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Trump’s Magical, Wonderful Road to Impeachment | The Daily Show

Mar 20, 2024


is the constitutional way to say goodbye felicia, that's probably presidential harassment. President Trump has been accused of threatening to cut off military aid to Ukraine if that country's leaders did not investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. The president pushed for an investigation of Joe Biden eight times. At the time of the call, the Trump administration was withholding $250 million in military aid to Ukraine that Congress had already approved. Yes, this is huge. Donald Trump is accused of withholding congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine unless they helped him dig up dirt. joe biden, which if true would be devastating, it is an abuse of power, it is extortion and perhaps worst of all is asking a foreign country to meddle in the United States elections, yes, that is the only thing which if you were Donald Trump you should stay away because they had just gotten over the Russia case.
trump s magical wonderful road to impeachment the daily show
It would be like if the day after Michael Jackson was acquitted of touching children, he said, let's have a sleepover at my house, but the only silver lining to any Trump scandal is if you wait long enough. eventually he will spill the beans himself the conversation I had was largely congratulatory it was largely corruption all the corruption that took place was largely the fact that we don't want our people like Vice President Biden and his son to believe corruption that already in Ukraine there was no pressure on them at all, but there was pressure regarding joe biden, what joe biden did for his son, that's something they should be looking at, okay, we all heard that


just said no there was pressure except the pressure to dirty biden that's the only pressure we're talking about on monday the ukraine scandal broke on tuesday the democrats opened an


inquiry on wednesday the transcript of the call came out and today the big news is that the secret whistleblower complaint that started this whole matter has finally been released the house intelligence committee just released the whistleblower complaint this is the second paragraph of that whistleblower complaint that says that in the course of my official duties I have received information from multiple US government officials that the president of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 US elections, that is correct, the whistleblower complaint has charged to the president to call for foreign interference in the US elections, which is really bad for


, what is it?
trump s magical wonderful road to impeachment the daily show

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Even worse is that this entire complaint is only nine pages long, which means people could read the hell out of it if it had some photos. Trump himself could even read it. Trump and his defenders are saying that the whistleblower's account is false because they say that. The complainant bases all this on second-hand information, he did not hear the case and he himself has not seen anything. They also point out that the president of Ukraine himself said yesterday that he never felt any pressure from Trump, although in fact, I saw the Ukrainian president say it. You may have a different impression.
trump s magical wonderful road to impeachment the daily show
Have you felt any pressure from President Trump to investigate Joe Biden and Hunter Biden? I think you read everything, so I think you read the text. Sorry but no. I don't want to participate in the US open democratic elections. No, you heard that we had, I think it was a good phone call, it was normal, we talked about a lot of things and I think, and you read it, no one pushed me, yes, no, pressure, okay, okay. I don't want to contradict the president, but I don't think the translation of that was without pressure, that man seemed to be under intense pressure, I mean, he actually said I don't want to get involved, I mean, that's not the case. a comfortable phrase you sometimes say when you're comfortable how you feel I don't want to get involved I'm so comfortable you can't ask that question in front of Trump it's like asking the hostage how they're treating him while the kidnapper is right next to him oh how do I do they treat? oh it's amazing, yes, last night they even gave me toilet paper.
trump s magical wonderful road to impeachment the daily show
I love being here. The big news today is that the White House has taken its fight with Congress to the next one. level by officially sending the word that he will not participate in any aspect of the impeachment inquiry, yes, which is crazy, as if Trump can't just refuse to participate as if this is not the Vietnam War and this new tactic, this new tactic made everything go crazy because look, today was meant to be the big day when congress would hear testimony from gordon sunderland, ambassador to the eu and jeffrey's doppelganger, but right before the house c -span to start recording, the white house pulled the plug, we're following the latest news this morning and It's moving quickly: the White House prevents EU ambassador Gordon Sunderland from testifying before Congress just minutes before his appearance on The capitol.
He was scheduled to testify behind closed doors as part of an ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Trump, specifically into his interactions with Ukraine. The Democratic House intelligence chairman calls for the move to prevent Sunlens from speaking to lawmakers. He cites compelling evidence of obstruction at the president's behest. Sunderland was removed from this impeachment hearing, which is a big deal because although many people haven't heard of Gordon Sunderland, it seems that all of Trump, wanted by Ukraine, went through him before President Trump even spoke to Ukrainian President Gordon Sondland, the US ambassador to the EU had been pressuring the Ukrainians to commit to the investigations Mr Trump was seeking and why Congress is so intense about Sonnen testifying en "Not only because he was at the center of this scandal in Ukraine, it's also because he has text messages that


what was happening behind the scenes.
Text messages given to Congress


Sunderland and another diplomat discussing a possible link between investigations and aid to Ukraine September 9 Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat to Ukraine, texts. I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance to help with a political campaign. Sondlin's response. I think he is wrong about President Trump's intentions. The president has been very clear. There is no quid pro quo of any kind. I suggest we stop going back and forth with text messages from Taylor, Gordon Sonlen. Are we now saying that White House security aides and meetings are conditional on investigations? Sanlin answers call me.
Okay, I don't know if these guys are guilty or not, but you have to do it. Admit that those text messages seem very suspicious, yes, because the only time you say stop texting, let's talk on the phone is when something shady is happening, it's 2019. Nobody talks on the phone, the only reason to talk by phone is to be desired. your grandmother a happy birthday or commit crimes or commit crimes with your grandmother on her birthday now for the first day of public hearings the democrats decided to call two witnesses bill taylor the acting ambassador to ukraine and george kent senior official of the state department and citizen in a 1950s musical, once I arrived in kyiv, I discovered a strange combination of encouraging, confusing and ultimately alarming circumstances, according to Mr Morrison.
President Trump insisted that President Zielinski go to a microphone and say that he was opening investigations into Biden and the 2016 election interference ambassador. Sandlin tried to explain to me that President Trump is a businessman when a businessman is About to sign a check to someone who owes him something, the businessman asked that person to pay before signing the check. I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance to help with the political campaign what did you mean when you said you thought it was crazy it was illogical it couldn't be explained it was inexplicable crazy illogical crazy that's Bill Taylor's description of the Trump's actions is also the title of Trump's new memoir the same thing yes it is my complete story and it is a coloring book friends, you will love it when it was Congressman Jim Jordan's turn to ask questions.
His big arguments were that none of these testimonies should count because it was all a game of telephone in which they were not involved. you called you were the president you didn't hear president trump's call on president leslie's call i didn't you never spoke to chief of staff mulvaney you never did you never met the president that's right this is what i can't believe and you're his star witness you're your first witness you're the guy you're the guy based on this based on I mean, I've seen I've seen changes in church prayer that are easier to understand than this, that's good Good point, Jim Jordan, these guys don't have firsthand knowledge of what Trump was doing with Ukraine, so why are they the ones testifying?
I mean, maybe it's because the White House has blocked all the people who do have firsthand knowledge. testify, that's a good point, Trevor, that's a good fine, thanks for the whole day. Jim Jordan's only approach was to make it seem like this entire process was somehow a sham, but it all backfired when he tried to focus attention on the whistleblower. Now there is one. Witness a witness they won't put you in front of us, they won't put you in front of the American people and that's the guy that started the whole whistleblower thing, no, I tell my colleague, I'd be glad to have the person. who started it all, come and testify, President Trump can take a seat right there.
This Congressional hearing was filmed in front of a live studio audience. You know, by Congressional standards, that was a pretty good hit. Yes, the only way it could have been better. is whether the congressman said: Seriously, President Trump is welcome any time; in fact, I have the invitation from him right here and this testimony was very important because for the first time the American public heard from non-partisan officials about how the president abused. his powers for personal gain and although millions of people have been talking about these hearings on Fox News, his analysis of this impeachment is meh, there is not a single person outside of Washington DC who gives a damn about what happened today, it is bored.
It was a total snooze fest, it was kind of boring to watch on TV, it was actually a huge flop, there was nothing sexy about it, there wasn't any important new information that came out with Richard Nixon, there was a robbery. with um bill clinton there was sex in the oval office yes with trump it is a phone call to ukraine there is no robbery there is no robbery there are no tapes there is no dress there is no sex it is not a sexy scandal Russia was sexy this has no intrigue whatsoever Whoa whoa whoa you're saying Trump's impeachment trial is boring and unsexy.
You know, if Trump finds out, he'll piss him off. It will come off as if my impeachment trial is the most exciting of all time. I'll walk into a hotel and as best I can believe. I'm going to cum all over this dress, don't make me do it, don't make me do it, Trevor, this whole thing has me so angry. Look, if these accusations are true, then our president, and forgive me for using the n-word, is complete nonsense here. oh you made me nervous for a second uh yeah I agree okay I think everyone is mad that the president abused his power like this okay take it easy maddow I'm mad that our president didn't even You can be accused, right?
You're wasting yours. impeachment on defeating joe biden joe biden will defeat joe biden the guy has already been wrong in two elections look when it comes to biden all you have to do is wait and it will go away you know it's like a cold or my freedom officer conditional, that guy is so obsessed with me, I actually think that's legal, so wait, desi, you don't think Trump abused his power, well, if anything, he didn't abuse it enough. Look, you only get one impeachment, you have to make it count. presidents used to understand that andrew johnson defied congress richard nixon had the saturday night massacre bill clinton got a blowjob in the oval office candy in the mouth old pac-man pac-man yeah, you know, okay, okay okay, I get it okay, I get it okay my The point is that Trevor Trump has ruined it.
He could be indicted for a bit of gossiping on the phone during the impeachment hearings last week. You may remember that we heard about a call in a restaurant between Trump and an EU ambassador, Gordon Sonnen. Well, now a diplomat who listened. that call is spilling all the information about the congress quote while ambassador sanlin's phone was not on speaker i could hear the president's voice through the phone receiver then i heard president trump ask so is he going to do the investigation ambassador sanlin He responded that he is going to do it and added that President Zelinski will do whatever he asks.
The president's voice was very strong and recognizable and Ambassador Sanlin maintained thephone away from your ear for a period of time. Yes, that's true. David Holmes testified before Congress that he heard a call where Trump explicitly asked Ukraine to dig up information about Joe Biden and the diplomat heard this conversation not because Trump was speaking on the speaker but because Trump is a human speaker, it is as if he were calling on the criminal conspiracy, you know, I can't hear you. change speaker I'm calling about criminal conspiracy there are a lot of damning details in this testimony but my favorite part my favorite part was when Sunland talked about how much the president of Ukraine was willing to help Trump.
I listened to President Trump then. clarify ambassador sanlin was in ukraine ambassador sanlin responded yes, he was in ukraine moved to state president zielinski loves your ass oh okay, zielinski loves trump's ass a few days ago fox news was saying impeachment wasn't sexy enough Now that our asses have been playedThe morning impeachment trial took another big step forward when Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the sober Lucille Bluth gathered all the flags they could find for a major announcement. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, announced to the country and the world that the articles of impeachment against President Trump.
Pelosi will continue to tell the American people that Trump has left the United States Congress with no choice but to move forward sadly but confidently and humbly with loyalty to our founders and a heart full of love for America. Today I ask our president to proceed with the articles. of impeachment oh my god oh my god oh my god they finally proposed articles of impeachment I mean when they booked that courtroom I knew this would be it but you never know until it actually happens oh my god I'm so happy for you Guys , I know this sounds weird, but I'm actually proud of Donald Trump, yes, because he's being impeached, but I didn't think he'd last three years.
I'm not going to lie like Trump made it this far in his presidency without being impeached. It's a lot like when a dog accidentally crashes his car into a tree. Yes, the dog crashed but he traveled eight blocks. That is amazing. I don't even know how he started it. He barely knows letters. Now there was a great debate within. The Democratic Party wondered how many articles of impeachment to present against Donald Trump, but in the end they decided to attack with surgical precision. President Trump now faces two charges as top Democrats on key committees came together to announce it all this morning, abuse of power. and obstruction Democrats in Congress have decided to limit the scope of impeachment to the two articles of impeachment that they believe are the easiest to prove and supported by the greatest amount of evidence because we are operating in a universe where Republicans are challenging some of the most basic principles. facts the democrats want this case to be as airtight as possible yes just two articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of congress which means the democrats are showing a lot of restraint because let's be honest trump has done enough crazy things like to marry 2000 items. of impeachment, yes, there was obstruction of justice by the Muller report using the presidency to enrich his businesses, the pawn star payments, the abuse of the flag, the time he looked directly at an eclipse and, of course, having Don Jr., I mean, that's an impeachment in itself, so the good thing.
The news for Trump is that he only faces two charges, although in a way it is also a little sad for him because Nixon was presented with three articles, Bill Clinton had four and Andrew Johnson had 11, which means that Trump will have the longest impeachment small of all time. I know that will make you feel insecure. He is going to say that it is not about the size of the impeachment, but about the friction of conviction. President Trump will become the third president in US history to be impeached. This is a moment that will go down in history.
This is going to be written in the history books This is going to be recorded in the history books The 45th president of the United States was impeached, well, you guys might be applauding, but when the Democrats in the House tried to cheer last night, Nancy Pelosi did. hill. Very quickly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi kept control of her group with a look and a gesture just at one point yesterday in this vote. The yes are 230, the no, 197. There is one article, one is adopted. Damn, Nancy didn't want to hear any gloating. Last night she ended that celebration quickly, did you see that kind of look would put the champagne back in the bottle?
That's how intense it was, it was like poop, so there's no doubt that impeachment will greatly damage Trump's legacy, but it also appears to be hurting his feelings, an outraged President Trump lashes out in a scathing six-letter pages addressed to the president of the House of Representatives, calling the impeachment process described by the constitution an attempted illegal partisan coup. He just posted a tweet. Can you believe I will be accused today? The radical left does nothing, Democrats and I did nothing wrong. It's something terrible. Read the transcripts. This should never happen to another president again. Say a prayer.
Is it just me or does it seem like Trump went through all the stages of grief in a single tweet? It was like a denial. I can't believe they're accusing me. Anger. I did not do anything wrong. Depression. This is a terrible thing. Acceptance. I guess we can only pray. You may remember that after Trump was impeached in December, Nancy Pelosi failed the test. she articles to the Senate, instead she decided to hold on to them tighter than Mike Pence's sphincter in a room with two women. Yes, temptation often comes through the back door, but today, after a month of tension, Pelosi finally announced that she will deliver the articles. to the Senate so they can hold the trial and I don't know what happened to Nancy today but at her press conference she seemed a little distracted.
Good morning everyone, this is a very important day for us and as you know by reference. temporal markers that our founders, our poets and others have used over time to place us in time and emphasize the importance of time because it's all about time, yes, and speaking of time, it seems like Pelosi's edibles just showed up at the wrong time, I think. What Pelosi was trying to say is that she feels that after a month of waiting, now is the right time to move the impeachment to the Senate, but delivering the articles of impeachment is not as simple as turning your mother over to a nursing home. seniors.
An occasion like this calls for a small ceremony, they will march the items from the House Chamber through the Statuary Hall through the Rotunda along the second floor of the Capitol, past the Old Senate Chamber to through the Ohio clock corridor and finally to the senate chamber those documents are now being carried out of the house of representatives through the hall of statues they will go to the rotunda of the capital to the senate to present the articles of impeachment mr. president , the House of Representatives has ordered me to report to the Senate The House passed hraz 798 a resolution appointing and authorizing managers for the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump, President of the United States, so let's all pretend that no one invented the email and as an aside, what happened to that graph?
What was that? From the news, eh, we don't need to see an arrow making love in the central chamber to understand how people enter a room, they cross the building, it's a straight line, it's a hallway, we understand it now, now that the Senate has the articles of impeachment, the big fight now will be over whether or not the trial will include new witnesses and new evidence because, you see, yesterday we learned new details about Trump and his shady dealings with Ukraine, the new evidence collected by congressional investigators . comes from lev parnus, an associate of trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani, 59 pages of records including text messages, emails and handwritten notes, including one on hotel stationery that reads quote: have zielenski announce that The biden case will be investigated and there is a letter from Giuliani requesting a meeting with the then president-elect of Ukraine, Zelinski, in which it was emphasized that Giuliani was working in his capacity as President Trump's personal lawyer and, with his knowledge and consent, no seriously, they wrote down their crime plot and then saved it, which is a literal paper trail, why would you? you do that, what were they going around like you have to keep the receipts?
The impeachment trial of martha stewarts, also known as martha stewart trump, will begin next week and, as with any impeachment trial, the senate will serve as a jury, so this afternoon all senators took the oath before the chief justice, john roberts, and then they signed their names one by one in what is known as the oath book, yes, it was a really solemn moment and also the first time anyone asked Ted Cruz for an autograph. Now the big question hanging over this trial has been whether the Republican senators will allow new witnesses to testify, apparently some of those witnesses are not waiting to find out that they are simply appearing on television and the conversation that everyone is talking about in this moment is rachel maddow's interview with lev parnas, an associate of rudy giuliani and a man with seven different hairstyles at once is important because, unlike some previous witnesses who only found out what was happening, he claims he was working closely with Rudy Giuliani to get the bidens dirty, so if those other people smelled the borscht, he actually did it and is now telling all of America how it happened.
President Trump knew exactly what was happening. He was aware of my every move. He wouldn't do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani or the president. Are you specifically saying and me? I want to elaborate on that that the president was aware that you and Mr. Giuliani were working on this effort in Ukraine to basically try to damage Joe Biden's political career. He knew about that. Yes, it was all about Joe Biden. Hunter Biden. It was never about corruption, it was never strictly about the burisma that included Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, that's a big problem coming from Rudy Giuliani's right hand man.
This would be like Luigi being Rachel Maddow like Mario not caring about the princess. he just loved killing turtles, he wants to kill them all, he is a very sick man, now he will be huge, the white house, the white house has responded to this interview saying that parnass is a liar, they say he is only saying this because he has been accused of campaign finance fraud and that's why he's now trying to get a lighter sentence like a Ukrainian takashi 69 and Trump has gone a step further saying he doesn't even know what love ponies are let alone that he gave him instructions to get dirty about joe biden which we are now responding to picks, it happened that the president of the united states said uh, he didn't know you, I don't know those gentlemen, now I might have a photo with them because I have a photo with everyone I know .
I don't know them, I welcome him to say that even more every time he says I'll show him another photo. He's lying. I hope that when the partners release the photos they become more and more incriminating. You know, it will be fun. At first they're just together at a party, you know, in the next photo they're traveling together on the space mountain and then eventually all the photos will end with nudes, you know, that's where it's going to go, yeah, Trump will be like that, right? I mean anything, I take naked with everyone so much news that the third presidential impeachment trial in American history began today and because the impeachment trial is such a momentous occasion, the Senate had to begin with a formal proclamation of that the United States Senate is about to take on a historic role. and perhaps a grueling task the impeachment trial of president donald trump here you hear, hear, all people are ordered to remain silent under penalty of imprisonment while the united states senator sits for the trial of the articles of impeachment displayed by the house of representatives against donald john trump president of the united states is one of those phrases that you have to shout certain phrases you have to shout like make some noise or you're not even my real dad you have to shout certain things and despite the introduction of asmr trump's impeachment The trial is already full of drama, just look at the stellar defense team President Trump assembled.
Okay, this is one crazy team Trump put together. He has Ken Starr, the lawyer famous for conducting the investigation that led to Bill Clinton's impeachments. I have Alan Dershowitz, who is famous for defending O.J Simpson, so these lawyers are perfect for Trump because they have experience with super guilty people andsuper horny presidents. It's great, it's a combination, but I will say that Trump's lawyers may want to polish up their defense strategy because things are already off to a rocky start, the president's legal team offers the first glimpse of his defense that the president did not do nothing bad, he did not commit a crime and that even the Democrats' argument about abuse of power does not constitute an impeachable crime, something one of his lawyers alan dershowitz argued over the weekend that the articles of impeachment are two non-criminal actions , but many constitutional scholars disagree.
Trump's own lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, once argued otherwise during Clinton's impeachment trial, it certainly doesn't have to be a crime if you have someone who completely corrupts the office of president. This is really interesting. What he said in the 90s was indeed correct and what he is saying now is also correct. Previously you said that it doesn't have to be a crime if the type or the person. in office completely corrupts the office of president now you say criminal like that then you are not corrupting the office of president so much is that in your criminal or criminal light like no no it is not and that was subjective that was rejected by the wrong people, you were wrong back then, I was saying I'm much more right now after doing a lot of research because that's the problem.
I didn't do the research back then because that wasn't an issue. I have investigated now. I wasn't wrong, I'm just a lot more right now than I was then, wait, I wasn't wrong, I'm just a lot more right now than I was then, that's one of the most original lines I've ever heard in my life and it's a great one. phrase for a lawyer, but thank God this guy doesn't work in a bomb squad because that would be a disaster, he would just be like cutting the yellow wire, wait, cut the red, I already cut the yellow, yeah, well, I wasn't wrong with yellow, but red is more correct, don't worry, we won't die.
We will simply be less alive if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has his way. The vote to convict or acquit President Trump will come sooner rather than later. McConnell presents his proposal for trial rules that break with the Clinton model. Mitch McConnell releases his long-awaited plan. Each side will have 24 hours in just two days to make their opening statements, meaning senators could have to sit through 12-hour sessions as part of the Republican push for a faster trial, but Democrats say Republicans are trying to hide the president's misconduct among the dead. at night could force filings to be made at two or three in the morning McConnell's resolution will result in a rushed trial with little evidence in the dead of night, literally, the dead of night, you know, to a guy that shares so much DNA with turtles. mcconnell sure wants to move fast, you know how i feel, i feel like mcconnell is going to be the worst person to date with, you know? because he seems like one of those people who would order the appetizer, the main course, and the dessert all at the same time. at the same time, you know, things have to be rushed, just say, yeah, bring us the soup, the steak, the hard ice cream and the check, we'll get the check, it's all formality, let's smash today was the day when the Democrats began to press their case against the president, but fights already broke out last night over whether this trial should happen in the first place.
Opening arguments begin this afternoon and we expect a very fierce debate about why the president should and shouldn't. be removed from office republicans want this all to end at the state of the union address in two weeks democrats say no so fast why are we here we are here because of a phone call we are here sir to follow the facts apply the law be guided by the constitution and present the truth to the American people that is why we are here Mr. Secular and if you don't know it now you know it and if you don't know it now you know it's true, it's true, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries just quoted Biggie on the floor of Congress the only thing I wish is that he would have used the whole line that would have been amazing he said if you don't know it now you know because if that had happened the black people would have come out to celebrate in the streets, it would have been the mlk day part 2 all of us were there like we know damn well who we are but i gotta say hip-hop has come a long way think about back in the 80's and 90's it was considered gangster music and now it's being cited in impeachment, huh, that's how far hip-hop has come, think about that, that's crazy, hip-hop is moving on, I bet it's just a matter of time before, like mitch mcconnell, respond with a rap lyric of your own it's like my my name is mitch and i have no jaw i love the senate and i say mom now the reason things got so heated yesterday is because the democrats tried 10 different times to get new witnesses and evidence for this impeachment trial and the Republicans shot them down each and every time there hasn't been much pushback in DC since Stephen Miller started speed dating.
Now one of the key witnesses Democrats are really hoping will testify is former Trump adviser and grumpy Captain Crunch John Bolton when the president was asked about it this morning. He had a list of reasons why he does not want Bolton to testify regarding the proceedings taking place in the Senate. Are you absolutely against it? John Bolton testified. The problem with John is that it's a national security problem that you know you can't have. someone who is in national security and if you think about it, John, he knows some of my thoughts, he knows what I think about leaders, what happens if he reveals what I think about a certain leader and it's not very positive and with that I have to cope.
On behalf of the country, it is going to be very difficult, it will make the job very difficult. He knows other things and I don't know if we left on the best terms. I would say probably not. You know, you know one thing I enjoy. The thing about Trump is that he will give you all the excuses at the same time, right, he will start with the false excuse, but then he will continue until you learn the real reasons, just like unfortunately we cannot know about Bolton because he is a threat to national security and He will also reveal what I think about other world leaders and he also hates my guts and he will also implicate me in the crimes I committed for so many reasons, breaking the overnight bomb former national security advisor John Bolton ready to turn against the president when news leaks of his explosive new book about what he claims really happened to Ukraine.
Bolton says the president told him he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats, including Biden President Trump Signals He Will Paint to John Bolton as a disgruntled former employee. Take a look at today's tweet from him. He says that if John Bolton said this it was only to sell a book. Wow, this is a big deal because now we know. If Bolson testifies, he would say that Trump personally told him that he wanted to delay aid to Ukraine until he got Biden dirty, which is the whole point, this is the heart of the whole impeachment thing, so I don't know how it was done in the Senate.
Republicans can justify not hearing from Bolton now as if there was no reason. Imagine that an eyewitness to a murder wanted to testify and the judge simply refused. You know, like his Honor, I saw this man and I saw the crime firsthand and I don't know anything about saboteurs, there are no saboteurs. I want to see how it ends and by the way, Trump is really going to argue that John Bolton is just another disgruntled employee because I don't know about you, but he sure seems to have a lot of disgruntled employees, like how is that possible?
No one ever leaves the White House grunting, like, thank you Mr. President, I'm so grunted to have worked with you, Bolton's book has thrown a big hairy curveball into this impeachment trial, but believe it or not, Bolton's revelations They are not the only big news. piece of evidence because remember lev parnasse yes, rudy giuliani's right hand man and the earl of sesame street long after panas said he worked for trump to dirty joe biden trump repeatedly claimed he has no idea who this man is and That is despite the fact that they have been repeating more photos together than Mariah carrying Christmas trees so now the question is if Trump is lying about not knowing Panas or if Panas is lying about knowing Trump well it turns out that Panas has the receipts breaking from the overnight release of an explosive New audio tape purportedly showing President Trump speaking with Igor Fruman and Lev Harness at a dinner in 2018.
On the tape a voice identified as Parnasse can be heard telling Trump that the ambassador in Ukraine was badmouthing him, yeah, and she's basically walking around telling everyone. wait, they're going to impeach him just wait like me get rid of her hooray excellent do it president trump has repeatedly said that he doesn't know lev parnez but in the tape they talk in detail about ukraine white house press secretary stephanie grisham said that the meeting does not mean that the president knew or even remembered the left harness. The president sits at many dinners, at many round tables with people he does not know.
Yes, the president has many dinners, sometimes all on the same nights. Come on guys, I'm sorry. You, you, you just can't keep pretending that Trump doesn't know this guy well because first they said Trump wouldn't remember all the people he takes pictures with, okay I get that now they're saying Trump can't remember all the people he takes photos with. the ones who have private dinners, what's the next look, look, the president gets quid pro quo tattoos on his back with a bunch of people, he can't be expected to remember them all this afternoon in a surprising argument one of the president Trump's top lawyers argued that any president has almost unlimited power and that his election is in the public interest, so they said Trump cannot be impeached.
Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest and if a president does something he believes. will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment, ladies and gentlemen, we finally got there first, there was no quid pro quo, then it was maybe there was a quid pro quo , but it was to help the country, not Donald Trump and now it's like, hey man, Donald is going to do what Donald is going to do, you little asses, you need to shut up, so just to be clear, the Trump team's argument now is that whatever Trump does to recover. re-elected is fine because his re-election in his opinion is good for the country and then he is not impeachable, yes so Trump can collude, Trump can obstruct and everything is fine, hell he can even lock all the Democratic candidates in a room with Eric.
Yes, I just know that at some point one of you will eat the other and either way I win, there is no denying that this weekend was important for President Trump and not just because the Mar-a-Lago chef made boob-shaped burgers. No, it was big because Republican senators prevented witnesses from testifying in Trump's impeachment trial and it wasn't for the reason you might think that this weekend more Senate Republicans admitted that the president's actions were wrong and bad. , but they insist that it cannot be challenged. I agree that he did something. inappropriate, but I don't agree that he did anything again for treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors, well, I mean, if you have eight witnesses saying that someone left the scene of an accident, why do you need nine ?
I mean, the question for me was: Do I need more evidence to conclude that the president did what he did and I concluded that no, after months of claiming that Trump did nothing wrong, many key Republicans have now decided to look, man , it was bad, but they didn't blame him, yes, Republicans basically treat Trump like he's white. people treat his dogs, you know, show a top, all the furniture shit on the floor and bit the neighbor's son, but who can be mad at that face? He wants a creeper shine, you and his football flow Today was the last day in Donald Jambalaya Trump's impeachment trial and it's no big surprise that he was acquitted by the Republican-led Senate, which was never in doubt, yeah, yeah, Don't vote, watch the impeachment trial, right?
It was known as if everyone knew where this was going this was like a movie where you can guess what was going to happen without even seeing it, you know, like Titanic, okay, it's a ship that's going to sink or Sophie's Choice, a lady has to decide which guy she's going to fuck, I get it, I get it, so with the outcome never in doubt, the only real drama today was whether any Republican would dare vote against Donald Trump and it turns out there was a man with folders full of courage, announced Republican Senator Mitt Romney excitedly. in the senatewho will break ranks and vote to convict and remove President Trump from office.
The president asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival. The president's purpose was personal and political. Consequently, the president is guilty of a terrible abuse of public trust with my vote. I will tell my children and their children that I did my duty to the best of my ability, believing that my country expected it of me. That's shocking now, that's shocking. Who would have thought that the toughest republican in the senate would end up being a mormon guy named mitz and i have to say, mitch, you proved everyone wrong, the haters said you were as radical as a glass of skim milk, but they were wrong, glove, you're whole milk, man, that's right, whole milk family now, apart from romney, another.
The Republican senator who was considered undecided was also referring to Trump, she was Susan Collins from Maine, she's fine, but she decided we don't need to vote Trump out because she thinks he was already scared. There are some senators who might have crossed party lines. senator susan collins won't be one of them. I'm voting to acquit. I think the president has learned from this case. What do you think the president has learned? The president has been impeached. However, that's a pretty important lesson during a TV host's luncheon in the White House Yesterday, Trump responded to questions about Colin's comments by saying he had done nothing wrong and that his conversation with the president of Ukraine was a perfect call.
Donald Trump would be the most difficult person to defend in court. He would be like the honor of him, my client. he learned his lesson no, his days of selling drugs are not over who wants cocaine because clearly Trump has not learned a lesson in any case, he has learned that he can do whatever he wants and the Republicans will let him get away with it, but first they Go to shake his head so basically thanks to the Senate Republicans Trump is now free you can just run laws like he has that invisibility star from Super Mario that's what he can do yeah he's invincible except Trump is more powerful than Mario because in this case. the turtles are on his side basically, basically, President Trump is off the hook, he's completely off the hook and you know what that means, he's going to let loose tonight, man, he's going to eat 50 hamburgers, he's going to fuck a porn star and then he will do something crazy.

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