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Trying Romantic Life Hacks for 24 Hours to Kiss on New Years Eve

May 19, 2024
Let's make the best New Year's celebration ever great. I have all the champagne, fireworks, food. Betty, the streamers, all the poppers and stuff. It's going to be crazy. What's that? I have something to tell you. I want to


Regina. Yes, I've been texting. she very much I'm so excited that she's about to come out I want to


Daniel and honey he's staying the night Hey I just have a little list for you two to take care of let's go and then Daniel and Regina I have a special little thing for everyone You too, okay, the first thing on the list is to gather guests Chad, we have to invite each and every one of them.
trying romantic life hacks for 24 hours to kiss on new years eve
I want you to witness what will happen at the party. Daniel just told me that he really wants to kiss Regina, oh she told me that. that she's also ready to kiss Daniel yeah it's going to happen let's invite them Chad let's call some people okay it's going to be the most epic New Year's celebration and you guys will be in charge of the decorations oh yeah it's so messy in here back Melvin Melvin you I don't know how to spell decorations. Wow, yes, they are on sale. Daddy's party, oh my god, I'm going to get you.
trying romantic life hacks for 24 hours to kiss on new years eve

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trying romantic life hacks for 24 hours to kiss on new years eve...

You know, we text on Discord now, we don't always have to be in the VR case, oh, I'll call. the cloaker you won't believe this but we are going to organize the most epic New Year's Eve party ever seen. Something huge is going to happen tonight between Daniel and Regina. Let me guess they'll like to make up. How did you know I'm here? I'll do my best to be there, it's up to you, yes or no, okay, hope to see you here soon, cluck, dial, leave, I feel like I should tell Regina, but I told Chad, oh cute, oh, I'll tell you a secret, of course, yes, what you are.
trying romantic life hacks for 24 hours to kiss on new years eve
Being weird, I think you're really cute, which is really and unfortunately unfortunate for that. I want to kiss your beautiful eyebrows. I also want to kiss you. Not everyone answers the phone, so I'll just send a bunch of old ones. school announcements in the mail I'm going to find a group of spy ninjas who watch us and leave comments, in fact, every day we answer a question from you, it's here, bye, do you sell paralyzing Chucks? look at that so we can let and be everywhere we're going to put on a DJ we're going to have a virtual reality chat inviting so many people right now it's going to be a big party on the strip strip we sure have who practices our dance moves Shake that butt Shake that butt I like this foreigner, that would be wonderful, well, we'll talk about the darling again, did she hear you decorate the room?
trying romantic life hacks for 24 hours to kiss on new years eve
Okay, Regina, we have to make this place look amazing. It's been like this since New Year's Eve. to be so cool and magical, do you want to kiss us on New Year's Eve? I don't know, wouldn't it be nice if our first kiss was like? I don't know, magical too, yeah, yeah, maybe we should take baby steps, okay? yeah, yeah, and then and then maybe practice yeah to see if it's the right thing to do, yeah, because I don't know, we don't want to ruin you, you're really beautiful, but the envelopes are mailed, come on, our supply is delayed, no.
It's the TSA and the CDC and stuff, come on TSA Melvin. I know what to cheer you up. I don't know if you know this, but Chad and I have been


to work on our couple skills, like cooking. We are going to force you. of Chad and V's most epic cupcakes, what do normal couples do? Well, Chad, sometimes we hold hands. I feel like that's not something we can test. Parks, it's okay, and then if it feels good, then maybe we can practice kissing. Okay, yeah, you like it. nails ok wow these are great thank you they look like cotton candy swirls thank you so this is what people do.
I've never done. Is it like this before? Does my thumb go around your pinky or does the thumb go inside the pinky? all wrong is right, it's right this way I mean, I think this is nice, it's fun to hold, it's getting a little um, what's that swampy? what is it? It's your hand, I think it was your hand, oh, it's definitely yours, the sweaty one, you know? you sweat oh it smells funny oh that's me I think you're nervous Daniel it's not that you're nervous I think I just didn't wash my hands and when I went to the bathroom that's it oh I'm serious Gatorade so I step with one hand hold it, it came out okay, it was a little sweaty, but I don't know, it felt great, yeah, dude, yeah, sweat, we can work on that step one, uh, baking sheet.
I'm going to go see Daniel Regina real quick. You know what's weird, what's weird, no one talks about me and you can sing. I mean, we're already married, so it's nothing too exciting. I guess so, you know what Chad. I think we already mastered the couple skills, but nothing important started. Wait, first you have to turn it on Oh, okay, the decorations look good, yeah, look, we have the bed, we know, Dad, I found the song I'm going to sing to Darling, oh, these lyrics kiss this one about strange spy ninjas and strangers will change, can you?
Don't let 'em know wolves mistletoe hey fool wait a minute yeah you know what I saw the music video for the Christmas song the beginning was about us she tore up the lyrics yeah you guys were singing about how this Christmas is gonna be weird well you guys made a fantastic job getting this look ready for New Years, whatever, it's not important, the main room needs to be decorated, why don't we go out and join Chad and V? Yes, they are going to bake these muffins. It smells very good. I love muffins yeah Chad B come on let's go out why what is that?
Come on guys, I pulled out a laptop here, yeah okay spy ninjas, how can we make our 2020 resolutions if we haven't even meditated and reflected on 2021, our first year? without the zorbo project bothering us much, the bear was defeated at the end of 2020. So we started 2021


to figure out what happened, all these hackers, yes, remember what three one four ended up doing, the newspapers, chicken nuggets , he works at McDonald's, that's awesome, I think it still works there too, all those hackers definitely did their thing for a while and we had to figure out what to do without any hackers.
One of my favorites was when we changed the safe house until Daniel kept falling into the snacks, yeah, but you. He also fell and broke a tooth, that was a joke bro, I know there's a lot of C's that came out this year, yeah, Casey, wild clay cape fitter, oh wow, he doesn't have a C in his name, oh, We can skip the next part, no, come on. Look at it, yeah, look at this catalog, remember she's in every thumbnail, oh, who are you talking about? Melvin, my ex-girlfriend, that's also when Daniel left the spy. The ninjas decided yes, you lost that many subscribers.
Daniel invented nosebands, well we can. Don't mention Ally without the flus, yes, your turtle milk, yes, because Ally gave you the flus, we can't mention Ally without mentioning Asian Peters, the biggest pain in the ass all year. We thought we'd hire as a regular chef to make a nice


meal try to poison me, yeah, Chad State, no good, Agent Peters was trying to restart Project Zorgo again, yeah, he was for a moment. I was excited because it meant I could play Battle Royale again, yes it was bringing some heat but in the end it caused a lot more trouble, sure he stole the leader's skin and was trying to download the leader's memories into a new skin, too tried to scam people on Roblox.
The scammer and in all of Agent Peter's attempts to start the Zorro project again led to the creation of the PC killer, we drained this battery, yeah with the most epic battery drain device Melvin built, yeah that was sick , oh yeah, and we haven't seen that guy since, yeah, well, we still have a lot of decorating I have to do, oh, quick, quick, quick. time there recapping the year, watch out, what's up, that's why I have sleeves, oh my god, oh, oh boy, those don't look very good, oh man, they're burned, oh no, Chad, no, me, Arthur Stewart, or not, Rachel Ray, ma'am, or Rosanna Pansino.
Oh well, it's my fault too. I forgot about all this. We can't serve these burnt ones. How are they called? Not cupcake. We cannot serve burnt cupcakes to our guests at the party. They're going to be like somehow. I knew it well. The good ninja spy always comes prepared with a backup plan. Well, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, the party will be amazing, it will be fun because we will finally meet Melvin's girlfriend, so he and her will be together. Chad and V will be together. oh, have you ever seen Shrek 2? Well one, Shrek and Fiona at midnight, they almost kiss, yeah, maybe we can do something like that, but maybe yeah, maybe that's what we do, we bring in the New Year on a good note, we kiss like the the clock strikes 12.
I mean, that would be great for my first kiss, you would be my first kiss great, so it's official in tomorrow's video. It's okay, I just spoke on the phone sweetly and she will be on time, I hope. As long as I pick her up on time and make a good first impression, I have to stop by the florist and buy some flowers to give her black roses. But since I'm the host of all this, I have to do what I do every New Year. Eve does so and proposes a toast hello spy ninjas no and good night oh hi my name no what's up no no ah anyway my backup plan is here in this closet a couple of days ago I bought us some cupcakes at the supermarket pretty smart I think we're going to make a little change, all you have to do is take these burnt out, put them in here, we're not going to lie and tell people that we bake them because they're raw, but if you want to go ahead and I think we've got your back, uh, if you want to think that, okay, yeah, I won't correct you, but what if you ask us?
We'll be honest, yeah, toss it, these go away and now we'll just go ahead and put them here. for a moment like that, no one will know, yeah, wow, that's official in tomorrow's video, Regina and I will kiss, I mean, yeah, that makes sense, holding hands was kind of nice, so we'll do it, It will be nice, well, I think, oh. I have good news, guys, but I have to tell everyone. Come on, let's go, oh wow, look at these amazing cupcakes. You guys did a great job. Thank you. Exciting news is that my virtual reality girlfriend will arrive on time.
Oh my god, that means. we're all improvising Chad Melvin and I and honey, oh this is going to be such an epic 2022. I can't wait with all the expected traffic that's going to happen, she'll probably arrive just before midnight, she'll be close to her, okay? she'll make it with you setting up the DJs and all the partygoers and then you putting up the decorations, there's no way this party is going wrong, best party ever, well let's end 2021 and get ready to celebrate. 20 20 25.

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