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UFOs: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Jul 01, 2024
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concerns UFOs, they brought us a great classic movie moment with the album art and of course Hugh Jackman. I can't test it yet, but I'm close. Many people have reported seeing UFOs, from Keser to Russell Crow and even this guy who was. We gathered in a schoolyard with about 20 other men and saw a bright light appear in the distant eyes of the western sky and it came closer and closer and when it was just above the treetops it changed color and then stayed there . for a while and then it disappeared into the distance and none of us could figure out what it was and I still don't know what it was, you know, between the rambling story and the goofy smile, it reminds you of Joe Biden there.
ufos last week tonight with john oliver hbo
It is not like this? The only thing Biden would have done differently was name each of the 20 men he saw the UFO with, there was corn poop, Jeff, wet dog, Mexican Rick and a bunch of other names my advisors told me to stop saying aloud. in 2004, but the point is that Jimmy Carter saw a UFO and while skeptics pushed back saying it was probably a space cloud or Venus and that no other object generates as many UFO reports as the planet Venus, Carter doubled down by saying we know what it's like. Venus. It wasn't Venus and you're right, everyone knows what Venus looks like, it's not that of course, because it's Titan, one of Saturn's moons, it doesn't look anything like the real Venus, which isn't Jupiter's moon either.
ufos last week tonight with john oliver hbo

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ufos last week tonight with john oliver hbo...

You thought you were safe because we were talking about space and you were wrong. The fact is, although many people think they have seen something in the sky, in fact, 16% of Americans say they personally witnessed something they thought was a UFO and true. Right off the bat, let's acknowledge that it might be a difficult topic to broach because UFOs tend to be discussed in two ways and the first is wildly speculative, as this Renaissance painting of Bana and a boy seems perfectly normal, however, upon inspection closer reveals a strange craftsmanship. floating in the background with a terrestrial observer witnessing the event, it seems far beyond me to argue with the voice of Unsolved Mysteries, but that is a painting, not a photograph, what is in them can be real or invented, and since it is a painting of the Virgin Mary, I guess that's the latter, the second way UFOs tend to be talked about is with almost disdain, as in this news report from 1973, today there were more reports about reports of unidentified flying objects from Minnesota, Florida, California, Louisiana and other places.
ufos last week tonight with john oliver hbo
A man in Columbus Ohio. He took these photographs of four strange lights in the sky on Wednesday night and they were seen by dozens of people. Two women in Texas said they saw an object with the letters UFO painted on the side. I'm glad you're having such a good time laughing at them and I guess it would still be funny until that UFO opens up and an alien labeled alien hits you with a death ray labeled death ray, but in recent years it's You may have seen UFOs receive more widespread attention following this report in 2017. Disturbing footage that forms part of an explosive first admission by the military of a government program investigating UFO sightings.
ufos last week tonight with john oliver hbo
It's Rota, this mysterious black object discovered off the coast of San Diego by Navy fighter pilots in 2004, my goodness, wow, I don't know what's more surprising there. the UFO or the pilot responding with OMG, in that situation I would have opted for a holy life or Jesus turning his back on Christ, but I guess credit to him for keeping it G rated, there could be kids watching this Navy footage, That story was the start of a cascade of revelations, including the Department of Defense revealing that it had 11 documented case reports in which pilots reported near misses with UFOs and a few years ago Congress even held its first public hearing on UFOs in over 50 years, so if the topic is this pervasive with such important questions being asked now might be a good time for, and I can't believe I'm about to say, this talk about UFOs, what we know, what we don't know and some of the problems with the way we've done it. trying to find out more and from the beginning let me tell you that talking about UFOs does not necessarily mean that I am talking about aliens.
UFOs are simply unidentified objects, that's all, many researchers prefer the term UAP for unidentified anomalous phenomena that they may wish to avoid. the whole extraterrestrial connotation because while you may believe aliens exist or not when it comes to


belief doesn't really come into play whatever they are people are seeing them that poster in the mda office shouldn't having said I want to believe I should have done it. He said: Believe Schalie, what is that thing? and the fact is that UFO sightings long predate any contemporary association with extraterrestrials, since for as long as people have existed, they have been seeing strange things that they cannot explain.
Ancient Roman and Chinese texts talk about people. Seeing fireballs, spears, soldiers, ships and chariots floating above them, plus there were sightings near Rome in 218 BC. C. and in Germany in 1561, and you're probably thinking that doesn't mean much because everyone knows that 16th century Germany was suffering from a rapid increase in population combined with a rise in grain prices, so many Germans stumbled due to hunger. They all went through their German confessional age. The obsession in their first teams is not news, but our modern concern. The conception of the Flying Sorcerers took off in 1947 when private pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted nine strangely shaped objects while flying over Mount Reer in Washington.
It wasn't until 1947, when a private pilot reported seeing a group of pie plate-like objects flying near Mount Reer, that the term flying saucer entered the vocabulary and fueled the imagination of film producers, that's almost TRUE. Arnolds didn't describe seeing Flying Sorcerers, although what he actually said was that the objects flew as if they took a sorcerer and threw him into the water, but the journalists missed that on Flying Sorcerer and the name stuck, it's one. of those fascinating historical corrections like Viking helmets didn't actually have horns Napoleon wasn't that short and George Washington didn't really exist it was just a reflection of moonlight on swamp gas that fooled early Americans now Skeptics have introduced several theories about what Arnold may have seen, from water drops on his plane window to a disintegrating meteorite, a flock of pelicans and, for the record, uh, marrying, killing and, obviously, deep mouths, we cannot know for sure what Arnold saw.
What we do know is that his story and the news that emerged soon after, supposedly of a flying sorcerer who crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, started a public obsession and hundreds of UFO sightings began to arrive just a month later. that Arnold, upon seeing a pole, asked respondents if they had heard or read about flying. sources and 90% said yes, it reached a fever pitch, the LA Times ran the headline flying, supplants weather as the number one topic anywhere people gather, discussions about UFOs started popping up absolutely everywhere, from the sensational media to even the discussions with the network's journalists.
Good night,


. look for a fantastic story, the story that flying saucers from other worlds are visiting our planet just as we explore outer space with our own rocket satellites. Our guest is former Navy Commander Donald Keyhole on his campaign to prove that flying saucers exist. My name is. Mike Wallace, the cigarette is Parliament. I honestly can't think of anything more '50s than interrupting your news report to introduce yourself and your cigarette. It's just not something you can achieve today. My name is Lester Halt and The Vape are melon and bubblegum UFOs. became a pop culture phenomenon, in fact, Roswell has done much to capitalize on its associations with UFOs.
It is home to a UFO museum, a UFO festival, and alien-themed streetlights. It even has the only UFO themed McDonald's in the world, which somehow only has three and a half star on Yell despite being a UFO themed McDonald's again, that's crazy. I could get stabbed in that McDonald's and my Yelp review would still say I was stabbed in a UFO four stars Roswell has done everything it can to become a UFO Mecca and like This coverage from the '90s shows that many people make pilgrimages here. The city's two UFO museums have become magnets for the committed.
These two gentlemen took me aboard a spaceship. You have the Curious. You think they're like these guys behind you. like that, but I think they would be normal people, the government hides things from people, distrust of the government, if they are real, they are probably an evil religion, there has to be something in all this, part of this totally American mystery, many and the night he looked up at the sky and said "come find me" okay it was hard to pick a favorite person there, from the guy who was looking for a word to describe aliens and decided on gentlemen to the guy at the end who spent many nights watching the sky and saying come get me, that's a man who has done the math and discovered that abduction is cheaper than divorce, come get me or my wife, uh, not both, although that is a factor decisive, but it's worth addressing something that woman said. there the government hides things from people because from the very beginning of our modern obsession with UFOs there has been a belief that our government is hiding something from us and that the distrust has been well earned.
The history of the US government's study of UFOs ranges from the unsatisfactory to the actively misleading and began shortly after the first sighting of a flying fountain, just a year later the Air Force formed something called Project Sign. which evaluated 243 sightings over the course of a year and ultimately said it could not find definitive, conclusive evidence. To prove or disprove the existence of real unidentified aircraft, that effort was renamed Project Grudge, which evaluated more sightings and concluded that they did not threaten the security of the US. That was followed by a massive investigation called Project Blue Book that


ed 17 years and examined more than 12,000 sightings found no evidence that they were aliens or a security threat and, as you have probably sensed, because these were all military investigations, whether or not these things posed a threat was the main concern , but towards the end of Project Blue Book the government also funded parallel scientific research known as the Condon committee led by physicist Edward Condon, but even while it was underway there were signs that it was not exactly being carried out in a spirit of free research.
Condon was a respected scientist, but he was previously biased when it came to UFOs. the study even started, he said in a speech that the government should get out of the UFO business, he has nothing to say, he later wrote that the authors of books about UFOs should be flogged. I mean, he doesn't seem like the most objective analyst of the scientific method. there is no hypothesis that will hit anyone who disagrees with you three conclusions: now you are thinking about religion, unsurprisingly the condom study concluded that nothing has been gained from the study of


in the


21 years An extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified and it is worth noting that other scientists of the time, including Sean, rejected the tone of Condon's report, but his attitude prevailed to the point While a 1977 survey of more than a thousand scientists found that most thought UFOs were worthy of further study, but only two were willing to request anonymity to say so, it's not just that the government hasn't covered itself in glory. when it comes to studying UFOs, but also actively participates in cover-ups about them, although not necessarily in the ways or for the reasons that the History Channel would have us believe, for example, in the case of the Roswell accident, for years the government maintained that what had crashed was actually just a weather balloon that many considered suspicious and which fueled much rampant speculation to the point that In the mid-1990s, this New Mexico congressman began pushing for answers and The investigation yielded a surprising admission by the government that they had indeed lied about the object being a weather balloon to hide what was actually recovered near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 were remains of the research project. of the formerly top secret Army Air Forces, codenamed Project Mogul.
Mogul was sosecret that had the same security classification as the project to build the atomic bomb. These high-altitude balloons with their instrumentation were designed to detect Soviet nuclear tests. They were tremendous in size, up to 650 feet and in 1947 nothing else on Earth looked like this, that makes more sense, although it's hard to take the government's word for it given that they just admitted they had been lying for 50 years. Frankly, it's no wonder people still speculate about Roswell to this day, it's basically the boy who cried wolf, if the boy was the Pentagon, the wolf was a 600 foot spy balloon and the moral of the story was that we did a lot of stupid things during the cold.
War, and that wasn't the only time the government did this: a CIA study found that more than half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s to the 1960s were accounted for by human reconnaissance flights, making which led the Air Force to make misleading and deceptive statements. statements to the public to allay public fears and protect an extraordinarily sensitive National Security project and on some level you can see why they did that, if someone sees your top secret plane it's not like you can just say oh, that's not a UFO, that It's our top secret plane, no, that's when you need to roll up your sleeves and Gaslight for Uncle Sam, and some have argued that even when the government isn't protecting its own top secret projects, it may have other reasons for trying to shut them down. queries below you can cover up knowing something or you can cover up not knowing something and I think it's equally likely that the Air Force is covering up not knowing anything, why would they do that?
Because they can't, they can't afford to look incompetent, they can't admit to the public that they don't know what these things are. In our heaven, that John C Riley character makes it clear that when you're in charge of something you have to project a certain level of authority and control, it's the same reason I can't tell my audience I don't know where. my snake causes panic although there is no need for that because it is not poisonous. I guess the website I bought it from wasn't in English, but it's a state of mind. Point anyway because relax.
I definitely know where my snake is and I know it. where is my snake and there have been examples of government officials downplaying UFO sightings that they could not explain. Take the case of the Phoenix lights on the night of March 13, 1997, thousands of people saw these strange lights in the sky, followed by a second series. of Lights a few hours later, understandably, people got scared and wanted some answers, now the state governor even promised an investigation and when he called a press conference to announce his findings, many got their hopes up, which is why it was so disappointing for them when he did it.
This called for an investigation by the Arizona Department of Public Safety and I am pleased to report that we are already seeing results. We can all see the culprit. Don't get too close to me, please, what are you doing? Don't just introduce a pet every time you don't know what to say and I'll tell you why he's lazy, he's condescending to your audience, they're adults, they don't need a puppet show from you, they've come with real questions. and they deserve real AR Sorry, we, we, we cut, we cut this part, we cut, we cut it, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it just didn't feel right cons I'm sorry I said I'm sorry I said I'm sorry he's fine and the governor later admitted that he actually saw the lights too and didn't know what they were If he just didn't feel like he could say that publicly I guess he was a lot like me with my missing snake .
He'd rather people stop asking questions about it, so he just made a joke about something that deep down worried him. It could actually be a serious problem, but then again I know where my snake is. The Air National Guard later gave an official explanation for those lights saying that the Phoenix lights were caused by military flares, and while that's not necessarily a satisfactory explanation, believe me. many people still don't believe it, at least it is preferable that your Governor kill you at a press conference for even asking the question and that brings us back to the most recent Revelations that have generated so many headlines and audiences because of that video. of pilots surprised by what they were looking at was part of a much larger series of stories about a government program called atip that was described in news coverage at the time such as this, that encounter documented by ATP, the advanced identification program threats to aviation, a shadowy office in the Pentagon examines so-called anomalous aerial vehicles, which is incredible.
You don't expect to hear about a shadowy Pentagon UFO program on prime-time news. You expect to hear it shouted on a webcast between ads for canned rations and herbal Viagra. That initial coverage along with the release of other surprising videos like this one understandably got a lot of people very excited, especially with the Revelation that ATP's existence had been made public with the help of a Pentagon employee, Luis Elzando, who then He said he had resigned from the position. program to protest excessive secrecy and internal opposition and to many it seemed that finally, after years of fruitless bad faith government investigations, this could be a genuine breakthrough, but unfortunately, when people looked at that program, they found more questions than answers, for example, well.
Elisondo maintains that he ran this program and has documents that appear to back up that claim, the Pentagon insists that Alando actually had no assigned responsibilities for the ATP and even if you don't trust the Pentagon, which is a general rule, I definitely don't. . What they actually did were often disappointed because it turns out that, while they did get information about some UFO sightings, much of the research was not done by the government, but was instead outsourced to a company owned by Robert Bigalow, a space magnate entrepreneur. of budget hotels. and the Ronda Santis donor, who used to own a property in Utah that is known as a hotbed of paranormal activity, which is where much of the research on Atip took place.
Bigalow also once said that aliens are already on earth right under people's noses and founded the Bigalow Institute for Consciousness Studies whose main goal is to determine whether or not there is an afterlife and this is not coming to the point, but it says something that for a guy who's willing to spend millions of dollars searching for aliens and discovering an afterlife, his worst financial decision might still have been supporting Ronda Santis. As for what Bigelo's company actually produced for a country, from what has been made public so far, it appears to be little more than a series of 38 investigative articles speculating on technologies like invisibility cloaking, Stargates, anti -gravity and a never-realized proposal to tunnel through the moon using nuclear explosions.
They also put together a paper on traversable wormholes that includes this real illustration which, and this is crucial, features a man greeting a dinosaur and look, I'm not one. Saying that scientists can't or shouldn't study things like wormholes, but it doesn't look very good when your research ends up looking like a teenager's Rick and Morty fan art and I'll say if that's the kind of job that program actually produced. It's really disappointing because people deserve serious answers to these legitimate questions, especially since it takes courage to even ask them or talk about what you might have seen.
Naval pilots who saw an object in one of those atip videos moving and running around them have talked about how they were made fun of after showing up and that the stigma associated with this topic is so strong that they considered not showing up at all. You know, I think over a few beers we said "hey, man, if I saw this, then I won't do it." I know I would have come back and said anything because it sounds so crazy when I say it. You understand that reaction I have. Some people have told me, you know, when you say that, you can sound crazy and I'll go on.
I'm not a UFO guy, but from what I heard them say, there's something, yeah, oh, there's definitely something that I don't know who's building it, who's got the technology, who's got the brains, but there's something out there that was better than our plane, yes, there is something out there that is better than our plane. It's chilling to hear that from a Navy pilot and not the usual place. Boe's executive boardroom. I've done the numbers, guys, and almost everyone is doing better, but it's clear. There should be room for a sober assessment of UFO sightings and I will acknowledge that when you do, the answers you get can sometimes end up being less fun.
Skeptics in this field urge people to keep several spoiler points in mind when talking about UFO sightings to which everyone is vulnerable. misinterpretations, uh, human vision is often unreliable, human memory is imperfect, and people's prior beliefs influence perception, that is, what you think you saw might depend on what you expected to see. Historians have noted that UFO sightings in the 1950s and 1960s in Germany rarely took place. the kind of alien alien curve instead, the Germans saw things they couldn't explain and assumed they were American or Russian technology, plus many unexplained sightings can have rational explanations.
Watch this amazing video of pyramids floating in the air above a Navy ship shot through night vision goggles. It understandably drew a lot of attention when it was first released, but in congressional testimony last year an official from The Navy offered a pretty good reason for this, the hypothesis is that those are commercial drones that, uh, because of the use of night vision goggles they appear as triangles is that the operational evaluation some type of uh of drone uh some type of uh of unmanned aerial system uh and it's just that that light source uh resolves itself through the um through the night vision goggles on the SLR camera as a triangle.
Oh, I mean, I'd rather believe they're triangular aliens who live on a distant triangular planet and that's how they communicate in their triangular language, but I guess an optical illusion caused by night vision technology can be satisfying too. although it doesn't really feel that way at the moment and the good news is that there seems to be a movement towards more careful consideration of UFOs and it's encouraging that NASA has recently put together a small team made up of experts in everything from science to aerospace. security to examine UAPs and last summer we got a glimpse of what it's like to break down a UFO video, specifically this popular one, which appears to show a mysterious object nicknamed "go fast," moving extremely fast, the panel explained in detail as part of a press conference. of 4 hours on how they discovered that the object was actually not moving that fast here is just a small sample, so by knowing the Jet's altitude and heading towards the target, we can apply basic trigonometry to determine where that object is. is in altitude space so it is the ocean that appears to be right behind it, it is actually 4.2 miles away and this is our first indication that some or most of the motion we observe, the motion apparent of the object, it is not actually due to the rapid movement of the detection platform, well, it was boring, since no one in their right mind would want to go to a themed McDonald's after that explanation, but that is the point here that again in our video that they exposed. what they know, the speed of the object and concede what they don't know, what the object is and argue that to gain a better understanding of UFOs a rigorous scientific framework based on evidence and data is essential, and they are right about that. that it is both promising and expected to see people approach this topic in a sober and scientific way and perhaps more importantly in a boring way, and I know it is difficult, this is an area where it is easy to fall into one of the two camps of hardcore skeptics who roll their eyes at everything. subjects and true believers who are convinced that everything has a fantastic explanation that the government hides from us.
You'll see in the comments below this article on YouTube those two groups fighting over everything I've said here and only agreeing on the fact that I'm an idiot, which I don't even deny, but not for the reasons why. will argue, but there must be room for honest inquiry because science is about collecting small answers that eventually help us address big questions like, for example, are we alone in the universe? What is that I just saw in theheaven and for the last time where is my snake really? I'm serious. Can everyone look under their chairs? Because I really don't know where that is our program.
Thanks so much for looking. this was last


tonight I'm John Oliver and the vaporizer is dragon fruit banana good night oh there it is there it's my S I found it wait a second yeah that's not actually my snake it's a different snake, My snake looks like this, but it's a different snake. This is someone else's snake. Someone please come get his snake.

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