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Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion: A Cinematic Masterpiece

Jun 07, 2021
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, that has to be one of the best names for a game I have ever seen. The IRS might be the final boss in this game, at least I hope we pay them a ton of taxes. of the property tax for your greenhouse you have until yesterday to pay it if you don't pay he will give the mayor onion the d on your house I owe 143 thousand dollars oh that's pretty expensive let me tear up the bill boy turner boy you really screwed yourself Hey what do you mean with what you committed, tax


, that's the game, the game was made anyway, you owe me a lot of money and you obviously don't have any, so consider yourself my personal assistant, first head to the bustling and arid true cape lane and instead of a city?
turnip boy commits tax evasion a cinematic masterpiece
Hall, there are a lot of animals. I need someone to take care of me. Bring me a bag of fertilizer as proof or you will sleep with the rotten ones. I'm going to kill a bunch of villagers like vegetables. I can press a to find out why. that a skill uh since that damn mayor onion took over this city it's been a disaster, I mean look at this platform, it's absolutely overgrown, like you need a devil and a sword to get through this mess. Hello, stunned silence, have you met my little apple cat? munchkins, isn't it?
turnip boy commits tax evasion a cinematic masterpiece

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turnip boy commits tax evasion a cinematic masterpiece...

Woo actually my little red munchkin ran away if you could keep an eye on him that would be perfect equals three it looks like two point three I'm a blueberry what's your


bye I love it I found this watering . can used to grow plants used to be old lemons oh trap have you seen my watering can? No, my eyes are what they used to be. I haven't seen him in days. A cat that drinks water means a lot to me. I really hope no one stole from me. It's all I have left of the old lady token of affection from the flowers to the strawberry thank you for growing that flour make sure you bring it over that special strawberry I don't want any of these other people to get the wrong idea thank you for the flower I'm not sorry I'm sorry for what's not yours oh thanks to the mushrooms do you think you can take this letter from me dear flowers thank you for the pretty flower would you like to go on a hike? date one day we could even get married and pay our taxes together, I mean that's the dream right there, why is breaking it up an option? it's just the irs oh my god they're here we're going to kill the irs in this game watch out for the snails they're vegetarians oh no jerry's crashed into my house for a week and he hasn't We pay a penny for rent, we're on good terms , brother, just no, I don't talk that much, they hurt you directly.
turnip boy commits tax evasion a cinematic masterpiece
All I have is a watering can. Let me grab a sword and see if I can. kill it I want it for the fish taxa let's just break that up they don't need to know a thirsty orchard someone please water this boy give me that earth sword it's dangerous to grow just take this okay, moving up in the world now I can cut bushes and I hope I can kill to jerry the snail let me go let me get jerry out here you found money for the rent jerry was going to pay the rent oh he was late paying the rent bro why did you kill jerry turn him boy what you've done? he was helpless why oh no oh wait he has his red money cool beans bro uh since he's dead take his check for the rest i need that cash pay to jerry snail's order 1.25 out of 100 on tax note sorry, you are dead for blueberry for some reason we can destroy everything we are a threat to society and only proper documentation oh hi, are you looking to buy a property? oh turnip boy I'm sorry I hope you get your greenhouse back soon I'm very busy lately mayor onion has been trying to raise the property tax it's been very hard to find new customers I have to kill mayor onion welcome to whey sandwich home from the sub level tree can I take your order?
turnip boy commits tax evasion a cinematic masterpiece
It's just that a Twitch referral business has been really slow, I wish I could get someone famous to eat our subs on a live stream for example, this guy really cares, this is an active construction site, get out, why I'm not working? I'm on break, no, brother, I work here, see here are the documents to prove it, why am I? tearing up all the documents the account number is 420. uh, pay taxes of course the social security number is there. I hope you don't need it. Well, boy, you outdid me. You found this trophy. Reward players to stay engaged.
This is one of those meta comments. games, aren't you sup gamer? I am the onion mayor's assistant but you can call me by my slay queen 32 player tag. I am the best fork fight player in the pig with fork fight player in the vegetarian movie. I'll tell you to watch my broadcasts. but I haven't been able to go live since the pigs in there make so much noise oh do you want to get into the hustle and bustle and baron well I have bad news access is exclusive for my true fans who give me trees of tears this is all everything is just twitch, It's like everyone is here as a streamer.
I feel like by virtue of playing this game I'm subconsciously promoting my channel, people want to give level 3 subs now do it subscribe no wait slay queen 32 wants a Tear Tree Sub that's my favorite twitch streamer .TV. Here he is in the house, just make sure he eats it on the stream so he can get that clout while the Tear Tree serves, you have access to the bustle and the baron, as well as my autograph, here you go. now if someone would do something about all those noise making pigs i miss being able to broadcast thank you for the crying tree turnip boy make sure you pay your taxes next time you fool let's break it achievement unlocked simple oh no , how can I do it?
I guess that just blows up a broken crown thanks for the level tree Twitch subscription. I appreciate it, it worked, it worked, this is a boss pig king, he ate a ton of fertilizer, oh okay, we have to line them up with the flowers and not let them kill us right away. very seriously injured, go, turn it over, boy just explode into slices, wait, what is this heart fruit? This fruit gives you another heart. Great, ah, a fertilizer makes things grow like crazy. Why does Mayor Onion want this? What is the greatest? What is fertilizer in this world too? 'cause it's just like grinding your neighbors, that seems a little messy, it's just drugs, I need some wood and I know a dealer, you grab it for me, oh, and speaking of drugs, thanks, peace and quiet, turn it around boy you did this thank you for your efforts i crowned you sleigh king 32 oh you've been crowned putting out 32 achievement unlocked hat wearer you know they used to call me the turnip king you're picking up the pace here you go just remember never Did you see me what is this is illegal oh no we got the good stuff thanks kid I appreciate it grab this extra helmet we got tons of this stuff safety first another hat unlocked that bum couldn't even shake the wood with the head, I think that's the joke, okay? so your next task as my assistant is to get me a four-pronged spear in ancient times, it was known as a fork that accidentally got stuck in Holly's phone while we were filming for flip-flop and it fell off the cliff.
Oops, it's for the best, Haley. you don't deserve the phone you like my collection of specifically placed boxes they're not here to keep you on the level or anything that would be crazy game design what's that reference is that jojo reference oh no no where are you sure you found the last baby carrot the babysitter must be looking for this boy why is he in the trash thank you very much take my stool like it's literally the only thing I have I can't escape this time if it's in my head you have a stool that we used to take up on the decks a very specific purpose return stool has been placed abandoned farm oh god the candy here my sword is too slow donut is shooting sparks at me is that a mask stays six feet away oh okay Let's try it again because you scared me more than anything old man, your horse is there , mate, did you really just destroy your fortifications?
Well, you better be willing to help out to cover the costs. Go to the mission board. Some people got jobs. gotta finish come back after i set you up with a key keep some areas locked to keep the rotters out i don't think i'll ever be able to get out of this ice box hope one day i make it out to see my son again dj sizzle yo i sizzle i dizzle fizzle i do feel like giving up dj sizzle is a bean hello plebby understandable or perplexed by eloquent phrases don't be alarmed the others are simply imbeciles I hope to take over this abandoned refrigerator If it's the last thing I do, unfortunately, I'll need legs, However, and maybe arms, he's tracing those leaves on the top of your head, they're polished, say it, pretty, could you pick me up, pick up some medical supplies and he'll sell meds and a mask.
You can handle it, we need to get supplies for everyone who is this guy, hey kid, yeah, you lift your head, don't be alarmed, I can hold weapons without hands too, that's how I know you have mafia blood, are you related to Don? Chinese turnip? If you are, you're lucky I'm in this jar. If I wasn't, you'd be sleeping with the rotten people. That mafia family decided to set foot on our territory. Who thinks they're holding their meetings in that stupid greenhouse? The greenhouse? It is where I live, although I am part of the mafia's selective service system, order the induction report of the president of the United States to Matthew Rigsby, you are hereby notified that he was on April 15, 2020 legally recruited into the service of the united states for the period of 30 years, accordingly, will report on april 20, 2020 to the armed forces induction station. greetings alan c president of the united states we have just received the draft dodger achievement for that the army telegram the rigsby family we are deeply sorry to inform you that captain matthew rigsby has been missing an action since July 15, 2020. upon receipt further information in this office you will be informed immediately to verify the whereabouts of captain matthew rigsby oh no, why are we breaking this still oh oh oh? rotten cat apple oh god uh I think I need to plug up some of the worm holes they got it, give it another bomb let's blow it up in our faces oh come on here we go come on cat apple is defeated and we get the lost cat back. apple so irritability little munchkin red oh you're oh you're a piece of pasta what the hell did you just say about me little turnip I'll have you know that I graduated top of my class in the pasta stamps I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the barn.
I have more than 300 confirmed deaths. I am trained in guerrilla warfare and am the best sniper all the way to the military. To me you are nothing more than another target. I will erase you, monster. with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my damn words, you think you can get away with telling me that shit over the vine, think again, turnip as we speak, I'm communicating with my secret network . of spies across the farmlands and your leaves are being tracked right now, so you better prepare for the worm of the storm, the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call life, you're fucking dead, kid, I can be anywhere at any time and I can kill you. in over 700 ways and that's just with my own hands, not only am I extensively trained and uncommon, but I have also accessed the entire arsenal of the past corpse and I will use it to its full extent to cleanse your miserable ass of the Face of the Continent, you little shit, only you could have known what unholy retribution your clever little comment was about to bring upon you, maybe you would have held your damn tongue, but you couldn't, you did and now you're paying the price you could . idiot, I'll shit on you and you'll drown in it, you're dead, kid, I guess you could say it was a copycat, Darren Tooten, you stare at the generator, well, I can't stay mad at you after that, this en Not much, but it's what we have, oh, here's the fork, this is what we needed.
Annie has been telling me about this substance with strange properties in the forgotten forest. I want it, no you can't eat it, look at me, some of that stuff. I don't care what you have to do to get it. I don't like the mayor. It seems very shady. Oh, you were looking for a cat. My little apple munchkin. I found this thing called manga in the woods and tried to replicate the art. style, I hope you like it, I may be old but I can still draw some amazing beauties, break it, open the pickled gang, escape, you look a little young for this, but hey, I don't make the slider rules on top of their jar and they can handle it from there okay we gotta help the pickle gang thanks come on up we owe you one try try on this dad used to wear one back in the day every good gangster needs to look good okay , Well. the car equips it, damn it,Beings that lived on this planet before us were destroyed by these devices.
We will have to dismantle this if we want to protect our future. I'll have the onion do it. dawn humanity is dead oh damn i can hit it with a shovel yeah you can die managing to unlock the world destroyer appeared on the screen you think you're a wise guy huh how did you get here so fast hit them you idiot? radishes wait the irs is working for him stupid baba ganoush that's assault and battery that's it I'm sick of your garbage you'll sleep with the rotten tonight corrupt political power wait what corrupt onion went crazy with power has a fork the laser pointer the final boss jesus finally an anime that I could watch we have to fight the government I think I could defeat it I think we could go deeper into it here we go hello, did you think you won?
Did you think you beat this little game? You have to go here Do you think I didn't realize he destroyed all the government documents? I have one last ace up my sleeve. Did you notice it on my base under the pump? Yes, it's the nuclear bomb, the same nuclear bomb that your father wanted me to defuse. a bum, thought it was too dangerous to keep around so he wanted me to stop him from being used and he's not in the picture, guess what, getting bombed, boy, oh boy, boy, boy, are you with us, wake up? The god finally turns it boy, I have ascended I have become an unstoppable force bigger than the giant mushrooms of the past I will bring taxes to the world no, the universe there will be taxes without representation in all the galaxies, sick bastards, goodbye, turnip boy.
It's time for you to die, turn it over boy, go get the rest of the irs, I'm stuck here and they're our best bet, where's the irs?, oh my god, he's fighting with a quick kick, that boom blooms towards me, I can try to submerge it. in it, remember, be a kid, don't be the term Chad believes, be the turnip he believes in and turn it, sorry, that show came out in 2007. What do you mean? Oh my gosh, go, you have this turnip boy, believe in yourself. Is she a girl again? Oh my God, transport the fire.
Oh, I didn't think the IRS would help us defeat God. I'll do the same, give me boom, bloom, I'll see you later, Rafael, boy, turnip, you must save the world. There is some? uh, there's only one member left of their group, it seems like that monster is getting weaker and weaker, but I don't like that jazz, you can fend for yourself, I swear, don't kick that blooming boom at me. Later, buddy, What the hell have we defeated to God's title? In fact, this certifies that the greenhouse is the property of turnip boy. Go to bed, go to bed, boy, well done, but we have gathered here to say goodbye until next time so you can sing. or don't do it we won't pay our taxes we have rent we have bills there are layers to the onion and only bureaucratic emotions it is or that will not pay our is we have rent and we I have bills, there are layers to the onion and its bureaucratic emotions, all the flora, all the fauna, let us adventure through the land to defeat the mayor, onion, that's very sweet, yes, like a game called "turnip boy", commit tax evasion as if there were none.
I need to like to have that as a bop so good for the credits it actually wasn't bad it was surprisingly good what a president game that was a lot of fun we won't pay our taxes we have bills

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