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Ultimate Baby Toy Room!!

May 10, 2024
we have good plans for today we are going to have breakfast get ready for the day and we are going to build something amazing and you can come with us oh my phone thank you jenny is still hanging out with my sisters and my mom doing her likes girls Thing of the day so we are You and I, let's take the vlog camera, come on, okay, oh, we're ready. I put Adly in her bean


outfit. I don't care if she worked two days ago. She looks cute, so she put it back on. and i'm wearing my adly


outfit we're going to be together all day so we should be twins first let's go to the store we have to get some supplies jenny always wears this thing when we go shopping check it says adley on it but i don't know how to use it really, okay, come on, yeah, we're in a toy store.
ultimate baby toy room
Wow, you want a dinosaur here, octopus, how about this through a piano? I think it's a good idea. It will like you. So what we're doing is you're getting to know the three


s in the back of the new space station 1.5. One of those


s we have decided will be Adley's room, so whenever she comes to visit us while we work or if I need to distract her or do things. He would like to walk into that room and just play with all these toys and that piano I just got. Look, we could put it on the bedroom floor and she could just walk on it and make noise. and she will keep her super distracted.
ultimate baby toy room

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ultimate baby toy room...

Grandma and Grandpa have one of these and Adly loves it. He is a popper. If we get another octopus to tell you that he likes octopuses. Octopi octa. Multiple octopuses. If we get you a chair, they're kind of cute. I want an elephant chair no, you want an owl chair no, you want a fox chair no, I don't really know what you strangely want here do you want a Darth Vader chair? ooh, do you want a Darth Vader chair? No, I really hoped she would choose this one. one, oh, should we make a princess chair?, oh, okay, she seemed excited about the purple chair, let's see if she likes it, oh, oh, you wanted you to hold your toy, it's so fun, look what she wanted is a octopus, train, be brave, be strong.
ultimate baby toy room
This is a shame, I already chose it oh my god, this is on sale. It's a giant giant caterpillar. Do you like it? You can see it well. At least he doesn't like giant caterpillars. She keeps saying ball, we have to find it like a big ball or something. balls or I really like those pool balls, I think I found some balls, look at these princess ones, Minnie Mouse ones, look at a ball, I finally found the toy, she is excited about a ball, oh, okay, yeah, and we have our other stuff for Addly's new Playstation 1.5, yeah.
ultimate baby toy room
That'll be good, don't eat your toes, that's gross, you're funny, how does he do that? If you can put your foot in your mouth, leave a comment because I feel like Edly is the only human being. I know she can do that. You're gross, yeah, you're gross, you're gross, Hadley, we're home, we have to make a quick stop at home because Adley needs a nap, huh, would you take a nap, yeah, Jenny came home after a night of girls while the athlete was sleeping, so they We're at home relaxing, we're going to build Adly's space station, okay chicken, here's the cutest part, are you ready?
Oh, and when she comes to visit us, she will be very excited and she will be able to play with her toys. I'll play with these things instead of playing with these things, yeah, yeah, it's important, okay, I'll try to put them up here and then you can look down and see Hadley's little space station being built, okay, try not to. fall down, merry Christmas. Jock, I'm not buying you anything for Christmas because I just built you a space station, so yeah, we don't normally buy him that many toys, but it's his Christmas I guess, come try out the Adley space station, pretend you're adly and go inside. see if you look like adley with that stupid hoodie on, hey this is a cool hoodie okay interestingly look at your space station yeah ball yeah yeah wait look at your chair oh wow, I'm going to break that, oh, look at the piano, I wonder what. what if you stop nothing I don't have batteries I didn't buy batteries yet oh I'll go get adlie and Jenny later and I'll bring them Jenny doesn't even know I did this she's going to be like honey why did you buy her so many toys?
She now she looks at that sunset. I don't know why I like her so much, but she's great because she's in between all the wires. I'm pretty sure I just saw Adley and Jenny driving like someone was pushing one of those pink cars Ashley has so they could be walking to the space station. I do not know what. Hi, what are you doing? We are walking to your work. It's a little late it wasn't when I started oh hello girls 25 minutes I think she wants to come in it's like she knows there might be a surprise there for her wait don't go crazy see the problem is honey, I don't I don't want her to run around touching our computer cables and stuff.
Where is the baby supposed to go? On a space station. Where is she supposed to go? ball that was the most excited during the entire time we were shopping when he saw that he got scared, let's see if I can prepare a basket, look lady, hey balls, we connected the vr, it's a huge space, I invited some of my friends . Here I'm playing some VR tonight, Jake's first time on a wheel, yeah, good approach, wow wow, easy easy, the psychology of the car being there got to you, it really did, oh look at the sound system, um, you're not even. close buddy this room is huge alright good luck chapter one achievements holy oh buddy that deck though sadly it needs a nap.

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