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Toyota GR Yaris Dyno Run - FWD & AWD Comparison

Jun 28, 2024
welcome back to another episode of Unleash the yis and if this is your first time here on the channel welcome my name is Luke Jones this is the Jones Express and today in this episode I will find out how much power this Garis generates in both . front wheel drive and all wheel drive so I have a baseline power figure so I know how much power it makes before I start modifying it and also to see how much power it loses through the transmission. Let's head straight to a shop and get her on the


due to a much needed clutch replacement that ended up leading to an upgrade along with the installation of an aftermarket downpipe and midpipe.
toyota gr yaris dyno run   fwd awd comparison
I was not able to test the Yaris in its bone form to verify its all-wheel power, but after careful analysis. Researching and surfing the internet I found out that the stock horsepower ranges between 155 and 160 o Kow, that's pretty impressive for a 3 cylinder car. Now let's see how much power this baby generates. I thought the first Dino Run was quite successful and produced something decent. numbers even though the air conditioning was on, off. Once the air conditioning was turned off, we had a few more runs that produced pretty consistent numbers. After reviewing the numbers, we tightened the belts and decided to do a few more runs, which produced up to an additional 15 KW, some would say this may circumvent the numbers, but there will also be the contributing factor that different brands of dinosaurs can produce different results than I will try later.
toyota gr yaris dyno run   fwd awd comparison

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toyota gr yaris dyno run fwd awd comparison...

These are known for their catastrophic heat absorption so we decided to test how this affects the performance and power of the car, leave the dinosaur fan off and do a few more runs due to the heat the yish lost around 50KW in power and it didn't turn on. Boosting the green fig is maximum power. of the Yus manufactured when the belts were loose and the red figure is the maximum power of the Ys manufactured when the belts were tight, as can be seen in the heat immersion


test, the Yus failed to generate more than 140 KW let alone reach the maximum in Boost.
toyota gr yaris dyno run   fwd awd comparison
This shows the severity of a poor cooling system and while the overall cooling of your car is very important, okay so I'm on my way to starting up Motorworks now uh it's probably been around I know it's been two or three months since Yus was in the WRC dyo uh it's done around 17,000 K uh so first when it's in the dno we'll run it with all wheel drive see what it does with all wheel drive and then we'll run it with all wheel drive front so I can get an accurate


and just out of my own curiosity I see if there is much fluctuation between the Motorworks Dyno crank and the WRC dno as they are exactly the same dinos brand model.
toyota gr yaris dyno run   fwd awd comparison
One thing I also did at that time is I painted the gauges. The ARs, super cheap, gave me some paint to do that, so if you ever want to paint your car's gauges or anything related to that, come down to super cheap and I'll fix it anyway, let's go put Motorworks underway. and put this baby on the


, so today I'm here at Crank Motorworks and as I mentioned before, I'm going to put the Aris on the dyno and see how much power it makes to all four wheels, but while we're here, let's put it in Dyno mode and see what it does to the front wheels we also have miles ready to go and I really don't know what to expect power wise he is saying hey hey miles but it has 84,000k it has an AR clutch and downpipe Market, but I expect around 14150, maybe more if we're lucky anyway, let's see what it generates, how much power are you going to generate, not that close, 150 Kil and the four wheels 150.
KW or 160 150 160 um yeah, yeah, okay so I've got all the fans on so I'm going to speak a little loudly so I hope you hear me but to be honest the figures I'm pretty happy with Currently as it is on the dyno , it has around 83,000 k, so obviously with that amount of K you would lose power. It has an aftermarket center downpipe and clutch, so maybe that helped add some of the power it lost over the miles. and the years, but 150 on all wheels I can't really complain. Eventually I'll have to see if it makes similar power to the front wheel as when I went to the WRC a couple of months ago, but we'll see, we'll see. what it brings comes back and yes from there we just did the front wheel drive race and it's very similar to when we did the front wheel drive race on the WC, there's only about a 5 KW difference from the max stroke, but overall I'm happy I'm happy so now we can start PRing some parts of March, to be honest I'm pretty happy with the numbers I got, it was something similar to what I expected so I wasn't disappointed , but yeah, it's actually a good base to work from, but what I can't believe is that this car feels fast for something that only produces 150 KW, which in the scheme of the world these days and everyone used their GTR's 2000 horsepower, 150 KW is not much.
Well let's look at how much power this car actually lost through the powertrain, so from the factory they generate 200 KW at the flywheel and when we put it on all four wheels or drive it, it only generated 150 KW which equates to a loss of 50 Kow, which is about 25% loss through the drivetrain, but with front wheel drive it was much less from the steering wheel to the front wheels, the only loss was 16 KW, which is about 8%, those numbers They are a big difference now, if we want to go further, we can break up. below to see how much power was lost from the front wheels to the all-wheel drive, which was 34 KW, which is about 18.5% transmission loss, so essentially from the transfer case driveshaft and the rear differential axles all the way to the wheels you're losing 34 KW somewhere somehow and obviously when it comes to building cars, depending on what your purpose is, this is where you can install different aftermarket parts, all that kind of Things to alleviate that, what I'm really leaning on right now as I talk to you is my Skyline, which is in a million pieces, but this is probably something I'll try on my Skyline as well out of my own curiosity, to be honest, but yes, essentially it's the numbers, it's the statistics, the numbers don't lie, but this is it.
I have something for you in this episode, thanks for hanging out and watching. I really hope you enjoyed it and if you have a yis or look at the yis itself, well there are some figures for you, don't worry about doing it yourself. If you want you can do it. I wanted to do it, so I did it, but next episode I'm ruling out whether I'm going to go ahead and modify this or whether I want to go and destroy it in easn Creek. Motorsport Park first and onto the race track to see what it does on the quarter mile and see how it really goes around a circuit factory factory tires Wheels suspension stock engine components see how it handles and see what it can do anyway thanks for watching Don't forget to subscribe for all that good stuff and I hope to see you next time.

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