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Transformers - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Jun 04, 2021
He'll take you back in time to play these fucking


s and suck ass. I'd rather a buffalo put your diarrhea in its ear. I'd rather eat the rotten skunk and swallow it with me. He is the direction. Easy and




. thanks, let me ask you a question, what kind of format do you usually play


games on cartridges, CDs, cards, floppy disks, how about an audio cassette? Isn't it a strange idea to play a game on a damn cassette tape? This is


for the Commodore 64, the computer that is definitely more than what it seems, you turn it on and it goes into this hypnotic flashing light show.
transformers   angry video game nerd avgn
Wow, great game and then like five minutes later the title screen appears, wait a little longer and then you can choose your key. Autobot as you can see there is no Optimus Prime which is pretty stupid but it's Rodimus Prime then you watch the colorful light show for another five minutes and suddenly the game starts if it hadn't been for the music , I wouldn't have even guessed it. They are


, most games are played using key commands to move your Autobots to different locations. All Autobots are indicated by numbers. Could they have something a little more visual?
transformers   angry video game nerd avgn

More Interesting Facts About,

transformers angry video game nerd avgn...

When you engage in a battle, you enter this first-person view. joystick and try to take down as many Decepticons as you can, it gets monotonous pretty quickly, one of the key commands being T to transform, it just makes you transform but it doesn't change anything, it's just first person view so you can't tell me if you're transformed or not by the way I'm on a farm with a dinosaur getting on a space shuttle I have no comments look at this game yay Transformers this wouldn't you think a game based on the Transformers would have done it?
transformers   angry video game nerd avgn
More emphasis on action than in this strategic simulation. I guess there was a Transformers game that was side scrolling, but only in Japan, let me introduce you to the Nintendo family. Simply put, this is the Japanese NES, very different from that gray box. This one is smaller and top loading, has a nice dust tray and the controller is connected to the console which is efficient but the cables are too short and are connected to the console so you will never be able to change them. The drivers are the same. The same selects start ba, but the second controller instead of Select and start has a microphone, from what I understand, very few games use this in The Legend of Zelda, you kill Pole's voice by making a loud noise in the microphone, Of course, that's only in Japanese. version, but the manual still says that pulsed voice hates loud noises, which only baffled players outside of Japan.
transformers   angry video game nerd avgn
There's also a disk system, but I need to get a cable, so maybe we'll get to that later. I'm getting off topic. playing Transformers the question is why this game was never released outside of Japan with the library of games available it seems like most of them no matter how bad they would be would see an international release so could it be that this one was that bad ? Let's find out, oh, The title translates to The Mystery of Optimus Prime and that sums it up perfectly. It's a mystery why Optimus Prime isn't in this game, instead it's Ultra Magnus.
If you really beat the game and collect all the letters, you can become Rodimus Prime, but the only difference. It's the color, so what's the point? They should have made him the second player like Mario and Luigi. Instead, we have Ultra Magnus and Ultra Magnus, but this is the least of our problems. Check it out with one hit and you're dead in three lives. Does not continue. There are no checkpoints, that's more often than you hear in the show, if you're lucky enough to get to the second level you can continue with a simple code when you finish the game, hold down a b and start and let me tell you that you go.
Doing that every 30 seconds or so will keep you going forever, but that still won't get you through the levels you really need to. Buckle up and let your video game senses skyrocket. Look at this, it's almost as bad. As the Silver Surfer, there are projectiles everywhere every time you try to dodge something, you just get hit by something else. How does this little thing destroy a giant robot? It's almost an insult how much advantage the enemies have. You take a hit, but they can sometimes be defeated. more and they are smaller, it doesn't make any sense, they can also go through solid bricks, but you can't even shoot through the bricks, so if there is an enemy coming at you through the bricks, there is nothing you can do about it.
In this regard, they also blend into the background. I can't even see that thing. Couldn't they use more colors? You can transform, but it's suicide because it actually takes three seconds. If you try to transform, you leave yourself exposed to enemy fire, but it rarely does. It actually comes into play when you need to morph to get through a tight spot, but if you're not careful, morphing is the equivalent of saying here, kill me, the detection is so biased to begin with, you're such a big target anyway, but if something approaches your perimeter, it counts as a hit;
However, if you are trying to hit an enemy and your bullet goes anywhere other than the center, passes by and everything is so small, so fast and moving in such irregular patterns, hitting your target is like trying to pee in a shot glass spinning on a record player strapped to the back of a running cheetah while you ride a unicycle on a tightrope blindfolded. There is absolutely nothing in this game, so we must take it seriously, are you familiar? Billy Mitchell, world champion video game, could probably do it, so I have to find a way to harness the power of him and I think I found a way that this is the hot sauce of him.
You want something that kicks your butt and hides in your senses. I'll do it all right now. I'm ready. God, this game is so crazy the screen keeps flashing. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a seizure. What the hell, get up there? Damn, get up there, ah, there are no complete fucking games. With no hard-to-reach jumps, what was it that you can't even see what's up there until it's too late? Oh I can't even touch that little ice cream cone on its side, come on, come on, oh wow, that's so creative having the Decepticon logo as a boss that's like the Ghostbusters game that's so cheap the logo belongs to the cover oh man, shoot it, shoot it, I can't shoot these things, ah, all these Jets keep coming, oh no, oh slag, it's too narrow to jump and it's not the right elevation to shoot at, so it's just a death trap, I have to jump onto the platform, ah, jet, how am I supposed to predict when something will fly into the screen and kill me, but let me tell you about Stage Nine, it's one of the cheapest levels, most unfair, most cryptic and superior in the history of games.
You keep going right only to play the same stage over and over in an endless loop. There's nothing in the game that explains what you're supposed to do. You have to read. You search the internet to find out, it turns out that you are supposed to get a key, but that is not enough, you also have to follow a specific pattern, almost like a secret labyrinth, which was supposed to be discovered on your own, it's a lot like Super Mario Brothers, when you go through the castle you have to go up and down the platforms the right way or else the stage repeats, but in Mario it's much easier to guess that it's much shorter on the one hand, but it's also not There are a million things trying to kill you, it's hard to survive let alone figure out the right pattern, and besides, the route it makes you take is harder than the most sensible way.
It's the end of the road. Megatron, come on, come on, die. boom yeah that's some intense stuff in conclusion all I can say about this game oh stage 10 I beat Megatron who the hell could the next stage 10 be? My butt. I guess if Megatron isn't the final boss, it has to be Galvatron or maybe. Unicron or Fuckatron, who knows. Oh, it's Mecca, Godzilla, of course, should have known. That was the hardest game I've ever beaten and all that trouble for an ending screen I can't even read. Now I can conclude that the game barely has anything to do with Transformers it doesn't even have the music with the exception of that part, even the Commodore version had the theme in this one, the same Bland music plays throughout the game and the boss battles They have their own music, but that's it.
Speaking of the bosses, it makes you wonder if the creators of this game knew anything about Transformers. Did they have to resort to using the Decepticon logo three times? That's right, same boss three times and twice the boss is like a nuclear macadamia nut inside a moon like they don't have enough Decepticon characters to choose from. Have you ever seen the show? As for the Autobots, even the Commodore version had plenty to choose from. Sure they existed mostly in text, but at least I recognized them, but Transformers or not. it's just a bad game, most of the levels are exactly the same over and over again, just changed slightly and stage 10 is just stage 8 in reverse, but the big problem is the difficulty who this game is intended for , certainly not for players who wanted a reasonable game. challenge or Transformers fans disappoints on both counts, so now it's no wonder why this game was never released outside of Japan because no one else wants to play it as well.
I have to do what I have to do. One will stand firm. Are you my name is Optimus Prime? Well, you're nothing like me. I thought you were made of Sterner stuff.

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