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Top 30 Funniest Movie Insults of All Time

Mar 13, 2024
What is your main malfunction, fools? Welcome to Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most brutal, hilarious or shocking




s anara number 30 a mouth like that cattyshack Rodney Dangerfield brings humor and chaos to each of his scenes. in cattyshack oh this is your wife oh a lovely lady hey baby are you okay you must have been something before the electricity at a dinner party his character al cherik gets to work delivering several spontaneous jokes to hilarious effect he even compares a person's mouth For a fish with this insult, the target may be off-screen, but Sheri's delivery is so wild it hurts—after all, it's hard to sink deeper than comparing someone to an aquatic creature—plus, the comedic timing of Dangerfield is absolutely perfect at selling the moment as if only he could hear it.
top 30 funniest movie insults of all time
The result is one of his best quotes in the entire


, well the last


I saw a mouth like that he had a hook number 29 stupid lessons the long kiss goodnight walking down the street Charlie Baltimore minding his own business before Let a guy come to her, her partner Mitch Hennessy shows up to help and ends up complicating things with another weapon, what the hell are you doing saving your life? She would have been here sooner, but she was thinking about that ham on the R line. Charlie regains control of the situation as she also criticizes Mitch's methods in a fun twist.
top 30 funniest movie insults of all time

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top 30 funniest movie insults of all time...

This all adds up to a classic insult to Hennessy Street's intelligence. Gina Davis sells the line well, while Samuel L. Jackson's reaction turns this into a truly hilarious sequence. Were you always the stupid one? Did you take lessons? I took lessons. The chemistry between the actors lights up the screen with Shane Black's script elevating the whole thing to top it all off. Baltimore then sends several men without missing a beat number 28 dressing up as Legally Blonde but it's one costume party you probably won't want to come to. I love it. costume parties full of confidence lwoods arrives at a university Suare dressed as a bunny and then meets her rival Vivien Kensington, also known as the person who made her believe it was a costume party Woods gives her a response that tells her gives Kensington a dose of his own medicine make the word frigid sing nice outfit oh I like your outfit too, except when I dress like Frid.
top 30 funniest movie insults of all time
I try not to look so constipated. The fact that she does it while she's rocking this outfit just shows that she can hold her own no matter the situation. Witherspoon delivers the performance of a life


in a sequence that reveals the wit and integrity of her character. Legally Blonde is remembered as a fun movie but it also has


like this that will make you want to reach for pencil and paper number 27, the takedown of the boss, the great Labowski, when Jeffrey Labowski is picked up by the Malibu police chief, he is not trying with a quiet guy, in fact, the lawman doesn't like Labowski at all and lets him know that Ty raade flies out of the boss's mouth like he's getting ready. all day I don't like your idiot name I don't like your idiot face I don't like your idiot behavior and I don't like that idiot filmmakers Joel and Ethan Cohen make this absurd scene with funny dialogue that allows the actors to immerse themselves in The craziness of it all is a hilarious moment that culminates in a comeback and a flying mug that we'll never get tired of watching actor Leon Russom let loose on Jeff Bridge's character, this is someone you'd never want through Malibu Labowski's Stay Out stay out of Malibu deadbeat number 26 Goldilocks vs.
top 30 funniest movie insults of all time
Bear Cat and Boots The Last Wish targeting classic characters Cat and the Boots The Last Wish turns the Goldilocks we thought we knew into a completely different person, case in point. she gets into a verbal combat with a bear that turns ugly you're not even a bear Zing I'm more of a bear than you the villain and then launches a long string of insults criticizing the creature inside and out it's wildly entertaining stuff to to put it mildly Florence banks adopt the fairy tale icon becomes devilishly funny with each new word you're a daredevil fat and slow thinking not to read flea-infested, lime-sick dingleberry bear maybe you expected this animated children's film to be tame , but this moment shows that there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Barry Manalo's Wardrobe Number 25. The Breakfast Club after the high school students find themselves in detention, they have to endure the wrath of Vice Principal Richard Vernon. Well, here we are, John Bender, though, doesn't seem to care. about the rules, much less about the essay he's supposed to write, so he takes this as an opportunity to question authority and does so in a truly elegant way, putting down the older man's style. Bender attacks Vernon from multiple angles, making the Vice President go down a level by summoning Barry Manalo, yes I have a question, does Barry Manalo know that you attacked his wardrobe?
Jud Nelson's snarling performance gives this line an added edge that inspires us all to dress a little more fashionably. Number 24 Benjamin is no one's friend. Wayne's World, the main villain of this 1990s comedy is Rob Low's evil producer Benjamin Kanaine, but in this scene The Jive is directed at a fellow G and his friends confront Russell Finley about his loyalty to Benjamin in a creative way, you will be Benjamin's cute boy for the rest of your life. who is Benjamin, my friend Dana Carvey, the character questions Russell's life choices and boldly pursues the latter's false friendship with the producer.
There's even a hilarious description involving a never-before-seen ice cream. If Benjamin had a flavor of ice cream, it would be Prings and G might be more subdued for much of the movie, but he doesn't stop here putting his goal firmly in place, we'll never think of dessert the same way again number 23 defeating a humperdink The Princess Bride during her fantastical journey Wesley proves to be an intelligent Hero who can fight his way through anything. In particular, he uses this wit to mock and insult Prince Humperdink in this scene that questions the intelligence of Royalty. Wesley also compares her adversary to a boar, and I'll use brief words to make sure I understand that you're a boar-faced buffoon, all of this and some brutal descriptions eventually lead Humperdink to retreat.
Our protagonist defeats his opponent with words as if it were nothing. He completely degrades man to the point of making him surrender. Choice's colorful dialogue only adds to the appeal of the moment, making it impossible to forget. After the credits have rolled mixed with Carrie El's incredible performance, this moment inspires us to up our game. Drain your 22nd sword, have fun having a baby at your prom, bridesmaids, wigs Kristen, Annie is already having a bit of a rough day, so when a teenage girl walks into her jewelry store looking for a friendship necklace Annie doesn't can avoid saying that sometimes friendship doesn't last forever you're, you're weird, I'm not weird, okay, yes, you are, no, I'm not, and you started.
No, you started, did you forget to take your Xanax this morning? The young woman responds by calling her weird, which triggers an unforgettable back-and-forth insult. God, I feel bad for your parents, I feel bad for your face, okay, call me when your breasts come in. Call me when yours come in. What do you have four boyfriends exactly? Yeah, okay, it's hard to pick a favorite line from this hysterical exchange, but when Annie asks about the girls' boyfriends, well, let's just say things get pretty inappropriate from there. have fun having a baby at your prom you look like an old mop you know what you're not as popular as you think i am i'm very popular this divisive argument may have gotten her fired but it kept the audience in stitches and gave us some moments very quotable number 21 ramit in the loop if you take away nothing else from this Oscar-nominated political satire is that people in suits aren't exactly paragons of virtue why didn't they tell me about this why would I tell you About it, I've scolded you twice and you're still here.
The story follows the feverish activities of British and American political experts as they navigate a possible invasion of the Middle East. One of those figures. Well, Tucker is the British Prime Minister's communications director. Minister and boy, how does he communicate? Most of his dialogue is profanity. They linger, even when he's apparently not that upset, and in one scene, simply discussing departmental responsibilities with his colleague Judy is enough to send him into a flowery tirade. Malcolm, let me burst out a little joy. Bonnet on your pu, you and RAM came out with a lubricated horse. However, Judy is not impressed and she almost upstages him with this effortless response.
Your bad words don't impress me. My husband works for Tower Hamlets and believe me, those kids make you sound like Angela. Lansbury, she is married number 20, a strange and sad little man Toy Story for much of this animated classic Woody and Buzz Lightyear have a seemingly endless rivalry, the two soon become unlikely traveling companions and find themselves in a precarious position , let's say they struggle to get along and you, my friend, are responsible for delaying my Rendevous like Star Command, you are a toy after the cowboy complains that the Space Ranger is a toy, the latter responds with a classy comment of Lightyear's own cool and calm demeanor draws the line.
Very funny, you are a strange, sad little man and I pity you, I'm sure he could be delusional at this point in the story without realizing it's actually a game, but the line is comedy gold. Tim Allen's performance sells it even further, creating an insult that is still "voted today as the 19th cherub who looks like 21 Jump Street in this film adaptation of the popular '80s TV show. Jonah Hill and Shanning Tatum play Schmidt and Jenko. ", rookie cops who are recruited to infiltrate a high school and detect a drug ring, but before they set foot." Upon entering the school campus, they have to receive a report from their police chief, who is also played by a delightfully angry Ice Cube when he tries to warn the undercover cops that getting romantically involved with students is off limits.
He's obviously aiming for Jenko, but Schmidt hilariously misunderstands him, sir. I know we look like a couple from Lady Killers, but I promise you that we will be super professional at work. The captain savagely shuts him up and throws this burnt classic at him. He clearly wasn't talking to you, cherub. hot mom, I was talking to your partner here, fake ass, handsome, mgee, there's nothing like being insulted by a former NWA member who plays a cop. Infiltrate. Distributors find a supply. What if we find the supplier first? We don't have to worry about him. damn, try the distributors, find a supplier number 18, his mother's chest hair.
Bad Girls. The Mean Girls taught us many things, like how to correctly catalog a burned book or the rules of feminism. Ex-boyfriends are off limits to friends, I mean. that's like the rules of feminism, but more importantly, it taught us how to expertly respond to idiots thanks to the sheer genius of Janice Ian, the resident goth girl and former best friend of popular girl Regina George Janice is frequently the target of errant abuses. from random students but that doesn't mean she herself can't deliver in the insult department when a student throws a punch at her while she's chatting with Katie she doesn't miss a beat and hits back nice Weg Janice what's done ? of your mother's chest hair, the ease with which she completely destroys this loser is something we can't help but admire.
Number 17, take this quarter, Uncle Buck, you frown at my niece or any other kid at this school and I hear about it. I'm Coming to Get You In this classic 8's comedy, John Candy plays Buck, a man who is tasked with caring for his nieces and nephews in the midst of a family emergency while adjusting to life as a temporary parental unit in which runs into some obstacles. along the way, but I know a good kid when I see one because they're all good kids until the brain-dead Skaggs drags them down and convinces them that they're no good when he's called into a meeting with the vice principal of his La youngest niece's school, her counter seems doomed from the start, as Buck can't stop referencing the mole on her chin.
I am, I'm the wart, she's my tumor, my growth, my uh, my pimple, I'm Uncle Wart, just old Buck Wart, Russell. That's what they call me after she calls her six-year-old niece a rotten egg Buck doesn't hold back in defending Maisy and makes a comment about the obvious growth protruding from the woman's face take this coin go to the center and bite WP that thing that came out of your face, the expression of complete surprise on his face has noprice and oh so satisfying, number 16 teeth on fire and Ceno, a teen movie just isn't a teen movie without a resident idiot and this movie doesn't deliver for, for.
Why don't you make me do this while the story follows a recently thawed caveman and his adventures in modern times? It also focuses on the problems of teenager Dave, who befriends him. Dave is painfully in love with Robin, but she's dating the school jerk. Matt Matt uses Dave's love for Robin as a constant source of ridicule and his insults are enough to send even the happiest child into an instant depression. Some of us pumped and some of us collapsed. You should try some pumping. Morgan could clear up your acne so when he sees Dave talking to Robin he doesn't hesitate to put him in his place I know your stupid P King forget it Steal someone in your gums if your teeth were on fire yeah you'd be number 15 office space Michael Bolton has to suck sharing a name with someone you hate and probably worse if that person turns out to be famous Michael Bolton, That's Me, this 90's hit focuses on a group of disgruntled employees and their desire to get revenge on their employer, while the plot focuses mainly on Peter's story. the emotionally numb protagonist is also Michael Bol who has his own problems with a thankless job on the line at a company that hates being reminded that he also shares a name with a famous singer is enough to give him some major resentment issues, yeah well, At least your name isn't.
Michael Bolton, you know there's nothing wrong with that name, there was nothing wrong with him until he was about 12 and no Talent clown got famous and started winning Grammys. He also generates some pretty funny insults, especially when he brings it up with a coworker—why don't you call yourself Mike instead of Michael? No way, why should I change? He's the one who sucks. Number 14, get out of the way. The 40-year-old Virgin. Sometimes when you just chased down your fleeing girlfriend. across town and crashed into a moving billboard in traffic would you like a moment of privacy I'm a virgin I've always been Andy is what this was all about unfortunately for Steve Carell's character Andy, no. has shown such courtesy after he and his girlfriend have an argument that sees her storm out of his house and he follows her on his bike and ends up on her back after a fall through a double-sided sign on the back of a truck , you finally gain the courage to Inform your girlfriend that all your problems are related to your virginity, which is why I never tried to have sex with you.
I was scared and just when you think they're getting close to a moment of intimate honesty, some random guy in a car drops this Unforgettable. insult them, get out of the way virgin, shut up you moron, no, it's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry, number 13, very thirsty. With Air when you are a convict he has served his sentence and is just trying to get back to his wife and a stranger. Daughter, the last thing you want is to get caught up in some criminal shenanigans on a plane. Nick Cage's character Cameron Poe has boarded a plane with the intention of reuniting with his family after completing an 8-year stint in the clink, but some of the prisoners in The Board have other plans, call me Johnny 600 if If they knew the truth, it doesn't sound exactly the same.
Case in point is Cyrus, the virus, who doesn't seem particularly fond of one of the less tasty prisoners and makes absolutely no pretensions. about that describing it in the most unpleasant way possible to me you're somewhere between a cockroach and that white stuff that builds up in the corner of your mouth when you're really thirsty hey, even criminals have to have standard number 12, the rant epic National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation I like Frank Shirley, my boss, here tonight, when you've spent most of your professional life working for a boss you can't stand, at a company you can barely tolerate, you might find yourself feel a little dissatisfied with a less than stellar Christmas Bonus, especially when you were planning to use it to install a pool, it's a one-ear membership in the jelly of the month club, oh my, and this exact situation was precisely enough to send the character of Chevy Chase to a prolonged insult. raade took aim at his less than generous employer in this Christmas comedy I don't want to tell him with a cheap lie no good rotten for throwing away life snake licking dirt eating inbred overloaded ignorant sucking blood this rant seems to go on forever and we love every second kissing a dog brainless, hopeless, heartless, fat ass, bug eyes, stiff legs, stained lip, worm head, monkey coat, it is, but the most important thing is that he got it all off his chest and we laughed out loud at his unhappiness number 11. bricks and shelter White men can't jump this first class setup and a perfect finish really hits the spot, no matter how good their competition is on the court, no one stands a chance against Billy's sharp tongue Today, a trash talker.
Teacher Woody Harelson is the bad cop. For Wesley Snipes, well, and this public humiliation is prison-worthy, hey, I'm doing two things, what are you doing? I'm making them angry. Most guys don't act well when they're angry. Look, you know. You're embarrassing me, that's what you're doing, yeah, well, that's the other thing I'm doing, trying to psych up the competition to make a mistake. Billy accuses his opponents of throwing bricks and throws a jab that hits well below the belt, let's stop. Right now, let's put all these bricks together and build a homeless shelter so maybe your mom will have a place to live.
Well, word to the wise if you really want to hit your opponent where it hurts, drag his mother and his sister. I want your mother and sister to leave my house immediately. It is a work that is priceless and a wild mate. It's also one of many classic Yo Mama Jabs in this sports comedy. Now, wait, what were you talking about, mother, when your mother? So poor I saw a can kicking down the street I said what are you doing she said moving number 10 but that's in Ohio Revenge of the nerds when the nerd takes on the unequal jock we have a ceiling for the underdogs and when it comes to their trade classic we're sure we chose the right side when Big Man on Campus Stan Gable shows up and yells at him from his motorcycle Dudley booger Dawson casually utters it's one of the best lines in the history of insulting no one in particular what are you looking at?
In nerdy, huh, I thought I was looking at my mom's old purse, but that's in Ohio. She comes up with this joke so quickly that she gives us Whiplash. It's a shame Stan couldn't hear her, although maybe it's for the best because surely. It wouldn't have ended well for booger number nine, yes, that's right, Ghostbusters, this verbal low blow is heard loud and proud by the mayor of New York, and it's no less good than turning the Environmental Protection Agency into the villain of your movie might be a little risque, but in Ghostbusters, that villain is personified by a classic smug '88s jerk, everything was fine with our system until the power grid went out here after Ray gave him an IR rate.
Walter takes a look at an unflattering nickname. Pete vanman uses his dry wit to go straight for the jugular. Is this true? Yes, it's true, this man has nothing. What makes this line especially funny is how serious Venkman is knowing that the mayor definitely wasn't asking about that part of Ray's comment, nothing says fuck you like making fun of a guy's manhood and getting a response. appropriate from Mr. Pecker the EP sorry if there is something strange in your neighborhood insulting their reproductive organs could be a good idea okay okay that's what I heard this City Council number eight if my dog ​​was as ugly as you The Sandlot ah the ugly joke ever will get old not for us and not for Porter Ham, as we learned from the white man, he can't jump, there is no better way to psych up an opponent than to hit him right in the ego, it helps that Porter's delivery is Spoton as he lowers his voice and Add to the hilarity with this classic joke, if my dog ​​was as ugly as you, I would shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards.
A dog can be ugly, he is the butt even more so, but if your face is worse. that pho sha derrier, you are doing something very wrong. Porter also opts for another proven andrue tactic, taking your opponent's sister to great results, hey, you just have your sister out there and leave the field naked, she's naked, now shut up, Porter, hey, hey, take note, hitters and Look in the mirror but don't compare anyone to a girl. Number seven. Motivational insults. Dodgeball. A true story of the helpless. I need motivation, so this Dodgeball Legend is here to help.
Are you sure this is completely necessary? Do I need to drink my own urine? Probably not, no, but I do it anyway. However, Patch's motivational style involves tearing down his team and then building them up again, letting them know how inadequate they really are, it also involves sending them into oncoming traffic and throwing keys at them if you can dodge a key you can dodge. a ball, no matter how questionable its techniques work, one of Patch's most memorable comments compares the team's running to what's going on inside his shorts, he gets better runs than my shorts, hey, whatever works number six Song by Cartman's larger and shorter South Park after Mrs.
Browski complains about the negative influence television has on children and declares war on Terren and Philip's home country of Canada. Eric Cartman has had enough when he can't hold back anymore. His anger erupts in the form of an unforgettable song and dance that crosses Lines of Decency with every verse. I'm getting tired of him calling my mom. It's so catchy. Cman even gets schoolyard endorsements from him. Friends, come on, you don't know the word. Cartman's stance is hilariously rude. Anthem to top it off, Kyle's mom arrives just in time to hear the end of the song, we can't imagine she loved it, number five, chewed gum, Full Metal Jacket, there are a lot of insults thrown at every direction, but the private stack takes the brunt. of attention, this includes many jokes directed at his weight that surpass other references to height by Private Cowboys, how tall are you, soldier, Mr. 5' n Mr. 5' N?
I didn't know they stacked up so high, while almost all of Hartman's rants are rated R-, this one is especially soul-crushing, giving gum a whole new life. Your butt looks like a 150-pound pile of chewed gum. It's a little hard to laugh when you remember the story's tragic ending, but just by looking at the punch itself, there's no denying that Hartman has done it. a brutal way with words is quite funny if you're not on the receiving end number four Questionable living arrangements Parenting ah Young love one moment can burn as bright as the sun the next moment it can turn bitter, but rarely is this downward spiral expressed in any way. so eloquently and with such dynamism as in this movie, he told me that he loved me after Todd breaks Julie's heart, bursts through the door to apologize and declare his love.
I thought he would find you here. What does that make you Sherlock Holmes? I live here, however, he rushes quickly. Cent packs up with a ringing in his ears. Julie sums up her disdain for him in the harshest way possible. you live with me I wouldn't live with you if the world was flooded with urine and you lived in a sharp tree and with Sizzle it's a very tough prize and the fact that it's called Kiana Reeves is just the icing on the cake number three smelly pirate Anchor Man The Legend by Ron Burgundy Ron is furious after Veronica reads the news while he is trapped in a showcase of emotions and the two don't handle their anger at each other very well, they can't seem to be around each other without verbally fighting when Veronica interrupts the time Ron's television station to watch a Cabo, the two engage in a war of words that makes us cry with laughter Mr.
Burgundy you are acting like a baby I am not a baby I am a man I am a presenter you are not a man you are a big fat joke I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the metal Eiffel Tower unfazed by the watching crowd The Anchor Man confidently delivers his gossip with a steely eye and a stiff upper lip Mustachio can it be? I will have you know that I have more talent and more intelligence in my pinky than in your entire body sir you are a smelly pirate whore you look like a blueberry M Corningstone has some reactions there but as soon as we heard them we were laughing too much at the pirate thing unfortunately Ron did it and Let's just say he didn't take it very well, you have bad hair, what did you say, I said your hair looks stupid number two, may God have mercy on your soul, Billy Madison, fresh off a speech that leaves the crowdcheering, comes a judicial mockery that cuts deeply.
Billy, in his Trump moment, receives a long, eloquent insult, so hilariously hyperbolized that it leaves us as shocked as Sandler's character, Mr. Madison. What he just said is one of the most incredibly idiotic things IDI have ever heard. In your rambling and incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered rational thought? The combination of the harsh words and Ultra Cool delivery guarantees that this feeling will not be forgotten. The added touch of God having mercy on your soul really pushes. This speech crosses the line, which makes it even more comically harsh. Everyone in this room is dumber now for having heard it.
I don't give you any points and may God have mercy on your soul. The laughs don't end there, however, as Billy's response makes us laugh. Even harder, okay, a simple mistake would have worked fine, but it's a way to knock a man down in his moment of glory before moving on. Make sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell to receive notifications about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified of occasional videos or all of them if you are on your phone, be sure to go to your settings and turn on notifications.
The number one French trickster Monty Python and the Holy Grail. What are you doing in England? Mind your own business. Monty Python's French Mocker. has fought his way to the top and deservedly so, a warrior of words with a certain jesa, sits atop the castle wall and waits for the moment when he can give the passing English monarchs what to make your nose blow. , the so called king, you and all your silly English blacks but the cream of the crop when it comes to your verbal combat is a turret taunt that will stand the test of time every last word you say is an endless quote Worthy, is there Anyone else up there we can talk to?
No, leave now or I will make fun of you a second time. It may have been decades since this classic movie came out, but we've yet to hear a better insult than farting in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled like elderberries. Did we forget your favorite insult? Let us know in the comments.Next, I'll shake my private pots at your aunts, you cheesy bunch of secondhand electric donkey butt chewers. Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other Watch Mojo clips and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

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