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Turning Myself into a Cupcake

May 31, 2021
Hello, it's me today. I'm doing something strange. It is October. I decided now would be a good time to turn into a


. My dream is to be a


. Let's say we'll do it for Halloween. Just a disclaimer. I do not do it. I don't really know what I'm doing here painting things, it's not something new to me, I paint things all the time here, but I don't normally use it, you've seen me try it and it didn't turn out right the first time. dress up and paint all these things on me. I have no idea what I'm doing, so if you're here to see how an expert does it, you might be disappointed, and if you're an expert, you might want to kill me. an experiment, I can't guarantee anything, this can be a complete disaster, but I'll do my best, it's okay, I'm hydrated, this idea came from a comment on my poor acrylic video, I wore this pair of shorts and someone said that They looked like a cupcake pan and I thought that was a very strange thing to say, but they're also right and that doesn't make me the cupcake.
turning myself into a cupcake
I'll use them again, but this time I'll actually turn into a cupcake. I've been preparing for this for quite some time. First of all, I needed to create my inspiration for the look, so I painted a squishy. The squishy I started with. I just dug it up from my collection. I wanted to change some things and make it exactly how I wanted it. I didn't use my typical soft painting protocol for this. Normally, I would never glue a pom pom on top of a squishy or use pasta pens to paint on a squishy instead of fabric. paint, but it's really just an accessory, so I didn't care much about durability and things like that that I normally care about basically, this is what I'm going to try to become me, this, these are the infamous shorts. it's just a tie this cupcake has a little bow tied around it and I always thought it was really weird but it's perfect because these shorts have a little bow tied around it and then I sacrificed one of my plain white t-shirts and I finally found a use for them fabric markers.
turning myself into a cupcake

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turning myself into a cupcake...

I thought it was going to take too long to paint the whole thing using paint to dry and painting is longer, yes, so I used fabric markers and they actually turned out really cute. the sprinkles everywhere I didn't miss a single point, so that's what I'll use on top. The last thing I prepared in advance, don't let me down, is this. I have these white styrofoam balls that I bought for a specific craft about three years ago and I debated throwing them away every six months and then I thought, "maybe there is something I can use these styrofoam balls for." I have used one of them, I painted it red and it is going to be the cherry on my whoa that is huge we are already disproportionate this is a big cherry that is what I have prepared but the work has just begun we have a lot to do in this area We don't have a moment to waste come on Start the first step is going to be the hair now as you can see on our model here it has pink frosting they don't match so something I'll come back to I have a wig here it is wow wow wow wow now this is a pretty cheap wig this will probably be the first and last time I wear it, don't make me ashamed of the wig, here's a little sneak peek, yes it looks fantastic.
turning myself into a cupcake
I had the idea to style it like frosting. If you saw that drawing I made with the girl. dressed like a cupcake I'm thinking of something like that I don't know if that's really possible I'm going to try to design it using my model she's here hello come in don't be shy here she is go ahead show them your face don't make fun of her Okay, God, that's creepy, what am I doing the way you're doing it? What do bangs do? The bangs are very long. Oh my gosh, am I good at hair? Absolutely not. That's why my hair is visible.
turning myself into a cupcake
Same thing every day. I don't work with the hair, let's just brush this. I'm sure you're supposed to use it as a specific type of brush for a wig. I don't usually need to brush wigs so I'm just wearing this we're getting a little curly oh god I'm making it look worse I think maybe I can turn into a pink Chewbacca this is a lot oh oh and it's gone what did I tell you? you're not doing your job, the bangs are so long I'm just going to pin them back, I think just look at it, okay, do you think they would do these things with weight or something I want to create like an updo, but I don't know. how to do this you lift it up and and and and there's this I want it perfect but there are so many strands maybe like that oh that's ugly it sank into your scalp I heard it you know if you had a body this would be easier You're weak maybe it would have been easier to do this in my own head oh my god you're horrible so it's been a long time and I've been playing with this wig off camera because I had to get on the floor and wear both. hands and both feet to keep the thing still after a long time and struggling, this is what we have.
I had to make like a center bun and then wrap the pieces and smooth them out while applying lotion, so it was a whole thing don't talk about the back, um, that's not relevant, I think the front looks good, it looks like a cupcake, esque, all you need on your head now is the big cherry, I turned on my glue gun, I'm just I'm going to stick this right here, this doesn't seem right, I just want it to look the way I want and I don't really care. It doesn't matter how I got to that result, okay, put some glue here, stick it in that little nest.
Does it look like a cherry or does it just look like it has the biggest kernel in the world? I'll put you back here so you can look at everyone. My plan is to paint the face, then put on the suit, then put on the wig. but I'm thinking I should start by putting on the wig cap so I can take off all my hair while I paint my face, which is here, which isn't shaped like a head, what's okay, oh no, yeah, oh, oh, all. Well, let me try it again, look at it back, straight, that hair back.
The more I mess it up, the worse it gets. It's too small. This is as good as you'll get. You know, it's kind of liberating to not have hair. What what what? Would you say oh my hair doesn't do anything now I have my mirror very revealing very revealing because I'm going to paint my whole face I think I should secure my eyebrow hairs I have to glue them on I've never done this


I have all my supplies to glue on eyebrows and then I have some instructions: cover the eyebrows with glue and comb up, take the glue, ew, thick glue, my eyebrows don't really comb, oh there we go, yes, I'm going for the other one, put a lot. and now, oh, do one eyebrow at a time, well, okay, use a damp cloth around the eyebrows to remove the glue that is not in the hair, am I pretty still?
Then let it dry, oh how crispy, and let's go for layer number two. How many? coats I'm supposed to do, oh, five to six layers, OMG, my eyebrow hairs are a lot longer than I thought. It's actually working, although they feel a little soft when I take this out. Am I going to like to pull out all the eyebrows I can? I don't have to wait How many layers have I done four? It's lunch time but it's amazing? Do you want to feel it? I feel like a Barbie. I want to do this all over my face.
I think it's time for lunch. My eyebrows are set. Moving on to the next step, hide them completely using makeup. I had to get a new base. I usually prefer a very thin light coverage foundation, but this is thick, it's thick, that's crazy, I feel like I'm surprised by the simplest. of the things I don't do this very often I have to like let it dry let it cure let it harden what does this do do I look better without eyebrows? I'm going to do this every day, you'll just see me. so from now on this is my new look this is me now this is what I do I like it it's so clean hello my eyebrows have been removed I guess now I can start painting ooh there's a rainbow in my mirror opie he's scared Me I painted the face for real, one of my artistic things to do when you're on the board.
I made face paint and used it on my face. It was a tragedy, okay, it was disgusting. I only got pink and white because the pink frosting is the seam of my hair. in the middle is my face, the white part is my shirt and then the cupcake liner is my shorts. I have this for sprinkles too. I'm going to do white at the bottom and then I'm going to make pink drops going down, okay? here comes mirror, I'm supposed to prepare my face at all doesn't say no, I don't know, yeah, it's happening pretty good, oh, do I have to paint my ears too?
Yeah, I guess so, or else, you look weird, okay, the earrings come off, I'll never find that hoop, it'll feel so gross to paint this on my ear, oh, oh, oh, should I paint my eyelids too because , like the last time I did, things got really messy in those cracks? I guess I should try it. I don't know anything about this. I don't enjoy that feeling. My lips are like the worst wet Willy you've ever had. I feel like I can't get that excited because I feel like it's going to break. It's actually very difficult to get even coverage, so it doesn't look that good, but I'm going to move on to the pink paint, which isn't the right color, it's more of a peachy pink.
Can I add food coloring? Oh, you can't. I even see, oh, that's the color we want, give me a brush, okay, too tight on my face, man, oh God, and there are cracks around my mouth, I don't know how to avoid that, that's just what we are doing, it's time to spray, what? Do you think I think it's nuts? It's also a little creepier than I expected. I have to go change my clothes and put on my cupcake outfit. Okay, ta-da, it's coming together a little. Okay, okay, this is something like that. cool I just have to finish painting the neck now look at me look at me I'm going to put on the wig oh boy I'm a cupcake oh my god I'm an idiot do I look like this?
The eyes are scary, it's time to live my life like a cupcake, okay, thank you, thank you, that's enough. I wasn't exactly sure what to make for a cupcake, but I was also enjoying it because the face paint was so thick and stiff. I couldn't express much on my face. I'm a serious, no-nonsense guy, but I can do a lot of arm movements, so that's something I think the look is successful at. It basically stayed the way I wanted, oh no on the back. Although no, no, no, considering how much I paint, I was surprised at how difficult it is to paint a face and the technique here is clearly pretty bad, I mean, the paint is thick and cracking and I'm still applying touch-ups.
Wow, I also think the eyes are missing something. Maybe I should have added eyeliner on top or something I don't know but they look creepy as is and that cherry. Wow, it's big, but hey, you know, I think this is a fun look. looks great, what am I trying to say here? cupcake me cupcake I am the cupcake I am the cupcake this was a fun process you know perfectly strange and unusual so it made me happy thank you for watching and I'll see You next week, bye, my goodness.

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