy cows yes everyone has been saying since we live in wisconsin.
We need such perfect and nice dairy cow isopods, so those will come in the mail probably in April 100 of them 100 of them oh, that would be a good culture, it's also good to separate and sell at the fair, yes, yes, oh, that's exciting. Alright, so the dairy cows come later, but today we have all the fancy ones, I'm not saying the dairy cows aren't fancy, but anyway, let us know in the comments below which today's isopod was your favorite. I like the flavo brand. the really hard to pronounce one like the porcellio flava marginatus amo imaginatus that guy the black and white ones yeah okay yeah those are cool too and might be one of my favorites yeah yeah let us know which one is your favorite.
I think my favorite was among the werner eye armadillo the oranges with those white spots that were beautiful and the porcellio expands because they have the great antenna the great stripes and they eat each other and they eat each other also a little risk also with the werner eye now we're going to have to get the normal version oh yes that's right if this is the orange variety I wonder what the normal normals are now ooh we need both yes isopods are some kind of drug I don't know that. you're talking about we're not addicts we're going to open a facility we need these isopods yeah here we go I have to tell myself we're going to sell a lot of isopods in the store yeah thank you all so much for watching and thank you to our patreon patrons for your generous support.
We would also like to thank racktastic racks and smug bug a little more for donating all these isopods to the auction because just by donating these fancy isopods I mean they could have sold them to someone else but instead they donated them so They are good people so go see them and support small businesses and of course we want to send our love to Mike Conley and his family. The entire reptile community is thinking of you. right now and we hope you feel better soon thanks again everyone and see you next time oh look at all the isopods we have so many ice spots oh so many isopods you

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