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Ultimate Death Dash For $1,000 - Challenge

Jun 03, 2021
see what you did, you came in his head, oh my god, I feel his lava Skippy, oh my god, it's okay, but that way they can't really go down there, they have to be careful now, but this is good, we're only 30 people, let's do it seriously, okay, let's do it right. I think we're going to have to cut them off if we want some kills, hey, go out there and everything I'll train will cut them off, focus on the water, done, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. get up, go, go, go, I'm trying, it's so down, you're doing good, I know you're going to do it, I know it's down, I'll wear your armor, I know, yeah, cheffy, good, no good, that It's ridiculous, come here, muffin. head round round round oh this is going to be a big hill here come on come on these games hustler boy I've beaten them a million times thanks for that dead end they run towards the lava they ran towards the dead end love it, sorry Skippy, don't do that, he eats all those, okay, Jim, I'll wait here, okay, here.
ultimate death dash for 1 000   challenge
Let's go here, yeah, here, yeah, okay, they're coming, some people hit the length. Oh, some people really punch lava. I see it, I see it, we got it, come on 26, we got a nice big group in this dead end, where are you? Skippy come here come here well come down that's sorry come back I'll keep it I'll go there and come in here good idea could I get up oh hello killstreak oh yeah oh this is cool we're only 25 oh oh oh boo Skippy let's do a revival at 20 okay you should say now I see you weren't here anymore after we killed those people oh hey guys, hello, I got it, finish them, yeah, I'm coming I got it good, get it, okay, go, go, you're done, you're done with the Match Republican, thanks, oh, that works great, the food, Boop, I'm almost trying to push you, okay, go right up here, okay, I got you. keep weird that's good hello everyone cut them cut them cut them oh nice bye what won hey, won hey, won hit I feel like I'm slow basically everyone has speed in 20 where do I join you revival time revival ok what's Sandy's number number 54 yo okay oh my god I checked it and no one got it ok here we go doo doo doo doo doo doo doo to do to anyone ooh yeah lien le UN le you and boom you've been revived five seconds to run five four three two one zero is well destined to kill you there are so many of them here I want a better sword I feel like it's about time this guy is dead yeah thank you yeah here wait here I am.
ultimate death dash for 1 000   challenge

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ultimate death dash for 1 000 challenge...

I'm going to guide them back okay, yes, okay, stay here, I'm coming here, no one will suspect, get ready, they're coming, okay, I can't, they should come, get ready, I'm ready, they're coming, I'm waiting. I'm literally bulging because there's so many of them, they're all coming down right now, get ready, yeah, here we go, hey buddy, hey, surprise, they came running back, you're gone, oh, no way you're snowballing on me, oh my god, that's so clever, no goodbyes. They are so good at running there is no way we have a short one please no we can't have a sharp one no what what no what what makes it bad take it back go around okay okay okay go around , no, I'm trying to try, yeah, go. down, I'll wall them up there's so many there's so many here there's so many there's so many there's so many go go go go killing killing coming at me cute SSS I have a good amount no goodbye that worked so well we need to do that again okay stay there in the lava okay oh I see you I see you I see you bye Oh bad players 14 players okay oh this is the dead end this is the dead end this is the dead end come on I'll give you a year Boop, it's so long, so Long, boom, you missed the snowballs, oh, we've got him pinned, Skippy, this one's perfect, come back, come back, okay, go right, go right, yeah, yeah, let's be Sandra's jury , oh, here we go, I love you, ah, you.
ultimate death dash for 1 000   challenge
I have nowhere to go Mr. banana boy bye oh sorry sorry sorry first nine nine o'clock nine oh no no no no no no Oh catch him oh thank you that impulse helped a lot literally he's there we can catch him I'll go he's okay, I'll go this way we'll get more people oh oh oh oh it's just... it's just him, it doesn't matter oh no, poor thing, seven mothers, he's a little muffin head, you don't kill my purpose, no I didn't kill him on purpose and I survived because of me. He is a good boy.
ultimate death dash for 1 000   challenge
See you to block them. Where he goes? He made more areas blocked with lava. Hello, hello, bye, man. I hope he wins the muffin head. another right turn oh there's going to be so many dad hey there's no way around it oh wait there's yes you can go oh my god okay turn around again oh yeah that's so cool no way bye bye bye bye top 5 hello guys I'm gay in Little Muffin Hills. He's gone, impulse, impulse, impulse, I'm going to come back the other way, okay, oh, they're on the opposite side, we have to catch them, okay, cut them off, done, yeah, I'm going, I've got one, I've got two.
Come on, three left, wait, wait, wait, we should get the last three here so we can see it. I almost killed him, although, oh, we can kill him in a second. I'm scared because you reduced me to a heart before, you died, he's fine, so here he is. the deal you three are going to run and the last person alive will win before I lose this incomplete store calm down bad boy halo merch for everyone calm down three Mississippi four Mississippi and it's time to die, let's do it probably changing if you're smart, come on change to Skippy, go left, all good, this way, okay, okay, there's no one here, we'll have him trapped, although we will when we see someone we caught, yeah, I'll go the other way.
You go there, no one, where is there a highway. I'm going this way. I'll probably find someone. Have they survived this long? They had one pencil when I had all three. I had them all three, oh. Do you want you walked in lava I'm right behind him oh there's only two members left dude I think I'll understand this my dad is freaking out so my bag do you know what happened? we're with you see, no, no, I saw him right behind the lava he got so scared, he came here he said like this, you know what a nice vgz from Illinois just wrote, but I had it in one part of the game, how low did you go to walk right there?
He was in three hearts for Oh my God, Friday never came. I bought it in the middle of the event, oh, one more, yes, how many cupcakes. 250. I'm actually doing a giveaway on my discord, so it was fun anyway. watching if you liked it subscribe on lick if you haven't done it wrong yet do you have anything else to say? I enjoy minam goh thanks for watching bye

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