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Top 30 Onscreen Couples Who Hated Each Other In Real Life

May 11, 2024
It was all my fault David, I'm so sorry, welcome to watch Mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the 30 best on-screen


in film and television who, despite their performances,







. Oh, I don't. like that a little, well, I can't stop now number 30 Humphrey Bogart and Audrey heurn Sabrina, let's remember that the filming of Sabrina was full of personal drama and touching romanticism. Audrey Heurn and William Holden had a brief but well-known affair during filming. although Audrey quickly canceled it after learning that William had undergone a vasectomy and was unable to have children, while Humphrey Bogart wanted his wife Lauren Ball to play Sabrina and was therefore quite hostile towards Heurn since she He had stolen his wife's Spotlight.
top 30 onscreen couples who hated each other in real life
I'm a


ly nice person, that's not so easy, Sabrina, he also complained about what he believed to be his general inexperience and criticized his acting ability, saying that she often had to make too many jokes about him. . Audrey ended up being nominated for an Oscar while he was around. He was left in a bad mood and disturbed what All in the Family number 29 Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson 50 Shades of Gray Why is it necessary because that's who I am? Let's get this out of the way first. Jamie DOR and Dakota Johnson don't hate



and they get along pretty well now, but there was a time when things seemed a little awkward between the two of them.
top 30 onscreen couples who hated each other in real life

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top 30 onscreen couples who hated each other in real life...

I think we were forced to be best friends. I couldn't have said it better. Fans continually pointed out his palpable lack. of chemistry in the press Tores and many websites highlighted their awkward presence at the 2017 Oscars. Director James Foley also claims that they didn't fully bond until the press tour for the first film, so things were clearly a bit off. little out of place during the filming of 50 Shades of Grey. I'm not saying we blame them for the reported discomfort, although filming that kind of movie must be very difficult. Number 28 munis and Ashton Kutcher who 70 show I'm in love with a fool despite their marriage In 2015, an old friend of Kutcher told Radar Online that "Everyone shakes their head at the romance.
top 30 onscreen couples who hated each other in real life
Will we still love me when I'm bald ?You could wear a wig according to the source. The two were not friends at all during filming and that date they couldn't stand working together. I know how credible this source is, but his words are backed by Mila Kunis herself. Michael I now know that I can honestly trust you with all my heart. She once told Glamor that she thought Ashton was crazy and that she started hating him once he became famous. apparently he thought he was all she also said they've cited total friendship breakups on numerous occasions, meaning their time together may not have been all sunshine and rainbows just say: you miss me well, i miss you michael, i I miss you too in any case.
top 30 onscreen couples who hated each other in real life
Kutcher now considers himself the luckiest man in the world when it comes to his relationship, so things are undoubtedly going great. Number 27, Harrison Ford and Shawn, the young Blade Runner must be very expensive. I'm Rachel Deckard. Rachel was one of Sha Young's first film roles and what an introduction. Not only was she in one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, although it wasn't considered that at the time she worked with none other than the brilliant and charismatic Harrison, she just didn't really like him, you think? I'm a replicant, right? Rumors have long persisted that the two did not get along while filming Blade Runner in the scene where Deckard prevents Rachel from leaving her apartment.
Ford reportedly pushed the young woman rather roughly, causing her to become angry and irritated with him. The love scene was also supposedly dubbed a hate scene by the production team because the two despised filming such a passionate sequence between them. I want to be good, I want to be number 26. Luke Wilson and Kate make an offer for the vacancy. Hey, at least you were dreaming about me, right? That's something of an improvement In 2007, Luke Wilson and Kate Beck Andale got their start on a thriller called Vacancy that followed a combative couple teetering on the brink of divorce as they get stalked and harassed at a creepy motel that Kate and Luke didn't do.
I need to act too much to portray an antagonistic couple because initial sources claimed that they did not get along. I guess it could be worse. You know, we could be stuck in that double bed at your parents' house trying to pretend we're happy. Couple, sources alleged that Luke frequently didn't arrive at work on time or was hungover; in fact, he was supposedly apparently rude and horrible to Kate. Things apparently got so bad between them that Kate refused to perform with him and instead sent a photo. with a note that said: read your lines on this, it will be better for both of us, why didn't you stay on the interstate?
I don't know, number 25 Julie Mulla and Kirk Cameron Growing Pains, much loved, I know while I was young Kirk Cameron. He was raised as an atheist, converting to Christianity when he was 17, this caused frustration on set growing pains as he caused problems with his co-stars and insisted that the writers remove any appearance of inappropriate content. What was that for? I only want you. knowing that I can't imagine spending another day of my


without you, however, it was Julie Mulla who faced the brunt of the criticism from her. Julie had previously posed for Playboy and Kirk objected to this.
You're so sweet. I'm so trustworthy. sexy The story goes that Kirk accused the producers of promoting adult entertainment and ordered Julie fired and although Kirk claims he never asked for her firing, he and Julie remain distant and do not speak to each other Mike, I'm sorry, I wish I could know more like you and, but I'm not like that, take care of yourself, no matter what, it seems her growing pains were too much to bear number 24 Richard bamer and Natalie Wood Westside Story Maria sh quiet wests Side Story is a beautiful love story, sort of Romeo and Juliet for a new generation, except it turns out that the actress playing the role of Juliet, Natalie Wood, didn't really like the actor playing the role of Romeo.
Richard Bamer. It is rumored that Natalie had a list in her dressing room. wall with the names of people she despised and guess who was at the top of that list. If you guessed Richard Bamer, then you get 10 points. I just met a girl named Maria R. Tamlin even asked Natalie why Richard was on the list and she just said I just don't like him. It is said that Richard didn't even know about this list until Russ told him about it while they were filming Twin Peaks almost 30 years later, it's okay, he likes number 23, Jay Moore and Jennifer Aniston's Picture Perfect Sorry, I didn't know we were on the clock, just grab my butt, kiss my neck and take me to the office.
Okay, J Moore has no qualms about airing his dirty laundry during an interview with Al. Jay magazine. He said that working with Jennifer was her most awkward interaction with a female celebrity, while he didn't 100% confirm it was her. All signs point to Anison being the female celebrity in question. I suddenly realized that she hadn't told you how beautiful you look tonight. She made it very clear that she was not happy with the casting of her, as many more notable and famous actors had been screen tested for the role; Her behavior was supposedly so antagonistic that Jay would go to his mother's house and cry.
In another interview with ESPN, he said a bag of Doritos would last longer than a movie starring a Friends cast member. F Do you think it is going well? I guess number 22 Joan Collins and John Forye Dynasty Joan and John played divorced couple Alexis and Blake Carrington on the popular soap opera Dynasty I. I know this used to be your house but it's not now, I appreciate you announcing the next one time you came in here while the two were separated. Her personal drama helped Dynasty become one of the biggest soap operas of the '80s, and she looks like Alexis. and Blake's toxic relationship was as hostile as Joan and Jon's.
Joan has admitted that Jon didn't really like her and she has called him, quote, misogynistic and a bit sexist. I didn't start that fire, Blake, no, you did start a barrage of character. Murder almost ended in Murder, well this time it might end in Murder. She also claims that John Lamb criticized her for demanding equal pay and allegedly called her a Diva and I'm Gonna Kill You, however, there appear to be no hard feelings. Joan honored Jon after his death by calling him quoting one of the last true gentlemen of the acting profession, take your hands off me I want to talk to you right now I told you I was busy right now could you take your hands off me number 21 Mickey? roor and Kim Basinger 9 and 1/2 weeks is beautiful I love 9 and 1/2 weeks is a controversial film as it involves sensitive topics such as sexual domination and masochism satom the filming was supposedly as controversial as the singer was reportedly treated B absolute garbage on set, according to a New York Times article, director Adrien's line often manipulated singer B's emotions and pushed her too far, so the crew began to worry because, you see, I can't get excited, I can't get excited unless I see you get on your knees and crawl on the floor.
The article also reveals that Mickey RoR remained distant from the Bas singer and even helped abuse her, this included grabbing her arm and refusing to let go despite Kim's screams and screams and even slapping her. She punched her in the face when she fought against the sadistic treatment which ultimately had a negative impact on Kim's marriage, as she remained emotionally distant from her husband for an entire year and almost waited too long. Number 20 Walter Mafa and Barbara Strand Hi Dolly, if you're thinking about getting married, you might as well learn right now that you have to let women be women.
Hello Dolly had a very problematic production and one of its main problems was the truly bitter relationship between stars Barbara Stron and Walter Matthau. Walter quickly became irritated by young Barbara's insistence on filming multiple takes and it wasn't long before she couldn't even be in the same room as the budding star. He also referred to Barbara as an incompetent actress and a strange attraction like a boa constrictor Dolly Levi, you are a damn infuriating woman, why bother Vander? That's the nicest thing you've said. Walter even refused to kiss her, forcing the production team to work on some Magic movie for her on-screen kiss.


Walter, in turn referring to him as an old manhole, maybe that's what it is. why they refused to kiss all she wanted to say was goodbye number 19 Heidi Swedberg and Jason Alexander Seinfeld Susan's untimely death from licking toxic glue is one of Seinfeld's most iconic moments. It shows the selfish and heartless mentality of the gang in the most direct and brutal way. In the most Game of Thrones-rivaling way possible, she's dead, but her death was Swift because her exit from the show was Swift, while no one hated Heidi. Jason had problems with her comedic style and said she was difficult to work with.
Oh no, George, that's so ugly. I don't want that, what's the difference? You simply read it and send it by mail. No one really believed her until Jerry Seinfeld and Julia Louie Drus worked with her in season 7 and quickly agreed with Jason, while Heidi was written out as a result. She still supports me calling her a kind and charming person. Since when have you smoked? I've always smoked number 18 Dustin Hoffman and Merill stre Kramer vs. cream Ted I'll leave you, yeah, he doesn't have any sugar coating. Reports say Dustin Hoffman performed. like a straight up idiot towards Merill Streep during the production of this movie and it all started with a slap, yes a literal slap, laap stre told the New York Times quote that it was my first take on my first movie and he just told me he slapped, he was going too far.
The only time he allegedly abused her during this time, she also claims he touched her breast on one occasion. She threw a glass of wine against a wall near her head. He raised his voice at her and criticized her. Many things. I would do differently if I could. Just like I think there are a lot of things you wish you could change, but we can, although she has since forgiven the inappropriate touching, it is clear that Stre has welded herself from the past, as she has since become one of the most acclaimed of all time. I don't know number 17 Jason Lee and Shannon dhy M rats, is that enough?, she has earned quite a reputation over the years and is often considered one of the greatest Divas in the history of the television, unfortunately for her Mr rat's love interest, who was played by Jason Lee, she seemed to be just as problematic while working on the films.
Are you kidding? I have never met a person who was as afraid of her mother as you are. Jason Lee apparently found Shannon very rude and difficult to work with. and he claims that she was very spoiled throughout production. Her comments are reminiscent of those of Jason Priestly and AlyssaMilano, who openly acknowledged Shannon's alleged belligerent personality and work ethic. Brody, what kills me about you is your inability to function on the same plane. of existence while the rest of us piss off number 16 syil Shepard and Bruce Willet Moonlighting so what brings you to this neck of the woods?
Well, I guess I just wanted to see how you were doing syil Shephard isn't shy about expressing his frustration with Bruce. Willis in 2005 admitted to Entertainment Weekly that the two hated each other. His co-star Curtis Armstrong says the same thing in his book Revenge of the Nerd. I can't believe you just sit there and let me go through this. I tell some interesting stories myself, like when Syble became so frustrated that she threw a suitcase at the wall. There are some theories as to why they didn't get along. I hate you, David Addison. I know I hate you too.
M ha Curtis. says that cibil was called a date by the male-dominated team another co-star named Bruce quotes anCurtis also says that Bruce told him about an ill-conceived date between him and cibil that led to their hostility. In any case, it's safe to say that they didn't love each other. , you're back, you're right, you're scum number 15 Pierce broen and Terry Hatcher Tomorrow never dies tell me James, do you still sleep with a gun under your pillow in the 18th installment of the Pierce broen franchise as Bond tries to prevent a tycoon media start world war ii behind the scenes media reported that broen was constantly furious with his co-star terry hatcher because he kept showing up late for work in the morning, as it turns out hatcher was pregnant at the time of filming and was experiencing nausea morning Later, Brzin admitted to saying some things he shouldn't have said and has since apologized to Hatcher because he wasn't aware of his situation.
Know? I used to look for your obituary in the newspapers every day. Well, I'm sorry I keep disappointing you. He also told the press that everything had been exaggerated. and that supposed feud wasn't as big as everyone had made it out to be, regardless of the fact that it had still been a big deal at the time, I got too close for my comfort number 14 Anthony Hopkins and Shirley mlan a change of seasons my name is Lindsay rage she has a first name as a last name this comedy about a middle-aged married couple in which each member begins an affair with younger people Stars Anthony Hopkins and Shirley star as the married couple in question while they may be married in the film Hopkins In Actually, he despised working with Mlan and supposedly called his date the most unpleasant actress he'd ever worked with, so you're not going to have me.
I didn't say that, did I? Oh, you don't have to because it shows everywhere. Your Face, the film itself was not well received by critics, as evidenced by its three Razzi Award nominations, however, McLean's lively performance at least helped make the duo's relationship seem realistic on screen. Oh, I didn't realize that well. I did number 13. Selma Blair and Charlie Sheen. management whatever you do don't tell Charlie Sheen he has a bad work ethic how was your doctor during the day? is about to get a lot better whatever you call a person with a master's degree while filming anger management Selma Blair allegedly complained about Charlie's lack of work ethic As she thought he took too long to learn his lines, Charlie found out and , according to one Insider, got out of control, you went completely crazy, creating an uncomfortable and toxic situation.
Sheen retaliated by firing Blair via a nasty text message in which he allegedly called her seword, however, Sheen says they were planning to write off Blair's character anyway to make the show and Charlie's character more interesting. I'm having problems with my best friend, Charlie, not with you. I have a lot more friends than you, regardless. Selma looked for a lawyer. stood up and demanded $1.2 million in lost wages number 12 Patrick Sey and Jennifer Gray Dirty Dancing I knew it would work I knew they'd have to apologize I'm out baby this couple didn't have the time of their lives on set look what we did there, this romantic drama features Jennifer Gray and Patrick Sesy as a Resort student and dance instructor who fall in love during their summer vacation, while they may be too attractive to handle on camera.
Sey found Gray incredibly difficult as a real-life co-star. Her life calls her too stupid and immature to work with, most of all I'm afraid of leaving this room and never feeling in the rest of my life what I feel when I'm with you. It is assumed that the couple also had problems working together. on the set of Red Dawn 3 years earlier they should have repaired the barriers, although Gray was clearly upset by Se's death in 2009, no one corners baby number 11 Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Dans Romeo and Juliet I desecrated this saint with my most unworthy hand Sanctuary of Gentle Sin is that Romeo and Juliet are the most iconic lovers in literature, so it is very ironic that the two protagonists who play them did not get along in this 1996 modern adaptation of Shakespeare's famous play Romeo and Juliet I saw for each other despite their respective constant families.
However, fighting in real life, Dan reported that DiCaprio was a nuisance on set and acted very immature due to his pranks on crew members and his overall goofy attitude. So I challenge you. Stars. DiCaprio in turn called Dan arrogant and too serious, while the characters perhaps loved Star Cross. the actors couldn't have been more uneven Romeo oh Romeo where for you Romeo number 10 Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray One Tree Hill the difference the difference is that I love you Brooke things were pretty sweet for a while there Sophia and Chad became more They were close during their time on Tre Hill and even married in April 2005, just before the conclusion of the second season, however, they separated the following September and later divorced, according to a friend of Sophia's.
Chad did not share Sophia's enthusiasm for the sanctity of marriage. He wanted you to fight for me. He wanted you to say that there is no one else you can be with and that you would rather be alone than without me. Sophia later told Andy Cohen that she never wanted to marry Chad, whose representative she responded to. by saying that wasn't true and that Chad's date doesn't feel the need to engage in this type of behavior, then you get married, oh and you got married after how long I don't even know and I didn't, it wasn't something I really wanted to do, it seems like there's still some bad blood between the two number nines, Vince Vaugh and Rees Witherspoon, Four Christmases Dy, if I could butt in, save it, Kent, I'm not looking for a best friend, please, this movie. stars Vince vongh and Rees Witherspoon as a loving couple who actively hate and avoid their families at Christmas, so perhaps it's appropriate that the actors hated each other during filming;
Their personalities clashed on set and Witherspoon wanted to stick to the script so she could nail a scene while V wanted to add freedom and work with a more relaxed approach. By the way, this is exactly what I feared would happen if we came here, although they were both certainly talented in their own way, their beginning chemistry seemed to be the antithesis of Holly Jolly I I really don't want to get into this number eight Marilyn Monroe and Lawrence Olivier The Prince and the showgirl Cheerio Cheerio this romantic comedy about a showgirl who gets involved in politics The intrigue made her co-stars Monroe and Olivier despise each other At the end of the film, Olivier also acted as director and allegedly became angry with Monroe due to many factors , including her constant lateness, her unpredictable acting, and her constant consultation with her acting coach, the little bear so eager to return to her nest, well, this is my way out I guess the last email in the coffin was when Olivia told her to try be sexy This wouldn't be the last time her R's supposedly caused problems as Tony Curtis apparently became frustrated with her 2 years after filming Some Like It Hot, Where Did You Do It?
Learn a kiss like that number seven stadic and Nathan fillian Castle be what you want When it comes to toxic work relationships, few are as hostile as static and Nathan fillian, an anonymous source told us it's not US Weekly that Stana and Nathan despise for complete. each other and refuse to talk when the cameras aren't rolling, in fact, things got so bad between them that the producers forced them to receive counseling from Coupes. I almost died and the only thing I can think about is you. I just want a second Insider to tell you. told us that Nathan wasn't well liked by the cast and crew and that his meanness made Stana cry in her dressing room, the show was canceled in 2016 and while it's terrible that all those people lost their jobs, it was probably for the best in this case this is without a doubt the best birthday gift of my life number six William Baldwin and Sharon Stone sliver Do you think I'm too young for you?
Don't you think? This thriller stars William Baldwin and Sharon Stone as lovers in the midst of strange things. Happenings in a high-rise apartment building during filming it was said that the stone would castrate Baldwin, which he understandably did not appreciate during a kissing scene. Stone allegedly bit Baldwin's tongue so hard that she couldn't speak for a few days afterward - it's like playing God. Things got so bad that they soon asked to film their scene separately since they obviously didn't get along. Stone even went so far as to say that she would have preferred to film with Baldwin's older brother, Alec, instead of her.
Are we playing poker now that we're ready? to start number five Nick Noti and Julia Roberts I love problems, what is that? What is this romantic comedy? Stars Nick Noti and Julia Roberts' rival reporters fall in love while uncovering a tainted milk conspiracy. Roberts has called out Niti citing the worst actor she has ever worked with. Niti, apart from being completely disgusting, didn't take Robert's disdain very well and responded that she's not a good person, you don't have to say that just to make me feel better. I'm not saying this to make you feel better. I say this to make myself feel better.
Things were so bad that it was reported that they acted more on their positions than on each other, their relationship apparently hasn't progressed since then, as they still seem to have animosity toward each other in the 21st century. I suggest we get out of here as quickly as we can Why Female Intuition Number Four Jillian Anderson and David Duvy the former files What am I here to see? I'm not going to tell you. I want you to decide for yourself David and Jillian's hostile work. The relationship has been well documented. Their disagreements have been known since at least 1996, when Chris Nixon's book talked about the fine line between actor happiness and mutual irritability.
It simply means that proving to the world that the existence of extraterrestrial life is not my last death. Hopefully, how about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? Other reports subsequently emerged over the years, many of which recounted a strained work and personal relationship. David also told Metro that they often cited that they couldn't stand to see each other and Jillian told the Guardian that she and David went through periods where they wouldn't speak to each other, reports of completely vitriolic hatred may be exaggerated, but it cannot be denied that the actors had a tense and problematic relationship, there was a lot of camaraderie there, it seemed like it had always been that way. like that no no number three Richard Gear and Deborah Winger An officer and a gentleman, you know, Zach, it wouldn't kill you if you opened up to me a little bit.
This romantic drama tells the story of a Navy aviation officer candidate played by Richard Gear, who comes into conflict with his instructor during the filming of the famous love story. Gear and Deborah Winger were definitely not what you would call good friends, with Winger referring to Gear as a brick wall when you try to converse or interact with him. It's nothing special, you have no manners, his stoic personality further aggravated Winger and the two spent no time together off camera with reports of them distancing themselves as much as possible from each other to give each other space.
I know who you are and what. do you want and what do you want I want to have a good time until you have to leave number two Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams The Notebook say I'm a bird no this romantic drama about two lovers who stay away from each other due to their social position se is considered one of Our Generation's seminal love stories, so it's disappointing to hear that the Star Cross lovers didn't actually get along on set. Director Nick Cassavetes reported that Gosling attempted to replace McAdams due to her strong negative feelings. For her, this led to a therapy session in which the co-stars fought with each other yelling and screaming.
Why did not you write me? Why perhaps this intense mutual dislike is what helped make the couple's on-screen passion trans? so well on the big screen, whatever the case may be, it seemed like they overcame their differences, if only temporarily, asThe two actors actually dated for a while after the film Don't Touch Me, I Hate You, I Hate You was completed. Before you continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell to receive notifications about our latest videos. You have the option to receive notifications for occasional videos or for all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and turn on notifications number one live Vance and William froley I love Lucy hey Rick does.
I look cute, but what are you wearing in that bustle, honey? You don't need it. These two should have received all the acting awards because they definitely deserved them. It all started when William heard Viven complain about her age, since he was 22 years older than her. William, in turn, wished for Vivien to return to his home state of Kansas and Vivien proceeded to call him names like "That stubborn little Irishman, he's important too." to note that William had an alcohol use disorder and a reputation for being moody and moody. Fred, now honey, I'm not going to tell him your exact age, let's just say he's somewhere between Speedy Cleaners and Gold Blat Delices, both of which later declined. a lucrative spin-off opportunity as they didn't want to work together again and, according to Hollywood legend, Vivien jokingly ordered a shampoo campaign when she heard about William's death, that's real hate, right there, bring him back.
Those tickets, are you crazy?, they cost. 660 a piece I don't care if they cost 660 it's not going well for us Well I'll take someone else hey, is there an idea of ​​which couple you were surprised to see on this list, let us know in the comments. I hate you, David Edison. Did you like this video? Check out these other Watch Mojo clips and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

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