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Top 5 Mind-Blowing Revelations in Joe Rogan's History!

May 30, 2024
It's Panda, that's a lot of miles, keep in


that this structure is 30 miles of crazy. that looks like the bottom of the ocean like if you see where the water breaks in the sand yeah and I have uh wow and that's just to clarify that the salt or excuse me the white is salt and that's because a lot of people don't I don't know, Joe, what The Sahara Desert didn't exist until about 5,000 years ago, it's only in the last few years and by the way I'm quoting MIT research that the Sahara goes back and forth from green to desert about every Twenty thousand years, they think it has something to do with the tilt of the Earth and it's worth discussing, but this whole area because peopleWell, that's not Atlantis.
top 5 mind blowing revelations in joe rogan s history
First of all, I wonder if all this, if the west, or excuse me, the Sahara desert was a lush green tropical paradise that had the largest freshwater lakes ever known, for example, Mega Lake Chad , which is like three times more water surface area than all of the Great Lakes of North America combined, we had dinner together in London and you were talking about the research that's being done on dimethyltryption, yeah, can you speak well of that? at Imperial College and I recently attended an event a few weeks ago with several of the volunteers on that project and what is happening is that they are legally being given DMT at Imperial College, one of the leading research institutes in the UK and For the first time they are not looking to discover what the possible therapeutic results of this are, they are actually looking at the experience itself.
top 5 mind blowing revelations in joe rogan s history

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top 5 mind blowing revelations in joe rogan s history...

It is well known to anyone who has used DMT. I have used DMT several times. They are going to have encounters with entities, they are going to meet entities that can sometimes look very strange, they can be part animal, part human in their form, they can be almost shapeless, but still they talk to you, they communicate with you and, of course , the general attitude is This is just rubbish, this is just your brain on drugs, well Imperial College is now testing that point of view and what they are finding is that these Vols and something else are DMT, as I'm sure you know , Joe has a very short acting experience when you smoke it, it's about 12 minutes, maybe less, you're there, you're immersed in a completely compelling, sometimes terrifying parallel reality, it's so confusing you barely know what's going on and then you go out again, but you go out with a feeling. that they've dropped something on you at Imperial College, they found a way to keep people in the peak state of DMT for an hour, they're drip-delivering it via timed release and they're keeping the volunteers in that state for an hour, So they have time to find their way in the DMT realm they find themselves in and the amazing thing is that these volunteers, both men and women, come back with accounts of having met the same entities and the same world and it has to raise the question: I know Rick Strassman has been on your show and he pointed us to Rick Strassman because he was actually the first scientist to work with DMT and human volunteers at the University of New Mexico.
top 5 mind blowing revelations in joe rogan s history
Rick Strassman is open to the idea of ​​what happens. with DMT is that it alters the receptive wavelength of the brain and allows us to access other realities that these encounters are not unreal they are real but they are real on a level that we cannot experience in a day-to-day state of consciousness. , we have to be in an altered state of consciousness in order to experience them and ultimately the goal of this project is to map the realm of DMT. You know, we talk a lot about aliens and STDs and how to make contact and I'm sure the universe is full of life and it would be really nice to have the technology to make contact or maybe it's not good with all those other life forms in the universe, but right there in the DMT experience within our own. heads we have the opportunity to encounter another world, another realm, entities that are very different from us and that have teachings to give us and I think we should spend a lot more research funds to explore those experiences and find out what is happening instead of getting closer. to other planets, let's do both, but let's make sure we understand that Consciousness is a huge mystery and, at the level of Consciousness, DMT literally opens up a parallel world and this is a link here with quantum physics and with the notion of realms parallels and parallel realities maybe we can access them well, work at Imperial College will finally give some answers about that nice to meet you, Ryan, nice to meet you, Joe, nice to be here. one of the four or five people I've talked to who has seen something that could be from somewhere else, it's always strange when you talk to someone who may have seen something that, before they start, they tell people their credentials. your experience is for sure, so you know, my name is Ryan Graves.
top 5 mind blowing revelations in joe rogan s history
I have a degree in engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering. I quickly left that to fly F-18s for the Navy as soon as I graduated college. I did that for about a decade, both operationally. in combat as well as an instructor role teaching new students and you know we witnessed something while we were flying in our Jets, but you know we were doing it below, we witnessed it in the context of our daily flying on our missions and what In what year did you witness this? So we started seeing them in 2014, which was the earliest I know, 2013, late 2013, early 2014.
And could you describe what the first experience was? Yes, for me personally, the experience was simply flying. to the area like I would any other day and instead of seeing empty airspace with just my wing or another squadron doing something on a different block, suddenly there are a lot of different radar contacts, which is immediately a problem because you know we could be hitting one of those or someone who works in our area and this was happening because we updated our radar as best we could see, we were on a previous radar called APG 73 and we had returned from deployment, we finished a maintenance phase called us .
Like do a little less flying, improve the Jets if we need to do long-term maintenance and we upgraded to the apg-79, which was a much better radar and what is the difference in the capabilities of the improved radar system versus the original system, so , often speaking, it's like going from essentially an analog TV to an OLED. It's a modern digital tool, compared to a classic analog radar which has a more limited range and less ability to track multiple targets and things of that nature, so generally speaking we would expect to see it know more objects if there were any around. there or smaller objects, but there shouldn't be any objects around and therefore how far from the coast is it?
When all this happens, our work area starts about 10 miles offshore and then goes out, you know, 100 or 250 miles or so, although we don't normally use those Far Eastern areas, but we would only see them over the water. they would actually only be in our work areas, maybe a little bit, you know, between the work area, the land, but never on the land, sometimes, over the bays that are in the area, which are quite large, but they never just approach west over the land or something like that we would also see them flat, we would see them perfectly stationary up there, regardless of the wind, really yeah, wow, so what kind of wind are you talking about?
Oh God, I mean, at altitude you can have up to 120 knots of AirSpeed, which is what it is in miles per hour, it's about 130 140 miles, so they're completely stationary with a 140 mile per hour wind, right, right? How could something do that? That confuses me too, even if we had something that could burn that. a lot of energy, like you have a sphere surrounded by little rockets, just imagine something right now, okay, and if you wanted to keep it perfectly stationary against gravity, you could fire all the rockets at the bottom very quickly and hopefully keep it flat . right, you'll have little variations and then if there's wind hitting you and all this, those Rockets might try to counter it, but you'd never be perfectly still in wins like that because the wind isn't perfectly still either.
It changes and varies, it does, so it's almost like it's the winds, it's not even really fighting the wind, it seems like you know it, it just seems like it's there somehow. Wow, there were two planes from my squadron via 11 and we flew or excuse me. I flew and took off as a flight of two, that means they are essentially flying in a formation like this and when they hit the area, one of these objects passed right between the plane, the lead aircrew saw the object, the board. The plane crew didn't, which isn't surprising because you usually know that you're very focused on flying in formation, you're just looking directly at that plane, the leader actually has leeway to look around, so he did. saw and you know that I returned immediately.
I have to assume that he didn't have it on his radar because he wouldn't have flown through this object at work at the entry point. um he flew, he turned around, he flew back, he landed and I was in the room ready when He comes back and you know he had all his gear on which is usually not good because you want to get him out as quickly as possible so It usually means you know there is a problem of some nature and you know it was just sitting there. saying hey, you know, I almost hit one of those damn things and we all knew what he meant, although we didn't necessarily have a name just because we were seeing this so much, um and he described it, you know, he just described it. like a black or dark gray Cube and that Cube was inside a transparent translucent sphere and essentially the Apex or the corners of that Cube the best that can be said is that we are touching, uh, that interior of that sphere and that description reflects many of the descriptions. that people have had these whatever you want to call them, whether they call them uaps now for some strange reason, UFO's is a I don't know, it has a dirty connotation since it's contaminated because so many crazy people talk. about UFOs is that did you ever hear that Ben Franklin was okay?
That's a different story, but what did he do? You never heard that, like what he was founding, they found in his house, not like tons of bodies, brother, what is Ben Franklin? found tons of bodies in his Ben Franklin was a serial killer no it was like making a strange guy body like experimenting yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is that real all I'm saying was Ben's basement Franklin full of skeletons? Repairs at Franklin's former home in London converted up to 1200 pieces of bone from at least 15 people saints for almost two decades by the way this is from the Smithsonian this is not some crazy conspiracy thinking for almost two decades before the signing of the Declaration of Independence Benjamin Franklin lived in London in a house at 36 Craven Street in 1776.
Franken left his English home to return to the United States more than 200 years later. 15 bodies were found in the basement buried in a secret windowless room beneath the Garden in 1998 conservationists were making repairs to 36 Craven seeks to turn Franklin's former shelter into a museum of a three-foot-wide, three-foot-deep pit . More than 1,200 pieces of bone were recovered, remains of more than a dozen bodies, said Benjamin Franklin's house six were children. Forensic investigations showed that the bones dated to the Franklin home. Holyday, the most plausible explanation is not mass murder but an anatomy school run by Benjamin's young friend and protégé, William Huston, oh, just one anatomy, yes, and we're going to bury them below.
Ok, anatomy was still in its infancy, but the day is social and ethical. The Moors did not welcome the fact that a constant supply of human bodies was difficult to obtain legally, so Houston Hunter and Fields, other pioneers, had to turn to grave robbing, either paying professional Resurrection men to They obtained corpses or dug them up themselves to obtain specimens that researchers believe. 36 Craven was an irresistible place for Houston to set up his own anatomy laboratory, the tenant was a trusted friend and the landlady was his mother-in-law, and it was flanked by convenient sources of corpses that could be smuggled out of cemeteries and delivered to the dock. . at one end of the street or snatched from The Gallows at the other end when he was done with them, Houston simply buried what was left of the bodies in the basement rather than sneaking them out for disposal elsewhere and risk being caught and prosecuted for dissection and grave robbery was probably aware of the illegal studies taking place in his building, says Benjamin Franklin's home, but it is doubtful that he himself was involved, but we cannot imagine that man Funny how he didn't sneak around and check procedures at least once or twice, of course he did, can you imagine if you're my friend and we live together and I'm like Sam, what are you doing?
You're like a brother, we have to find people work and there is only one way To do it we have to look at bodies. How are you going to do that? We have to find a place where we can look at the bodies legally or secretly while I go to the basement. Okay, so what do we do with the bodies? Bury it, brother, but. back then when they studied medicine, isn't that what all those people who liked to study anatomy liked back then, how did they do it if it was illegal to study anatomy if it was illegal to study bodies, how else would they find out how it worked , that seems strange, but who knows, they had strange laws back then, but it seems strange, but it makes sense, because they had never studied anatomy before and suddenly it came up like we have to improve your grandfather.
I have to cut Grandpa like a turkey to find out what motivates people. You know, such a strange note to add in another article about this. Oh boy. Franklin's story is a Freemason. He was one of the initial points of investigation by historians, although he is shrouded in secrecy. Masonic rituals have darkness. Known undercurrents that have sometimes gone horribly wrong, for example at the 2004 initiation ceremony a new member was accidentally shot by a member who intended to fire an empty gun, but instead fired a loaded one, as well Yes, they shot each other, yes, but when historians and historians delved into what was happening in the Franklin house during the years the bones were traced back, they discovered that the real culprit behind the bones is one of the willing, yes, they. you're basically saying the same thing

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