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May 10, 2020
today Grumpus and I are going to try not to be surprised I think I'm going to win no, no, no, no, no, we're going to shoot the footage, maybe you'll be surprised, okay, take this ring, Grumpus, let me, let me, it's just a friendship ring, go ahead, if you can put it on, I'll be your friend, there you go, you look great, well, okay, I'm a man of my word. Oh friends, Grumpus, maybe later, what do you really get? A DAB, okay. 20,000 likes on this video. because it's a dab, well Preston, since we're officially friends, wait, that was probably the best dab I've ever seen in my entire life, we have a grievous general on duty right now, hello, this is an awesome costume, but what?
try not to be amazed challenge very hard
How is this person? There behind the layer that this person is going to say is a


thin 3D layer. I have seen it before. It is not a 3D layer. The person is literally behind it. They are as if they are sewn into the cape. No, oh, and they actually talked. Know? I know a thing or two about puppets. Where did you go to school? e


where, so you went everywhere, yeah, everywhere, yeah, like everywhere, yeah. I didn't see you at my school. I graduated about a year before you arrived. Oh, like a year. to see well, you're not 26 years old, you're not impressed with that car, oh my god, you know what, okay, here we go, impressed, oh no, he'll stop it at nine ninety-one o'clock, I doubt it if he does, stop a like, come on. nine maybe one no way okay, okay, yeah, okay, yeah, if you just pressed it it would be one thing, but okay, yeah, countdown.
try not to be amazed challenge very hard

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try not to be amazed challenge very hard...

This person could be the next Bruce Lee lazy ball to get noticed. I touched it and it did, yes, no. another word to describe it amazing amazing no I'm not surprised a base not amazing oh oh come on how amazing is this come on wait you're supposed to do it with a basketball oh my god it's going to be like this for the whole episode. Seriously, come on, okay dude, this guy is literally 90 degrees, you're supposed to do it on the snowboard, so reframe everything so you think this is how I make my breakfast every day, okay, I'm literally calling my breakfast shrimp, right?
try not to be amazed challenge very hard
Eat, wait, eat shrimp oh yeah, I can't eat them, it's not kosher, they are out there too fast, follow the car, brah, if you make your breakfast like this every day, you must cook for me, okay, hurry up, yeah , come on, really, eh, okay. we also have a glass, okay, oh, we have coke without sugar, zero, okay, it's a cool drink, I guess, Mentos, why is it like it's like wine and cheese, coke and mentos, jello peanut butter? Preston Grumpus, I don't think so. so dad, I thought it was so smooth, okay, that's not a Mento, well you're right, that's not a mentos, did you go to Mento? yes, it's singular, they're Mentos, they're plural, they never come alone in one, okay, they're the Mentos, I told you, okay, so what's going to happen?
try not to be amazed challenge very hard
It'll be like mmm oh, wait a second. I made this with tick-tock, you put baking soda. Soap Coke and Mentos bro I'm basically a scientist and you're still


by it. Well, you've done it before and you're still


. Are you judging me a little? Why am I joking a lot. You are a savage today. you're nut Sandie too many people too many times let me be Grumpus yeah let me do Preston Hey guys, could I subscribe? I'm Grumpus, look at that, no, they made it pretty, that only comes with a job, tiger, ooh, I just cut my hair, yeah, well, a plastic bottle, add plastic.
I can do that with my eyes closed. I don't like being in a bad mood. I don't like being Preston either. I'm glad we were born the way we were born. Look at this coke bottle. in a coke bottle it's the illusion of a coke bottle it's a giant red oh it's small you're not kidding that's a real valve why would I be kidding? Well, I once joked about valves, you're right, I know how much you love baking treats with valves. cola is the same as the previous mento at once that's a lot of mentos that's a lot oh my god wait this is great and they're burying it it's like go what's okay so it's like a cannon you know what ? on I like this, oh okay, this is cool, are you surprised?
You know, if it wasn't for the valve, I would have tuned out, so I love the valve. I like it, incredible, like the creative construction of the Mentos. The valve is what surprised you oh yes, it is a quality valve Preston sometimes you make my face very sour as if I had eaten too many warheads. I feel the same way about you, well how could I make you bitter? What do I do that? It makes you bitter here, say something, anything, hello, yeah, like that, okay, boss. Oh, where are the pipes for the bed frame? There's no way he's doing the same thing without precision guidance or he's like the wheat getting the grain, you know, I don't know, he's just good at his job, he's just good at his job, he's just good at his job, guys, meanwhile, this woman literally just made a hat in a matter of three seconds, yeah, it's a hat making machine, dude, come on, no, you gotta appreciate, it's a Mays cow.
It's probably okay, now you're just being sarcastic, yeah, yeah, okay, and I thought, how do you like those apples? Those are other, actually, apples. I think you're right, they're apples, oh look at this guy, okay, okay, with one hand he catches melons. I'll admit, I like that, yeah, okay, I like that he's not surprised, but he likes it, yeah, maybe go ahead and tell it at the counter, yeah, oh my god, get it into a good rhythm. It would be very difficult to maintain that cadence. You know, yeah. It kind of proved your point that that person could be like a DJ, only you weren't keeping up your cadence?
You made fun of my cadence, yeah, well, like you had a warm-up, like I hadn't done much of a physical warm-up. -up I don't want to warm up I well I'm embarrassed no warming up you're embarrassing me go ahead if you're embarrassed leave a like below and if you're surprised if you want to make us feel amazed hit that subscribe I'd be surprised if you make the red subscribe button turn grey. I would be surprised personally. I would be surprised to do it. It would surprise me. Can you put your hand in your mouth? Astonished as a guy.
Perfect guy. Perfect moment. Oh, oh, come on, wait, landing. in the water, is it too difficult? It's a big target, yeah, a rock and hit the bottle. Oh my god, no way, this is skeet shooting with golf balls on the beach, homey, uh, props to you, I do it. I knew the perfect guy would be in this. I knew it, representatives from Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, come on, boy, you're easily surprised because I'm full of joy. Grumpus, I was actually quite surprised, though because can you do that again? The fist, I can't do it, yeah, what's the pressure?
On that, John, did you expect? I don't know, but the pressure of your jaw amazes you. Yes, I can crack a coconut. Okay, mmm. Okay, that's awesome, that's awesome. Me too. You know, let's make him break it. you feel like this is your interest this is action this is I'm not surprised this is just dangerous this could be an attempt to be dissatisfied clip in the video at the same time oh look at this rowing team look at the perfect timing right? I think we can row our boats gently down the river, but look, I wouldn't be gentle if I rowed well, it could be, it could be, you're going to be the gentle type, I almost touched you, I didn't, I conceded for your loss.
I was trying it, you just listen, let's see, you're going to be surprised, come on, there's a child involved, the whole child is amazed, the child is very amazed, and we don't know what you're still amazed about, that's why yes, because the drums exist, it's a sweet and sincere moment with the kid and the drums now, if he got up there and started playing a solo, we'll see, look at it, you might be surprised if we have no idea that this person could be a professional drummer. Look, it seems like he knows how to get into position, okay, okay, better than he expected, you know, I'm actually just saying, wow, yeah, you did it, you were surprised, you know what he was surprised.
I'm a little surprised, ladies and gentlemen, it's just like. seven to one at this rate or something ridiculous like danke, look gratci, they're like gummy bears, they're on spinning magnets, they're floating on magnets, see that space between each other buddy, that's how magnets work, but what's up? Yes, we will end up doing this in the future as humans. We made a lot of metal. What we would expect if you engage in this as a human and feel that magnetic interference damages your brain. I don't think it's that strong. I don't think so, no, my brain is definitely that strong, am I yours?
The insult didn't believe my brain was strong, just leave. I hoped it went well for you. I did not think. Okay, you know you're just getting started. You know, for a Boomer, you're doing decently right now and you've got yourself. I have to admit if you were such a cute nose I wouldn't want to touch it all the time, I don't get paid enough colorful life, oh my gosh I thought for a second I was pumping espresso out of an espresso machine. Don't drink that now she's just drilling look at her she's got a girl drill oh she's got the skills to pay the bills I bet you say the drills you're catching I'm contagious, right?
It hit me, didn't it? kid, but you said don't touch, you ever said I can't hit you, bumping is touching, it's really touching, yeah, we'll have to decide whether to touch, you know what it is, can we be surprised by this? I'll sell him like a kid, for a second, this guy looks great for his age, do the barrel like he's okay, drifting, okay, that's what the kids call him, drifting, that's crazy , you know what I'm doing wonderful cinemas. I love a good video on tap and you know what? If you love kegs, you should comment because if you come in the first 60 minutes of a new video, Grumblers and I read your comments and present them here, that's right, yeah, everything we love, make sure you tell me what your type is favorite. on tap is

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