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Turning This Shed Into A Tiny House

Apr 30, 2024
As everyone can see, I have




here behind me. We have used it as a storage


for so many years. It's filled with absolutely everything we have, like photos. Furniture, old clothes, so many things stuffed in that shed here. but my brother is coming home from Australia next weekend and needs a place to stay so we are going to take


storage shed and turn it into a fully functional bedroom for him and since he is coming home in less than a week, we are trying to finish this whole project in a week.
turning this shed into a tiny house
It is currently Saturday. He returns next Saturday for a week to do this project. So stick around to see how we transform this shed right here into his new bedroom. Here's just a quick overview of the outside so you can see a little bit of the before and after, so first here is going to be getting everything out because look at this, it's absolutely filled with just about everything you can imagine, like those baskets we have over there . I think they are for making wreaths on the right side. Everything that doesn't fit in the


has basically been stored in this shed for years, so the first two days of this project were really about getting everything out of the shed. outside the shed, these projects are always fun because you don't really know everything that's in here, you end up finding things like, oh, that's where it went, one of the things was actually my college diploma.
turning this shed into a tiny house

More Interesting Facts About,

turning this shed into a tiny house...

I had no idea where I was. I thought it was lost in a move somewhere, but it was actually in the shed. We also found some of these glass bottles that are cool and this sign that is actually my grandfather's old sign, please don't call that number. I don't know if it's still in service, but we ended up giving the sign to my brother because they have the same name, so he'll probably do something with it somewhere nice, except that one. E. I've never seen this before. I thought it was like that. Ah, like a Macbook charger, but it's like a Mac charger that goes to a USB.
turning this shed into a tiny house
It's interesting that in addition to the fun stuff and all the cool stuff we found in the shed, there were also a lot of really, really gross things like this Nest mouse at one point. a real live mouse ran up to us and, um, these furniture cushions, you can see that something has been chewed up, so although some of the things that came out of the shed, a lot of them go in the trash in the process of taking things out of the shed. It continued, but as we went along, we also did our best to sort through things and decide what to keep, what to give away, and what to throw away, so we ended up having big piles of old stuff in the driveway while we worked.
turning this shed into a tiny house
By sorting all the things we were storing and then putting them in different places, we put them in the tool shed that we have in the


, which was very few things because we don't have a lot of space. in the house or for the rest of the things, they were put in good boxes, many of them had to be taken out of boxes that were just falling apart or had holes in them, then we labeled them all and then loaded them. in the cars to go to a storage unit, we've gotten to a point here where about half the shed has been cleaned out, we still have another half left, but we have our cars fully loaded with stuff.
I'm packed. to the brim here my mom has her car packed like I don't even have stuff in the passenger seat completely packed to the brim and we're going to drive it to the storage unit that she rented and we're going to unload and then come back and do it all right new, this is what the storage unit looked like after our first trip and this is what the shed looked like there was still a lot of stuff in here but we had these huge shelves in the corner here that we had been using to store things, one of they will go to the storage unit again just to use it to put things in but the other one will come back here but the first order of business was just taking them out which was honestly a lot harder than I thought it would be just because of the angles, They're really tall but also really long at the same time and the ceiling here in the shed is pretty low so we're really trying to figure out how to get them out and it felt a lot like that scene in Friends where they're trying to get the couch up the stairs.
I feel like every time my mom and I try to move things it's like that, but especially this time. After the shelves were out it was more like getting more stuff out of the shed, sorting it and taking it to the storage unit, so after getting everything out of the shed the next step was to start cleaning, the first thing we did was just a very basic vacuum cleaner because there were a lot of dead bugs as well as general roughness and there was also a mouse nest in this corner so we vacuumed all that up and then the real deep cleaning will come later.
Here is the completely empty shed. I don't think I've seen it like this since we got it, probably about 15 years ago, so it was quite an achievement to clean it up and get it to this point. The next step in converting the shed was making it. some of the biggest improvements so let me explain what we've done if you remember there used to be two doors on the front of the shed so on the right side we bricked it up and made it part of the wall and then we left that left door there to use as the main door of the shed next to the windows.
This window was there before but we replaced the window itself because the old one wouldn't open so to allow a little more air flow. I replaced the window and painted it. This side of the shed didn't used to have any windows, it was just a solid wall, so we installed a window here to hopefully allow a little more light and again helps with airflow. Also, the last improvements we made here were, as you can see on the top right of the shed, it's actually a solar light, so this is a little solar panel that we drilled into the outside and there's some kind of wire that runs through it. via to this light that hangs over your bed and it's only powered by the sun, that's the only thing that powers that solar panel, but we just needed some way to get light in here since the last upgrade we completed, it transformed the shed into a bedroom , so here's the full walkthrough first.
My mom installed these little planters outside just to give it a little more curb appeal and here's the full tour of the inside. The original plan was to put a twin bed in here, but that didn't happen. It didn't end up working out, I have a full bed and it actually ended up fitting the space pretty well. Another interesting thing is to the right on that clothing rack. All of those clothes have been worn for the last 2 years by my mom, while my brother. he's been living in Australia so he basically came home and liked a whole new wardrobe that my mom made him so I think that's cool but on the other side he's got a little coffee station on the left and this little closet area that on the right side is all the things that I had here before we just took them out of storage and set them up so you have a little closet area where you can hang some clothes, going back to the coffee bar here.
We had that ging machine, we actually found it in the shed when we took everything out, so we set it up for him. He also has a small jug of water, some coffee cups so he can make coffee in the morning and the way he can make it. making coffee is that we have some electricity here this is just an extension cord that we have run from the house to the back of the shed we still have to plug this hole, but he can just plug in the curig or his phone The charger is there, he It's not here most of the time so only a small amount of electricity runs through this extension cord and there you have it folks, the complete transformation and tour of the backyard shed that becomes the bedroom.

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