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Apr 07, 2024
Before I start this video I want to apologize because this video was supposed to come out before Halloween but since I got really sick I couldn't make this video so now I have a chance and I hope you enjoy the sup guys it's gy Domino 52. and today we are back here with another epic


video, so if you remember, I made a video of me




in the


NPC Hang 2 years ago. I think he is not here on this black server, what does that mean? And right now I'm going to do the same thing but even better and I'm actually invited oh I'm united here with AEL the Real so we're both going to troll some people with our epic and scary costumes so as you can see We've updated since the last video, we have some tools here that will help us troll some people, so first of all we have the teleport tool so you can click anywhere on the map to teleport, that's cool and then the second tool we have here is the GUI. so you can try clicking on people this is what you will see on their screen yes they get scared but only to them and we also have invisible and visible but there is also a visible only tool here which means you can become invisible. for everyone, but you can use only visible and click on someone to make them visible only to them, so you can imagine some conversation where the person will say did you see that, but then the other people don't actually see me and then we? i have more tools that are similar so here is the one tool if you click on someone with the one tool everyone in the player list and the map will disappear for them however they will still be able to see me and BBY in the


Nevertheless. which says he's the only one on the server in the player list and we also have a fog here, so if you click on someone, this is what they'll see on their screen anyway, anyway, let's troll, it's okay, so first.
trolling scaring my fans in my game
We're going to go lightly, we're going to be very subtle about it and we're just going to appear out of nowhere for people and see what their reaction is going to be, so let's see, let's pick a victim here, no one else can see us. okay, okay, this is good, they're in, they're in a place, let me go, oh he's like what guy, dude, he's freaking out, he's freaking out, you should have seen him, no, you were the only one who saw him. It's so good, they like guys, the funny thing about this is that he can see me but no one else can, okay, okay, let me up here, let me up here for him again, you're seeing things, Bud, oh, this is so good , this is so good, man. okay, let me show up here and see, he sees me, oh, he saw me, if you saw that guy, he's so good, he's so fucking good, I feel evil right now, but guys, this is for a good cause, Guys, that's the problem. seeing things again dude this is actually working what the hell victims love to troll yeah where is he, where did he go, did he go to Tango's house? oh yeah, he did it right.
trolling scaring my fans in my game

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trolling scaring my fans in my game...

Okay, I'm just going to show up outside Tango's house. Okay, let me. wait for it to come out oh no, okay, next we're going to go, we're going to go to level two, we're going to go for the scare, I'll do it, okay, but you're not going to know what's going to happen. come later after they go to space okay look at this look at this I'm going to make myself visible and then I'm going to ah and then I'm going to jump to scare him I'm going to jump to scare you I saw him so scared friend it's very funny he doesn't do This, your friend here doesn't see what's going on, yes, someone read it, it almost killed me.
trolling scaring my fans in my game
I rocked the boat a little for the first time. Scared, try to unpin it, oh okay, that happened, there was someone. Oh aliens, I didn't know they would all catch on fire, I just pressed one and they all caught on fire, I wasn't here alone, he will come, okay, I'm going to be behind him and then I'm going to blind. he, I'm going to be alone, he is, he is alone, friends, he is alone, he doesn't see anyone, yes, as you can see guys, my friends, everyone is still here, but on his screen he doesn't see anyone, not even to the player, it's okay. you are going to become visible to him, you become visible to him too, okay, let's stand in front of him, leave me alone, please, no, oh, him, okay, become invisible first, become invisible first and then go in front of him and then go to Vis, okay? you're the one he's really really really freaking out who is he?
trolling scaring my fans in my game
It's so funny he doesn't see he doesn't see it he doesn't see it he we're just we're so evil right now help yes he doesn't see he doesn't see it his friend his friend where am I? the glitch the glitch is here you're going crazy crazy i'm visible in the frame right now so you can see me you've eliminated my friends but oh god yes the evil plan is working you are the sacrifice you are not sacrificed for the cult Glitch, you should say that the Glitch gods have chosen you, why did they choose me? Okay, let me meet him so I can see his friend and tell him what.
It happened and no one will believe him, yeah I'm glad I got out of it, he's fine, he's fine, let's see what he says. CI. I can't stand this, you have to run, go home quickly, you should be scared right now. oh DN, he's fine. I jump, I scared him, please, please, so we only scared one person, we have one person in the bag, you guys are just playing a role now, we'll let it go for now, it's just the beginning because it's just a yes. Exactly, it's just the beginning. Abby turns, we're turning into Flamingo when he, Charles, oh, the other one is pretending that you're attacking him.
Look, oh, yeah, yeah, he thinks he thinks it's like a full-on role-playing game, yeah, yeah, say that, but. actually it's like I see it like it's real yeah oh I can hear wait mine is off but I can hear them hear what I can hear some kids VC yeah oh yeah there's some people talking VC , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait I JP scared, scared, wait he died Oh my god, please laugh, oh wait, I forgot, my microphone is still on, no, damn, it doesn't matter, that's bad, I I feel bad, I'm fine, here's another one out here, oh, it's okay, it's okay, there they just stop moving oh no um I think I think we scared them too much, yeah, oh, they're talking, oh, I just hear frog noises What the hell do they have?
How old are you? What the hell is this? This is like a VC full of 5 year olds. What the hell is this? You're supposed to be over 13, yeah, yeah, what the hell are you going to be? You will be the sacrifice that sounded Epic, oh my God, what does it say? I can't even understand it. I know baby language. What's going on? continue the game oh it's visible to him for a second you just stopped what oh my god okay okay I'm going to do a scare boom and then just yeah cute I'm more scared oh It's gone, it's gone, damn it. wow he's like wow some roleplayers here turn into giants and lick everyone in the face what the hell what did I just do?
Wait, this is a hairy thing, hell no, hell no, brother, brother, aren't we a? Make him a giant, oh, there you go, there you go, wood, wood, do it with the moon, do it with a vine, see what happens, okay, okay, or dog, there's the furry F Ro, play , jump down, oops, what happened? Did I just click on you? I just clicked on it. I didn't mean to like it. I didn't even see you. I was just trying to click on the girl but she moved and you must have been right next to her because D anyway I hope you enjoyed this. video and, of course, the people we play with.
I hope you also enjoyed being part of this ghost. If you want a chance to be a part of my videos like this, be sure to check out the game and PCs. they are getting smart as always the links will be in the description they are 1 month too late happy halloween and i will see you in the next video wait wait wait before finishing this video I also want to say that there will be a second part of this video where the first victim a the one we trolled is back for more so be sure to subscribe to see what happens next and have a happy holidays everyone, I didn't know you guys used to watch oh yeah I know I swear.
You know, I'm so sorry, brother. I really shouldn't have done it soon, but now that I know the truth, I'm sorry.

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