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Try Not To Cringe at Fat Families

May 03, 2024
Hello and welcome back to the largest channel in the world. That's great, that's great, thank you. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to join too. I'd like to feel comfortable around here, the old rhino horn, he's not here, he's hiding. after lying about his love for Tracy Baker, many of you shockingly said in the comments where is Max, where is Max, here I am, I saw that video and he got kicked out and you know the worst thing is that you think he has a brain the size. from his forehead there's nothing there it's empty hit this is an echo it's good to be back though thanks yes yes well we're a family here aren't we on this channel?
try not to cringe at fat families
I know you like to be called dad but this time I'm taking the rank, obviously I never know what Steven is going to show me, so I listen to dad H, that hard drive was a shock to me, sure, I made copies, but that It was to show you that today we are going to be observing Pat's


. Oh I thought it was nice to bring Max back for one more, fans have been asking for it. We've had Ryan, you know, do a couple of shoutouts on the channel to get Max back to being funny, inbred


. 'cause that wouldn't probably be him in it, so see, so who was who?
try not to cringe at fat families

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try not to cringe at fat families...

F me manom I'm the only fat one in my family if you're not familiar with fat families, let's take a look at a clip that I think sums up the show. I'm in Tord Shopi and I'm about to meet one of the fattest families I've ever met in my life. It's from 2010. You're surprising me. I thought it was early, yeah, when they could do it. kind of like the empty area in The Snug Mario where there's just chaos pods and stuff, so yeah, it would have been a very different movie with this guy in the sense of why he's so fat that he sounds like he's just driving on a RV looking for fat families, oh I've done it.
try not to cringe at fat families
I have one if they don't get their chubby fingers out they will be on their way to an early grave, watch out, enough is enough, this is a guy who has a lot of fat jokes, it's like he has to write a television series. this hey chubby of course SN oink oink that was me little ginger chip JS you know? Good morning, how are you, do a quick GL of the camera, little one, this guy and unwelcome, he comes. I'm Steve Miller. No nonsense, fat man. Buster I'm here to end the obesity epidemic sweeping the UK.
try not to cringe at fat families
It's so degrading that he really looks like a gym shark athlete. The UK made the show. Friends, you can't bring your own food to the cafeteria, there are rules. I've eaten all our muffins, we don't have anyone else left, Phoebe is fat, I can't, why do I join him in a joke? There is some respect towards men, I am still hurt, to be honest, this is what you have done. You got me into this You have Cameron Green He looks like him What is he? He says he's a fat destroyer, but I know a fat destroyer, so the other week I found a fat emid in my butt.
Look, today he is with his in-laws. fat families is a documentary reality show that aired on Sky in six episodes over a year the weekend Steve modifies the family home to keep them motivated to lose weight the refrigerator is in the attic which they revisited months later in episodes titled second helpings sorry I didn't call it sloppy seconds I'm about to meet one of the fattest families I've ever met in my life this rolling threesome is making its way to a first grade rolling threesome series one episode one about which there's talk you know, putting your stamp on what the show will be, do you think he was big before because he seems to have JS or he never really loved himself?
Wow, come on, Steve, this trio devours up to three times more food than they need in one sitting alone, how do they get these shots? Do they have GoPros on the arches or something? They were told they were having a mukbang if they don't stop gobbling down giant portions and cutting up the trash. Oh, it's horrible, they're stuck like a colonoscopy. camera on a fork, oh yeah, next person to get a colonoscopy. I love my big body, which is a kid's bike. Well, couldn't get away with it nowadays, damn snowflakes ruining our television, the more you don't move, keep the child they remove.
I'm Steve Miller, a full-time motivator and former fat buster, why did you guess that? We will meet our own kind, how much weight do you want to lose? So, right? I like being fat. I've always said it. I love being fat then. What am I doing here? It looks like a Beavers and Beav cartoon, but yeah, before I can act, I need to see what they're putting in their oversized bodies. Put it in the cart. This is exciting for the husband. a little bit right there behind Michael, can you see it? right behind Michael, you can't see him there.
That woman is so fat that she can't even walk through the store. She is actually trapped in a body of L. The car windows are down. However, here he has frozen food, he's furious, he's a prop, I've been dragged into this, he's just bothering Steve in the end, look at that fat guy down there, he's got those fingers, what should we do then, French fries and, Lastly, T, who can barely stand? on the scale, you know I hate being cynical, I know you hate being cynical, I mean, she's crying just to try to lose some water.
I think it's a cheap way to see a little bit of us on the scale too, please. I weighed 33 stone now you weigh 31 stone 1 that's good let's get to the final weigh in. I'm so nervous, are you really nervous? What are you and are you nervous about meeting you Steve? I've seen a final cut of the first episode shooting dreo yeah that doesn't include our kids it'll be a shaky foursome actually why are you nervous seeing how I look? There's a mirror in his eye line, oh look at me, so here we go, look at yourself, Michael, how did you do it? she's hungry, now she looks like an evil businessman and finally, Anne, who was so worried about her health, trying to get the smell of you know, the smell of potato chips from her, uh, how do I say this, you're disgusting, I'm horrible, I want to see my great-grandchildren and I one who opens the door is all good for him he's like a Fu Labrador that boy you look absolutely fabulous fabulous that's not nice you're an idiot you're as bad as that the wig I'm telling you and glasses fat embarrassed in public oh, I wonder what that's like, you're too heavy to do.
I've invited these couch potatoes to the Birmingham market area because it's time to sort things out, all that needs to be done is far from the worst, why are they It's not their shows, we have a sexist family of five members like this program. You can respond to the boy's daughter by saying "Hello Pig." I think she probably did it for a small feeder in front of him. This is you, this is who. I am who I am? What I've become? I think yesterday Illustrated and especially last night while they are both fat I'm going to say Illustrated.
I drew it is a v diagram no, those two circles are you two, do we have to use that? word a real shock when you see this show just don't call me fat but you're fat I don't have a show you're taking away my show this would only be called families no one wants to watch like that it would be It's funny, if these aren't the two you should know about, you're a little fatter, aren't you who? I am the producer of the program, come and find out how many calories your bread has. He's like Jeremy Kyle from Cholesterol, isn't he?
He is just horrible. A slice of innocent-looking white bread has the same amount of calories as a cream-filled Profiterol, so it ruins my Profiterol sandwiches that I've always had, now maybe the ones on whole wheat bread. Max, hey, worst wizard I've ever become. this into this I have turned all of these into this fat pig what is the magic word too bad he has 42 slices of bread every week booing what has he done to the general population me this is really terrible that is bad that guy is pure fat what do you think Claire just one vomit to burn 42 slices of bread.
You'd have to do 9 hours of that. A gun. Oh, and he eats a bullet. he enjoyed it a little he loves to be well garlic bread yes please I'm the rest if you don't burn it what do you become love that catch R didn't notice like anyone by Bruce Forides made it nice to watch You're a huge chubby , look at this smile it's not a fake smile, no he's probably the happiest he's ever been. What it is is that I have broken him, he has gone too far, the host of the family is going too far, oh God, what has he done now?
He introduces me. to Linda Matt and Sarah, how fat do you look? I love that conversation starter, yes, real life breaker, oh don't say it, no one else can break the ice. I wouldn't even do that, so why did you get like that? Because I eat the wrong thing. things at the wrong time that's why I'm here, what have they cut here? Yes, what have they edited? I want to start a family and things like that. There's no way he's doing that look at the camera when two people are going. We want to start. a family you didn't start, you're eating for two, even though that's just one parent.
Sarah and I headed to the local mall. Can you ever imagine getting into that? I would love to be in something like this and you can't get it. in these da clo because you're too fat that can't be true it sounded like someone came from afar in a locker room because you're too huge I have more of Theseus larger than life no, it's not sharp enough look how much you had to stretch my arm so with the day coming to an end why don't you come with more calories you're proud of yourself it's not another it's a bread B what hey me red it's empty I need more I think I've learned from this that I'm worse than that.
I feel like he doesn't say half the things he says when he's on screen. These are my boys. I have two pieces of meat. I would like them to get to know each other. I do not do it. I don't think they're his boys, these are my boys, aren't they Gavin? It is not like this? Now you're going to see how I eat bite after bite. About to eat for a week. This is your new diet like my heart is about to do it. also exploits how much these guys have been paid to be demoted like this is not enough, it would be great, he says and that's it, let's continue with the episode.
I might be getting this completely wrong if he says that when you die, they I'm going to date these two, what's going on. I don't even know what this is, so now I think the show was canceled. Now it just appeared on Main, the TV shows. A weight loss expert says NHS staff should have to do it. wear badges like these weight loss expert I don't, no, don't forget your cool slogan, eat less and move more hypnotist Steve Miller also believes in the restaurant hypnotist this changes everything you will order from the set menu good morning to you Steve and Dr.
Hillary are here in the studio so this guy is a normal doctor, he looks professional Steve Miller looks like a child artist Mr. Tumble brother is a one way ticket to the wobbly world these badges are not it's not about bullying it's about inspire oh says Get inspired Max, do what you're told, yeah, get inspired by this story that has shown us that it's always good to stick badges on people, so you know they're easy, easy to stand out. I'm actually saying make this voluntary. a hospital, let's not underestimate our NHS, this seems like a stupid way for hypnotist Steve Miller to stay in the public eye, oh GB news, this discrimination is unfair.
Well, first of all, you've changed positions, it's like looking at Richard and Judy. Do you know what I mean by Richard and Judy a Telly? I think it's Richard and Judy. What other Richard and Judy are there? Hello Judy. Oh, Mr. Cool, if you choose to be too fat. The former presenter used to be on television. Oh, that's so depressing. I'm not a fan of insurance companies though, what happened to him, what happened to B, Steve Miller, let's see him in a debate until I had Bim and he was sick, it was only then at some point why is he looking contentedly at the camera?
For Bia there is a lot of support out there listen seriously the government has spent millions you spent billions on a train line they gave up on I'm not going to go down that path because you can't yeah you fed Yeah well Here we go, God, having seen the ups and downs. Well, it's nice that you went from a video where the person had no idea what they were talking about to including the perfect person for the video, the Rhino. I would have had no idea to play that clip where he calls the little boy fat again.
He's that Tracy Beaker kid, that's what I'd say. Thanks for inviting me. Stephen. Be sure to check out Max on Twitch. Hey this is just a preview of what he does it's like Pavlov's dog moving hello hello any interesting game coming out uh Spider-Man 2 O excited about that and we haven't played Strip FIFA yet anyway guys stay safe stay humble eat less and exercise more guess or not. Goodbye Who am I? Who I am? What I've become? Oh, I'm laughing too much, I'm having too much fun.

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