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Jun 05, 2024
father, you both beat Titus, what's up guys, understand where to go to school right now, how are we leaving? Well, buddy, we're leaving real soon, just get ready in his backpack, hello mommy, hello, what do you have here? Who is it? Titus has show and- Tell him today that you have show and tell today, so he will show and tell about his shells, whether as shells or as the scary unicorn, oh, that's why


is over, what do you think you're going to show him and tell


guy or the shells, hmm what? I put both in your backpack and you decide at school, yes that's a good idea, where is Rui Rui?
tydus blamed his sister for this big trouble
Why hmm is he there? Look at you, pretty, I like your hair, you look like Princess Leia, do you know who he is? Oh, who is she? tires, that's right, I didn't know you knew what this bag is, it's a bag, I like your bag, do you have anything in it? Just some very important medical supplies, well buddy, should we go get some donuts like we always do before school? okay come on do it right show and tell okay bye baby okay we're here buddy what kind of donut you gonna get maybe I think baby a bail a bagel II what you never get a bagel, you always get a donut here. oh, now you like bagels, yeah, okay, let's go get a bagel, so here we are, are you sure you don't want a donut, okay, do you want to order it?
tydus blamed his sister for this big trouble

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tydus blamed his sister for this big trouble...

Hey buddy, we're here, you've got all your stuff, yeah, what are you going to do? go with show and tell the shells, yeah, I thought for sure, you make the scary unicorn, okay buddy, have fun today, listen to your teachers and learn a lot, okay, okay, I love you buddy, here goes, my little. Are you doing what you almost got? Let's be an important wish. It's okay, friend, I love you. Hello friend, you got it. How was school? Let me grab it. Here we go. How was school today? It was fun? What was it really like show and tell?
tydus blamed his sister for this big trouble
Everyone was surprised that you found all those shells, yeah that's amazing, what did you learn today? What am I coming for? Oh, you spelled mommy, yeah, that's great. Did you end up showing someone the scary unicorn? So that? Yes, car, some more letters at home. Oh for homework yeah, okay, let's go to the store and get some markers, yeah, okay, come on, okay, markers, markers, markers, oh I see them, they're there, so what markers did your teacher want me to? will you buy? Yes, mm-hmm. looks great, what should we buy?, rye, rye clay. Lucy, oh she's going to love this, okay, come on, oh my gosh, what do you think she chose to show them?
tydus blamed his sister for this big trouble
I think the scary unicorn, that's what I thought it showed, is cute and they. I thought it was really cool that I found them all, huh, what do you say? That was really nice. Okay, you guys are going to get into that stuff. Cory, yeah, are you guys doing one of your workouts? Guys, this new mirror you have is amazing. Check this out. thing what's the mirror called again the mirror that's a real trainer in the mirror in the studio in New York in a live streaming studio and it comes through this mirror how incredibly cool it is that it's like my favorite thing and it's really cool because if you have kids, it's hard to go to the gym, so it's like working out in your home studio.
Guys, I'm going to link this mirror in our description. Go check it out, use our traffic coupon code or three and you'll get three months. free friend, what are you doing? Oh friend, where is why? why why why are you doing princess? Oh my god, are you kidding me? Titus, come here, what is this? Titus, you did that, who did it, then bye, okay, did you do it? Titus, she can't draw people like that, tell me the truth, look at this, uh, tell me the truth. Okay, what I did. Why do you think it's okay to just draw a picture for these guys, but you know you can't draw? on the wall you can draw us pictures but on paper not on the wall you helped him she helped you well well I guess we should see if it cleans up well on a positive note these are some of the best people you've drawn buddy well let's see if this sticks solution to.
I think we chose the winner of the fish tank. Yeah, okay, so the winner of the fish tank is Jake Fasano. Congratulations and we'll email you today. Congratulations to Jake. We hope you liked that fish tank. Guys, we also have good and bad news. We contacted the ice cream machine winner and have not heard from them. The winner of that ice cream machine was a master player, so we'll give them a master player. Another 24 hours to email us, otherwise we'll have to give away that ice cream machine, which brings me to the good news. If you want a chance to win that ice cream machine, all you have to do is subscribe to our channel.
This video, like it and leave a comment in the comments and we'll pick a winner if we don't hear back from the master player, well buddy, should we do some shout outs right now? Yeah, okay, let's start, oh, thank you, it's definitely going to Vanessa. Sasa, the third shower, see the laser player in the last shower, see Glenda. Always there guys, really looking forward to a video, guys, Hamza, we love you, you gotta scream. I understand this part of the father's anger. Lipscomb, he's in the car, so why are we the first to clean up the mess I made?
My eyes are so many and I see a couple of days.

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