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Tuna Melt | Hit The Kitch with Molly Baz

May 16, 2024
Is it burning a little? Well, no, he's about to. Does our cheese


for me? Oh my gosh, okay, let me see the background, let me see the background, this is my friend Declan, he's been adding to the content for the last few weeks. As you may have noticed, I know you've noticed because I see what you're saying in the comments and, um, Declan is my co-host on the Sandwich Universe podcast. I'm a big sandwich people and one of our favorite sandwiches of all. Time is the churning, the



, so we did a whole episode on the podcast about the


tuna melt hit the kitch with molly baz
We definitely had an opinion and a point of view on it and I think this is where we generally land and that's where we are. We're going to try to recreate it here today because on the podcast you can hear about it, but you can't actually see it or see it come together and we want to eat it and not just talk about it in the pod, so you're going to make a tuna melt what are all the things that you need? okay, Tony, you know, tuna, tuna, good stuff, tuna steaks, tuna steaks in olive oil, packaged oil only, water package only, no major, no pickled jalapenos, not one in your pedestrian to your mouth , pickles, gray. poop mustard for sure QB the one and only QP Mayo jewish rye definitely the best a block of extra sharp cheddar cheese salt and pepper Charlotte okay, I want to put celery on it this time let's put celery on it I'm going to chop celery I'm going to chop pickles the pickles were chopping super fine the celery we're chopping super fine we're going to do the same with the shallots and these will give like little crunchy bites and little acidic hints of flavor throughout the The tuna salad just makes it more interesting than just adding a little mayonnaise and a little salt, you can do better than finely chop, look what I'm doing, look at this, yeah, the pickles, those aren't even Christmassy, ​​now you're talking. over my pickles Deco went rogue and okay it's just tuna salad let's not think too much about it you know it's not that deep okay so celery in pickles I'm going to do like half the shallot and then we need a sliced ​​cheese.
tuna melt hit the kitch with molly baz

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tuna melt hit the kitch with molly baz...

I would like you to cut it. that one thinner, thinner, not to melt it, no, I don't know, it was going to melt, okay, we'll see, okay, so I'll break up the tuna and we'll add, yeah, Declan's just going to have ham with a little bit of this. QP. and this is the thing about tuna salad for me, anyway, it's going to need more, but you really need to work it, you need to mash that tuna, you need to almost turn it into pâté, as you can see, I'm using the back. of a fork so that you like it like a lollipop This and break up each little piece of tuna.
tuna melt hit the kitch with molly baz
Do you want to add a little bit of mustard and then we're also going to add pickled jalapenos? So we love pickles. We think pickles belong on every sandwich in this tuna salad. We're using pickles and pickled jalapenos because we both also really like spicy things that we make and it gives it a little something special, especially considering there's so much mayonnaise in here and cheese, and then we're going to be just fine. I'm going to season this tuna salad with salt and keep working. What we should probably do is add a splash of jalapeño brine, those pickled jalapenos I put in aren't going to hold up well, yeah, we always can. add more mayonnaise.
tuna melt hit the kitch with molly baz
I think you've added about a third of a cup. Let's add a couple more tablespoons. Oh, let's put dill in this. I'm adding a little bit of pickled jalapeño brine here because that will give it acid, which so far. I've added very little just in the form of pickles and chopped jalapenos. This looks very good. I'll cut it in the meantime, so cut it. Dill, dill and tuna salad. It's such a beautiful thing. I think it's non-negotiable, but it's getting a good pâté, yeah, a little bit of consistency, that's what you're looking for, yeah, because you wanted to have the moisture so that you like it a little bit when the cheese melts, yeah, you want that not It's dry at all, it's okay, just give me some.
Honestly, I couldn't be happier. I'm going to add a splash of hot sauce, okay, so I'm going to pile it up and then spread it from edge to edge. I honestly think this cut is totally good too. You think you like to nail everything. you did it there's no chance you made a mistake along the way it's usually more likely that that's the vibe come on butter come on yeah okay so this is what you're looking for in the build because you want A little bit of the cheese peeks out from the outside of the sandwich so that when it melts it drips and then hits the pan and becomes fried and then we're going to go with the cheese facing down so that the cheese is on top.
Declan, make your move. Declan has a real good move, it's a squeegee move and then you do a squeegee and you absorb all the butter, this is his signature, okay and then I'm going to reduce this because we want to cook this low and slow because we want to make sure that the cheese melts if we put it on high heat the bread will burn and the cheese will not melt and we will be very unhappy and ducky I cut those slices of cheese very thick so it is not doing us any favors that is a protection so not to go too fast yeah yeah just let it cook this pan is dry we're not sorry so we're gonna add more and then we're just gonna drain it and then I'm gonna butter the top of these too oh.
Gosh, because this is the side that's going to flip and come down and that way we make sure there's butter on every piece of the top piece of bread, okay, I'm flipping, okay, it looks good, it's pretty good, yeah , these guys are something like that. butting heads right now is really annoying to continue Pro techniques here guys okay I think we should cover it frico on the alert pan frico this stuff is spilling everywhere true but that's a glorious thing you know something Decadent, yes, it's kind. Everywhere, sloppy clunker, looks like we need to take a turn mmm, was that okay?
I love that this looks cool on the other side, look at that, okay, this is fun because look at all these weird things that are happening. here golden tuna frico tuna frico tuna okay big reveal oh you can't see the cheese but it's there guys it's there oh my gosh delicious the butter is all that's on the outside like the bread with butter, also the consistency of pâté, cut into many small pieces. in fact I really like your big chunks right your big chunks of celery are giving me life right now because otherwise there is such a moist sandwich hmm it's so good I don't know if that's the one we made in the Pod, but that's it, that's the one for me, yeah, I can say 11, which was a spectacular sandwich.
I don't know, so you're never going to give me an 11 and then the only time we cooked together was an 11. It's like everything is there. There may be some bias. I don't give it an 11 just for that. It's a damn 9.8. That's a 9.8. Yes, I think it is the best treatment I have ever had. Okay, it's an 11.

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