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ULTIMATE BASKETBALL TRIVIA Challenge (Loser gets a pie to the face)

May 06, 2020
What does that mean for everyone? My name is Karen estrine if you didn't know that means you're not subscribed so go ahead and hit the subscribe button for me. Okay, today guys, hello guys, today we're going to do some shooting




, okay, take the shot, you're going to answer the


question, that's simple, let's get into it, here we go, okay guys, are you ready? the first question, we're going to make movies, who's the villain and Austin Powers, no guys, oh, come on, Tommy. come tell me come tell me there goes the ball and Chris becomes a second Chris what's the answer what are you doing this here clever clever Josh should have warmed up made hours made the powers dr. evil dr. evil dr. evil yeah it's over even though no phones allowed and then Josh does it right wait guys there are still a lot of questions left to ask question number two are you ready for question number two?
ultimate basketball trivia challenge loser gets a pie to the face
Finish this famous line from Jaws, you're going to need Oh, a bigger ship that's right that's right warning given Josh already warmed up Chris, you may be in trouble because Ashley's heartwarming movie knowledge is back no, we have 10 questions yes , next question what is life according to Forrest Gump right guys you see me having fun this is funny to me because that's me I would have crushed the shell on trivia when you're angry. Another person's advice would be when you are angry. Another's advice would be to just snowball. Oh, Josh, something just clicked in Josh's mind.
ultimate basketball trivia challenge loser gets a pie to the face

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ultimate basketball trivia challenge loser gets a pie to the face...

No, I can rephrase that. when you're frustrated with something when you're upset or someone else's advice would be to just let it go, are you ready? which avenger handles the murderous god which avenger handles the murderous god I don't know if Chris knows this, he seems confused that's wrong Josh knows what's the point this is just pure entertainment failure no you're just guessing man oh my god you have every chance, here you go, that would be four, that's right, that was crazy, I'll go get it, are you ready? Krista is tired, what two? colors did neo get to choose between which two colors did neo have Jo which two color pills I'm sorry to have a choice between that's right from the matrix Morpheus so currently it's a tied ball game this is very close are you ready are you ready Chris Katniss? everdeen z-- weapon of choice Katniss Everdeen Oh, weapon of choice Chris McKay is going to work with him, you're welcome.
ultimate basketball trivia challenge loser gets a pie to the face
Oh, with the overhead shot, the bow and arrow is right and he's just Josh back, the first overhead shot, so now it's game four. to three Josh as for Christmas three, are you ready? Robin Williams and Will Smith have this in common Robin Williams and Will Smith have this in common. It is assumed that it will be necessary to shoot. They are both funny. It's right. They're both fun, but that's not the right answer. okay, Chris does it, let's see what he's got. Black, there is no disease, that's right. They both played Genie and Aladdin, the blue man.
ultimate basketball trivia challenge loser gets a pie to the face
Now they weren't in the Blue Man group. Chris. Two more questions for this round, are you ready? What color do we wear? On Wednesdays, what color do we use on Wednesdays? What color do we use on Wednesdays? Chris, oh my gosh, pretzels we use pink on victory sticks on Wednesdays we use pink, you never watched Mean Girls, okay, so see you tomorrow on Wednesdays we use pink. the last question of the movie is which two houses which two houses could have been Harry Gryffindor or hall is the correct answer okay, okay, so after round after round one Josh you have six points Chris you have four to move on to round number two are pop culture questions and each answer is worth two points.
Each correct answer is worth two points. So you can walk away or come back. We are ready? According to his new song, he can dance like Michael Jackson. Oh wow, they both know it. Drake is the correct answer. now he has eight eight points Josh has eight points Chris has four Are you ready? What is the 11's favorite snack? What is the 11's favorite snack? Josh with the air ball I know, okay, come on guys, they did it to be fair. I have found either of them strange. anga stuff waffles baby 7/11 all the convenience stores okay Josh is walking away Chris I think you're forgetting what's at stake here a pie in the


okay so now it's ten to four Josh will know this , but Chris, I think you know this based on you knowing me, you know, I couldn't leave out one of my favorite shows.
This program took place in Electric City. This program took place in Electric City. Chris did it. I'll give you a hint, Scranton, what. the electric city, you did it, you guessed it, the office is correct, did you know that there's just no such thing as me, okay, you didn't understand that reference, it's fusion season four, okay, are you ready? The husband of this famous model wrote a song about him. Loving her completely, this husband of famous models wrote a song about her. He could actually tell her, oh man, this is as much of a cardio game as anything else.
Oh Josh, don't die, okay, there goes Josh's Worcester, crazy, you have a good chance. Here, what is the model? This model is the husband. You don't know his wife's name. No, how do you not know the name of John Legend's wife. I'll give you half a point so you get one point for the correct answer. it's Chrissy Teigen, you know Chrissy Teigen, I don't know, I have to introduce you to the Internet, plus Chris, you get half a point for that, although for knowing John Legend, you currently have seven Josh, you have ten, okay, next question that?
Does the abbreviation K or WT K mean? I'll give you a hint, it's a TV show, if not, it's one of America's most famous families in the world, but your hot sisters with lots of surgeries, that's right. the Kardashians are fine, so Chris yeah, now you're nine and Josh you're ten come back, what a comeback, how the record players have 99 problems, but Beyonce won, Jay Z, right, yeah, I'm at work, no, no, I won't that. on this channel, okay two more questions, I don't know if you guys know this, so what's the name of Kylie's baby?
It looks like with these clouds she looks like it's raining and something is rolling, and she doesn't look very good either. Do you get the point? Stormy's name is Stormy. Alright. The last question about the pop culture surrounding her is a YouTube question. Who is the best shooter on YouTube? Chris, you have an answer for me, Mr. Boom, okay, this is how I get the correct answers for the final round. It was three points three points first question this category is sports how many rings does Tom Brady have how many rings does Tom Brady have in Under the Cliff three wrong okay, here we go, come on Josh, you have plenty of time, okay, come on, boy, I can I don't think Josh six correct already have six ring teams or at least in the next three questions below which NBA legend hurt his back while working in his mother's driveway hurt his back working in his mother's driveway say something wrong Kobe Bryant if you know something about I, like Josh, says he knows what I put.
I put the answer in the question. What legend was his nickname? Legend of Larry for those of you who don't know, so now it's 14 to 13. Are you ready for the next question? Name two of the four. NBA teams whose team name doesn't end in s doesn't end in s I only need two of the four boom Chris two of the teams that don't end in s rental magic huh right, this one doesn't end in s I'll give you a timer of 5 seconds if we have to shoot again, he fell in love, so imagine the jazz that's right, Orlando Magic and the Jazz, very nice, so Chris, you have how many, yes, Josh, you have thirteen, one, two, three more questions .
Josh, you need two of the three, oh wait, you need all three to win. Josh, well, if he only


two of the three that he will have, he will be 19 and you will get I know and you will get one of the three that you will have. 21 more, one right wins and Josh needs to get these three cracks. What individual? Which individual won the most gold medals in a single Olympics? That's right. Michael Phelps. What a bounce. This can be boiled down to the final question. Yes. How many teams are there? The NFL is easy, that's right, that's right, I guess, so you've sealed your victory Chris Chris, you won't have a Pilate


this week, congratulations, no, Josh, you're the day of the pot


s Friday doers.
I feel it when I have something good. news, Caleb Nash's amazing future fans have sent in videos of themselves putting pies in our faces on our behalf so we don't forget that you don't have to get a pie today, so I'll jump in so it's time to type oh wait wait time wait time wait I win now you're now your fans now your fans want to get a pie in the face and white laughter that's not funny Chris okay okay Josh gives the guys cinnamon, cinnamon on behalf of these two and says this cake It's for Josh, this cake is for Chris or this cake is for Caleb, please guys, please, I don't like it and I'll buy it.
I really appreciate this. Send more videos. I wanted a guy who won all the time, guys, so this is just the way he is. Incorporated into my videos because I see all the love from the fans and I thank them so much that I want to return the love, so all you have to do is text me on Instagram a video of you or one of your family members. biting you in the face I'm going to introduce different people every week oh, just me right now. I'm going to throw it out to our first week, who's having a cake for Josh, that was amazing, thank you all so much in one go. again if you like this video please hit the thumbs up button if you didn't like this video.
Still, I hit the thumbs up button, it doesn't hurt you to click the button, so you can also make sure to subscribe to Josh, subscribe to Kris and if you haven't subscribed yet I'll see you later peace, what's up? My name is Ken - Beef Jenny, if you didn't know that means you're not subscribed so do me a favor and go ahead and smash it. that subscribe button right now hey, I was standing outside here without interrupting you, I'm doing that, hey, take two

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