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Tragic On-Screen Deaths We Still Haven't Recovered From

Jun 05, 2021
Even though you know TV and movies aren't real, it can


break your heart when your fictional friends fall into a black hole or get stabbed in the neck by their evil clone, unfortunately for us and our emotions, this creates great storytelling, so here. are some of the saddest on-


death scenes you'll ever see in the original Star Wars trilogy. Han Solo undergoes a classic heroic transformation when you first meet him. He is a callous rogue who pushes others away and only cares about cash, but when push comes to shove. the return of the jedi spins has found a redemptive purpose and the love of his life is a nice, neat ending which is what made han's actual fate in star wars the force awakens so seemingly exhausting even in such a galaxy. distant happy endings are never quite that easy while fans spent 30 years imagining that han and leia lived happily ever after, it turns out that their little boy became the next darth vader, their marriage collapsed and han returned to smuggling when the Major finally makes his appearance. his famous jokes are now tinged with a sense of loss this is a millennium falcon you're han just i used to be what makes han's death the saddest scene in star wars history though is that he dies simply trying to do right by his son even though the younger Han would have hit the road and the older Han knows that Kylo Ren will probably kill him, the famously scruffy nerf shepherd can't help but make one last effort to redeem the boy he raised since the moment when Han approaches Kylo for the first time, every fan.
tragic on screen deaths we still haven t recovered from
In-universe he knows he's about to have his Obi-Wan moment, but that just makes the eventual lightsaber stab even harder to watch. Breaking Bad was full of dark, creepy and uncomfortable moments, but the one that


makes you wince is the scene where Jesse Jane's girlfriend, asleep after one last drug binge, chokes on her own vomit and Walt doesn't do anything. nothing. It's an easy solution to prevent Jane from exposing him, which she had previously threatened to do. His conscious decision to allow Jane to die could be the moment when Walt really. broke up badly in the most horrible way from that point on there was no turning back which was disturbing as this was made even worse when todd shoots jesse's future girlfriend andrea in the penultimate episode of the show while jane and jesse were largely terrible for each other, andrea is just a single mother trying to give her son brock a better life and only gets murdered because jessie refuses to cook meth for todd's sociopathic gang of sociopathic neo-nazis. , Todd casually shoots him in the back of the head while Jesse watches, leaving Brock orphaned alone so that you know this isn't personal, the scene is short, horrible, and impossible to forget, especially for Ian Posada, the young actor who played Brock. , who according to the Hollywood reporter supposedly cried when they showed him the scene.
tragic on screen deaths we still haven t recovered from

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tragic on screen deaths we still haven t recovered from...

The late Michael Clark Duncan was always a phenomenal actor. But the one movie that everyone will always remember him for is the film adaptation of Stephen King's The Green Mile in which he plays John Coffey, a wrongfully accused death row inmate with supernatural abilities. The movie is filled with tons of tearjerker moments like the goodness of coffee. Honesty and compassion for others are shown in stark contrast to the horrible treatment he receives from society. However, it compares to the intensely heartbreaking scene at the end of the film where Café is finally executed in the electric chair, the characters crying as much as the audience, and small details like Café asking that the black hood not be put on his face because he's afraid of the dark or the closeup of coffee and tom hanks paul edgecombe squeezing his hands leave a lasting impression what's surprising about sam raimi's 2002 spider-man is that it somehow made the best origin story of a superhero was even better in the original comics.
tragic on screen deaths we still haven t recovered from
Peter Parker is just your average selfish teenager worried about girls' popularity until his big ego results in his father figure being killed, hey Michelangelo, don't do it. I forgot we're painting the kitchen right after school. I have it for sure. Uncle Ben doesn't start without me, basically, while the genetically altered spider bite gives Peter strength and confidence. It is the weight of his own mistakes that forces him to grow up and take responsibility. All the key elements are the same between the film adaptation of Raymie and the source material of his why his words are spoken.
tragic on screen deaths we still haven t recovered from
Remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Peter lets a criminal escape. He already knows the procedure, but Remy's film made a slight alteration that brought tears to his eyes. We see Uncle Ben die right before Peter's eyes, surrounded by onlookers, Uncle Ben here, Uncle Ben, the whole movie relies on this scene working and luckily Cliff Robertson and Toby McGuire knock it out of the park if there's a big which is why the Marvel cinematic universe hasn't. The death of Uncle Ben is not shown, maybe it's because they knew they couldn't get through this scene or this one, it seems that more Game of Thrones characters ended up dead than alive and that's not counting the entire army of corpses marching through Westeros, but The loss he suffered the most was Hodor, the lovable strongman who protected Bran with his dying breath even though his


situation in life was Brand's fault.
Time travel is crazy, although Hodor spent much of the series as a humorous oaf who just said the same gibberish. word over and over again his death scene completely redefined the character forever revealing that hodor actually meant holding the door and that he had known all this time that one day he would have to sacrifice his life doing just that twitter and presumably the real world erupted into Sadness after Hodor's death. The whole thing becomes more depressing when you rewatch the first season and realize that he's been lending a great hand to Bran this whole time.
The first words said to Hodor were to help mark Black Panther in the hallway perhaps. the 2018 movie event and a large part of that success was due to the film's antagonist, eric killmonger, played by michael b jordan, if Killmonger is unforgivably burning Wakandan traditions by sending massive shipments of weapons, he is simply crying over the loss of his father, he is always Fascinating, impossible to look away and deeply understanding. I found my dad with panther claws on his chest. You are not the son of a king. You are the son of a murderer. However, the killer is more than just a great character because, as the Atlantic points out.
His story also symbolizes the void permanently imposed on African culture by the transatlantic slave trade. These items are not for sale. How do you think your ancestors got them? You think they paid a fair price or took it like they took everything else. The deeper themes are exactly what makes his death scene so powerful after being mortally wounded by the film's hero, T'challa Killmonger mentions that his Wakandan father always praises the natural beauty of the homeland of him out of compassion. T'challa then brings his wounded opponent back to the mountain so they can watch the sunset together and offers to use Wakanda's advanced medical technology to heal him.
The murderer refuses to be saved, instead he asks to be buried at sea, simply burying me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped off ships because they knew death. It was better than bondage, while Black Panther had many moments that will go down in pop culture history, this was one of the biggest, we just kissed a couple of times, we kissed a couple of times, oh Barb, the The world barely knew you even though that spike only survived a few episodes of stranger things before being torn apart by the demogorgon this minor character spawned a huge fanbase collectively called the spike cult by parlor what it really boils down to That the character of Shannon Purser is just so intensely relatable, even though most people


't hung out at the pool while an otherworldly monster bursts out of the woods and drags them into a dark dimension, many people can empathize with the feeling. from being left out or trying to do the right thing while their unstable friend just gets some action in the other room.
Barb's death scene is perhaps the best example of what it feels like to be the so-called third wheel and that's probably why so many Stranger Things fans still miss her to this day at the beginning of the series. series. 2004 relaunch of Battlestar Galactica Anastasia D Duolla was one of the show's beacons of hope Young optimistic and full of life D resists the many challenges the fleet experiences and ultimately finds love with Lee Apollo Adama even when D and Apollo's marriage doesn't work out , continues to be one of the show's brightest characters as the fleet searches the universe for their mythical homeland, you have no idea what happened to you today is just another day.
Things quickly collapse when everyone discovers that the earth is actually a post-apocalyptic wasteland as the team tries to recover from this horrible reality. Dee and Apollo go on a date and reconnect. It's a sweet, simple moment that leads the audience to believe that maybe now, even after the team has seemingly lost everything, there is still hope for the future, so Dee returns to her. locker smiles in the mirror savors the moment she shared with lee and ends her life the scene is so shockingly


actress candace mcclure told science fiction that simply reading the script left her floored it's safe to say her fans had similar reactions if there is One thing that Marvel's Avengers Infinity War will go down in history for, in addition to being the most ambitious cinematic crossover of all time, is the fact that at least half of everyone's favorite superheroes are killed by a Finger-snapping bad guy.


in Infinity War may be more permanent. than others like loki and heimdall, but each of them hurt like crazy, although the biggest impact might be that moment on Titan, where a certain wall-climbing web spins and turns to dust while everyone else, from Star- Lord to Black Panther, they can barely blink before. They've been erased from existence, Spider-Man knows something's coming, his spider sense tingles, but there's nothing he can do to stop their inevitable erasure, and then came that damn sentence, I don't feel so good and, Finally, audiences everywhere left him. A collective ugly sob comes out, I don't want to go, I don't want to start, please, oh, you don't want to go, according to the


, both heartbreaking lines were improvised by actor Tom Holland, I'm sure we all know that.
That Peter will return, far from home, which will take place after the end of the Avengers game, but that still didn't make watching him leave any less heartbreaking. Sure, Bambi losing his mother was a disappointment, but there was an animated classic that made millions of children. sobbing into the arms of their confused mothers was Don Bluth's 1988 dinosaur movie The Land Before Time, what made The Land Before Time such a fantastic children's film and what the numerous sequels got so wrong was that the script didn't try as hard in Bluth's first scene. The film paints a vivid portrait of a once beautiful world, brought to the brink of desperation by famine, where a herd of dinosaurs struggle to find food while fending off attacks from outside.
Desperation is everywhere, but at least you know Littlefoot will be okay thanks to his wisdom and strength. devoted mother until suddenly everything goes crazy, first a sharp tooth bursts in, then an earthquake tears the place apart and Littlefoot is stranded as rain and thunder pours down, the sad little dinosaur wanders alone across the ruined landscape screaming Desperately for his mother, mother, where are you? when he finds her, she is already half dead, he begs her to get up and when she says that even the parents in the audience are probably wiping their eyes, one of the most memorable scenes of 1994, as The Lion King is also the most heartbreaking: traumatic death.
After saving his son from a stampede, the doomed king desperately makes his way to safety only to be thrown back into the path of the stampede by his own brother's scar, then the orphaned Simba tries and tries to wake up his father until he finally accepts that there will be a will. He doesn't wake up, he spends a long moment curled up against his father's corpse, the iconic death scene has a Shakespearian brutality and sets the stage for everything that comes after Simba's legacy is destroyed by his own uncle, it is grim and brutal and not what you normally expect from a Disney cartoon, if you're part of a generation that grew up withThe never-ending story, the playful smile of Falcore, the dragon of luck, probably still comes back to you from time to time, what you might forget is that, like so many others.
Of your favorite childhood movies, the underlying themes tend to be dark, sure there are giant turtles and friendly giants, but in a sense they are just a decoration for a story that is about keeping hope alive in the face of utter despair, such perhaps the saddest moment in history. the entire film is the death of our tax the noble horse the beautiful animal meets his painful end as he accompanies his young owner atreyu through the swamp of sadness true to its name the oppressive magic of the swamp threatens to suffocate anyone who passes through it with his own anguish and that is exactly what happens to poor artix, no matter how much Atreyu begs and pleads for his friend to save himself, the horse is too consumed in his own hopelessness and allows himself to drown in the mud it has almost happened A decade and a half since Ang Lee Mountain's breakout first hit theaters, it's easy to forget what a cultural event a love story between cowboys played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger was.
Breakback Mountain won awards and grossed more than $80 million domestically against a budget of $14 million. The story revolves around the decades-long relationship between Jack Twist and Anna Stillmar that ends tragically when Annas discovers through a postcard that His friend and lover has died when Ennis calls to get more information and is told That Jack died when a tire he was changing exploded, but he can't help but consider that this might not be the truth. He imagines a more horrible story and the idea of ​​Jack being brutally beaten to death with a crowbar pops into his mind. Death is a total heartbreaker, but uncertainty makes it worse in the real world.
The chances that you've cried over a lost volleyball are pretty slim. However, you've probably never found yourself stranded on an island with nothing but random sports equipment. to keep you company, what is the situation that tom hanks' character finds himself in in the year 2000, although few people have struggled with what hank's character endured, it is easy to imagine how years of extreme isolation could force an object inanimate to become a friend, that's why when chuck finally escapes the island, it's so heartbreaking when he accidentally loses wilson, he dives into the water risking his life and his chance to get home, all to save a ball of volleyball, he finally gives up, but his screams towards his friend are so full of anguish that it feels like he's letting a real person drown I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Wilson, well, I'm sorry, the scene also marks the moment key in which Chuck begins a traumatic transition back to the civilized world, a place where volleyballs are not allowed to be yours. friends, even if you draw adorable faces on them for 16 years, hugh jackman brought marvel's adamantium-clawed mutant renegade to life, earning fan adoration and a guinness world record for longest career as a marvel live-action superhero in The process, unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. an ending while everyone expected 2017's logan to be a dark and brilliant conclusion to the x-men's most popular story, few could have predicted how painful it would be to see marvel's toughest, bravest superhero reduced to a bitter, pained, poisoned old man. by his own adamadium with claws that no longer pop right, while Wolverine never finds true happiness or peace.
Logan does find something of a family in a battle against his clone. Wolverine gives his life to save a group of innocent mutant children, including a girl who becomes a daughter. as a figure for him laura while logan dies impaled and covered in blood he grabs laura's hand he smiles and says that most superhero movies leave the audience leaving with smiles and laughter, but it was definitely logan that everyone left crying look one of our newest videos right here and there will be more looper videos coming soon about your favorite things, subscribe to our youtube channel and ring the bell so you don't miss a single one.

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