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TRADITIONAL Mexican BREAKFAST in Mexico City BEST Breakfast Sandwich With La Ruta de la Garnacha

Jun 04, 2021
This is Lalo, one of the most important food YouTubers here in Mexico City, you will take me to a bar and we will make a




, in fact, we will do everything. Express yourself to be nervous, you are already oh. wow, that's right, I'm hungry, this is the




in Mexico, a place to eat the delicious cake, good luck, okay, let's do it, yeah, these guys are busy, right, they open at like 10 o'clock, They are already lined up, the most famous for the tour dates. la Bamba la bombuh labomba labomba so is the cake with beans and then chilaquiles great and greener and then they put G cochinita pibil spectacular ha ha and then on you and then habanero wow I look so good oh my God all true, This feels like a mom, it's yeah, yeah, this is basically Mexico between two rolls, right here, okay, yeah, two dollars is better than any sum I think I've ever eaten, so you've got the soup for two or now you have the good chicken. flavor and I'll tell you, even though this feels heavy, I like eating this and I just don't feel like it's heavy in my stomach, I like it, I just want to keep taking the next bite, yeah.
traditional mexican breakfast in mexico city best breakfast sandwich with la ruta de la garnacha
I love how, like every meal I've had in Mexico so far, it's been super spicy. I love feeling like I'm at home right now, but this isn't for advisors, that's right. This is the breakfast I am. like infinitely happier right now than before my first bite, sure, walk, this is soda, thank you very much, I have to come here and get there, and they are so sweet, seriously, the sweetest people, so let's Eat and we will continue. on the birthday continue hello friend as a thank you for the great breakfast did you ever have a room all day no I never drugged you did you ever eat mochi ice cream yeah yeah I'm fine yeah so I bought some ice cream of mochi because I think you what are we going? your ceremony is okay, you know how to open a room, money, okay, so take it, yes, take the BAI stop, don't throw away the cover, the taxi is not going, the taxi is the key, take out the little cash, put it in order. there, yeah, okay, push so hard, cute, oh, why is that going?
traditional mexican breakfast in mexico city best breakfast sandwich with la ruta de la garnacha

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traditional mexican breakfast in mexico city best breakfast sandwich with la ruta de la garnacha...

Yes, oh, there you take it, greetings, friend. Greetings, yes, there is a small marble there. I have this amazing thing, but it's like Jordan like a baby, not only this is like a no. just take a drink and then push the marble down, make sure it's down so the marble gives you a good sculpture, yeah well sometimes you have to do it, the marble gets a little stuck, it's okay, but it's to achieve it, no, it's from Japan. Japan. yes yes amazing I love you I can't believe I found this iRiver and the one next door for the bathroom cool off with some mochi ice cream we'll have dessert a little earlier yes this is a good group I that she asked for.
traditional mexican breakfast in mexico city best breakfast sandwich with la ruta de la garnacha
For him, it's okay, try it, isn't it Japanese? Yes, there you have it, I think after something spicy, it lowers your stomach a little. Don't continue mmm boom. Oh, name, now we're ready for more, yeah, okay, we're on a second place, this is it. the market, yes, this is the El Torito market, aha, they don't have the


name, but hey, cabaret food, this is a place that when I sent you the first message you said was closed, sighing exactly, so we had to come today because this is your favorite breakfast, but come on, this is a common market, yes, yes, another place to eat, many markets like this, there is the place where everything thinks, here it is incredible and for me it is one of the


places to do well, although we just took. bomb, I'm still very excited, so this place is called value comments instead of pizza, replace the rubber orbiter exactly, we have to try a little thing, okay, whatever you want to do, okay, yeah, this is a good one salsa, red sauce that's spicy and this is the green one they're both making this is the reason I haven't been able to sit down for the last two days it's really good, you came to do something good, don't ask the Mexican, oh, Excuse me, this is spicy because Mexicans say no. of course it is not spicy but it is always spicy Mike this is the first dish that is so big with beans they have green sauce and cheese onion with respect yes Teresa avocado and no shoulder is beautiful a little a little red I love the chorizo ​​I love it cheese, no, this looks absolutely great, it's crunchy on the bottom and wow, it's this really nice texture, you know it's got the soft rock of everything, it's got the soft beings, then you got the nice crunch of the cactus, you've got a nice plate. . he - Tia, well, that shows as well as the pita here - true, yes, I am the best.
traditional mexican breakfast in mexico city best breakfast sandwich with la ruta de la garnacha
I love how you guys can find different types of meats together, you know, I mean, okay, this looks amazing, this is Angelina enchilada Travolta - yeah, all together and this. it's with Molly yes, this is sweet Molly we want some different enchiladas and we skip the chicken inside in fact in this country cows and chickens are your best friends this is that ring I love the sauce I love this it's a nice peppery flavor and I love the Tasya it's a little rich dunya hash a little sweet, yeah, all the flavor you like, sour, spicy, sweet, it's all here, so I didn't even try it, oh yeah, I have to bring it, oh , nice, the morning I informed myself.
I'm fine, a little personal sweetness and a person in your mouth kind of shot you a little, we actually eat with rollio with these that the drink down the lane is almost intoxicating, so this is our breakfast, it's true, it would just happen Yes, what I love about him. although each dish types of meat this all this is what I look for for breakfast these this real breakfast is okay okay we are in a small factory right now this is El Molino what do you know what makes the man who is called the whole oven for make tortillas they start it up are the central stores right there and then the corn goes on top and they have made the material which is the dough of the dough so this is just ground corn with water it becomes the master that's all and then the tertiaries with this they say to the tipi areas and make the tortilla, so after the dough becomes this giant pile, yes, it comes here to the tea areas, this goes to the taco, yes, or you can buy it and take it with you to home.
I guess so, that's so cool that they'll let us try to rip it right off the press, that's, oh, that's hot, yeah, you need to do this, roll it exactly, okay, that's it, my goodness, but now it's tradition when you buy tortillas. you always say a and you give me a tortilla yes, I put it sold so a little salt and a little bit that's all by the way this is the only thing I like to roll up in my life it's so sweet here you were salsa yes just one The freshest flavor of the corn feels like you've taken a bite out of a cornfield.
It sounds so good, that's just thank you, okay, I'm ready for the next stop, my college is ready, this is the place where gold loves to shine. This is L for solid, you know what 1200 is. Literally, it is one of the best dishes in Mexico City, it is a soup that we prepare with corn, obviously, with pork, so a land of soup, I was. I want a belly of hot soup right now, yes, it's great, it stirs, this looks like an extension, guide us. all her stuff, this is 210 rod jitter, oh yeah, poor girl's gear, yeah, okay, then you need to put on an LBD, a cap visit for more flavor, yeah, love me, some bagels and now you need to take your water copy, okay, that's right. on that same buddy, then onion, onion, okay, then tomorrow, I know I don't know how to say regular, yeah, I know, okay guys, just a little bit, that's a little cold, just a little bit and lemon, so you have the white soup and me.
I have a green soup what is the difference here the difference is big because this is made with the inside of the pumpkin pumpkin seeds that are made into a sauce they put it in the pizzoli okay so this thing is filled with pork sack and corn corn the big mix yeah and now you're ready to eat, okay, I'll make sure I have everything, yeah, I'd go mate, look honey, it's the best to be funny, now I know, there's a party photo okay, Tommy warming up, Would you like her? Oh. so soon friend, oh yes, on Friday I will try to be different, this is completely different, here is a higher mind, yes, thicker, my daughter is my uh, I am for green.
I'm seeing green right now. I prefer this to that. I really think it was raining. Right now, this is the perfect rainy dish. You know, it's very comfortable. Yeah, your shit here is pouring rain. You're like watching the rain I put in a Disney movie or something. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon. What the hell is this in God's greatest creation? this is tomorrow it's a bar but it's in the cold light look at the pour in fact tomorrow it's safe but you put it in the center Reserve and we can all make tacos with powerful solid look look at that I want a little of all this again it's the best part here, next to the bone, this piece of gelatinous fat, here man, yeah, baby, some guacamole, welcome, ah, yeah, ah, cactus, yeah, I know, buddy, yeah, that's it, that's it .
I was programming amazing, right, alright, have a bite of that with the soup don't try it this means I'm here ever stupid this is absolutely delicious my soul is satisfied right now my soul meter is like well I'm fine , I know, yes, this is for dinner, obviously, thanks if you visited Mexico, do you have to try it? Yes, obviously it's difficult because I eat tacos every day, yes, I mean, they are very convenient those taco stands everywhere, but attention American people, Taco Bell is not Mexican, this is actually the sound , it's strange, huh? It's not like Louder's normal tanker is a famous factory, a mix that he had made this kind of strange tacks that he made, whether it's pine cones, pine.
I'm giving you this chance to try these custom tacos for you, Mike, okay, thank you for you, for you, if this is not a common thing, I love it too, this is called bomb to capture the stalker called fire, that's why I love this guy, he keeps taking me to places that are like bombs, this is it, this is your spine, yeah, oh good lord, they stayed. everything oh my gosh oh sorry so three pack yeah okay. Wow, all in the tackle, that's why it's the bomb again, you know why again. I love how Mexicans make meat inside, you know, they play well together. oh my god, oh another zero just for you, you call this a taco, yeah, it's like a taco


, that's why it's a bomb.
I mean, how do I start eating this? Because how do boys do it? You just grab any idea and can make another attack. yeah, yeah, yeah, you do one and I'll do one and that's it, pick up the salsa verde guy, okay, this is very feisty, this is a monster taco, they say if you approach him close, he falls off the airline, they will be charged. They'll charge me an extra baggage fee right now, but bomb the bomb drop. Here's my I'll be 100% honest ma'am, this is good, better than Declan, now you know. I love my nachos.
Big, come on, fire sauce. This is actually it. really very good, oh, they are so that spinal meat is very soft, it has that nice contrast of creamy, so you are like a burnt chorizo. I'm taking hits that she throws there, law eight six, they don't eat the meat, come on. beep, yeah, it's all good, got me a tongue, demand, how did you try this? I tried it before. I like Tom Thumb's dishes. Incredible, the best. How hungry is so TC. I love it, apparently we were sponsored by the taco place or something. One second. The ad for now arose from 1917.
I just want to say that being here in Mexico, the people are the warmest people I have ever met in my life. We really like it all day. We didn't have to wallpaper the food. I wouldn't try it now. to rewind sir, it's that they are so worn out as no, please, no, I'm sorry, you know, come to Mexico, you just know you eat the food, you hang out with the people, it's amazing, everyone is welcome to Mexico, It's the original Mexican food, yes, this guy has it. a vendetta against Taco Bell I mean, I don't blame him, I don't blame him, I feel the same way, Panda Express man, thank you so much, thank you for taking me, you're amazing, man, check out his channel, he's amazing, he shows you everything. great Mexican food or food around the world if you come to Mexico and travel around Mexico.
I have an application, you have it active, yes, yes. G a are in a CH a dot MX. I will put all the information below for you. Guys, I will definitely be back. Thank you very much and thank you all so much for watching until we eat again.

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