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Trash to Treasure Episode 17 ~ Thrift Store Finds ~ Thrift Store Makeovers ~ Repurposed Home Décor

May 29, 2021
Hey guys welcome to my channel so today's video is




it's always one of my favorites and I don't even like to call the items in front of me


but you know what I'm talking about , it's just those. The items you see when you are in a



are a little sad looking. They could use a little help and then they become something beautiful, and such is the case here. I was at one of our local



s. I picked up these items the other day and today I was in the mood to redo them, so I thought I'd take them with me while I work on them, but before I get into the actual projects here, let me give you a quick look.
trash to treasure episode 17 thrift store finds thrift store makeovers repurposed home d cor
Update on the room I'm in right now, you probably recognize it from earlier this year. I had posted some videos on how we fixed up a section of our store here. At one point I was going to have a small shop here, but that didn't work out, so in the meantime we decided to move our Etsy shop from the basement to the shop. I can't wait first. It will be nice to have a nice big space to work in and So I'm also excited to have my basement back in the house. I'll turn the camera around and show you what's been going on here.
trash to treasure episode 17 thrift store finds thrift store makeovers repurposed home d cor

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trash to treasure episode 17 thrift store finds thrift store makeovers repurposed home d cor...

We actually have a bathroom in the back. It's not finished yet, but my dad had put in a shower and toilet and water heater and I also did the electrical work. My husband is currently working on putting up plywood in this back corner. We plan to have some sort of family room, basically just a TV and a couch, probably a place for our kids to play. to hang out with their friends, you know, play video games and watch sports or whatever they do, we don't really have a room like that in our house, so we thought it would be nice to have that here and then in the front here. where it will be nice and bright will be the etsy store, as you can see I still have a few things I need to clean up.
trash to treasure episode 17 thrift store finds thrift store makeovers repurposed home d cor
My dad installed this heater on the wall and it's nice and warm in here which is awesome, we're having some cold, snowy days. here in Ohio now I definitely have a video, hopefully in the near future the etsy store will move here, but for now let's go back to the thrift store items here, as you can see there is some glassware in the front here , I found these cute little tea cups. I paid 50 cents a piece and I always like to collect nice ones like this. When I see them, I'm not even sure what I'll do with them, but I thought I'd pick them up since it's just you.
trash to treasure episode 17 thrift store finds thrift store makeovers repurposed home d cor
I know 50 cents a piece and these glass hearts here caught my eye. I thought that with Valentine's Day coming up soon, this would look cute displayed somewhere and right now this light green glassware catches my eye. I also paid 50 cents a piece. And I think I got pretty nostalgic the other day while shopping at Save and Serve because I ended up buying this oil lamp here and as many of you know, I grew up Amish, so a light like this was my light source in my room, you know? I grew up wanting to read at night or whatever.
This was what I was reading and I thought it was cute. I like its color as the base. I don't really like the little flowers here, so I can finish. When painting over it I tried to buy paint to match this but I thought it would look nice displayed somewhere especially in winter, who knows maybe I'll end up selling it but I'm going to do something with it. I paid. Six dollars for it and this little wooden container here caught my eye. I paid five bucks for it and I thought it would look nice, you know, painted a neutral color, maybe wearing some of the edges off and especially now during the winter. very nice with maybe a potted tree or something we'll look at and then here in front of me is this frame that looks like a glass door but it's actually like a piece of fiberglass and I often like to have them on hand and maybe paint the frame part and then turn them into whiteboards, that may be what I end up doing with it and the last element here is the coat rack.
You see, I paid twelve dollars for it and I have an idea in mind of I'm not really sure what I want to do with this, but we'll see, I realize that not everyone may be in the mood to watch a video like this two days before Christmas, since this video really has nothing to do with it. with Christmas, but here I am, a week early and I was in the mood to do something totally different from the usual Christmas hustle and bustle, so I thought I'd come to the store and work on these projects and take you with me, so I hope you enjoy it , so I'm here in the other part of the shop where I'm going to sand this piece a little bit, uh, just to dull it a little bit and I can end up putting another knob in here. so I'm going to go ahead and remove it and yeah I forgot to mention this item when I was talking about my thrift store


but this is an old bread box so I have these embellishments that I want to add to this lid here and I want to glue them on before I paint it and I think I want it on each side of the knob.
I'm using e6000 glue to hold them. I am using top brand paint. It's the spectral color I often use. It's kind of a grayish white color and has a satin sheen to it, so I think a glass knob would look great on this piece as it has a classy, ​​worn look. Here I need to make my hole a little bigger for the knob. that I have, I bought the knob at Walmart using my silhouette cameo. I made this bread decal and will probably have it available in my etsy store as it would probably be something popular that people would use so I'll be sure to check out.
So if you need a bread box decal for this coat rack or hall tree, I plan on taking it apart, removing the legs and sanding them really good and depending on how they look I think I'm going to keep it. That dye color for the legs and then for the stem or pole. I'm going to go ahead and paint it. The paint I am using for this piece is also the top brand paint. It's your porch flora and glaze. The color is toasted poppy. The seed is charcoal or almost black in color. The legs of this coat rack are getting a coat of Sloan clear wax, so as you can see, I'm planning on turning this coat rack into a very industrial looking floor lamp, but I think.
I like it, the previous hook holes were quite noticeable on this piece, so I decided to putty them. I needed a hook on the side here for my light cord and I didn't get a video of it, but I just used a silver one. I hooked it up and painted it black. At first I thought I would end up painting this frame, but I like the color brown, so I'm going to go ahead and hand sand it very lightly and see if I can get rid of any leftovers. gloss and then maybe if I feel it needs it I can finish by applying a coat of wax.
I am using Annie Sloane clear wax to apply over this frame and I know this is expensive but it is worth it because it can last a long time. It's probably one of the most expensive things I invest in paint-wise, but yes, it's worth it, always think twice before walking past an old photo frame, a window or door framed like that, a blackboard always looks great. on any wall and it's very simple to make so I decided to apply a small decal to this light just to see how it looks. If I don't like it, I can always remove it and leave it plain, but I'm going to give it a try, so while I'm looking at this lamp I think about how nice it would look if that brass or gold part was black, so I think I'm going to go ahead and paint it. in black.
It takes some tape since the ring part is glued to the glass part, but I think it will look pretty good that way, so let's see if I still know how to do this. Several years have passed. I'm just using a tiki torch. fuel here instead of the kerosene we used to use at


and we were always taught to trim the wick so it would burn better. I didn't get a video of the first coat of paint I applied to this wooden cube here, but I'm just using my top brand Do It paint with satin sheen and the color is spectral.
Here I'm applying the second coat, so do that. I hope you enjoyed the video and maybe feel inspired. Think twice before stopping by some of those thrift stores. Finds that look a little sad, you can still do a lot with them. I hope that the joy and peace that was present when Jesus was born is in all of our


s this Christmas season. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I hope. I hope to see you in the next video. Not goodbye.

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