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Trash Picking Rich Neighborhood Look What I FOUND! - Ep. 926

Jun 29, 2024
Okay, like a man on a mission, we go out to pick up


early in the morning, it's supposed to be very hot today. Everyone likes to hear about the weather,


the hell do we have here? That's cute, that's a pretty good one, also the last one I'm probably going to leave is a common thing when it comes to these jewelry boxes and it's broken it's missing a door curious to see


they're throwing away or what they're going to have at their garage sale some doorknobs right here jewelry cases there's probably no gold there but everything is gold because everything is fine welcome back it's garbage morning it's garbage day we're doing another adventure hopefully we'll find some treasure here early in the morning 51° but don't worry worry, it's going to hit 86 very soon, so let's go find some treasure, let's make an amazing episode, let's do it right, I'm going to grab this, but I'm really curious to know what a table is, eh, I'm taking this, not the table, the table is It


s pretty worn out, it's like It's bubbling,


, you can see two bubbles on the camera, there's like seven or eight in there.
trash picking rich neighborhood look what i found   ep 926
I don't need another table if it's in perfect condition I'd grab it. They are also very hard to sell just on the fact that he is nice. It's hard to show a table, but I came here because I wanted to see what this shelf was, it looks like it's the insert, yeah, no, I thought it was, I see, I see on this side of the road it looked like an antique, I think. It's a changing table, just part of the table, man. I picked it up, it has a lot more rust on the pump than I would probably like.
trash picking rich neighborhood look what i found   ep 926

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trash picking rich neighborhood look what i found ep 926...

That's probably why they're throwing it away. I didn't unfold it, but I probably threw it away for a long time. Why would you throw away a good table? You know, but I find a lot of things. I have questions about why people throw them away, so I came out because I saw a stall there and it looks like it's some kind of display. It represents like a roadside beauty salon. I thought it might be an old one, but it wasn't, so I saw this beauty standing here. He likes why I had to park and jump across the street.
trash picking rich neighborhood look what i found   ep 926
It looks like a nice container. What's inside? Trash is tough jeans, I trust these guys. I can say that the other jeans weren't auto jeans because they didn't have the patch or they could have been auto jeans and didn't have the patch, but I'll just take them because Jeans with a patch are very difficult to sell. I know I mentioned how I sell clothes on Leport. It's almost like Clos. It looks like they could even be children. I will finish. They don't smell any better either, but I'll do it. do something with them I wonder if you can cut out the patches like branding is such a big deal.
trash picking rich neighborhood look what i found   ep 926
I wonder if you would cut the patches and just sell them, but someone who bought them never thought it would be like that, how people used to cut the patches. I pulled out buttons from those and sold them at an auction I was at recently, they had all kinds of Jean buttons for sale mixed with general buttons selling for a decent amount, but I mean, there had to be like 400 buttons in there and no I know. If you would really sell it for what it was sold for or do the work for what it was sold for for free, what do we have here saying for free, something like that, take that, leave this for someone else who is like a seashell?
I don't know. soap dish maybe there's wal disy put this last one there I'll put this one in front because this is going and I'm breaking there's a fake tree across the street and some like this bright teal and it just screams like 19 late 80's or early 90s Plants look at that beauty, look at that wire is all tangled up there, um, but it's not even the good wire, so I'm not going to dirty your


can. There I go again. I just pinched my finger. I just did that looking. on my finger like my finger suddenly disappeared that should be fine and that's over here this could also be metal she's metal there's not a ton of stuff outside and there's no one outside either I'm a complete ghost downstairs I was thinking since so I guess school's out for the deer, we're pretty late in June, it has to end with um, but yeah, there's no one out, it's 6 6:30 no one walks their dog, no one drives. around just Taco Stacks in the trash it's like there's no one down there no one's playing ah what the hell that used to be a basketball court and it became a pickleball court.
I just realized that, wow, I guess the basketball court just was. They don't bring enough people, they used to have basketballs lined up around the edge now they turn into a baseball field it smells like cotton Canon it smells like cotton candy gum, that's some interesting snow, oh it's SM, it must be the soap, There's also a uh like a car on the road that's looking for trash. I think it could be a plant stand. All rear wheels are missing. I don't even know how it's done, but it looks like something out of The Flintstones. I'll show you.
Guys, here in a second at least from the road it looks like something from The Flintstones it's like a cart but it's a plant stand, I'll show you this beauty yes, it's missing the rear wheels it's missing a front wheel and that's all plastic someone took all the engine part quickly throw this thing here on top of everything this looks like an expensive bout that one looks very expensive my good friends James and Jess from the flea market uh, they haven't gone up much this year, but they were looking forward to having another kid Probably about six months ago and James was saying they got this really expensive thing, what's it called.
Look, I don't remember what the hell they're called strollers and he said this thing likes 15 different things and he doesn't know. how to do any of them wait for this car to leave then can I go immediately after that car leaves busy man tomorrow oh we have a lot of furniture on the right look what kind of furniture we are working with it looks like garbage to me it's all broken that's it probably what it is, whatever that piece is, it looks like a cabinet, a lonely cabinet, quickly grab this for a red pickup truck. The man appears, this is a real beauty in itself and I don't see many of these.
Along the way, I'm pretty sure the way I'm holding it by this top piece is probably not the way you want to hold it if you really want to use the thing like you probably shouldn't grab this, yeah, this is. probably what you're supposed to grab and this is a real beauty Magic Air Super Deluxe I think I don't know if that's a filter but that doesn't look clean at all it has a date H it doesn't have a date Wheels even on AR is great I have the feeling that Bottom Grill is not going to come in, that seems super heavy and I don't think it doesn't have it.
I could have this place. I move some things if all goes well I should be able to do it. Place that grill right here. I'm not talking about this small one, but I'll take the small one first. Hey? This is not even a brand for this, what is this for? What the hell is that for? That makes things go higher. and the low thing has the shifter on oh this thing is super heavy I have no idea how it's going to work I think it's going to fit that's one way to do it oh don't tell me it doesn't fit I want say it fits, but is this going to close?
Can I break this? Oh man, good thing I have about a half ounce of water left because I'm going to need every bit of that last half ounce. I'm amazed, I think he probably weighs like 150 pounds too. not like Grill probably wasn't very cheap either so far they look pretty promising until I turn them over and say oh that one's in bad shape no it's old this one isn't that bad the other one is too far gone. It's probably not even old because it's plaster, I mean it looks like it's solid wood, this thing says the local auction service can't and that thing is that broken, try not to break them, that's going in the Lambertville pile, um, don't ask me when I'm coming back, it'll probably be a while.
I haven't done many auctions. I did a lot of storage auctions, but storage auctions are not the same as goods auctions, like it's a completely different ball game in terms of merchandise. and uh, lamberville isn't some kind of storage auction, flea market, okay, I managed to spend a whole day with this and it feels pretty good. Actually, I don't know how, but that man, I'm really lost for the worst day. that grill was really something else, huh, so it doesn't look like anything was broken here, something just fell off, it could have been that microwave that could have been on the armrest of that chair, the photo frame, the stone on good condition, but yes, has a local auction company. that no longer has internal auctions um it had a couple of stickers as of now on the back so it probably came from an auction house I probably hope they have it like on their um their bidding block instead of on a row of box slots because usually if it's on a bargain block, it's usually worth a little more money or at least they think it's worth more money if it's in the box slots, it's box slot stuff, huh , but yeah, a whole day looking through the trash for interesting things got me some jewelry cabinets that unfortunately are empty jewelry boxes, but it was fun, so thanks for joining me.
Now I run to the junkyard. I know I mentioned the last one. I'm bidding on a bunch of storage units that end up in about 3 hours, which is really tough, but if I end up not getting any of those, I'll be back tonight to pick up the last episode, but it was a lot of fun, thanks for joining me, yeah you enjoyed it, hit the like button, subscribe below, I'll catch you. next time for the next adventure until next time have a great day keep living a dream of peace

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