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Trapped in Minecraft in Real Life! Mystery Mirror Adventure!

May 08, 2020
- Select a song. - Oh yes, I survived another day. I guess it's time to find something for breakfast. Mm, hey, who's that outside my window? Oh no, he's that crazy Steve, he's always trying to talk to me and change me for my good things, I have to hide. -Hey Chase, you know what would be


ly cool? - That? - If we could be in Minecraft in



. - That would be great! If only we could do that. - Wait a second, we could project it in the


. - Oh yes, good idea, do it! (electronic buzz) - There. - Okay, let's go. - Let's do it. - Very good, going to the


trapped in minecraft in real life mystery mirror adventure
Wow, this is great! - I know, we're actually in Minecraft. (creaking) It even sounds like Minecraft. - What should we do now? - Um, I guess we should go exploring. - Look, there's a farmhouse there. Let's check it out. - Okay, but we can't lose this mirror because we have to go back to it to be able to exit the game. - Good point, we don't want to get lost. So let's go see that town and then come straight back here because we didn't bring anything with us and it's getting late. - Okay, let's go. (creaking) Wow, this is a super cool forest. - And look, there are some friendly wolves back there.
trapped in minecraft in real life mystery mirror adventure

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trapped in minecraft in real life mystery mirror adventure...

If only we had some bones. (crack) (crash) Ha, take that tree. Alright, here's the village, let's see if we can find a villager to talk to. - Let's go to the biggest house. - Shawn, look, there's a villager in there. You're going to knock on the door. - No, go knock on the door. What if it's an angry villager? - Well, the villagers can't hurt us anyway and all he can do is stare at us and be creepy. (calling) - Hello, what do you want? - We're not from around here and we were wondering if you could tell us where we are and we wanted to say hello. - Okay, hello, you're at my house in town, anything else? - Um, I guess not, thanks. - It's getting late, the mobs will arrive in a while.
trapped in minecraft in real life mystery mirror adventure
You should find a safe place to stay. - Can we stay with you? - No, there is not enough space, sorry. - But we didn't bring weapons or food. Can you give us some? - Sure, give me an emerald and I'll give you some. - But we don't have an emerald. - What a pity, goodbye. (door slams) - Oh, no, Chase, it's getting late. You know what happens when it gets dark around here. - Yes, we have to get out of here quickly, come on! I still don't see mobs outside, Shawn. (intense music) Shawn, there are so many vines blocking that mirror.
trapped in minecraft in real life mystery mirror adventure
How are we going to get to that? - Don't worry Chase, I'll take care of this. Take this vine! (screams) (exploding) - Wow, Shawn, you just blew up the mirror! - But I did take care of that vine. - Yes, but now I can't get home. - Let's go back to that villager's house. I know he had an upstairs. - Oh yeah, good idea, come on. Shawn, I don't see it there. Let's go around the back and then see if he's sleeping and we'll sneak in. - Okay, good idea. - This is a narrow hallway. Oh, look, there's the kitchen window.
And he's not there, let's go over here. This looks like his bedroom window. -Ah there he is, is he sleeping? He has his eyes open. - No, I think he just sleeps with his eyes open. - Okay, let's go in then. - Shut up, noisy chickens. Okay, let's go. (metal clink) Oh, this is a very nice place. There is his bedroom, let's be silent. Let's go up the stairs. I knew I had enough space. - Yes, there are two beds up here. I want the top bunk. - No, I'm staying on the top bunk. - Not because I wanted it first. - Silence, you are going to wake up the villager. - Okay, we'll do rock, paper, scissors. - Okay, rock, paper, scissors.
Ah, you win. - Yes, I'll stay on the top bunk. - Ah man, at least I still have a bed. - (yawning) Chase, wake up, I think I hear the villager climbing the stairs. - Oh oh! - Hmm. What are you guys doing in my house? I told you you couldn't stay here. - We needed a place to stay, it was getting dark. And our portal exploded. - Yeah! - Mm, well then you owe me an emerald, it cost me an emerald to stay here for the night. - Well, how do we find an emerald? - Mm, you have to extract emeralds. - That will take too long.
Do you know of a faster way to find an emerald? - Hmm, well, there are stories about an old mine with a chest containing emeralds. I suppose I could tell you where it is, if you promise to bring me all the emeralds it contains. Mm, but it's very dangerous, mm, I understand them all. - Okay, we promise. - Okay, I'll tell you where it is. - Well, we found the well where the villager said he was. - Let's go in. Let's do this! Well, we'll follow these torches and hopefully there won't be any mobs. Woo, this is a fun water slide. - Yes it is.
This one is also quite large. Oh, there's a bat, move the bat. Oh I see a mob spawner, there's always a chest in one of those, but then there are skeletons in this one. Let's go around and see if we can get to the chest. - Maybe it contains emeralds and we won't have to find the other one. - Maybe. - Oh, cookies, great, I'll take them all. - Okay, I have to get out of here. Comment below which one would you rather chase you, a skeleton or a vine? I would have a vine chasing me. - I would have a skeleton. - Then you're a weirdo. - And if you like playing Minecraft, tell us what you like to do most in Minecraft. - Alright Shawn, we got to where the villager said there would be a bridge and he said we had to jump off it. - Who will go first? - I am not. - Ah man!
First I said: you have to go. - Well. There I go, wow! -Oh, he really jumped! (screaming) (water splashing) I guess it's my turn now. Oh! (screaming) (water splashing) - Chase, I have a path that goes in that direction, do you have a path that goes in that direction? - Yes, I have a path that goes this way. We'll go there and then we'll meet. - Well. - Oh no, the path becomes very narrow and passes over lava. I don't like the way this looks! Oh no, uh oh, wow! Help Shawn! - Wait Chase, I have a plan.
I have to be careful, I don't want to fall into the lava either. Just a little more, Chase. (bubbly) Okay, Chase, come down. - Ugh, thanks Shawn, thanks for saving me Shawn. That was close! - I think we are close, said the villager to follow the torches. - Okay, let's go. Shawn, I found the chest, it's over here. (growling) - We finally found him, he better have the emeralds. Let's open it. - Yeah. Oh, emeralds, amazing! Now that we have the emeralds, we just have to return to the villager's house and give them to him. - Yes, I think so. - Thank you guys for bringing me the three emeralds.
That was very nice of you. - You're welcome, and now you have to tell us where the portal is so we can get home. - Okay, you can reach the portal if you hurry. You have to go directly north, not detour. If you go directly north, you will eventually reach a vulture-shaped mountain. - Okay, it should be easy to find. - Below his head is a portal, but be careful, the portal is guarded. It's very dangerous. OK then goodbye. - Bye bye. - Come on! (growling) Come on Shawn. - Okay, here I go. (growling) I've done it. - Let's keep moving. (growling) This is very easy. (growling) That part isn't so easy, is it Shawn? - Yeah, this one doesn't seem so easy, Chase! (growling) Whoa, whoa.
I still made it. - There is the vulture the villager was talking about. - Yes, it really looks like a vulture. - There's the portal. (intense music) (growls) Watch out, the skeletons are there. Oh, this lava is hot! - Yes, I feel like I'm a marshmallow on lava. Look, there's more on the other side. Could it get worse? - Chase, the lava is about to reach me. - Oh no! - Hurry! Wow, he almost caught me, hurry up! - I'm going as fast as I can. We did it, here I go, I hope it works! - Good luck!
I hope it works too! Wow, that was close. - But at least each one received two cookies. - Let's go get some milk. - Yeah! (ominous music) - I thought something bad would happen, but nothing ever happened. - Yes me too. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share. And don't forget to comment below which one you would prefer chasing you, a skeleton or a vine. - And if you like playing Minecraft, be sure to comment below what your favorite thing in Minecraft is. I was starting to think that we should eat the cookies before we got to the lava, because I didn't want to burn myself without eating them. (intense music)

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