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Tracy Morgan Responds To Rob Stapleton, Talks Happiness, Love For Entertaining + More

Jun 09, 2021
The story goes towards me because that is my life. I will fight the study and I will fight this study until I can't fight any


. So you know I'll do it. I'll leave the funky kids anyway because you can. I don't make my life better than me, you don't, TBS is the best, that's why I


them, because my comedy found a home there. I


that you guys love TBS and I do anything for TBI TV that I was on, I was really happy. The killer happened this season the way he was in a second, you know what this is going to happen this season.
tracy morgan responds to rob stapleton talks happiness love for entertaining more
I will give you a little glimpse of what we did during the 14 years of prison and we will be able to see my children born. You know, I'm pretty sure she told you, wait, wait, come on. Visited a lot of areas this past year on G and you know these people think people gravitate to the show. You know these people. We are in the. We are color in a dark place. The last og is the most honest crack show ever. with commercials where all that happened, you know, these people, kid, this is not a black show man like a human show, it's about love, it's about forgiveness, it's about second chances, where do you think the part came from? the second chance, hmm, you have a sorry, love and forgiveness. he's still the most powerful thing on earth instead of me getting angry with a little round, I extended my hand and said I love you bro, it's still funny, he doesn't need me to go to him so that's not fear, That's not cool, I'm not Tiffany.
tracy morgan responds to rob stapleton talks happiness love for entertaining more

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tracy morgan responds to rob stapleton talks happiness love for entertaining more...

I gave us a safe place to work, warm, loving and free. I learned that from Denzel, yeah I know he starts me off the meter. There everything starts with me and I have to lead by example. We don't do this, we do it. as a family, hmm, we're not going to win and we don't do this as a family, that's what I love about the Knicks, they play like a family now, if I go on the court, no, they won't leave me alone, this show It's in New York no, it doesn't matter, I'm a Knicks fan, my dad gave me a Knick, he made me a Knicks fan and that's good, I love the Nets, I don't want anyone and sports point to stay away from the injuries, that's what I mean.
tracy morgan responds to rob stapleton talks happiness love for entertaining more
This is sport, right, but no one wants to see anyone hurt, it's not necessary, you know, so the word hey is using me, that's hurtful mm-hmm, that's really hurtful. Did you do that publicly? I have a daughter and they have teachers who watch. TMZ that was wrong, but that's mom being emotional, they're not thinking about what this man has a family, you know, let me tell you something, man, I told you before, you know, I mean, you come back like the spinal cord of the car seats, you know how my heart is that you know what kind of man I am and you too and you too the hardest part of that accident was forgiving that driver, if I could forgive the one who hurt me and my friends a lot and he killed my other friend, then I could forgive Anyone in the world we must learn to do that among ourselves, even those who invade you because they don't know what they are doing.
tracy morgan responds to rob stapleton talks happiness love for entertaining more
How do you use your position to make things easier for other communities? I'm getting a key to Brooklyn, he was. there, when I put that mossy parking lot, that's where I am. I'm going to take my prestige and help others. He went blank. How did you get to the point of forgiving? When did you open up and say I have to forgive when I was a baby? don't just become a good person I was getting I know my family tree mm-hmm I know what my great-great-grandmother on both sides my dad came back from Vietnam and taught me well when I was young let me tell you where you are who you are little black boy knowledge of yourself knowledge yourself key to the universe you have to forgive but to be understood you have to understand mm-hmm I love you Rob Stapleton and you know that you come back to me like the spinal cord or the car seats but now I'm focused forgive me if I can't but someday I hope I can return your love in that way but if you go on the radio and say bad things about me because I can't help you, right? now and I'm not in a position like that I'm not lazy he said you didn't even do it you can't even call back like it's a lie I see Bob all the time I meant I'm not running I'm hiding I'm at Caroline's not in Caroline's house, why would you take the opportunity to be on this show and do that?
No one else says that about me, you're funny Rob, you can do it. I worked hard to be where I am. to get on SNL and all I had about most black people who do SNL who suffer from suffering was that when you're afraid of white people, being dressed in white is a scared phobia, people call it being black, being afraid of the whites. People they're not used to know they suffer for mom, you know what it's like when a deer is in the headlights, oh I think it's starting to grow, no, no, I stopped you.
You come from a black world and not you in front. from an all-white audience, you might get stopped, you think you might lose confidence in your material, right, it worked there, but maybe not, but yeah, my dad had everyone in the house, so that wasn't a problem for me, but I just see you. as human beings I am like my Hannam Osman your soul let me tell you something man white people laugh at the same thing we laugh you just have to use


details you paint your pizza this is more details there understand it it is possible to use more color all humans under these clothes we're all just mammals no it's possible to make a great comedy without offending people you know if you don't offend Omar you're probably not funny mm-hmm it's just that for some reason or not they're putting us all in different brackets now it moves like people lost their sense of humor you want just this is this yes you're a comedian I'm a comedian I'm the one we're all supposed to look at in the mirror the ones we fear I just watched the news all day we'd be miserable on the other side of the other side I am feeling you ma guard give me material it gave me a sense of humor the blessing was not material if your third eye opens the materials right in front of you you see it absolutely, but that door did not open even once, I didn't steal from anyone, I'm sorry, take all the weird stuff, grab that microphone and lay it pretty flat, are you able to find the humor in anything, huh, are you able to find it? humor in anything this woman used to do to me take orange what's so funny about that exercise can you find humor god bless us this is humor if you don't laugh you won't cry mmm I don't care that's a gift that was given to me and I'm still a fan fan ativy I'm a bit of a rel fan I know how hard it is to go on stage and make the world laugh when they have nothing to laugh at I'm a member of the black committee We told my welfare mom that you were driving my dope We talked about all that and I managed to make you laugh Wow, I'm going to do my best.
You know what comedy is. You won't know what comedy is. What is comedy? What was funny? I know who you are. you from imperfection look at Def Jam when I started and he had the propeller hat on what was in front of him, a food coupon. Tracy Morgan made a fashion statement to put your well-being now first. I am the entire generation. I'm the first don't you say my mother baby my mother baby no one said that before I changed it I'm like James Brown I didn't even see it coming I did Michael Jackson with a dirty side for me yes, we made cookies but I didn't have to move on, sit down, evolve mmm, I have to grow, you have to grow, you can't be looking for the way, that's it, you have to keep evolving, why do you think the dinosaurs are not here, no more involved, fast enough, you will evolve. one day you might be Brian about evolving and sometimes evolving, but the world the world is doing this and this and this at the same time around the Sun, I won't call you Sun, can you shine like that when you come back, huh, what's next for Tracy, what you do?
You evolve into what the Knicks are that wake up tomorrow without taking today for granted fixing what I ruined yesterday tomorrow today what do you feel like you haven't ruined anything? I'm ready for part of my wife has added a kiss on her butt cheek. Sorry, you know what happens, you follow your husband when he's at this station, he's just dad and husband at home, griffons don't really need to feel, leave this, I don't think they can be fun at my house and then they just I'm going to be a dad, I'm going to go make myself some Frank's man, Frank's and tater tots, you know what's for dinner tonight, school lunches on the menu, tater tots, sloppy joe, chocolate bill, I could go to the cafeteria, Give me a bite, my girl.
I've used my girl, you've never used school lunch. I'm getting money at Yankee Stadium. Come back to your girl for yourself. You have money now, yeah, go to the ads, go find something for yourself, good girl for something. coupons get some big bang little straight bird try not to drag fuss i got work that's true on the road hmm that's pretty much right what's up away from me man? One thing I like about you, you don't mind keeping up with the times like you're staying with the old kid in that position in my lane. I'm fine using the airport the other day with a stereo blasting yeah but I play good music they just shot us playing ASAP Ferg now I'm with my daughter taking my daughter to Disney.
World, I mean, why would she play her? It's that company that was the inhabitants of the background but you don't respond to that it disappears, it was news one day it disappears the next it's like before this existed, it was page six of a newspaper, today's news would be tomorrow's. cat litter, you know me people, I can feel good, right, that's my system, he didn't want to hold a box, we played Lionel Richie going to the airport, but someone was probably black and white, we don't know, it's a Fergus Tracey said. moment he plays Herbert with his wife, the nanny and his daughter, you really have nothing else to talk about, eh, Gates has proven my disrespect, disrespect me like I don't know any better, but if you felt the need to say it , sorry, we had a I had a great time at Disney World, don't come near me.
I will reject it. It was just Bo. I'm glad stickers feed the world. We call it fatty love. We have a family for pregnant women. I also love my Mike's recipes. Mike. Fat baby. I love kids. pregnant dad loving my dad richard pryor funny so it came from both sides it's not my job it's not my job so I'm not Steven Spielberg I can't take someone's script and make it happen you have to want Jordan Peele to do it Don't do that , he tore it up for eight years and then one day it happened, first you have to put yourself in the position, you have to get an agent, I'm not an agent, I'm an artist, you have to get yourself. an agent I want a meeting with some studios that's how it happens that's all I can say I haven't come I'm an artist they get you an agent and they put you in a position in Los Angeles because that's where they make movies right here hmm new Jules I'm not trying to make a movie myself you never feel like going back to Brooklyn no, you see a tree, it moves away from the roots and then you have branches growing out of the tree when I do it I come back at three in the morning I don't come open the windows no there are street taxes it's the mother I told you that I have which then my place I have to say that for my family my daughter is five years old I am thinking about her future always 13 she could go to boarding school but she will be a lady there are too many things happening out here that could influence her no, you are not sure that things are played on our television our mothers a lady thank God for those boarding schools the school children are a bit wild, although there are more boarding schools, yes, I don't know, You have a mother, I'm a dad, I bring home the most excited about appearances, you won't get into my head, but crazy, it's already there, it's already there. moving furniture around the og how do you feel when you see comedians fighting other comedians?
I think I just told you that they took us and put us in a different group now mm-hmm. I never saw that with Eddie Murphy in our Arsenio and Simba. I've never seen that, I don't know what that is, I just think that doing stand-up is one of the hardest things to do in the world, so we should push and support each other hmm, no, I'm not interested. I'm 30, I look like a ram, I don't know, the son is 33, you're the father of a 33, huh, did you ever think about calling each of William and saying: can I, I don't know, I stay away ? from the fray I stay away from the fray I stayed Traci I love all men, everything is good and I keep moving forward.
I was hit by a truck four years ago. I do not have time for that. Oh, actually you'll be ready. I don't know, I don't know what that is, I never had a problem with Martin, this is my og, no way, no way, I don't know what that is and you know he says, "I grab the mic and I do people." Laugh, they pay good money to come see me. They could be semi-hard in our audience ready to go home and burn a family in the audience. Give me that knife like KeV said. Laugh at my pain.
We need the only one with problems, man. I want you to forget about that when you come to Tracy Morgan what tour I'm going on. I have the number one comedy show on cable. I have a movie coming out with Tyra Taraji. Peter. It's going to be a super mega success. What would men do? The men of the world weren't amazing, the job for me. I see she's like the black female version of LucilleBall. Lucille Ball Moms Orlin while she thinks about it, we talk about it. I love it and I'm turning 50. I have kids who watch.
I don't want my children to be with your dad it was something that he fit what happens now my children will make them good men it would be very disappointing for me if I got involved with that that's not their dad my wife would look at me and really be emotionally angry really be angry and she was giving me that look and I know what that look is no, I mean, I'm straight, I'm fine, I feel lucky the movie, what a man it was, do you think your wife would like to know what's going on in your head if she could read your mind?
No, she was nothing like that. I don't feel like you save much anyway. Leave no trace, don't leave what you have to know how you feel mm-hmm, that's communication. That's what adults do What I need to hide anything I'm Tracy Morgan for white people I'm not afraid of anyone This is our country brother So you know you shouldn't hurt me anymore This is how I feel, you know how I feel my friends are People who know me know how I feel. I have to tell them that they already know how I feel because without some of them I wouldn't be here, so I would understand what you're saying about Rob, but of course.
Now I'm not in a position to help anyone like that hmm, you really have to go find your agent, that's how I did it. My agent set me up for a TBS beatdown. Now he presented my idea. I'm here now. I think you already know. didn't fire anyone for nothing no one ever gave me anything if it wasn't funny I wouldn't have been in one I think I just wanted to hear that from you yeah well Rob that's where I am with this I am Sorry I couldn't tell you I was busy because outside of the show business I am a family and I do not want to be bothered.
I am with my family who needs me more than anyone on this planet. That girl. Why do you think I? futsal difficult to get out of that coma man she is only ten months old my wife is young I was 18 years younger than me and my children are growing up I have to be here I don't think about scripts and all that all day 24/7 what is my priority like that it's how you know Tracy made money who is my priority it was important for him to know that he is my assistant he is very close to me it is important for him to know who I am that's where I am that's where I am that's what my heart is right if you know I don't we must bother him you know she needs my mind you have to be my assistant and so many moving parts Tracy Morgan there are so many moving parts so it sounds where I have to calm him down because his orders are so efficient he is too black he is not that serious you are very direct and very forceful three Are you aware when you can say something that could hurt someone? no because I'm always considering other people's feelings I'm considerate that's what I get from my mom you have to consider, you're telling the truth at least I'm telling the truth, yes, but you heard him, he has feelings, you had to be considerate, it's time to Let me, my lady, do it and she will say things in a discussion, always protecting my vulnerability.
I love you friend, I love you, maybe, but there are times you can say something. I just gave him silence. That's how you let them know you hurt me. Timmons then you came and kissed me on the forehead. Say I'm sorry. I said no that. It has to be all because we are emotions, emotions say things they don't mean. I know Rell said that because of emotions, Tiffany's feelings might have been hurt. I don't know, you have a lot of pop coming at you. I just took the It's time just to thank those who don't get it right, just to let them know that we appreciate you coming to work every day and doing what you do for us.
I'm pretty sure if he feels that way too, that's what I thought not like you're him, no, no, I didn't, like I said, I'm directing, I project when I talk, but that's coming from me doing stand- up, I have to stand up, I have to tell the people behind and over there and we are done, some people tell me that you are saying that I am also developing, everyone could, oh, I have to develop, I don't want you to be standing there in front of the microphone, that's a comedian, making your comedian move, put the microphone behind you and move on the stage there are spotlights of love there are spotlights the level there are spotlights of love don't neglect any part of your audience kills everything move only knowing the land so you hit Lana be effective look at that game that's a good game always give things to others when you're on top they do this for you RAL you're doing it for yourself you don't want me to no one likes you you want them to love you you have to keep it real you have to understand I love it, do you and tip talk?
Did they talk? She doesn't, she has a full word, but listen, when that happened, it was the day before, when we had dinner the day before the first day of shooting and she might have been worried and I walked over and just grabbed come here, so happy that you were here, I needed Rockefeller to just melt my arms like a ton of bricks offered him, he told that kid not to do that and don't worry about me, you, me, you. Well, you have been nothing but kind to me, but I also understand your lady, you may not feel well, sometimes you have your period, you have all that and then you have to do your work, so I have to be responsive today. that everything is fine but I'm good when I see that you shot a man I know it's your girlfriend you're close but you'll come to the numbers set love come come and give me the love I needed I might be having a bad day he came, give me the love for my brother, they were all good things that make you feel like things are blown out of proportion, but it's the Internet, two things are out of here, Tracy and I are like that trick, so you hate Notif as a brother.
I'ma come to my sister's defense and then they'll rap no way, nobody don't know one, I gotta buy a truck with my head here, oh, you know, nobody, I got love for you, man, we leave the ones that love me They pass, I love you. He knows my way because my reward is my reward, well, none of that, my reward is when he accompanied me back to his kingdom. I see all our people waiting for us to do the charter Romulus boom, you must have it, so where are you going to live? It's okay Brooklyn, do it man, you know it's not right with me, you don't say anything sweet about me, man, I only drew comedy.
I come from Tompkins projects. J. you know me. Tod knows me right across the street from Marcy. I had to hold it down, yeah, Monday, he looks here. You got something right here and we were in the middle holding both sides so once it happened that's the time Jay he's pouring them all out for Marcy they're ready Danny get them all the painkiller Ben on If we live in my building, God bless you. Jack, I know, Glaze Supreme Tim went up Glaze, you know, saying Clark Kent, down there, Ford, I'm good, but then I went to the Bronx to play football with Larry Davis waiting for a snow one and Larry Davis, come on, Harper, his teacher, Robin, all of them.
You know, you know what it is so, through Harlem, she draws them, she comes to Rutgers, my marriage. Porter, you know, is not so sweet to me with rich people. Porter was the baddest guy. He knew that he loved the way his whole style was confusing and us. everyone would have a train, I'm good, Peter Chu put, I'm good with everyone, man, you see the trade coming to you, play to your strengths, if you are sincere with your people, they will defend you, they will be there for you. You, I'm good, anything happened to me after that, you make me immortal, any man, woman, a child, he made his decision, he already made his decision, so I'm fine, if I died in the accident, I know what I'm going for after this is gone. home so I don't walk in fear I don't walk but I don't get defensive I'm not defensive I know I'll get out of here I don't have to defend that it's not true while you telling the truth you don't have a defendant I only worry when I go up to the scenario it's the truth if I have sex and I get naughty it's still the truth if you think about it it's in your mind yes everyone throws salad if you go if you read that book you choose but it's not that far that's a bridge over troubled waters and we all slip Sometimes you have that scent in your beard no one's a little crazy you got me crazy I'm a man and there's no one better than man it's God's greatest creation we just don't appreciate them like we should but you know man we don't miss the water in the whirlwind, we learn in the hallway, you cried all night.
Sorry, sorry, I'm serious, you should have thought of that. I think it. I won't be on stage just talking and stuff I don't know, right? Oh, that's well thought out. I knew you were going to do it. ask that question mm-hmm I'm telling the truth 90% you know, look I said that together everyone will see Tracy Morgan and Tiffany Haddish together and I love it, I feel like she does her job, I do mine, come back to our trailers and I see you showing the craft service that people love, so they are great radios on the site.
I love my sound, it keeps me well. I have my own soundtrack. I like to listen to old school, so I stick to Santa. Positivity, I felt good. music, then, Barbra Streisand and the baby feel good, never anything to be good. You know I was a sinner today and could we please get up? Pop shot dirty bastard Pop shot dirty bastard I was the world to know where my head was at this moment I love the ODB team used to run together. I'm good with the whole group. I'm moving for life and I say it right here on The Breakfast Club.
Tracy Morgan is ruled for life and I hope they let me play old Dirty Bastard in the movie I used to rub it shoot me shoot me you might be the greatest November 10 feeling I feel great on my birthday you know God gave me a gift to make others laugh on my birthday there is nothing better than that So if you ask me, it is good to make yourself laugh. You are so controversial with Tracy Morgan. She makes Shannon love the man. Oh boy, you said I don't care. I know how you feel about me. Okay, he's at work.
If I work. You know, I can still love you and if I feel like you, we will always be men, we discuss it, only children fight today, it is better that we know why these children today are so emotional, why they shoot because they have no hope. no one has ever given them any reason to hope emotion you have to control that is a young man would you learn to control that young Skywalker your Jedi let me control your emotions or you cannot exist in a in the business world in the corporate world you have to understand conflict resolution that's a fact that's right you have to learn that this is not the street there's a lot of talking well, I feel like that in my Baba and calm your emotions because once people know they can trigger you it's a summary for your week man there's a rat one would trigger it so I'll film it and then show others my work that's why I never responded to any of that because it's not true it goes away fine. you don't, once you answer she will trigger you, it becomes a story and now our meatloaf argument turned into divorce because it was unresolved things in the man in a relationship, it should have been resolved right there too, we have one hundred and sixty-eight I was on this in one day in one week and in one week we have to take one of those sacred hours Amir, because I love you and solve this problem, can we then talk about it?
Did you go looking for a boo first? get to do that just no, I just watched Marisol's game, I love you, it's still funny, you should have known, yeah man, I should have known, that guy has no animosity towards me, no, I'm grateful. survived Jimmy Mac didn't write rest in peace Jimmy Mac that's a pop piece you know I love you Oh J talking we did something the last name the name of the shows the last Oh G my father was my first show G who thinks my last time, like that that G was Jimmy's game, that's right, November 10th, get your tickets, increase interest, Tracey's birthday, thanks Tracey, you better shut up, she doesn't know, you know I'm coming Surprise, that would be a surprise, he was denied the salad.

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