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UFC 303: McGregor vs Chandler | Trailer | Extended Promo | June 29, 2024

May 25, 2024
Connor, I haven't seen you in over a year and a half at UFC 264, what's your life been like these last few years. They supported the only thing I was recovering from the injury, trying to recover. Conor McGregor before this year, do you think he will return to the octagon at this time? I believe it and I believe that his first fight will be me. I would love to see a fight between Chandler and Conor McGregor. It's a new fight that they never fought. each other before and both guys are super dangerous, the Style Match Up is interesting, we have Chandler and him having very good blows, but Chandler also has that fight that he doesn't use it all the time, but it is a matchup that depends on how you look at it can favor either of the two, you know, explosive, explosive wrestling and Conor likes to fight guys, let's go to him, guys, he doesn't have to go looking for what I expect in this world.
ufc 303 mcgregor vs chandler trailer extended promo june 29 2024
Megan, I hope. For 100 more fights, I expect consistency, I expect a streak. I've had this on and off for the past while I just want to keep this good consistency and hope that now when I come back this is where it is at. We have just confirmed the trainers for season 31 of The Ultimate Fighter, the biggest superstar in martial arts history has returned. Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler will face off as the coaches of Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor against Team Chandler and in the finale. of the season McGregor and Chandler will fight live on ESPN plus PPV Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler on a date to be determined the weight has not been announced either but you can expect the fight to be at 170 both guys are focused on getting bigger against each other I love you at your best I love you at your worst and I love you at your best you and I at number 170 The winner seeing his rise was phenomenal I mean you know from the beginning where the guy is on welfare and he's a trainee plumber and reaches the top.
ufc 303 mcgregor vs chandler trailer extended promo june 29 2024

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I'm ready to take over this game very soon when I went to Ireland to that Trinity College, all I heard was about Conor McGregor. I had never heard of that kid before, so Conor McGregor's UFC debut was on April 6, 2013 in Sweden. Great 24-year winning streak as he makes his UFC debut. Nine finishes in the first round. Mar looks to finish here. That's why everyone has been talking about Conor McGregor another first round victory. 60 G baby, you've been very stoic with the sunglasses, just looking forward, not reacting much to what's going on in your mind right now, not much, you know there's two things I really like to do and that's scream and look good. and I'm going to do one of them right now on Saturday night.
ufc 303 mcgregor vs chandler trailer extended promo june 29 2024
I'm going to do the other one. I've been in the UFC for a long time. I have never seen a fighter with only one fight in the octagon. With as much height behind him as you, I knew Max is a competitor and I knew he was going to give me great exchanges and he did. You must improvise, adapt and overcome declaring the winner Victorious. I said I was going to eliminate him in the first round. I eliminated him in the first round. What's next for me is that I'm going to go backstage, sit with Mr. Lorenzo and have a good whiskey.
ufc 303 mcgregor vs chandler trailer extended promo june 29 2024
I talk about football stadiums later, it's a grudge match. I do not like this. boy, you know, and uh, I'm not sure, it sounds like he doesn't like me, obviously, well, uh, let's go in there and see who's the better wrestler, you know, that's what it comes down to, I'm a good guy. Not now, I sit down, smile, walk in and call it a round and we'll talk again Saturday night. Conversation. Look, just do that, so I said I would knock him out in the first round and I knocked him out in the first round. Ronda, you can call me Mystic M because I predict these things.
I feel extremely confident that I will take his head off. I'm with your winner, Conor McGregor. I am not satisfied. Satisfaction is an emotion for the environment, a complete change. fighting Chad Mendes on two weeks notice, no matter who it is, now setting up a fight with Jose Aldo that will easily be the biggest fight in UFC history before I came on the scene, they didn't even look at us and I told them afterwards After my debut, I was going to drag them by the neck screw back to my home country. Now I'm here, now they see us, now they know us.
Conor relaxed and smiled, he slept, we did it, yes, Caror McGregor versus Nate. Diaz, that's all. I will face it like a man, like a champion, and I will come back and do it again like my coach says: we win or we learn. I learned from the last contest. I am the FWE world champion now in November. I'm going to be the world lightweight champion, the first man to hold two titles simultaneously. McGregor Mayweather faces off, walks away for 2 years and returns to face the undefeated and unbeatable Russian. What a way to start the year with Conor returning.
It was too easy. As clean and decisive in the first round as you can get in the UFC, they can strip Firs and give Firs to believe that Bells replicates my Cham champion status, but they can't give knockout victories in multiple weight divisions. This fight appears with parier and it makes a lot of sense because the history is there, that the first one was so long ago, boy, yeah, what's up, what's up, St?, okay. Conor McGregor announced this week that he signed up to fight on January 23 after that loss, many, many. It's been years since he rose up and became Champion, he has given me a lot back.
It is an honor for me to share this octagon with this man. Conor's team reached out and they're starting the donation to the Good Fight foundation, so Conor mantle, man, pleasure, brother, it's a pleasure, thank you. You're going to help a lot of people with that, yeah and wait for one of the biggest cards of the new year to end up here once again, the epicenter of the Mixed Martial Arts universe and later tonight, in fact, it will be Dustin Porier and Con. McGregor Under The Lights knocked out Knock Out with McGregor, are you kidding me now?
Dustin Porier has produced the biggest R of his career by a mile. I know he didn't turn out the way you expected. DUS and some leg kicks. Well it wasn't as comfortable as I needed it to be, you know what I mean, I have to dust it off and come back and that's it and that's what I'll do, he's a professional man and nothing but respect, maybe we're one in one. we have to do it again there is always a trilogy when you have one on one I will certainly regroup I will regroup and I will get up you know what I mean get up off the ground and carry on and that's it ladies and gentlemen The winner of the main event, Dustin the Diamond Porier, this time I think it's going to be a little more heated.
Dustin posted a tweet. I think it was in response to Connor, he said in the famous MMA that you also predicted a donation to my foundation and you. and your team stopped responding after the fight in January see you soon July 10th paid and complete so Connor responded and said a donation not a debt we have been waiting for plans for the money that never came I do it with all my donations I know where it is go on point for DOT otherwise it disappears and that is the case with many of these foundations unfortunately you took McGregor above the belt that proves he was right Connor in the build up to the last fight you are unusually nice with Dustin Conor, it is clear that The chivalrous Connor who was in Abu Dhabi is not here this time.
You try to be nice to them. You try to help them. Our pity and DUS is admitted to fight number one. He got into her head. You're sitting there right now, do you feel like you've been able to get inside his head or under his skin again? I'm going to go through his head, punch holes in them and take it off his shoulders, that's the goal here we have a nice card for you, I'm going to make this man pay with his life and I mean it tomorrow morning They will be dead in that octagon tonight, he obviously fought like a warrior and was better prepared, he was better than the last time.
His energy level was higher, you know, he tried to mix it with the kicks, but of course, Porier was prepared. Dustin, the storm takes him to the ground, oh dusing. BS, it sounds like Dustin is complaining about something there. the roh is like his leg I think BR his leg BR that will be the end of the fight so that's it after 5 minutes Conor McGregor apparently broke his ankle at the end of the round and Dustin for a is going to win. this fight and they are for this trilogy by technical knockout tonight wow, the fight was obviously stopped in a horrible way.
He was sword boxing and I took his head off by kicking the sword and leg. Tell us what you felt, tell us what you thought was happening. the thing had separated and landed on Wy's leg like Anderson Sil, that's crazy. I was shocked that with a broken leg he was sitting there still talking, he unfortunately broke his leg and it wasn't satisfying, but I was shocked by the way Conor acted after the fight. I thought he would say hey, congratulations to Dustin, let's do it again, the way the fight was going you clearly felt it was going your way, he didn't do that, this isn't over, if we had to take this outside with him, it's over. outside we don't care your wife is inside me DM hey baby hit me again pack your bags here later we'll be at the party to win no Club baby you look big listen it was a wild fight while it lasted I'm sure you'll be back Dan has to get your opinion right about the main event, a great match while it lasted and then a bit of a weird ending, it sucks, it's brutal, you know, it's not the way you want to watch fights. it ends so Connor goes to surgery tomorrow.
I don't know how long he'll be out, how much rehab or therapy he'll need and we'll see how this all plays out, who knows how long Conor will be out. He will take 6-9 months off and the division will look very different when he returns. I think there will be a lot of question marks surrounding Conor McGregor's return at that stage and how he holds up. I am anxious to see him. how Conor McGregor comes back from this listen, the rematch is there, you have the rematch with him like you had the rematch with Díaz, you know it, it will always be there, I don't know what the landscape will look like when it's ready. or how long it's going to be and how many people do a post fight interview with a broken toe lie and I'm not trying to turn it into her or anything like that, but he's


ting his upcoming fight with a broken toe lie. , what was it? its kind of conclusion after the obviously massive injury there is a lot Conor McGregor can do to come back and look stronger and get stronger the problem is a broken toe The IBF is going to take a long time to recover possibly mentally man for one for someone who came off an injury like that, this guy had a mentality like that, that injury didn't even happen, but if there's a guy that could do it, it's Conor McGregor, question for Michael here, uh, welcome to the UFC, this is your first time . really big press conference I don't think anyone for years thought you'd be here, so what are your first impressions of your new home?
This is great, man, thanks. It's been a long time coming and there were times where I wasn't sure if I would ever take that leap to understand that the circumstances have to be right, this is where my new home had to be and everything has been wonderful so far and I'm excited to go out and start this. new chapter I know you're not looking past Dan, but you said at media day that you were hoping to at least size up Connor by being around him and see what he's about, so have you seen him at the hotel and if not?
You've done it? What do you think now? No, no, no, this is just the first time I've seen him, man, he looks dapper as always. Conor McGregor, typical Conor fashion, but you know, this is it. I've been out of the UFC and and I said this to Dana in our conversation every time he trained for one of the guys I got in the cage with. He wasn't training to fight them. He was training to fight the number one guy in the world. a guy in the world has always been under the UFC banner. He was always training to fight and beat that guy, so sizing everyone up, you know, the last time I was here on Fight Island I saw Kabib, I saw Gaii, man, these are, these are the. the upper echelon, the world class guys that I've wanted to compete against since day one and now I have that opportunity, I just have to go out and take care of business on Saturday night, whatever time it is. good morning to you from the fight Island Abu Dhabi the whore is dressed in black Michael Chandler is dressed in white Chandler immediately puts him on his heels Dan, being very patient, goes to sit outside, he passes out and wants to see what he's going to do Do Michael Are you going to go for this early shot or are you going to go for that big right hand?
A great knockout for Michael Chamber. A great dance with the injured right hand. Oh, cover it all up. It's over. Chandler maximizes the day. B. Chandler bner landing by UFC lightweight contender. Ladies and gentlemen, your winner wrapped in the stars and stripes Michael Chandler, welcome to the UFC, you have been waiting a long time for this moment. It's been a long road, John, many UPS failures, but each road allows me to do this just a little. A small town guy who got beat down a couple times pulled himself up by his bootstraps, dusted himself off and here we are, baby, we're going to get that title shot soon, but I've got to get something off my chest.
I tell everyone, this is the best time in my lifeprofessional Conor McGregor surprise surprise there is a new King in the lightweight division Dustin porier your moment is approaching in K siHave you ever considered it appropriate to thank us for your presence here in the UFC octagon in your quest for 30? You know you have to beat someone, so hit me if you can. God bless you and it couldn't have been much better than that. could it be no man? I really don't think it could have been much longer, although true, uh, I felt everything there, I saw everything there, the top five lightweight, Dan Hooker, on and up, I can't wait for the next one we finally have the fight for the lightweight title.
Khabib is not interested in returning, so the fight will be between Charles Aliva and Michael Chandler. It's a crazy ride, just like 9 months ago, you're fighting for another organization. here for the undisputed UFC title this has been a very fast and fantastic rise a fight where you have a shot at the title there is only one way to do it Charles Oliver will meet me on the penny of the octagon we are going to put on a great show God bless you I will see you at the top you want to touch glovs do it now the lightweight title is vacant it won't be in 25 minutes you had him hurt in that first round you had him in real trouble inou in the world of trouble early congratulations to Charles for surviving that first round survive his bombardment give us your opinion on what happened in the second round take down everyone Amer listen I'm not taking anything away I'll be back can you handle your loss with class and grades thank you sir if anyone can handle a loss it's Chandler , he will find the liner that L and he will return to, ideally, when would he like to fight again against whoever it ends up being?
There is no shortage of big names. no shortage of great opportunities Justin gayi versus Michael Chandler is happening for UFC 268 Michael saw this fight coming together for a while after his last fight CH J G to sleep well this division doesn't have a champion like steps away how soon would you like it? to move this forward in the line of the day in New York, everyone feels great, but this one in particular, Justini versus Michael Chandler is happening for UFC 268, this is a fight that had to happen, it is a fight that was inevitable that it was going to happen. to happen, we were going to entertain everyone win the giveaway I'm ready to make a highlight or be a highlight by The Human Highlight Reel Justin gaii and Michael Chandler the door has been closed behind that tag oh oh oh they're in the pocket oh oh my god, big shots for Chandler, as advertised, we are living in the wrong time, he and I should have been fighting to the death in a Coliseum couple. feet he stuck his leg out but he still managed to keep moving well into the third round that left leg is banged up Chandler has lost a lot of Popp in his kicks and how tough Michael Chandler is Chandler is still standing alone with will two minutes, what a fight, God my, oh my god, oh my god, he heard, wow, what a fight.
Justin Gatei and Michael Chandler are now connected forever and, surprisingly, scorecards will be necessary. My decision, uh, you know, he lost that fight, but he was close to winning. In the end he also hurt Justin Gatey, if you're going to go out and lose fights in the UFC, you go out and lose them like Michael Chander does and you take damage and you give damage and you have people talking. I feel like the momentum has been building even with ups and downs, even with a couple of setbacks in my UFC career so far, but that's the fight game on that Phoenix line, it's been a wild and unforgettable fight week here at the valley and tonight all the enthusiasm is ready for action.
As we prepare for one of the deepest main cards of the year to date, we are focused on Saturday night, focus on getting over Tony Ferguson to see what happens next, let's get into this Chan La Ferguson Fight Man, none of these guys have never been. involved in a boring fight this is UFC 274 and they were at it the fight starts bang Ferguson Hurz oh, Chandler's fighting look, powerful man, he dropped Tony Ferguson with that double leg oh, that one managed to get past Chandler in the second round , I tweeted before this fight don't go to your refrigerator if you went to your refrigerator you might have missed it it was explosive I have to do it Michael CH oh my god no one has ever knocked out Tony Ferguson he is the best front kick knockout I have ever done I had never seen in my life, he would be a good Tony Ferguson and Tony looked good there, he found the perfect shot and knocked it down, but Michael Chandler went through adversity and discovered that victory is when you are down and you have a round like I just did it, It wasn't that decisive, you have to bring out something inside of you and God came here, we are you, Michael T, ladies and gentlemen, and he will surely have another big fight after this, but is there anything different about this? until this fight with Dustin pter and we both climb the same mountain trying to get to the top Dustin for is in my way of what I want, I can tell you this, we are both always looking for the end, let's do this on Saturday.
Night Live from Madison Square Garden here in New York New York this is UFC 281 Dustin Porier submits Michael Chandler in the third round it was a wild fight and a wild first round in particular Chandler feels his explosiveness is something Dustin hasn't seen oh he's in trouble back he's in real trouble oh big smart right hand by Chandler oh great shot by Dustin again oh porier hits him with that left hand off the body oh Chandler in a world of trouble late here first round fighting very smart by Chandler I need full control of those look better, by God he picked it up oh oh my oh oh Dustin now oh he's coming in second he got it the first and only featherweight champion this will be his eighth title defense he's on a streak of 18 consecutive wins and He is going to defend his title and try to bring it back here to Brazil.
I think you practice visualization. Can you paint a picture of what you see in your mind happening on Saturday night? word for word you said I felt it when we looked down I felt his right hand was shaking which was a subtle signal to me, he is ready to unload that right hand and I feel like that could be a downfall for him. I visualize that I will be a ghost there, he will think I am there and then I am not there. This will be a spectacle if you let go of that right hand I won't be there I just walk in where I walk in and that's enough they overextend or shrink how to do that if you can see it here and have enough courage to say it, it will happen.
I think the story of Conor McGregor and what's so inspiring about the guy who's always going to believe in himself is in your mind, it's the mental side, it's always in my head obviously, I know it's a tough night. you go in there obviously you go up two weight classes this is the game we win some we lose others I'll learn from it I'll come back so it's not the end of the world grow learn Continue the journey I'm grateful For my coach, John Cav, learn from your mistakes and go with confidence. How many 145 pound weights can go up to 170 now?
How many can step up and beat Nate Diaz now that Eddie Alvarez's performance is truly one of the great performances in the history of the UFC championship, first champion? ever having had two titles simultaneously it's interesting when it started it was this person who made the guy do well in Dublin, he started with M and he worked his way up and he worked and talked about him and backed him and he was like that Superstar, but it was all a little funny, it was a business for him and then things started to get out of control.
Dana White said he was feeling dark, you know, the build-up to the fight with Khabib and all the anger and man, he said listen, I, I, I re-evaluated. I reinvented myself. He may have lost to the greatest 155-pound fighter of all time, an absolute animal, and he had fought because sometimes you had to lose to win. The first round was as clean and decisive as you can get. I'm sorry he's back he can still fight he can still win fights we talk about it all the time why you can have seven losses six losses and still be a champion because you learn from those losses you go through the fire those losses shape you you know I just have to be able to do it , I just have to move on and life is like that sometimes we get up and move on Dan got your thoughts right on the main event, a great match while it lasted and then kind of a weird ending Conor breaks his ankle I don't know how long he'll be out how much rehab or therapy he'll need and you said there's still a guy on your mind, is it safe to assume it's Conor McGregor, maybe I uh, maybe I'm the guy he comes back and fights, comes into town with me, most of us certainly any of us who know what motivates this man knew that Conor McGregor was coming back.
I'm close to another fight. I'm very, very excited, what do you think could be next for Conor McGregor? You said you're trying to do Conor McGregor versus Michael Chandler. I have one in mind Conor McGregor you and me at 170 this number this fall Winter is coming again, boy, God bless you. I'll see you at the J when you got the call. What made you say yes? It's time for me to dive back into the game. It will be Michael Chandler at 170 pounds and he will come. At the end of a season in the ultimate fight between these two gentlemen, I think this is the right move.
When Michael Chandler came back here, he said that he and Conor hadn't liked each other as much as he thought and, in fact, there's a bit of discord in the filming of T. Have there been any incidents between those two? Some things started to escalate and you'll see on the show. The things that just happened shouldn't have happened. Did it get physical? Yes, if he hadn't come out. and fight all of his opponents and if some of the best post-fight interviews we've ever seen, I don't think this counterfight would have happened, that's what all of this was supposed to build to get to that Conor McGregor Lane. and it has worked, he is the wrestling sparring partner because of Michael Chandler's wrestling and yes, yes, if he comes out to take Conor to the ground, give him big shots to the ground and control the fight, I think he should win the fight, I definitely think.
It's going to be an interesting factor, but I think there is a matchup that, depending on how you look at it, can favor either of the two. Explosive, punching, explosive fighting, but at the same time it is high risk. High reward for Chandler for standing next to Connor and trying to take him down. with his hands, make no mistake, Conor McGregor, a player, think how good he is at forcing his left hand on people. Connor is so precise in countering the straight right of an orthodox fighter and that is Chandler's biggest blow, plus it is an exciting matchup because it is a fight that Connor can win and it is also a fight that Chandler can win here you are training for a comeback not just a comeback Megan the biggest comeback in combat sports I'm going to kick this guy in the head and I'm aiming to wrap this steel bar around the opponent and you'll see a picture of the leg dangling and then you'll see a picture of a hanging head, we'll see that guy just won't stop talking to that guy.
I just can't stop saying things, Conor McGregor, listen, I choose violence every time the cage door closes. I can go out and if I pick you up and put you down, I can send you too. Everything has led me to this, the biggest stage I could. You may be asking what a spectacular fight, this is Michael CH, ladies and gentlemen, I am the most entertaining lightweight on the planet, can't you announce that you are the undisputed UFC featherweight champion? The world, just, wow, history has become two division champions. Who is raising divisions and arresting people like that?
Who is McGregor? You have to go back and fight someone in the room, it's time.

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