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Tyson Fury on Mental Health & Recovery | Full Interview | SHOWTIME Boxing

Apr 27, 2024
Hello, I'm Mauro Ranallo and I'm about to start the most important conversation I've ever had as a professional speaker. My journey has been chronicled in the Showtime documentary Bipolar Rock and Roller and today we will break the stigma associated with



. with undefeated lineal heavyweight champion and a



advocate Tyson Fury Tyson we're not going to talk about X's and O's we're not going to talk about the high altitude here in Big Bear California we're not even going to touch On the test you faced the December 1 against undefeated WBC heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder, let's take a moment and a few minutes here to talk about a fight that is the biggest of our lives and the biggest for so many people, that's the battle . with a mental health issue and you have been very vocal about your struggles with mental health and I want to thank you for speaking out because you broke the stigma by only being 6 9 255 pounds being one of the baddest men on the planet and yet you decided to being public with your mental health issues, why I just wanted to show the world that if mental health can help someone as big and strong as me and you know the stereotype, I'm a bit wild, Timmy Knees, then it could bring anyone . up to my knees and I thought to myself that if I could show the world that you can come back from this and get back in shape and get back to the top then anyone can do it.
tyson fury on mental health recovery full interview showtime boxing
I have experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows in life, let's talk about one of the highest points, what was supposed to be the highest when you shocked the


world by defeating Wladimir Klitschko in November 2015 to become the man who beat the man alive, the heavyweight champion, you were on top of the world growing up on that. My life's ambition was to beat Vladimir Klitschko to become world heavyweight champion. You know, I went to Germany and I didn't feel like he was doing anything great. Couldn't someone work for me all my life and when I finally made it?
tyson fury on mental health recovery full interview showtime boxing

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He said, oh well, that was a load of rubbish. I didn't expect to feel like this now as I said "see before" I just felt like a void, a deep open hole of nothingness, darkness and gray clouds, every day was great, every day. I woke up after that fight, even before the fight, for a long time it would be gray days and I felt like I had nothing to look forward to. It was worthless. It was just a horrible, horrible feeling that people need to understand that there are many people. in the same boat you don't have to be very successful sports athletes to feel like this every day with the same feelings and I think if enough people talk about it then more and more awareness will be generated and sooner or later this crisis will have to be addressed appropriately.
tyson fury on mental health recovery full interview showtime boxing
When was the first time you knew something was wrong with you mentally speaking? I knew something was wrong with me my entire life as a child. I feel lonely even when I was with other people. I felt like I had never felt like I was left behind somewhere when everyone else was going somewhere to your left, that's how I felt on a regular basis and I didn't know what it was, I didn't understand it. What was life like for you growing up? Life was that I had a fairly regular growth, you know, I was not a confident character, what you see today was a small, skinny, very shy and reserved child, and I had no confidence and I didn't know what I was going to do.
tyson fury on mental health recovery full interview showtime boxing
I knew I was going to be a champion everywhere from the day I could think about anything but


and that was my ultimate goal. I knew that was never going to move. I didn't know I was going to get there, but yeah, growing up. up I didn't have confidence They didn't give me any confidence I was always told I couldn't do things um and I never do anything I never accomplish anything so that made me worse basically I guess when you grow up a little bit you grow up and you meet more people you experience different things and then I took the path of becoming a boxer and, as we mentioned, you became the world champion in November 2015, but things quickly got out of control, which happened even before the fight, like a few days.
Before the flight I told myself dad gave me consent brothers I told everyone I told them win lose or draw this fight I said I will probably never box again because it means nothing to me something I worked my whole life for so many years fights to get was in The bridge to the edge of greatness I don't need anything so to think about working so hard to get this and I don't appreciate where it almost means nothing to me if what this falls to fall if Didn't you win, lose or draw? It didn't bother me anyway, I mean, I said well, you want, you've worked your whole life for this, your sacrifice from when you were a kid until you were 27, what are you talking about? about what I said, I'm telling you the truth, what goes into the fight wins the fight, like I always said I would after the fight at the press conference, I was totally depressed, someone asked me, one of my guys with difficulties is here, actually, Christian, said what.
Are you going to go to the fight? I said, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to be deeply depressed for a long time. Why did you say that? Because I knew it would come. I could not stop. I was on the edge. to fall on the other side each skin has to be an even higher minimum. I believe that every achievement I make in life will almost certainly be a lower minimum, so the bigger the achievements, the lower the long-term reach for me, so where did these feelings come from then? led to what happened long after the fight.
I tried to block it out and tried to put it in the back of my mind. I tried to keep training and go on vacation with his family and all that, but he finally beat me. and I had the feeling that I didn't want to wake up anymore, I didn't want to live, I told my dad, my brothers, I wish I were dead 24 hours a day, just constantly wishing for Tugg things for myself and what I like. not wanting to live and not valuing my family, my friends, achievements, money, fame, glory, nothing meant that and it was like what's the point of living what am I living for or do I want to rescue what does it mean and then then I love? a fight with Klitschko was rearranged or nothing is very clear for everyone to see if you saw his press conference before the second fight there it was like oh what is it what does it mean to be everywhere Chama in the world I said it doesn't mean anything like that what I said your world champion is worthless and people could say I was very old at that time and I look back now when I see these videos I can see that man is very good and they told me what will it be I mean and I said , it means nothing to us.
I don't care if they hit you. I said I'm not interested. Belts don't mean anything. The world championship means that. What does it all mean? What has been a world champion? really bad, but what I was trying to say is what does all this really mean when I'm not, while on the inside the outside assets don't mean anything if you can't control what happens on the inside and what happens with mental health is what is so special and different is if a man has an illness or a problem where he is handicapped or handicapped, you can see it, yes, but I can walk down the street, no one can see in my mind, they don't know what I am doing, he could be on the verge of suicide and you couldn't know it because you can't see into someone's mind.
So what did your family and loved ones do? What did they do with the way you acted? They went crazy. They had never seen anything. I liked him before I was in a position of power. He had glory, fame, achievements, money, a family, all the worldly assets, that you could want money in the bank, but it meant nothing, so they couldn't understand why this man would feel this way. out oh Tyson has everything he's done everything he's done everything he ever said he wanted to do he's lived the dream he's done everything why he's just an idiom says attention seeker what steps did you take to alleviate this?
I tried and I tried And I tried to access the white space, you know, but it didn't work, so until the end, okay, forget it. I can't box anymore. I finished. I'm going to go drink that because when I had a drink it made the pain go away. paying us with physical pain like punching myself in the face pain but pain we are hurt by longing and repetitive thinking the same thing day after day and it doesn't go away and the more I try to think well I want to be positive negative Negative Negative Negative and everyone who was around around me were getting negative - because I was putting them on so the alcohol mask the bucket again what you thought were moments of peace and I can stand when he was studying hard, they must feel the pain while you do it but when you wake up The next day you're even more depressed than you started because whatever's in the alcohol puts you in a bad state afterwards, like I say, every good high has to be good no matter what you do. life like that if you suffer mentally I'll feel you'll know when I'm gone and I just lost control I didn't care I didn't want to live I had lost the passion to live so nothing meant anything a career in the pop scene well that was the last thing I had in mind.
What was the background for you? You know, I just didn't care anymore, I didn't care anymore and even one that when I won they promoted me made me drop everything. the belts I didn't care it was like oh you've worked your whole life for this he didn't bother my wife would say I would say no I don't care if I have nothing I don't care if I'm dead I don't care if I'm living on the streets so , when can you specify a moment when you knew that okay, this is something now, this, what, apart from me, was for 18 months, well, or me, buckling up every day, drinking, abusing my friend? eating junk, taking drugs, that must have taken a toll on your married father, American family and loved ones to support, yes you saw the toll it was taking, of course, it's not good to be in a relationship with someone who has given up.
In life, have you ever been given an ultimatum by your family members or your wife, even that could have led to the walls changing? No, there were no ultimatums like that, but I would leave early in the day and come back. until then, well, I could go away for three or four days, there was nothing, I wouldn't go out for a few beers and, when I got home, I was going to try to commit suicide with drink and the drink led me to other drugs, correct drugs and whatnot. be. and look, nothing mattered to me anymore, everything that matters to me every day, all my morals, I had never taken a drug in my life, you have never never used drugs before the coach, go fight, nothing, not a single thing in my life, I drank, drank, but No, no.
I'm a regular drinker, maybe two, three times here, mom, that would be it, so suddenly I hate it. I did, yeah, everything I stood for didn't matter anymore because I was going to die anyway and I was trying to do it. I'm trying to kill myself, so when did I reach the tipping point where you may have died? The breaking point was that one day I was driving home and had a very massive anxiety attack, one of the worst feelings I have ever felt in my life. I felt like I was dying. He was having a heart attack.
I couldn't breathe properly. I felt like everyone was against me. I felt like all my friends had set me up, even your wife. I felt like she was involved in this, so the physical, mental and spiritual can do it. You describe a little more because I think this is important, we always fight and I know that it is an articulate struggle yes, what others cannot see. I often refer to that and it's ironic that you're the heavyweight champion of the world. a life as a combat sports broadcaster a constant fight in my mind whether it's God or the devil whatever you want - and for me it's similar to you, it came out through my harsh words - loved ones through the way you I treated myself for you when you were having that panic attack what were the physical symptoms the physical symptoms of the panic attack I felt like I was having a heart attack like I said before I didn't know what was happening and I felt pains in my chest I was on my knees when I went blind I was crying out to God to forgive me for my sins oh no one could be more sure of death than me that day I'm not afraid of anything or anyone I don't care about anyone I don't care I don't care about dying No I don't care I didn't do anything Nothing matters to me Nothing bothers me I'm not afraid of anything or anyone Monk I left I'm getting shot today You have your balls Do it That's the kind of person I am on this day I was afraid of a child I was so afraid of to die and I'm not afraid of death I embrace it but I was so afraid it was like it was me the worst nightmares multiplied by a thousand everything I was afraid of him, your life with which I tried to be a man, it hit me, Oliver, I was, I was scared, I was like a vulnerable child, I was worried, I didn't know what I did, all I could say was that my children grew up without a father growing up. up and oh, your dad is a disappointment, it's like he's down, he's a worthless piece of trash, he took the easy way out of all this, he brought it on himself, he wasn't a good father, he wasn't a good money, a useless and worthless piece. of wishing that all this was going on in his mind right now and I'm trying to fight him saying no, I never will, wait, jump into a world, I'm having a fight in your mind,alley I said yes I said I've had enough for this life I said she said you said it she said you came home early yes but I said I've had enough alright I feel she here she goes again he's talking Robert she wants to kill herself again does it?
I said no I said this I went ahead, actually I'll be back I went up to my room I got out, took off my skeleton suit and On my knees, I was alone in a dark room, all I was praying to God to help me, I was begging , there were tears.rolling down my face because I knew I couldn't do it alone and I said look I said I know, I know, I've been tested in all of them so many things wrong, but I've done this and I've done that I know I'm so weak that I can't I can do it alone I said please intervene E and show me the way show me the light I said because I'm tired of living in the dark I was down there praying for at least ten minutes and I'm emotionally destroyed shirt sweat everyone feels me all wet crying like a baby and I got up on my knees and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I called my wife, I said Here Paris, she said, well, I said tomorrow, I said, I'm starting to change my life and this was Halloween night, yes, 2017, She said, yes, yes, I have heard it all before because I am the man who cried wolf a thousand times.
I promise you, I said I will, I definitely will and no one believed me, but I knew I had a smile on my face, a sparkle in my eye and I knew by the way, I had to lose that weight right now. He was coming off a 12-year ban. I had failed two cocaine tests because the whole time I was out or still doing random drug tests, so I had cocaine in my system on two occasions, the British Boxing Board of Control had suspended me. my licence, the country's leading psychiatrist declared me medically incapable of fighting and I had millions of pounds, millions of dollars in legal fees to pay for everything I'm going to do in court cases, but I'm so confident that I'm going to returns and everything will disappear the chances of me overcoming all obstacles regardless of weight and mental health is like zero E it is not possible for me not to return because I can't since that day I got I put on my tracksuit in the morning and I was going to I ran a mile about 200 yards and I stopped and thought well, I can't run.
I've run all my life. I've always been a very good ruler and I ran 200 yards and I was completely gone, I can stand my belly, even though it's not, it wasn't like fat like jelly, it was like a solid brick, it was a horrible feeling, oh, it's well I'm going to walk the rest and I walked and while I was walking I was on my phone and I saw a little video of Deontay Wilder and he said ha, Tyson theory, he drops down, puts the family to bed, he said he's so fat he'll never I would come back, he said, I'm glad he's gone because I.
I've knocked him out anyway just rumbling about Ronson, he's here himself, you know what I'm going to give you, right, you're my motivation, now I'll come back for you. I am and every day I would go on the channel. and I get a little warmer in the tracksuit and each day I get a little further until I fall back into a 5 mile run steadily, every singer, the receptionist never said no, there's a deal today, even under the rain, that is, again. I mean, why do you think you were able to do that? As I say, out of motivation for satisfaction, there was evasion when I was on my knees.
I was in an emotional state when I got up. I felt like everything had lifted up so you started by walking so joe says give me your heavy loads I'll make your work light and I was trying to do it on my own before I wasn't doing the way God wanted me to do like give him all my problems to him this time I did it So I wasn't fighting alone. He had the greatest power that the universe has at my side and he asked me. I got the phone to bend. There were a lot of things going on with me.
My old coach Peter and all that. Well, Davis soon. You will have a coach. I was stuck in the gym and there are so many workouts coming. I said I need to change. I said I'm going back to boxing. They all said, "You know, come in anyway. You're getting sick anyway. You're out." I'm not going anywhere, so forget about the coaches. I said I'll be back. I said I'm going to beat you everywhere in the world championship again. I said, believe it or not. I said I'm telling you. I will do that. So anyway I said I wanted a new team.
He had a new promoter and a new coach. This time it was December. Now I get into this court case and everyone said it's a political court case against you. today they're going to give you a twelve year old bagel I said really I said you're not sure yes I said I'm telling you I'm going to get out of that courtroom I said I'm not getting any bagel nothing's okay we I'll see that your lawyers have spent more than 1 .5 million trying to catch me. I mean we gave up on both sides to never have enough evidence to charge me, so he said, "fine if you pay your attorneys' fees because I was suing." I told them, "If this goes wrong for you today, I'm Sony for 50 million dollars.
I said you destroyed my life in Korea and by the way, yes, they were accusing me of doing drugs even though I never talk to a drunk." in my life". This was something else, Walt was a taste of the mental problems that were driving me crazy. Don't think I'm playing devil's advocate here now that in a moment of weakness or where you don't remember that you could have done that. kind of thing like you're not using what you're suffering from as an excuse no, it wasn't a recreational drug, right, yes, I use a performance enhancing drug at a mild level, which allows me to explain to you how to get to the point in England if you go out and have a beer, top up two pints and then get in a car and drive, you're fine, you've got all the color in your system if you get stopped and breathalyzed, yeah, you've been drinking well, you haven't passed the limit, so no problem, continue, he had no system carousing because no one in the world has any criminal in a system, it is a drug that is produced naturally, he comes, it is produced in the body, someone with more than ten kilos, someone with a hundred pounds will have less Neverland or someone. that 250 pound Danny who takes high protein in everything so they are nothing, they never had anything and at the time they never had enough evidence to charge and we were supposed to forget that it wasn't happening because we can.
I'm not charging you because it's not enough evidence and if it was enough evidence they know when wallop wallop wallop get rid of it for a sure reason they said it's a nightmare get rid of it but they couldn't so I just got off that case. free it took him almost two and a half years to make the decision whether he was guilty or not, how much did that contribute to your motivation? And I came out and said thank you God, I said now, I said people will listen to me today, so then that was an obstacle that fell and completely disappeared, but at one point I paid ten million dollars in legal fees because it costs a lot of money Listen to these cases and whatever, okay, money is one thing.
I can make money when I come. appears I still weigh 400 pounds. I'd say it's amazing to look at you now. Yeah, how did you lose all that weight? I'll tell you what happened quickly, the story and then I went to the checkout and the water check and I said, oh, I want my license back. I'm coming back. They said, right, you have to pass the same urine, so he made you medically unfit. You have to go get medically fit and if the doctor makes you medically fit, mentally and physically, then we. I don't have any problem with us and it's fine, so once all a psychiatrist and everyone had cut to fill the doctor's mouth and all these people said excellent, perfect, he said no problem, seal bang-bang-bang , each of them leaves me medically.
Well, everything went back to normal. I just started the 400 pound shift so they reissued my license. Thank you so much. They had a board meeting. I met with the board and he said, "Well approved." They reinstated my license. I couldn't believe it, um." Everything that had obstacles against me was now gone. I was on a clear path to running, I just had to lose some weight. Now weight for me is nothing because I have always bloated myself, I've always been poor, enough to fly every time I've never been so heavy, I've never gone out that way, but I've been a 380 before 385 many, many times, so it's okay, call Bennell Ben Coleman , we started training together and everyone laughed and laughed when I chose banners, my coach because he is a young guy who has never had experience anything they said has gone from one extreme to the next add a new promoter new team new people to. around me nothing of the previous may no longer exist everything is gone this is a new me from time to time I return and I worked to return and we I worked repetitively day after day, day after day and at that time I was still sleeping with a light lit.
I'm going to sleep in the dark because I did it. I couldn't sit down. I can't see in the dark. I know what's in the room the first workout comes back I still sleep it when we turn on the room but I thought no, I'm perfect, I'm great and what I love to do is fight and roll for a while I'm in the gym perfect, no problems, I'm his father, that first fight was wonderful, it was, but I felt like a fish in the ocean. I never look back because I've never had more mental health problems since praise the Lord and you made it, then it's over because exercise now we know I was a big fat one, yes one hundred percent exercise plays a big factor in it, diet, diet, what do you have?
You don't like setting goals, yes, yes, please continue and me. you have this effect, it's called the scream, scream effect, witch effect, scream, scream, okay, so every time you feel a little sad or you start to feel like you're going to sink and you start to feel like you're going to sink from your normal level , you have to say this, you have to say woop woop three times really loud, yeah, and then if you're not smiling after that, I'm already smiling, ready, little Finn will make you smile, man, what a fat dad. It really works. I'm going to try meditation Bob.
Meditation is praying, meditating once. I am religious, that is not what I do, but I believe in God and I believe that we have everything possible without God, nothing can be achieved. Pete Davidson from Saturday Night Live. he recently said in an episode regarding Kanye West being mentally ill doesn't give you the right to be an idiot. I don't try. I am not defined by my diagnosis of bipolar disorder nor are you and yet we have I've done things I'm ashamed of, yes I necessarily blame the illness in terms of everything you've been through and I saw the reaction at the beginning when you were , you knew you were in the worst place in your life and how social media can really pile up and and others who don't understand anything don't necessarily regret it, but is there anything you'd like to talk about as a teaching tool that you know people can understand about what you were like and why?
Yeah, when you're not in a mood, you know. I don't recognize Shane's name in the previous life, but he didn't know me at that time. I, Doug, did know me. I don't even know you anymore. He said you know the same thing. Because? you and I thought oh well you don't know me I'm war but that was the attitude I don't know so you're not yourself and if you have time later go and watch that


with me and click, go around the round table for the second second flight, you know, say it wasn't me. I'm back to normal now and you know, what's normal, normal is thinking clearly and a stable man, mental health, a stable lifestyle.
Talking about it before and I kind of interrupted what I want to do, I apologize, so if you were to tell people right now and you're just an example and just having this conversation, I know it's going to help, but people are looking at you. and I know you have a very popular fanbase and it's growing to legions and yes you have your critics, we all do, if you don't have haters then you're probably not doing something right, Tyson, but even the critics from the Picasa friends , but we can. I won't name them lol, very well said, so if you told your fans right now what you do to stay normal and straight, playing failed, I think there is a balance in life and it's a straight line, normal people He is heterosexual. so and I might dive in a little bit and go right back to all the people who suffer from mental health issues, your graph looks like this, so how I handle mine is I give myself personal goals.
I need to train daily if not I don't train for two days, I feel totally depressed, so now when you say training, it's just boxing training, we just exercise, whether it's jogging, cycling, or going for a walk, anything whatever you need to stimulate the mind and I think that training is a the perfect way to do it by exercising doing well you can do a lot or a little you must do something I keep short and long term goals and plan things more now I tend to wander in my mind when I have something common planned and I have things going on and I want to do this this and this even if it's you no, they don't have to be big things, they can be small little goals, which means something to you as a person. an individual and that's what you need to doworks for me, but what works for me may not work for the next person, but I am very sure that I work, you know I am having a routine in your life, it is the answer to Mental health problems How important is your support net?
You talked about knowing you were going to leave your children without a father when you were in your darkest moments for some of us those are the reasons we choose not to even have a family is because of that fear. How does your submissive help you, your family, your wife, your children, your loved ones, how do they help you now? You know, having a family and having a family that supports you, you know it helps a lot, it's not just the family, we, we, we don't choose our family, we will. choose our friends now people may not have great friends a man i have taught friends and men have friends but you always need someone to talk to and i think talking is the key to anything if we have a problem that we need to talk about it, do you have a therapist?
I don't see a therapist, not just us, but we have long conversations about the most random things in the world at his camp, all these kids here with me talk, some people call it bullshit, but III. I say like educational conversation because all the time you are thinking about things, you are talking and interacting with others. I think if you're alone a lot of the time, then you have time to think and you have time. go over your problems and think about our a'lamin and it is not good. I don't think people who do it for mental health should be alone all the time.
I think they should have regular interaction. Also, if they were human beings, other people, what's next in terms? You are your mental health advocate It is obvious that you are like me, dedicating your life to raising awareness to break the stigma, what do you have planned for me? I think I know I now have the master key to mental health for myself. I really have like I said, I have the perfect woot-woot, that's one now either with a routine in my life. I love training even when I'm not boxing. I love going to the gym when I'm not going to the gym.
I feel terrible, but when I train daily I feel great, no, I know if I train daily for the rest of my life I don't think I will suffer from mental health problems again. If I tell you that mental health can also cause things like when things go wrong, fear in your life, when you put your faith and trust in someone and everything goes wrong, well, life stressors, your doctor asked you, You were suffering from stress and that accentuates the loss. from my best friend at 19 is what triggered my first episode and how I was diagnosed, so it could be diet, it could be environment, it could be genetics, the more we educate ourselves, Tyson, the more society educates, the less stigma there is and really that's all.
What we are looking for is love, compassion, empathy, the amount of attention we put on things as serious as cancer, HIV and AIDS, and everything that is equally debilitating to mental health, as we said, is It's becoming a bigger and bigger problem because we continue to stigmatize and shame people into suffering in silence and it's killing them and it's not just adults who suffer. We all know that half of all mental illnesses begin by age 14. My friend had a girl of 14 or 15 years old who jumped off a highway bridge. "The way when I was on the way to the gym and we were stuck in traffic and someone told me I had to make a video right away, that's great for you, it's too hard to make a video because you can." I'm not talking about that, some families are unlockable.
Mine, my family is one of them or for so many, and it continues, and that's why I think you hear it during a training camp for the biggest fight of your life challenging Deontay Wilder on December 1, two undefeated champions . at the Staples Center on the Showtime Boxing Championship PPV here I'm going into hype mode here, but the reason I bring it up is because you talk about short term and long term goals, you have your goal set for the first of December. I'm going to tell you something else that I have already warned you about because we are I agree with whether or not to win the fight on December 1 I am a winner oh, I think that is one of the biggest contrasts.
I have returned from all possible. disadvantage of being an Elf I am studying 255 pounds in shape in a great place mentally and I feel so good that it marks me but I love it I am in the spiral of the ring I am fighting in the ring because it is a lot no hair, but I am very happy to be over there. I feel like I'm doing what I love to do and if I can help others along the way, I know I've done a good job and I'm not going to stop inspiring people forever because I know I've been through the worst against the pain that anyone could feel, both mentally and physically.
I shot him that you not only kissed the Blarney Stone, you are the Blarney Stone and I love you one. More time now just to sum it all up Why are you a mental health advocate? What do you want those who suffer to know? What does Tyson Fury's future look like as a mental health advocate? Well, I think I've found my calling now. Card boxing is one thing in a race, but all races and all sports races, everything else costs to come to an end, sooner or later, it lasts forever along the way. I am going to spread the word about mental health around the world, millions of people see it everywhere. world champion maybe that's why I'm in this position as the only weight champion in the world to spread this.
I'm qualified to talk about it because I've been through it some people who talk about mental health and doctors and stuff like that. They never suffered mental health problems that they read about in a book, but they read about something in the book and the physical experience, and what two different things I can tell you that you could read about boxing in a book and then win there and try to do it. If it does not work. No, you can read about how to perform brain surgery in a book. There are a lot of books that talk about brain surgery, but that doesn't qualify you to do it, so I think I'm very qualified in that.
It doesn't matter because I've been through this, all I intend to do is continue to help people on a regular basis, whoever and whoever they come from and I don't know where these puffs will lead, one thing I do know is that I will follow through to the end, well , I know all those people who are suffering. I want you to know that every day for two years was very gray and dark for me, but it will be great again. You will have sunny days again, warm pink days. Well, I know that by the time the bell rings to begin the first round on December 1 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, you will have already authored one of the greatest comebacks in sports history.
I thank you for this very important


. Once we drive together we will continue to smash the stigma. He is undefeated lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, who has opened up about his battles with mental health and the more we talk about mental health, the more we will continue to smash the stigma. We will continue to fight the good fight.

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