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Trying 5 Garlic Dishes From Around the World (India, Bangladesh, China, Romania, Czech Republic)

Jun 18, 2024
I'm very confused Hi, I'm Beryl and the topic of today's video is


in all these


you're about to see. Garlic is the star, so my breath will smell pretty ripe by the end of this, let's get started. Hello everyone. My name is Stefana, I live in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and I am originally from Romania. Nowadays, the


dish that I really want to share with you is called fazole batuta, which literally translates as beaten beans, because you really need to mash it very well and In the past, due to the lack of mixers and blenders, people used beat it with a wooden tool, hence the name, it is a very tasty bean paste with garlic, definitely with a lot of garlic, it is rich and at the same time quite fluffy and eaten on toast. or without pickles because I recommend it, I think the garlic is the star of this dish because it is full, you really add a lot of garlic, which makes it great for me, it is also a sentimental dish, because it is something that my grandmother made me in my from my childhood I have this memory of me just eating spoonfuls of this is a nice, silly memory that I keep very close to my heart and every time I do this I feel close to home uh living so far away uh you can, yeah, when you have people , if your friends love garlic you can definitely make it for them and it's a delicious dish to share so I hope you try it and I hope you enjoy it so I decided to continue with the video because there is a dessert so We start with the appetizer and this is the Romanian bean and garlic pasta, it has garlic, it's okay.
trying 5 garlic dishes from around the world india bangladesh china romania czech republic
I may have made this too garlicky for my own good. I was clumsy when I made this one, I think I put like five cloves of garlic in this, okay maybe it was a whole clove, the beans spread like this, it's a great way to have a protein spread that isn't boring, I think if you also added a little lemon juice, it would be Pretty Baller I didn't like that I said Pretty Baller I feel like that just aged me. I want to mention the artist behind me. Her name is Abby. I found it on my home page on Instagram.
trying 5 garlic dishes from around the world india bangladesh china romania czech republic

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trying 5 garlic dishes from around the world india bangladesh china romania czech republic...

She is half Danish and she was greatly inspired by the Impressionist painters. Her work. It is colorful and whimsical, I leave you all its information in the description if you want to support its work, okay, hello, my name is Lucia and I live in Prague, Czech Republic, today I would love to introduce you to our garlic soup called Chesnachika, it is a soup made with chicken broth, potatoes and loaded with fresh garlic. It is often served with melted cheese on top and bread croutons. I would say that this soup represents our culinary culture mainly due to the use of marjoram.
trying 5 garlic dishes from around the world india bangladesh china romania czech republic
Marjoram is an herb known for its healing qualities. and we use it in several of our


. I would describe this soup as very garlicky and the melted cheese on top makes it comforting too. At shakia we eat a lot of soups mainly as a starter before our main course, but I think we do spend the night before drinking. We would be eating the soup right now for breakfast. I always order this soup whether I'm sick or hungover. It always heals both my body and my heart. The soup bowl. I have my perfect garlic soup for a hangover I don't have yet and also the cheeky little bit of gruyere at the bottom of the bowl I go straight to the bottom to get some of that oh oh my god this is delicious this is so I don't understand it's so simple , why is it so delicious?
trying 5 garlic dishes from around the world india bangladesh china romania czech republic
It tastes a lot more complex than it is, it's potatoes and garlic broth, but it tastes like a lot of work, come here, breadcrumbs, come at me, yeah, okay, I'll be honest, I've judged this soup before. I tried it and in my head I thought it was going to be a little boring. I made a mistake. I find the level of garlic in the soup to be quite appropriate as it has a lot of garlic flavor. Nobody questions that this is a garlic soup and yet I think it tastes like garlic feels like wine at the same time it goes well with the others you know I can even see that I like it I felt it what was I going to say I think I was going to wrap it up I really like this soup I feel like last night was kind of a let down let me try it again this soup is so good I want garlic the spoon maybe I should have left it while I was ahead let's take a moment and talk about the sponsor of today's video hello fresh me I love working with hellofresh because they make it so easy to explore different cuisines and try new foods from the comfort of your home every week.
There are over 50 menus and market items to choose from so you can get super creative, and sometimes we all fall into a recipe rut. and hellofresh allows you to get out of this in a really simple way. There's lots of variety, from 20-minute meals to low-prep options like this one, and because everything is portioned, it means less food is wasted. I cook a lot. for this channel and honestly sometimes I feel a little burned out so it's nice to have Hello fresh to step in and take control and not have to come up with another meal to cook.
This dish came together super fast and I was filming. Which, you know, adds a little bit of time and it looks really delicious, ta-da, I mean the sauce, this one is really good, although wow, if you want to try hellofresh, go to, use my code promotion and he will abandon you. up to 16 free meals and three surprise gifts, okay, let's eat more garlic dishes. Hi, my name is Sophia, I'm from Southern California in the US, although my family is from China and my parents tend to come from Northern China, so this is it. Where this dish comes from, the garlic dish that I recommend is you could call it pickled garlic, however, I feel like it complements other pickled garlic recipes out there because this one specifically is garlic turning blue, that signature blue.
The color should ferment for about a week, but can definitely last for about a year in the refrigerator. If you want your garlic to turn blue, one of the key things is that you don't want pre-peeled garlic because pupil garlic tends to ferment. They have preservatives that have been put in them so that they do not get cut in the transportation process, of course, it is not necessary for the garlic to turn blue for it to really be the step and it tastes very good, we normally eat it around Chinese New Year. and it's also special or seems special because it's that blue-green color, so it looks like jade, which is often seen as good luck in Chinese culture.
Thanks to my childhood, I have many memories of me


to be like I could eat. I can eat it spicier than other people, I can make it spicier than you, which I never do either, so we tend to eat this in China with dumplings like it's really good for dumplings, taking a bite of the garlic and then immediately making a The dumpling is really good, and sometimes just the pickled dumpling is also very good. My dad also loves this with noodles, so if you have very hot noodles, you can pour vinegar on top if you like vinegar noodles, but honestly, if not.
If you want to eat it whole cloves like our family does, you can also chop it - basically use it in any recipe you would normally use garlic in, especially if you want that extra kick of heat. It is very easy and amplifies the flavor of the garlic cloves so much that it is like an explosion of flavor in your mouth. I appreciate it, it's a great way to share a little bit of something that has been so big in my childhood growing up. I successfully made blue garlic, which I am very excited about. I could have left it a little longer but I had to film it to continue fermenting.
I guess I made two versions in the jars, one with mature vinegar that I bought at the Asian supermarket and another with just rice vinegar. I also used two. types of garlic I was very scientific: purple garlic and white garlic. It seems like the purple garlic turned blue much faster almost immediately, while the white garlic takes much longer. I'll try rice vinegar or garlic first. It's powerful, it's really good. it definitely feels like it's some kind of garlic dumpling, it goes really well with the dumpling, it gave a nice little kick to the end of the dumpling flavor.
These are stuffed with shrimp. This is the mature one. Vinegar wow, right now I like to eat garlic cloves. Rice vinegar tastes a little more vinegary. Mature vinegar has other flavors. I like mature vinegar a little better. I like the idea. that you can cook with this garlic that whenever you need to cook with garlic and want a little more spice, this is a great substitution if any of you have kids, I also feel like it would be something really fun to do to get them excited. about cooking because you can see how the colors change its like a kids show now my name is pico and i am from kolkata city in west bengal


the dish i would like to share with you is called roshunir bharta or fried garlic mash usually Eaten with a bowl of hot steamed white rice, this dish is extremely simple to make.
Vodkas or purees are generally quite popular rice accompaniments in my part of the country and this specific one only uses ingredients that are very common in Bengali cuisines and is also easy to prepare. pocket for students who really can't afford a wide variety of food options, my mom also really enjoys this dish, so it's always a very fun and comforting experience to share a plate of roshu nirvatha with her and if it turns out to be a rainy and windy afternoon, so well, nothing like it. I also have friends in our neighboring country, Bangladesh, who tell me that this is a very popular dish in their families and I love how fresh, spicy and tangy these dishes are and with the slightly nutty flavor of the golden fried garlic it takes up a central place, it is absolutely magnificent, it shows the unique flavor of garlic very well.
I definitely think all garlic fans should try this dish as it uses really simple ingredients but combines them all to create this absolutely delicious garlic magic. Well, I did it. Ask for a dish where garlic was the star and I got it. This dish makes me a little nervous just because I know it's just 25 cloves of garlic cooked with a little onion and spices, but I'm ready, let's do it. let's do it oh my god I'm eating all the red chili oh my god I'm too late I'm on this oh it's burning so this is not a good start I need an adult okay my tongue feels like it's numb I know the solution and if you've seen this program before, you also know the solution if you guessed vodka, you are right, vodka eliminates mouth covered in hot spices, I promise, because now my whole mouth tastes like vodka, let's try it.
This again, let's not have a whole red chili this time we're just going to do the garlic and rice. It feels like you're eating garlic fried rice, just separately. If that makes any sense, this also pleasantly surprises me. It doesn't have as much garlic flavor as you think and I'm wondering if that's because I boiled the garlic cloves for 10 minutes before cooking them. There is also a very interesting flavor from nigella seeds, almost spicy. I also read that these seeds are very common in North African and Middle Eastern cuisine as well, which is interesting. The most exciting thing for me about this dish is that the idea of ​​eating garlic like this felt so out of my comfort zone, and I'm actually enjoying the experience. minus the red chili let's not go back there I need an adult I said let's not go back there just a little editing joke I think this is a good lesson for me and everyone else that it's good to eat outside your comfort zone and try things even if you think, oh, I would never like that, you don't really know because you've never prepared anything that way before, so who's going to try it?
Let me know Hello everyone, my name is zunit nital and I am from uttar pradesh,


, the dish I am going to share with you all today is known as garlic keer. Here is a sweet pudding made with lots of garlic, sugar, milk, flavored with saffron and cardamom and topped with many nuts, which is also known as payash or payasam in different regions of India has been an integral part of the artist, be it a feast, a festival, a ritual wedding, has made its presence everywhere, while most of them are commonly found, the ones with garlic are a rare gift to find, it was first prepared by the Kansas royals in the Cuisine of the Mughal Kings of India The Mughals loved their food and often had some strange demands, such as an ice cold drink from the Himalayas brought from 700 kilometers away, so the garlic here could be a creation of these kings food lovers.
I insist that everyone try this because although it is an old recipe, it is a new experience and it will be amazing and you will definitely love it. I did my research so I know this isn't a troll because you know it looked like garlic here and there isn't even rice in this which is very confusing it's like sweetened milk and boiled garlic. Garlic doesn't taste like anything. I must say that the milk tastes very authentic like here, like cardamom and saffron, they don't really rush it. come here you have to try it just come here come here you have to try it come here try it oh my god it's like pulling your teeth just come here and try this and tell me if you think this tastes like garlic it doesn't taste like garlic I'm not surprised at all because it I soaked it in vinegar for 30 minutes I boiled it I emptied the water I boiled it empty I did it four times and then I cooked it in milk I'm just wondering at this point why is the garlic in here If it doesn't taste like garlic I'm very confused but the milkman was also veryConfused by how thick it was and I looked at a bunch of people doing this on youtube and they all had the same consistency as me so I think I did it right, maybe there was a year's leftover garlic in northern India and it didn't They knew what to do with it, so they turned it into a dessert like this that is totally made up.
I have no idea. I hope you enjoyed this episode and watched me eat my body weight and garlic and I'll see you all in the next one

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