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Top 3 Strange But True | DEATH'S door (*DISTRESSING CONTENT*)

Mar 30, 2024
Sometimes the truth is


r than fiction and today we will look at three stories that prove it, but before we delve into those stories, if you are a fan of the


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top 3 strange but true death s door distressing content
Carlos Cameo woke up frozen and totally confused, it was September 6, 2007 and everything. Carlos could remember being on his motorcycle with the hot sun beating down on him as he rode his bike through the streets of La Victoria, which is a city in Venezuela. Carlos tried to open his eyes but he couldn't and then when he tried to move his body, he couldn't do it either and he started to panic because he was paralyzed, but he told himself to calm down if he couldn't move, at least he could think that he could try. process, do you know what's happening?
top 3 strange but true death s door distressing content

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top 3 strange but true death s door distressing content...

There has to be an explanation here and so Carlos, in total darkness and motionless, began to go over and over again this entire motorcycle trip that was his last memory and he remembered that his friend had called him and asked him to go out. For this ride Carlos used to go out all the time on his bike to have fun with his friends and alone, but now that he was 33 years old and married he didn't have as much time for it but the weather had been so beautiful that when his friend called and asked to go out Carlos He said let's do it and then Carlos began to go over in his head the route they had taken through La Victoria and the only thing he could remember was this long straight and then a turn to the right and then Nothing was like after taking that turn, everything stayed blank and while Carlos thought about how strange it was that one was paralyzed and two had no memory of what happened after making that right turn, he began to realize that he felt something against it. his back was like there was a block under his back right between his shoulder blades holding his chest up and he felt his arms hanging at his sides, it was very uncomfortable and as he lay down in this totally uncomfortable position he started hearing unknown voices in Somewhere Out In The Ether just chatting and immediately Carlos says, "Okay, someone's here to help me." I don't know what's wrong with me, but there's someone here.
top 3 strange but true death s door distressing content
I'm going to be fine and soon whoever was talking near Carlos had approached him and in fact Carlos began to realize that it was actually more than one person, it was at least two people talking back and forth, but again Carlos cannot open his eyes, he cannot move, he cannot communicate with these people. he just knows that they have approached him and after these people approached Carlos, Carlos suddenly felt something metal pressing against his chin, it was something sharp and it hurt a little when it touched his chin and Carlos wanted to scream. . I went out and told them what they were doing to make them stop and at least tell him what was happening, but Carlos couldn't make any sound and then Carlos started hearing this kind of mechanical humming sound like a machine starting up that was very close to him. where he was and suddenly Carlos started to panic like what is happening what are they doing to me and as Carlos's heart rate starts to speed up one of the people who had approached Carlos suddenly said oh my God, that's impossible , this can't be and then Again Carlos felt more pain in his chin and then the pain got dramatically worse, it went from a kind of stinging sensation to something that was getting into his chin and he felt it move under his skin like a knife going through him and then whatever. he came out of his chin and while this is happening, Carlos is trying with all his might to wake up and do something to tell these people to stop, but he just couldn't do it and then again he felt that sharp pain in his chin.
top 3 strange but true death s door distressing content
A round of something entered him, moved under his skin and then came out again and the pain became so blinding that suddenly Carlos was able to break this paralysis and his eyes flew open and for a second all he could see was Carlos could see it was like blinding lights. but then when things came into focus, he saw that there were two people, the people who had been talking, wearing these huge glasses and face masks, and one of them was holding a big needle with black thread attached to it and that thread was coming out of his chin. of Carlos. he had been running that needle through his face sewing up his chin for some reason but without anesthesia and as Carlos looks at these people with glasses, the people and the glasses look at Carlos and are totally horrified and he just started backing away not really sure what do with this and then Carlos again broke this strange paralysis he found himself in.
He was able to raise his head and look at his body and saw with horror that he was completely naked. He was lying on a metal table and there was this why drawn on his chest, starting at his collarbones, going down just below his throat and then straight across his chest and then after Carlos saw this why on his body Naked, he looked towards a tray. that was right next to this metal table near these two guys and glasses who were now kind of backing away and he saw that there was an instrument humming on this table and it was a circular blade, a saw, that was the sound he heard and it was then when Carlos I discovered it earlier that day, when Carlos had been riding his motorcycle with his friend, he had gone down so long immediately in love with Toria, he had turned right and parked illegally just after this bend there was a big truck that Carlos didn't see . and at full speed he hit the truck, throwing him off his bike, he crashed to the ground with horrible injuries and when the paramedics arrived they declared him dead at the scene so he was taken from the scene of the accident to the morgue and the hospital. morgue Carlos was stripped naked and placed on this metal table and they placed a block under his shoulders to hold his chest up and they drew a y down the center of his chest for his autopsy.
The two doctors Carlos finally saw chatting and performing this autopsy. They were going to follow that into his body with the circular saw, that's how they cut you open during an autopsy, but just before they were about to do that, the doctors noticed that Carlos was actively bleeding from his chin and as he was supposed to be dead. That didn't make any sense and that's why one of the doctors had said, "Oh my God, this can't be" and now, not really sure what to do with it, they just took a needle and started stitching up his face to stop him from the blood went down his chest and then Carlos opened his eyes and the two doctors realized that oh, he's alive, that's why he's still bleeding, we should definitely take care of him now, but surprisingly, after Carlos came back from the dead, he just He walked down the hall and left on this metal table and the doctors who were going to perform his autopsy just left the paper that said he needed an autopsy in his pocket, as if to show that, hey, we were just following orders that someone He told us to give you.
In an autopsy this is not our fault and that is where Carlos stayed until his wife showed up and found him lying in the hallway as if she was still waiting for his autopsy. Carlos would suffer horrific injuries from the accident and severe emotional trauma from being nearly cut open during this autopsy but would make a full recovery on the afternoon of May 11, 2015. Natalia, 55, was collecting sap inside a Russian forest with her friend. Falia, 82 years old, the two had been coming to this birch grove for many years. They enjoyed the peace and solitude of nature and it was also a good place for Natalya to bring her little dog so he could run around while they collected the sap. on a perfect spring day the weather was very mild the sun was out and the two friends had a great time moving between the different birch trees using their small drills and hammers to place their taps on the tree and then they put their glass bottles under each gryphon to gather their harvest and then At some point Natalya felt like she had all the sap she would need and she started gathering her things to prepare to leave and as she did she looked at Valia and she had found a really big birch tree and she had sat down. underneath and was working hard to put the tap on and when Natalya realized that Valia was here like making one more tree before they left, she started looking for her dog and found him and he was not too far from Valia and he were wandering around one of the trees when suddenly Natalya noticed the dog stop abruptly and turn and look deeper into the forest as if it had clearly registered something that had put it on alert and was out of sight.
Then Natalia, her view was obscured from whatever the dog was looking at, so she left her equipment and moved through the trees to see what her dog was looking at and at some point her view cleared and she saw a fairly distant place. In the forest there was something huge, a dark thing that was moving behind the trees and suddenly it jumped out from behind the trees and ran towards the dog. It was a huge Russian brown bear and she was totally horrified. Natalia is watching this bear attack her dog and looks up. sees Valia, who is hard of hearing, sitting with her back to this bear on the dog, still working on this tree and Natalia is frozen for a moment with no idea what to do and then suddenly instinct took over and Natalya just turned and started to run away leaving Valia and leaving the dog, but after just running several steps she stopped and turned around and saw that the bear was still trying to attack the dog, but the dog was standing still and barking. at the bear, which in a way is causing him to back away and be a little unsure of himself even though this dog is much smaller and yet Valia doesn't react at all, she hasn't heard the bear from the dog and Natalia is watching back knowing you need to do something you can.
Not only did she let them kill her friend and her dog, so Natalya started walking slowly towards this bear and started yelling at Valia to get up and run with her, but the second Natalya started yelling "The bear is gone." " from looking at the dog. He turned around and looked at Natalya and suddenly it was like the dog didn't mean anything, the bear had decided he was going to go after Natalya and then Natalia was looking at this bear and she realized that oh my god he was going to hit me. attack, but before he could even turn. run the bear had run at full speed and jumped towards her Natalia turned and tried to run but the bear bit her thigh and she felt it Crush her leg and throw her to the ground and slam her against a nearby birch tree and she is screaming and trying to walk away, but the bear is tearing up her leg trying to pull her back into the woods and then Natalya sees her little drill that she uses to attach the tap to the trees and reaches out and grabs it. and she turns around and this bear is actively eating her leg and she turns on the drill and is about to stick it in the bear's eye when the bear suddenly stands up to his full height and then just drops all his weight onto his chest from Natalya. and immediately Natalya dropped the drill and the bear squeezed her throat.
Now at this point Valia, who is again hard of hearing, didn't know what was going on, she turned around and saw this bear attacking her friend and so what does she do? she runs up to this bear right behind him and starts punching him and yelling at him to get off her friend and the bear who barely notices Valia hitting him, just lets go of Natalya for a second, turns around and you have to remember this bear. has been eating Natalya, his face is covered in blood and he turns and looks at Valia and Valia is terrified, he starts stumbling backwards and the bear is clearly about to pounce on Valia when Natalya, who is barely alive, sees This happens and he just starts screaming. at this bear while she is lying there bleeding trying to lure the bear to come back and continue eating her to save Valya and it works, the bear hears Natalya screaming behind him, he forgets about Valia and turns around and continues eating Natalya and then, just a few seconds later.
In fact, the bear picked up Natalia by the neck and ran into the forest carrying her, so Valia watches this happen and knows that she won't be able to stop this bear, so she just starts running towards the car, that it wasn't that far from where they were and when he came out he grabbed his phone and called the authorities about an hour and a half later. The hunters sent by the police along with animal control arrived at this parking lot and found Valia who was totally shocked and she was telling the hunters at Animal Control where this birch forest was where all this happened and a moment later the authorities They headed to the forest and after reaching the birch forest they saw the bear, he was alone and he turned and looked at them and started charging at them andThey all raised their rifles and shot the bear, they shot it so many times that the bear collapsed right in front of them and then they shot it one more time to make sure the bear was dead but there was no sign of Natalya anywhere but of Suddenly the authorities turned around and saw something moving in the distance and Natalya's little dog came out from behind a tree.
Somehow he had not suffered any injuries from the spare even though the bear had originally gone after the dog and the dog, approached the authorities and then quickly turned behind a tree and so, operating on instinct, the group They followed the dog around the tree and they saw that the dog was keeping a close eye on this kind of mound that was covered in sticks and leaves and dirt, then one of the hunters came over and looked down and they realized that there was a person underneath from this mound, it was Natalya, they removed all the dirt and twigs and found her mauld body absolutely destroyed, but Natalya was actually still alive.
Bears are known for eating their prey while they are still alive and in many cases they will severely injure their prey but will not let them die because then the meat will be fresher when they return and they will eat it later, so the bears will injure their prey and then Basically bury them, cover them with sticks and dirt, like putting them in the refrigerator and then come back and eat them later, so Natalya was destined to be eaten later because she was still alive and buried. Natalia was rushed out of the forest. to a nearby hospital and would stay there for several weeks because he had severe wounds caused by this bear all over his body, they were huge bite marks and a lot of flesh had been torn off his leg, but surprisingly he would recover even though the trauma of simply being devoured by a bear, it has never left her.
Thanks to Betterhelp for sponsoring today's video. I grew up in a family where talking about our feelings was totally normal, and as a result, I remember thinking that I would never be depressed because I could get over whatever I was dealing with before it became a much bigger problem, but fast forward to 2017. , when I had just left the military and was trying to find my way in the civilian world and I suddenly felt angry. all the time even though I didn't know why, but instead of talking about my feelings with someone like I was raised to do, I just bottled up that anger and it eventually turned into full-blown depression.
It turns out that the reason I was able to talk about my feelings as a child was because I wasn't really struggling, but as an adult, when I had real mental health issues, suddenly talking about what was happening to me seemed impossible, thankfully. , when I was struggling, my family realized and They convinced me to go see a therapist and it really changed my life, so if you are struggling right now and are bottling up what you feel, stop doing it and consider going to therapy. A very easy entry point into therapy is Better Health Better Help is a highly reviewed online therapy platform, meaning you can get the help you need from the comfort of your home.
You will be assigned a Better Health therapist after completing a short survey and then you can talk to your therapist however you want. Feel comfortable whether through text, voice or video chat, you can also change therapists at any time at no additional cost. Visit our sponsor, Mr. Ballin, get 10 off your first month of therapy with Better Health and get a therapist to help you. listen and help foreigners on the afternoon of May 25, 2017, Nicole Gordon, 42, was lying on her couch in her home in Atlanta, Georgia, with an ice pack on her head, she had a blinding headache , one of the worst headaches he had ever had in his life and he just couldn't do anything but lie on the couch.
Nicole really had no idea why she had that terrible headache. The only thing she could think of was that three weeks earlier she had been in a minor car accident and one of the windows of her car had broken. and some of the glass had cut into her face, but she didn't think that would be enough to give her that absolutely horrible headache that hadn't gone away in three weeks, but Nicole was a very tough woman and although she had thought about going to the hospital for these last three weeks to deal with whatever was causing this headache.
She had told herself that you know it has to be something minor. I just need to resist it here and how she looked she resist it she was lying on the couch. All day just getting up to eat and go to the bathroom, not going to work, working and just sitting in the dark with this ice pack, just waiting for this headache to go away and as Nicole was lying there she heard it open The back


. Upstairs was her boyfriend. During coming in with the groceries, he went in and put the groceries away and then he went into the living room where she was and asked her how she was and she told him that the headache hadn't gone away yet and would you mind going to the kitchen? and buy him ibuprofen, which are pain relievers in addition to a little water?
So geronte said of course he went to the kitchen and got what she needed and brought it to her she said thank you took the ibuprofen and then she was completely miserable again but just a second later Nicole and Durante heard a knock on the front


and Durante walked over and casually looked through the blinds to see if he could see who was at the front door and saw that it was Lisha, Nicole's best friend, but instead of going to the door and opening it, Durante turned to face her. Nicole and said, "Hi, I'm Lisha, do you want me to open the door?" and Nicole just grunted and said no, please ignore her even.
Although Nicole and Lisa were very close, Nicole knew that Lisha had a lot of energy and had been calling and texting basically non-stop since Nicole had started having headaches. Alicia just wanted to help and be close to her and be a part of her. recovery, but Nicole just couldn't deal with that high energy right now, she could barely have a conversation without her head hurting even more, and she knew that Lisha and Durante didn't really get along very well, so Nicole thought she would just it would be like this. It would be better for everyone if they pretended no one was home and Alicia just went on her merry way, but Alicia was very persistent and continued knocking very loudly on the front door, she started calling Nicole's phone and Nicole started walking over and silencing her. phone over and over again. one more time and finally Nicole looked at Durante and just said, I don't need this.
I'm going to my room and going to bed, so she grabbed her phone and got up from the couch. You know, he could barely move. His head hurts really bad and he walked, you know, quietly out the front door, headed to his room and was about to lie down on his bed when he made the mistake of opening the blinds a little, his room was on the street. in front of the house too and she wanted to see if Alicia was still there and when she opened the blinds, Alicia who was outside was looking into Nicole's room and the two of them made eye contact and Nicole said, "Oh my God, she knows I do." I'm here and then Nicole just closes the blinds but now Alicia walks up to the window and she's yelling Nicole, I know you're there, come on, let me in.
I want to help you, but Nicole just couldn't take it and so on. she lay down on her bed and continued to completely ignore Alicia Nicole knew that no matter how offended and upset Alicia was at the slight, she would get over it because the two women had been friends for almost two decades, 19 years before they had been neighbors. and they had become friends very quickly, they had been pregnant at the same time and began raising their children side by side, but in the last five years that Nicole and Durante had been together, Nicole and Alicia had grown apart because Alicia and Geronte both had very strong personalities and they just clashed and Nicole and Durante had this kind of on-again, off-again relationship and every time they broke up, Alicia would come over and she wouldn't have any filter with Nicole about how much she didn't do it.
It's not like geronte, but at this moment Nicole just couldn't deal with Lisha and despite hearing her yell at her to get out, come on, I know you're there, Nicole just rolled over in her bed with a packet of rice on her side. . She nodded and fell asleep a few hours later, when Nicole woke up, Alicia was gone and Durante, he didn't stay for long, often just coming over just to check in and then leaving and doing his thing. So Nicole, who still had that blinding headache, sat up, got out of bed, and could only return to the living room, where she lay down on the couch and went back to sleep even though Nicole had had this headache. for three weeks and had not improved.
She was actually convinced that taking enough ibuprofen and relaxing enough would make it go away, but over the next few days this headache, which was already like a 10 out of 10 on the pain scale for Nicole somehow became like a 20. out of 10 and it got so bad that he couldn't even open his eyes, it was horrible and as this headache became so bad, his relationship with Durante started to sour. I really don't think Nicole was in that much pain and he started acting like she was just being lazy and this really bothered Nicole because that wasn't


at all, she was just in blinding pain and couldn't.
I finally did nothing at the end of June, so five weeks after Nicole's headaches started and at this point her headache still hadn't gone away, she was lying on the couch as usual with the lights off, she had the ice pack on my head and just trying. to get through the day when she hears the back door open and it's toronte and he walks in, slams the back door shut, doesn't even say hello and just runs into the living room and just looks at her with a look of total disapproval. and Nicole, she looked at him and when she saw that expression on her face, she had just had it and said: you know what we have done and immediately Geronte got very angry and he said: how dare you?
I've been taking care of you for the last five weeks, he brought you groceries, this and that, and Nicole didn't have the energy to fight him so she just let him rant and rave until it was finally over and he left and she said, Thank God, a few. Days later, on June 25, Lisha was back at Nicole's house knocking on the door. Nicole had texted him to let him know that she was officially over with Durante and so feel free to come over, you know there won't be any drama with him. Being here, Alicia had returned, she was very excited to see Nicole and somehow get over the problem of being ignored and when she knocked, Nicole walked up to the door and opened it and Lisha as soon as she saw.
Nicole, this is like the first time she's seen you since Nicole's headaches really started. She knew something was definitely wrong with Nicole. Her entire apartment is completely dark. All the windows are covered and Nicole is squinting to see Alicia motioning for her to come inside. and Leash is like, oh my god, how bad is this headache and Nicole could barely get a sentence out and just said oh, it's so bad, it's so bad, so Lisha walked in and Nicole led her through the dark apartment to the kitchen and back and Nicole sat down and Lisha sat in front of her and Alicia started asking Nicole questions about her headache, about Geronte, just about her life and quickly Alicia realized that Nicole really didn't have any sense, his answers to even the simplest questions, like what did he do. you ate today or in fragments and it didn't really make any sense and finally Licia told Nicole hey this can't be a normal headache this is something serious you have to go to the hospital and at this point even though Nicole had been trying It was very difficult to White Knuckle your way through what was happening and hope it would go away.
You know, she was starting to realize that something was wrong here and that she needed a doctor's help, so Nicole agreed to go and Lisha. she would help Nicole up and help her out of the apartment and into Alicia's car and Alicia would take her to the hospital and when they got there, Alicia took Nicole to the emergency room and explained to the nurses and doctors that Nicole had this The migraine started after she was in a minor car accident five weeks earlier, so the doctors and nurses took Nicole back to one of the rooms and began treating her as they would any other patient who had migraine pain. serious head.
If she was hydrated, they asked her what medication she was taking, they asked her what she ate, how much she slept, they were just going down the list of different things that could cause this headache, but nothing stood out as a red flag. the fact that she had been in a minor car accident and had some cuts on her face from the glass which really wasn't enough toThey thought, oh yeah, that would cause five weeks of a persistent migraine-like headache, they even looked at the cuts on his face to see if maybe they were infected or something, but they weren't, they basically had no idea what was causing this, but the doctors and nurses were very concerned that the extreme, persistent pain in the head could be a sign of a stroke or an aneurysm or something, both of which can be fatal, so they put Nicole through a series of imaging scans to look inside her head and try to figure out what was going on, and after finishing all of these scans, Nicole was taken back to her hospital. room and lay down on the bed and although he still felt terrible because of this headache, at least he felt good, finally you know that these people are going to find out what's wrong with me, they are going to give me medicine, this headache is going to go away. disappear.
Leave and I can go back to my normal life, but just a few minutes later, while Nicole was lying down trying to get comfortable, the door to her room suddenly opened and a swarm of people came into the room looking very worried and in the middle . Of all these people there was a guy who was wearing a suit and he walked up to Nicole and told her that he was a police detective and he held up one of his scanners and pointed at it, but to understand what it was. Pointing to his scan, we have to go back and see what really happened the day Nicole was in that minor car accident in early May 2017.
Nicole and Durante, who were still dating at the time, had just returned to Nicole's house. after the two had been together at a house party and Nicole was furious with Durante because at this house party he had been openly flirting with another woman right in front of Nicole and then Nicole, after entering his house, told him told Durante about how disrespectful that was and Durante, instead of apologizing or trying to defend himself or even lying about it, actually got really angry at Nicole and said, "You know how great, I'm breaking up with you" and then started walking away for his house.
He picked up all of her things that she had left inside her house and Nicole was honestly so angry that she didn't really care that he was pretending to take her things and leave her, so after a few minutes of Durante angrily grabbing her things from inside the house They headed outside to Nicole's car where she had a few more things inside her car so she sat in the passenger seat and Nicole reflexively sat in the driver's seat of the car just to make sure that During No No she's carrying anything in her car that she shouldn't or messing with her car in some way to get back at her, so she's sitting there, watching Durante right next to her, pick up her things and then he jumps out of the car.
He doesn't say a word to her and then he walked around the front of his car and got into his car which was parked right in front of hers facing the road, he got into the driver's seat, closed the door and then he didn't No No moves, so nicole is still sitting in her car looking at geronte hoping he'll just leave now, but he didn't, and she suddenly felt so frustrated and angry at him for everything that she started her car and He moved forward without accelerating anything. She intentionally crashed into the back of Dura's car and then backed up to where she had been and after doing that she looked angrily at Durante basically saying something like "I want you to leave like get out of here" and Durante was furious and so he gave He went into reverse and actually hit the gas and hit the front of Nicole's car and actually hit her car so hard that her car lurched backwards and crashed into the fence.
Now Nicole's memory only showed her this exchange that she remembered. fighting with Durante, him taking her things and then she crashed into him and then he crashed into her really hard, so when she thought about the minor accident she had gotten into, this was it, but what Nicole didn't know while she was in Hospital. on the bed while this detective is holding her skin and pointing at it, there was actually a whole series of events that unfolded after Durante backed into her after Durante backed into Nicole and she crashed into her fence. Durante got out of his car and approached. to Nicole's car he pulled out a gun and shot Nicole in the head, that's what happened, this wasn't a glass cut, this mark on his forehead was where the bullet entered his skull, but obviously this didn't kill Nicole.
Nicole left her unconscious and Durante picked her up. He put her in his car and took her to his mother's house, where he told his mother that Nicole was drunk and had a little accident and you know she just needs to rest, so Duran's mother believed that her son gave her some Neosporin on Nicole's entrance. He put a band-aid on her gunshot wound and took care of it overnight and then when Nicole came too, she had no idea what happened, her memory only existed until Jurante hit her, she didn't remember that he came out of it. and shoot him and all that, and when Durante realized that Nicole didn't know that she had shot him, she just accepted it and said, "Oh yeah, you got drunk and you know we were fighting a little bit and you had a little accident." and I think the glass fell and cut your head off, you know, that's all that happened and Nicole believed it, it wasn't until Alicia had Nicole go to the hospital five weeks later and they scanned her head that they discovered a bullet lodged in your brain.
Then the detective came into the room holding the scanner and pointed to the bright spot on the scanner and that was the bullet and the doctors and nurses told Nicole that we had never seen anything like you should be dead and also since this hasn't happened been treated for five weeks, your body healed around the bullet like we couldn't even get it out. Now your brain has formed around the bullet, so it will do more harm than good if we try to get it out and then Nicole would continue living her life with this bullet in her head, but she never fully recovered.
During, the police would chase him very quickly, but he would run from the police and evade them for two years and finally when they caught up with him. For him, he was hiding in an attic and there was a long standoff, but he eventually turned himself in and was then charged with a series of crimes, many of which he was found guilty of and was eventually sentenced to 25 years in prison. prison so that'll do it if you get anything out of today's stories be sure to check out our podcast called Mr Ballin podcast where we have literally hundreds more stories like this that are out right now again it's called Mr Ballin podcast and it's Available exclusively on Amazon Music

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