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Ultimate Thai Street Food Tour - POPEYE SAUSAGE + Crazy Papaya Salad!! | Udon Thani, Thailand

Jun 04, 2021
Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I am in Udantan which is located in the isan region of Thailand and this is one of the best cities to enjoy isaan


so today we will do a




around udantani uh let's start at the market we will meet with chef noom from samui and sons uh let's walk around the market we could have breakfast and then we have a special mid-morning lunch at la pete, which is a duck


restaurant that chef noom will take us to and then we will definitely have duck




ultimate thai street food tour   popeye sausage crazy papaya salad udon thani thailand
In this video, I will share all this amazing isan


food. with you in udantani, what is the name of the market here? Okay, so this is the central morning market in the city. Yes, absolutely, we actually have like two markets for the morning markets, so one is here and another is bigger. but it's like for wholesale, okay, it's a bustling morning market, this is where you can come buy all the ingredients, all the issan ingredients plus ingredients coming from all over Thailand, it's very festive, it's full of action, uh, still in the At the same time, the people are friendly, it's a relaxed market, very, very cool and runs all the way down this alley.
ultimate thai street food tour   popeye sausage crazy papaya salad udon thani thailand

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ultimate thai street food tour popeye sausage crazy papaya salad udon thani thailand...

You can see what I did. The chef just bought a whole bag of roselle, that's beautiful. I love Brazil, juice and health. benefits of roselle too, yeah, so this one we cut it up and we marinate it, we preserve it in honey, oh yeah, and then you can leave it there for six months and then put it in the sauce and then, like a jam, it becomes like a kind of roselle jam, yes, but this one slowly turns into jam without adding heat and it's great to be at the market with chef noom because he knows a lot of vendors and also knows where to look for most of the unique ingredients, like blue transparent in the color fonts, it's a kind of outlet, what an amazing bar counter, from chef to chef, to counter chef, sit at the table here in the market, yes, basically, they like Vietnamese breakfast, so they like the style, but, um, finish it with the tomato juice oh, okay, oh yeah, that surprised me, the broth is so red, yeah, tomato-based, okay, and I think this is like uh ollie, this place in


tiny still serves this, there is a lot of vietnamese influence in the honey


ultimate thai street food tour   popeye sausage crazy papaya salad udon thani thailand
Well, okay, I also love this huge tile countertop. It is an excellent seat. I'll try that tomato broth first. Oh wow, that's just like a very tomato-y, salty tart. The best tomato. I think this is like a salty version of damn. Mary, yes, it's like a tomato, like a Bloody Mary, yes, it is, and you can mix it up. You have the vegetables at the bottom and you also have the rice noodles. Oh, and with that herbal mixture, the crunch. from the cabbage, I think there's a little bit of mint too and I think I'll season it with a little bit of chili so that the morning goes well with that smoky heat from the chili and with that splash of incredible lime acidity and then I also have the meatballs here and , in fact, you can see in those dumplings that it's probably some kind of minced pork mixture and then also stuffed with mung bean noodles, oh yeah, the fluffiness of those dumplings and the shape. those mung beans are just mung bean noodles, they're woven together, which gives it a nice fluffy texture, the balance of those tart tomatoes, the mint mix, and that chili-lime juice that's a perfect way to start the morning with the isaan smoky bass grill in the market we could smell this.
ultimate thai street food tour   popeye sausage crazy papaya salad udon thani thailand
It's mainly grilling fish, but it has some little packets like some mock-ups of a variety of different things, but the main and only thing that they have and that they serve here is that you can almost see it. it looks like a small balloon and what is it called what does filling mean filling yes like a saigua like a chop it mix it with some herbs and put it back and then roast it yes what dish I mean instead of intestines We are using the body of the frog as a support like balloon for the


and then we grill it, that's a beautiful thing, but we have to try to make it transparent, you can see all the herbs, all the spices in there, you can see the mussels. the frog legs look a little like a


frog, you can split that oven and it's so full of herbs and ingredients, oh wow that's extraordinary, you try all those herbs, the spices, the lemongrass chili and most of all , likes a lot of lemongrass.
That's a frog with lemongrass


. The light went out, but then you have the natural skin of the frog, which also works very well, and then when you're done with the filling, with the body of the sausage. you have the thighs to eat, eh, the frog meat, what an extraordinary takeaway. You could take that stuffed frog and just put it anywhere and take it to eat on the go, eat it for lunch, take just a perfect package of sausage. in this area of ​​isan in Thailand they make frogs, they are some of the best frogs you will have in the world, from a crushed frog chili sauce called ponko to that frog sausage that is a game changer, okay, of course here we move on to The next restaurant, chef Noom, will take us to one of his favorite places for pet, which is a mixed duck salad.
We arrived at the next place, it's called bao la pet and it's right next to the hospital. This place specializes in laboratory. which is the minced mixed meat salad but I know they use all the organs all the parts of the duck here nothing is wasted they have a handwritten menu look at these heavy pages and this is the menu of the day that is the gender man yes ah They have like the permanent menu, but like every day at the moment, yes, like himself, no coffee, no sea rocks, dining on duck from bill to tail, yes, absolutely, and then it's a check sheet so you can mark what you want, as much as you want, so the chef ordered a lot. of dishes looks absolutely amazing and these are dishes that are hard to find, although yes, on these duck dishes, um, this day, um, when you pass by as the vendor or as the restaurant inside, it seems like they have almost everything for you , so you can order from love to sometime, but this kind of place specializes in many modern isaan restaurants, now they have the full menu of yes, all kinds of different things, while this particular restaurant specializes only in duck from the wings to the intestines to the beak to the blood and then we also collect them and the heads yes, so everything directly from the beak to the beak to the fins, what is this little cake?, laughter, they call it, in some places it They call it ampe, basically that's how it is. lab like normal, but like they finish it like them with the touch of black not attached, but you say they are like a spoonful of rubble, yes, so the duck itself is cooked and minced, yes, mixed with spices. mixed with uh maybe yes and then it's finished with the whole raw duck board as a sauce and there are organs in here too oh wow that's


and then surprisingly it gives you sweetness yeah you're right the blood gives you sweetness and a spicy touch, yes, there is no, like it's not mayonnaise, yes, it doesn't have a bloody taste at all, more like almost milky, yes, milky texture, its juiciness is


and then you can try with all these herbs that go together, yeah, oh, what were all these peanuts and So this is like the seasoning that you eat it with and you put it on top or you eat it separately.
Is it separate? You eat it separately. Okay, you can have peanuts, you can have chiles. This entire condiment dish goes along with a duck spoon. So good, yes, incredibly good and refreshing and full of so many earthy herbaceous spices, and then it also comes with this huge plate of vegetables, neem flowers, eggplant, cucumbers and winged beans that you can also accompany with all these herbs. okay, this is the intestines, certain chef, yes, fried intestines, peeled, cleaned, fried and tangled, you can see its tangle now, that's a snack, oh, it's so crunchy and you dip it in the gym gel, it's completely crispy, almost feels like crispy leather. the soup looks unique too, chef, it's those ovary eggs floating around yes, yes, like the flat gelatin guy, yes, especially for that, I think it's the first one, like the pork one or the chicken one, I think that's all for when it arrives. like blood jelly, yuck, it's the best, okay, yes, so this is like an organ soup oh wow, I love the texture, it's more or less rich than the real yolk, right, almost fluffier and then the flavor of that broth that you simply savor. the duck skin all those organs pure duck a little chili a little lemon juice a little herbs like cilantro maybe you want more cake for the blood chili okay, let's try the blood gel oh wow, this is smooth, yes very neutral flavor, soft and tender like tofu, almost good, so actually this is the beak and the head, yes, cut in half, so it's like one of my favorite cards.
Try this first because to me it's like the bottom of the peak, no, yeah. it's like um oh yeah you can chew it all up yeah here we go this is the side of the head so take the beak away oh that's delicious there are completely crispy chips it's kind of this part it's like for me , it's like um, um. It's and it's pop in your mouth is this the eye here this is the eye okay, I think it could be a bag for me, yes, duck eye, yes, cheers, okay, I like it, it's very juicy, yes, it's just a boom, it just bursts with juice, a slightly rubbery casing that must be the eye socket, but that's it, oh, it's really good, we have the duck wings, oh, these are beauties, this is where you can really tell which is a free field, just a nice skinny duck running around. one oh wow, yes, the kind of chewy factor because it is a yes, because it is a free-running duck, the flavor that comes from the saltiness, the crunchiness, there are many textures in this amazing food, I think the best for me is the laboratory. although that love with that cold blood is next level, it's the best of the best duck bob you all have and that raw blood sounds extreme, but the taste is incredibly good and so fresh, so refreshing that you wouldn't even know it's raw. blood and then the vegetable dish this is called lymph I always love these long, thin pods um that bitter and gelatinous texture without a doubt one of the best duck mules I have ever tried on another level from here to continue on this street food


from udantani there is no way you can leave the honey udon without eating some tam green


salad so we headed to a stall that serves some of the best somtam from udantani, the next restaurant we will go to and it is in A community of neighbors is called Benja and it is like at home in the backyard, what a place, actually, the whole restaurant is full of big wooden tables and you have to go to the front of the restaurant to order and choose what you want.
Okay, okay, I love this style here, it's a little chaotic, a little hectic, uh, you don't quite know what's going on and yet the system is tested and it works, but they have all these different fried items and, like, uh, pig skins, fried fish, uh. and you, it's like a self-service. I see that people just take what they want, so there are two giant mortars where they just slosh the ingredients, a pound of papaya, a pound of long beans and cucumber, you can hear the sloshing of the fermented fish sauce, the patak. you can hear just juices falling around the pound of the mortar, it's almost cafeteria style, but you just order in the front, you wait for your food, you grab it, you take it to your table and you go to eat in their backyard, on their patio, as a concept great, such a great place and the way they mash those ingredients, even just using one hand, one arm, that muscle, that power, they are experts, they excel at green papaya salads, it's literally non-stop punching, splashing , grind, mix and then the next salad. the next salad oh it's just a continuous flow like a storm if you could say they can make green papaya salad they could mash those ingredients with their eyes closed so wow let me tell you this is the real deal we got two main, uh. smashed salads, we got the lab moo and we also have a kind of bamboo shoot stew called soup no mai, which is also a very common Nissan dish, but again they have all the variety, they have grilled chicken, they have fried chicken, They have grilled fish.
They have a variety of different crispy meats that you can also order with your something and they probably have a couple dozen different smashed salads that you can also order. I'm going to start with the first salad, which is the tamsua, which is a mashed green papaya salad but with rice noodles like a jean added. Wow, this is just brilliant, it's exploding and you can already feel the overdose of flavour. Wow, I got some chili fumes in my nostrils from that bite. Rounded flavor, that spicy chili spices up the umami heat and in fact in the e-sign it's called nua which is that full umami flavor that has all the flavors in one bite you could ever want from salty to sweet to sour to fish. to extra salty to juicy to chilis to bitter to astringent and you immediately know why this place is so popular it is simply a world class amazing tasting salad and now for the next salad which is called tampa whichit literally means mashed jungle salad um this is a mix of so many different things and I think one of the reasons it's called jungle salad is because of the wide variety of wild ingredients and hoi.cherry, which is a snail of the rice paddies and it's a key ingredient in this salad in this mix, but I also think there are some kind of pickled vegetables in here, pickled mustard greens, there are tomatoes, lemon juice, ah, there are herbs like cilantro, mild cilantro.
There's even eggplant in here, oh wow, and they're really spicy too, it's a little spicy that will start to burn as it goes down your throat, but the huge amount of textures in this dish, the white cherry, it's like a squid, you have the juicy tomatoes, you have the crunch of the papaya, the freshness of those pickled mustard greens or stems or pickled vegetables, it is literally a jungle in your mouth and this is their lab move, which is a mixture of skin and meat in a dressing, oh I like the gelatinous texture of that skin, I love the balance of the citrusy lime juice and the strong flavor of the herbs too and despite it being like half a skin, it's very refreshing, it feels very light, it's Okay, and then the last dish they gave us was the no mai soup. what is the bamboo shoot soup uh there is pumpkin here there are bamboo shoots that should be a sauce a yanang leaf sauce that is a little sticky um oh even there is corn here it is good after eating those chilies at some point and then you take a bite of the hot soup that hot broth kind of liquid that just magnifies the chiles oh man that burns so beautifully the sweetness coming from the corn and the squash and then just that surprisingly the texture the snap of those bamboo shoots wow there's something here that's next level I'm rooting for, oh thanks for the water micah wow what an overdose of flavor that was crazy it unlocks flavors in your mouth and taste buds on your tongue that you didn't even know existed.
Another reason they are so good is because I don't use any kind of shredder for the green papaya, they still cut it with a knife and cut it into slices, and that to me makes a big difference, because you have those chopped papaya slices unevenly that offer a very refreshing flavor. crispy instead of when shredded with a grater or something that gives it you don't have the same texture sometimes my whole face is like on fire right now I loved it and finally to complete this




street food tour we are in a legendary beef noodle restaurant called koitiaopanoi, so aunty nuy is known for her egg noodles, but she is especially known for her braised beef, you could see those movements in her hand, her experience, her years and decades of experience Cooking those meatballs, flipping that soup. broth adding the ingredients, she is a legend of meat noodles in udon and very friendly, very nice, but a little unfortunate news is that because we have eaten in a few places before, we didn't get to these meat noodles until the end in the afternoon and they are already out of bamilu and yellow egg noodles, so I can't try their egg noodles, which are the most famous noodles here, but I had to smell the aroma of what are the medium rice noodles but They still have braised beef.
I have some meatballs and I have them with blood, so what she does is she takes a spoonful of cow blood, puts it on the spoon and then cooks it very lightly. the soup before it goes to your plate so that it thickens, enriches the broth and gives it that characteristic cloudy richness and thickness, oh it smells so good, I must say that at this stage of the gastronomic journey I am not that hungry, but So soon Since I smelled that broth, I'm ready to eat again. I'll taste the broth first before seasoning, but one of the main things you want to add here are two additional seasonings that they have that are special. it's like a roasted chili jam and one is roasted peppers, charred roasted peppers, but first let's try that broth, wow, that's a comforting, comforting broth, the hint of sweetness, those spices, the cinnamon and garlic flavor, and then all those herbs in particular. the quilancho uh the sawtooth urbandar oh man yeah that's medicinal every bowl of noodles is served with this messy soup powder I think it's roasted chili jam and I think most people would just add most of this goes to their noodles.
We just saw a couple of people. They put everything out right away and you know they're experts, you know they are, they're regulars here, not only is it chili, but it has a preserved flavor, a fermented flavor, I don't know if it's fermented beans. fermented soy beans are added but that's like an umami boost and then there's also the charred peppers and I think this is more of a chase strategy rather than putting them in your bowl, oh yeah, smoky, charred, spicy , oh man, that's wonderful and you I can continue with that and next to the plate of vegetables is cabbage and basil.
You can also put on top of the noodles, fold them over and let them wilt in the soup and I'll also go ahead and add a little bit of chili vinegar to balance the flavor, quickly stir the tenderness of that meat with that basil with that vinegar, chasing each bite with a roasted chili, yes, that's very good and then we have to try the meatballs a little rehydrated, yes. the fluffy, bouncy quality is delicious, this is pure comfort meat comfort in a bowl of noodles and you will want to completely scrape this bowl, that chili, that fermented sour taste and that meat too is simply extraordinary and any restaurant where I can accompany every bite with a roasted chili.
I'm very happy, so with that beef noodle dish completing this udantani street food haul, it's been an amazing day, incredibly delicious food. I want to say a huge thank you to my friend. chef noom has two restaurants in udantani samoy and sons and makkang both of which are amazing great restaurants. I will have your information in the description box below but thanks to chef noom for taking us to the morning market and that amazing amazing la pet restaurant udantani is a medium sized town so there is a lot to do the people are very friendly and there is a lot of delicious food.
I will have all the information for all the places we ate in this video in the description box below so you can check. all out and thank you so much for watching this video remember to like if you enjoyed it leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you and if you are not already subscribed please click subscribe and also click the bell icon that way you will be immediately notified of the next video I post thanks again for watching and I will see you in the next video goodbye by udantani

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