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Trump Wants His Coronavirus Failures to Be “Quickly Forgotten”: A Closer Look

May 04, 2020
-Hello everyone and welcome back to my penthouse. We've been focusing a lot on that mysterious little door over there. And we're guessing what's behind it at whatsupwithsethstinydoor Again, it's highly unlikely we'll ever check that account, let alone read anything on the air. But you know, what else are you doing? Now, I've also noticed that there's been some speculation online about another aspect of our makeshift setup here, "The Thorn Birds." Of all the books in my house, why did I choose to highlight this 1977 Australian romance novel that was later adapted into a hit 1983 television miniseries?
trump wants his coronavirus failures to be quickly forgotten a closer look
Have I really read it? If so, why? Am I secretly 78 years old? Maybe it's not at my house, but at my parents' house. Or maybe I just want to show everyone that, in addition to being a well-known bibliophile who keeps up with the latest literary trends, I'm also an old soul who loves gripping reads about a torrid romance between an innocent peasant girl and a priest. hot. Anyway, if you have any ideas, send them to [email protected]. There is almost no way for us to read everything you send us. But you know, what the hell?
trump wants his coronavirus failures to be quickly forgotten a closer look

More Interesting Facts About,

trump wants his coronavirus failures to be quickly forgotten a closer look...

You can spend your time on that or try to recover your workout app password, give up and take a three-hour bath, like the rest of us. And while you do that, the president and his allies are trying to make the


pandemic go away and hope you forget that he made a serious mistake in his response to the crisis. To learn more about this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ As we have seen throughout his presidency, Donald Trump is both an emblem and enabler of a broken government. And that government has put lives at risk with its arrogance and incompetence.
trump wants his coronavirus failures to be quickly forgotten a closer look
For example, at one of his daily press conferences this week, as the United States continued to face a deadly


that was spreading rapidly across the country, he became enraged when the word "testing" appeared and complained that it was not the government's purview. federal. I work to test people. -Testing is still a big problem in this country. When can hospitals expect? -Replace the slide, please. -When can hospitals expect to receive a quick response on their test results? -Are you ready? Are you ready? Hospitals can also conduct their own tests. States can do their own testing. States are supposed to be testing.
trump wants his coronavirus failures to be quickly forgotten a closer look
Hospitals instead of doing tests. Do you understand that? We are the federal government. Listen, we're the federal government. We're not supposed to stand on corners doing tests. -Trump believes that testing is done on street corners, because if he weren't president, he would definitely be selling fake tests on street corners right now. He would be set up in Times Square with a pile of swabs placed on a black folding table. Who needs swabs? We have your swabs here. That? No ma'am, these are not swabs, they are high quality medical swabs. Look, if you're not going to buy, move on.
I have many clients here. Also, if you don't mind, I want to get back to this part. -Are you ready? Are you ready? -It's such an idiotic move to ask someone if he's ready, like you're about to blow his head off. It's like a guy sitting at the piano saying, "Look at this!" And then pecking "chopsticks" at medium speed. I also love the sheer audacity of this guy asking another person if he's ready. Remember, Trump is the guy who, in just four years, went from this... -I just to fix it. this. -And we are reinforcements.
Remember that we are a backup. -Trump thought he alone could fix it until he saw what he was. It's like when you were on a road trip with your friends and your car broke down. You had that friend who always said, "Hey, open the hood. I've got this." And then, you know, stay there for a while, hands on your hips


ing at him. Then he'd finally say, "Damn, there's a lot of stuff under here. Do you have AAA?" And now, as the outbreak continues to intensify and the death toll rises, NPR reports that the federal government will stop funding coronavirus testing sites this Friday.
As a result, in some places those sites will close. Do you think the time has come to cut funding for testing? You're crazy? It's like being in the middle of surgery, removing the guy's spleen and saying, "It's okay. You can wake it up. It can be sewn back on. That's the easy part." And today we learn that approximately 17 million people have lost their jobs in just three weeks, while the death toll has surpassed 15,000. And yet, Trump is once again rushing to pretend this will all go away and he hopes people will forget that, as we detailed yesterday, he literally ignored years of warnings about the threat of a pandemic. -Ultimately, the goal is to soften the guidelines and open things up to very large sectors of our country as we approach the end of our historic battle with the invisible enemy.
There is tremendous hope as we


forward and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. -“Once we open our great country, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the invisible enemy, except for those who sadly lost a family member or friend, must be



.” - I love that "Hold a Grudge Jones" here tells us that we have to forget about it and move on. The same guy who is still so angry at John McCain that he tweeted that McCain was last in his class at Annapolis seven months after his death.
This is the same as people who act terribly and then when you point out their terrible behavior they yell, "What's wrong with civility?" Civility is not a right. You win. And sometimes people don't deserve it. Just like some people don't deserve to have their bad decisions lost to history. And nothing reveals how poorly Trump has handled this like Trump telling us that now we have to forget about this when it's over. During World War II, Winston Churchill didn't think, "I never want to hear about this again." He was smoking a cigarette thinking, "When this is over, there will be a million books about how hard I crushed this." You know, or however I said it.
Probably like this. It would be like this, it would be... That would be a preface. I mean, who should forget? Trump is like a Wendy's employee who gets fired, shows up drunk in the middle of the night, grabs a Frosty machine, scribbles "Donald was here," and passes out naked in the parking lot. When the police come to arrest him, he says, "Guys, that was yesterday. Let's move on." He also stops telling people that there is a light at the end of the tunnel before there is actually a light at the end of the tunnel. No one who really knows anything about this is saying we'll get back to normal until there's a vaccine, which is at least a year to 18 months.
Just listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci. -When you come back little by little, you don't jump with both feet. You say, you know, what are the things that you can still do and get


to normal? One of them is absolutely compulsive hand washing. The other is that you never shake anyone's hand. That's clear. The other thing, depending on your status, the possibility that when you're in a group of people, you can't avoid the 6-foot limit and you can't stay outside of 10 feet, you might want to wear a cloth face covering. -The hardest part of that: Son of a bitch.
Is there a second "Thorn Birds" now? What the hell? I'm sorry. The hardest part of that advice for Donald Trump is the no-handshake rule. Because, as we have seen in his meetings with world leaders, he grabs them tightly and won't let go. Do you remember how long you held on to French President Emmanuel Macron? I'm pretty sure they had to be surgically separated. That's a man desperate for human contact. One of these days, Trump will invite Macron to shake his hand and put a pair of handcuffs on him. Uh oh! Oh, look at this. And, oh no, I accidentally swallowed the key.
I guess we have to be best friends for life. So tell me, do you really eat snails? And then there are the tips about masks. We now know that Trump does not follow medical advice. That's clear. I mean, look. He looks like he gets the fake tan from him by sticking his face in the microwave. It's either a terrible fake tan or the world's biggest freckle. And Trump certainly doesn't listen to real doctors. Instead, he listens to TV idiots like Sean Hannity. At one point, Trump admitted that he got information about the ventilators by watching Hannity.
And on his radio show, Hannity referred to himself as Dr. Hannity. -I just watched your show and a couple of other people just informed me that everyone is in very good shape from a fans' point of view. -I would, from everything I know, Dr. Hannity... Dr. Hannity, I am my only patient. I would absolutely use it if I had this. -Yuck. People always get this wrong. You're not Dr. Hannity, you're Dr. Hannity's monster. I'm sorry. You are not qualified to give medical advice to anyone. It seems like you've only had one medical procedure, and that was having your neck removed.
Trump listens to fake doctors more than his real doctors. For example, after the CDC officially recommended that all Americans wear a mask or face covering when going outside to slow the spread of the coronavirus, Trump announced the new guidelines from the White House podium and then immediately contradicted them. . -CDC recommends the use of non-medical cloth face coverings as an additional voluntary public health measure. So it's voluntary. You do not have to do it. They suggested it for a while. But this is voluntary. I don't think I'm going to do it. -In a way, it makes sense since Trump's face already looks like a mask.
One of these days he'll rip that thing off and reveal that it's actually Bodhi from "Point Break." It's a "Point Break" reference. Seriously, what's wrong with you? You cannot announce a new public health measure to stem the tide of a pandemic and then immediately say that we are not going to do it. Can you imagine him proposing to a woman? Do you want to marry me and make me the happiest man on Earth? At least for a time. I don't want to be tied down. Did you know? We should see other people. Or at least you should see other people.
You are welcome to remain faithful to me. The CDC even recommends it. And Trump not only ignores doctors, he believes he knows more than them. Remember when he visited CDC headquarters in a hat and windbreaker and held up a printout like a gym teacher standing in for a science class? "Look at this. It's a... I don't know. It's a germ, something. It looks like it's called Wikipedia. Anyway, calm down! We'll spend the rest of class watching "Bull Durham" on Laser Disk." And then he claimed that because his uncle was smart, he personally knew a lot about the coronavirus. -And I like these things.
You know, my uncle is a great person. He was at MIT. I think he taught at MIT for a record number of years. He was a great super genius. Dr. John Trump. I like these things. I really understand it. -No, you don't. It looks like you walked into the middle of a tour press conference. He should be holding a map with a Nikon camera around his neck asking scientists for directions. Do you know how to get to Times Square? I want to buy some swabs. I heard it's real. So you don't even know what your uncle taught or how many years he taught, but you know he was a great super genius?
Was your uncle Wile E. Coyote? He taught at MIT for a record number of years. But he was never able to catch the Roadrunner. You know, he was the one who told me there was a light at the end of the tunnel. A real tunnel. None painted on a mountainside. That was the day Trump said anyone who


a test will get one. And now he is cutting funding for testing. And I know he'd rather we all be Drew Barrymore from "50 First Dates" and get up every morning and say, "President Trump? Oh, I'll give him a chance." But that's not how most of our brains work.
We remember the things you've said and then hold you accountable for them. Now it looks like our chance to do so will be in November in a race between Trump and Joe Biden after Bernie Sanders officially dropped out of the presidential race yesterday, which sucks for a lot of reasons. One of which is the time for Medicare for All. It would have been pretty good right now, given that we are going through a massive health emergency in which millions of people are also losing their health insurance. Maybe we're all finally learning that tying your healthcare to your job was a stupid idea.
I mean, what do they have to do with each other anyway? If we really wanted to make healthcare fit for purpose, then nurses, delivery drivers, and grocery store employees would receive free, gold-plated healthcare for the rest of their lives and talk show hosts racist games would have to pay a million dollars to replace each tooth. that falls down. -God bless the United States. -You have to admit that Bernie fundamentally changed politics. And he did it over the course of about five years. Let's remember how extraordinary this was. I mean, his first campaign started in 2015 when he approachedto reporters, I guess in a park, and told them that he was running for president and also that he was too busy to talk to them. -Many, many thanks to everyone, wow, for being here today.
Let me make a brief comment and I'll be happy to answer a few questions. We do not have an infinite amount of time. I have to return. -I'm so bummed that we missed the opportunity to have a president who hated pomp and circumstance as much as Bernie. His State of the Unions would have been 10 minutes maximum. Please hold the applause until the end. Or, you know, keep it completely. I don't care much about empty displays of enthusiasm. When old people give standing ovations, it's very silly. I mean, he walked up to them like he'd been in that park all night.
He get out of here. You're scaring the birds. It is a very delicate ecosystem. Furthermore, he personally covered that podium himself and decided to stop after reaching the top. Who needs a full podium? It's too ostentatious. And fittingly, Bernie closed both of his campaigns for president with a park ad and a fiery speech from the Senate floor last month in which he fought to protect extra pay for workers who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. -And now I find that some of my Republican colleagues are very distressed. They are very upset that someone who makes $10 or $12 an hour could end up with four months more pay than they received last week.
My God, the universe is collapsing. Imagine that: Someone who now makes $12 an hour, like the rest of us, is facing an unprecedented economic crisis with $600 on top of their normal unemployment check, could be making a few dollars more for four months. Oh my word! Will the universe survive? -Sarcastic Bernie is the best Bernie. I think it's his Brooklyn accent. He's like a veteran working a shift at Park Slope Food Coop dealing with snooty newcomers. "Sorry, there is no more organic arugula." Oh my word! You have to prepare your elegant salads with regular arugula. Imagine that. How will the universe survive?
We need those kinds of major changes to deal with the failed government that Trump is currently exposing. He ignored years of warnings about a possible pandemic, lied about it when he arrived, lost accountability to the states, pushed an unproven miracle cure, and now asks us to just forget the whole thing. And if you ask him to provide leadership, he responds by saying... -I don't think he's going to do it. -This has been "A


look." Three? ♪♪ City Harvest is a great charity and is now working hard to support New York City families who are out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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