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Top 3 SCARIEST unwanted guests | Halloween Scare-A-Thon (part 5)

Mar 28, 2024
In today's main story we are reminded why truth is often stranger than fiction, but before we move on to today's stories, if you are a fan of the strange, dark and mysterious in the story format, then you come to the right channel because that's all we do. and we upload three, four, even five times a week, so if that's your thing, offer the like button a beer and then give them an odual. Also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads, okay let's get into today's stories, so in the spring of 2013, a young girl named Melissa finally moved out of her mother's house and He got his own house on the other side of town.
top 3 scariest unwanted guests halloween scare a thon part 5
During the first few months she lived there, she never noticed anything strange, except about three. Months into living there things started to get a little weird, it started with a bunch of hang up calls where someone from different numbers would call, she would answer and I could hear them breathing but they wouldn't say anything and then she started getting these huge bouquets of flowers at the entrance of her house, but they were delivered anonymously and then she began to notice that her kitchen and living room were missing things like plates, cups, coasters, salt shakers, forks and knives, small things, but since she She lived alone and she was the only one who moved these things, they really stood out, Melissa had the habit of turning off the TV every time she went to bed, she had an irrational fear that if she didn't do that she would start a fire and her house would be destroyed. burned in the middle of the night, so she was pretty obsessive-compulsive about always making sure the TV was off before she went up to bed, so one night, around the same time, she would get these calls to hang up and there were flowers in the floor.
top 3 scariest unwanted guests halloween scare a thon part 5

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top 3 scariest unwanted guests halloween scare a thon part 5...

They send it to her door and things are missing. She unplugs the TV from her and goes to bed the next morning. She gets up and goes downstairs and the TV is plugged in again. She convinces herself that she must have forgotten to unplug the TV as it's weird. of an event, since that has to be what happened and that night she unplugs the TV and remembers looking directly at the outlet confirming that yes, I unplugged the TV and then puts it down and looks back at the outlet, it's not like that. plugged in, it's definitely not plugged in, and then you go up to bed the next morning, when you come down the stairs, you had this creepy feeling that when you turned the corner because your TV was right at the bottom of the stairs, that when you turned the corner it would be plugged in. again and her worst nightmare would come true: something is happening on my first floor when I'm asleep at night and when she comes down the stairs and around the corner, what does she see?
top 3 scariest unwanted guests halloween scare a thon part 5
The TV is plugged in again. horrified but has no idea what to do, it's not a malicious act and she tells herself maybe I forgot again but then she says no, I remember last night I looked at the plug and definitely unplugged it, so she flies around the first floor to be sure. one, everything is closed, but two, there is no one else here and when she is satisfied that there is, it is empty down here and two, everything is closed, she sits there thinking, well, now, what do I do if I call the police? and I say someone is plugging in my TV?
top 3 scariest unwanted guests halloween scare a thon part 5
She knew she couldn't do anything and it was at that moment that Melissa developed a very real fear of her first floor and started going to bed very early at night because she couldn't be on that floor when it started to get dark and so Imagine living alone being afraid of going down to the first floor, how scary that would be at night when you're lying in bed, your doors closed and any noise you hear in the house, you'll attribute to your first floor, and that's how Melissa was. living this absolutely miserable life where she's afraid of everything outside her room and with that as context, melissa goes to bed very early one night, probably around three o'clock, the sun hasn't even set yet, but she's upstairs, but it's finally getting dark outside. and she still hasn't fallen asleep, so she sits up in bed and turns on the TV and immediately the channels on the screen start changing and she thinks, oh, I must be lying on the remote, but then she remembers the controls remotes out of my hand and then she looks at the remote and then she looks at the TV she doesn't touch the remote and the channels keep changing now Melissa had what is called a sky box which means her downstairs TV was connected to her TV upstairs and vice versa if one was changing the channel in real time, the other changed the channel and as she looks at her remote control and does not touch it and looks at the screen while the channels change, she notices that someone downstairs is changing the channels. channels and freezes with fear. all you can think to do is turn off your TV because that's the only function that has no impact on the other TV, so you turn off the TV and in total darkness, in a house that already terrifies you, you're straining your ears. to Try to listen for any sign that this is something someone is down there changing channels or this is nothing and I happened to turn on the TV when the skybox was not working properly and while she is sitting there all she can hear is her own breathing and can feel the beating of his heart in his chest but he does not hear any sound in his house he does not hear the television on he does not hear footsteps doors opening none of that is silence in the house so after what he probably felt During a eternity, she just grabbed a pillow and pressed it in front of her and put her head on the pillow and stayed like that until she finally fell asleep the next morning, when she got up, the sun came out and it's a huge relief because suddenly with the sunlight streaming in through the windows it was like the house wasn't scary anymore and she was saying to herself you know what it had to have just been some anomaly with the Sky Box.
I bet I come downstairs and the TV is off, so she comes downstairs. and the television is off and that confirms for her that she is fine, the paranoia is affecting me, I am losing my mind a little, I have to tell someone what is happening and it happens that that day she was with a family. birthday


y and when she gets there, she pulls her older brother aside and says here are the strange things that are happening in my house with the box and all this and at first he looked at her like this is really what it is happening what you are seeing. ghosts in your house, but when she really focused on these specific things that were happening, like the plug going back into the wall two separate times and then the skybox thing, then the TV got caught up in the weirdness that's been happening in her house. house and the items that were missing from her house and for the brother everything was fine, this seems a little strange and he offered to live with her for a few days and see for himself and while they were talking about their His younger brother happens to pass by and overhears the conversation and says: Oh, I'll stay there for four days too.
The two brothers lived on the first floor of Melissa's house and they see nothing, they hear nothing, it is completely normal and Melissa. At first I calmed down, but then I started thinking: does that mean that whoever has been doing this is watching my house very closely and knows that I have protection in my house right now and that they are staying away? Does that mean I'm being watched? very closely and finally when her brothers were preparing to leave after the fourth day she was practically begging them to stay, she couldn't bear the thought of staying in this house, her brothers assured her that she had nothing to worry about, but If you experienced anything strange at any time, any day, just call or text and they would be there in an instant, although she didn't feel safe, it was starting to get late, at least by her standards, it was like three o'clock , so the sun was getting close to setting. downstairs, so he needs to go upstairs, so he goes back to his house and makes like 20 trips around his house to confirm that everything is locked, everything is locked, there's no one in the house, everything is safe and then he goes up to the bed, but like most nights, she was so


d of everything that was outside her bedroom door that she couldn't sleep and as she was lying in complete silence in her room, she heard the unmistakable sound of the back door opening and He hears footsteps walking on the first floor and then he hears The television came on and his brothers were watching their television for the last time and they had the volume very high, so as soon as the television was turned on, it was blaring throughout the house and Immediately the television turned off because whoever turned it on knew that it was going to wake up whoever was in the house.
Melissa didn't know what to do first. Whatever was going on at her house was a little subtle, it was like she had to think about what she was hearing to confirm that it was really happening. Now this person just walks into his house in the middle of the night, turns on the TV and blasts it all over the house, and immediately says, "Oh my God, what do I do?", picks up his phone and calls his brother. . then he answers right away and she says someone is in the house right now, brother says i will be there in 10 minutes, don't leave your room, don't do anything, stay on the phone with me, so melissa is shaking with fear and She gets up as slowly as she can and walks to the window to get as far away from the door that was locked as possible and looks out the window hoping to see her brother stop as she listens for any sign that this person below has started. to go up the stairs finally Melissa sees out of the corner of her eye that her brother's car stops on the other side of the street and he, along with his younger brother, jump out, run across the street towards their house, jump over the fence and run down. the alley between her house and her neighbors and they go back out of sight she's still on the phone with him and she says do you see it?
You see it? You see it? You see it? he says wait, he goes to the back of the house where he knows you can look in and basically see the entire first floor and as soon as he gets to that place where she's waiting for him to give her a report and he pauses, there's a silence on the phone and she says: what are you doing? You see and he says, okay, yeah, there's someone in your living room right now. I'm going to hang up and call the police. I'll call you right now. Melissa knew that what she heard was very real to her, but having it confirmed by her brother at this moment took this to a whole different level of fear now she legitimately fears for her life there is a person an intruder in my home at this moment confirmed that They're right downstairs and they've been breaking into my house for probably weeks and then her brother hangs up the phone and starts calling the police, while Melissa is standing in this room horrified listening to a stranger walk around the first floor of her house, but since he was clearly hearing the footsteps downstairs, he decided he would do it. just walk up to your door and look through the keyhole that was oversized in your door and if you look through it and to the left you will actually look down at the first floor you will only see a


of the first floor and So she very carefully walks towards the door and as she kneels down to look through the keyhole her phone rings, it was in her pocket and it wasn't on silent, it was on high and it was her brother calling and she kind of fumbled looking for her phone, she drops it on the floor, it's still ringing and she finally silences it and then she reflexively pokes her head back and looks through the keyhole and, standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking at her, there is a man with a hat removed. over her eyes, who clearly heard the sound and he starts to climb the stairs, she falls back screaming at the top of her lungs for her brothers to come in, she hears them coming charging in, she hears this epic fight on the stairs and she hears this person . who is in his house because it was a voice he didn't recognize shouting I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry and then he stays silent and then he opens that door because he wants to help if he can and he looks and sees his brothers have this man pinned down on the stairs , he doesn't move and he sees his little brother is holding something and he shows it to her and he just shakes his head and it's a fucking knife and then she puts it together and the stranger in her house was carrying this knife and before he can Taking that information, big brother tips his hat to this guy and it's his mother's ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago, the same one who everyone believed had an inappropriate attraction to Melissa. and they took him away and he quickly admitted that he had been breaking into their house for four months, they don't know how he got in and he never told them, but he admitted that yes, I was breaking in almost every night, but he never gave a good reason why. who started doing it, the police cited mental illness as the likely culprit as to why he was doing it and the family believed this could be something more sinister, but either way he was sentenced to three years in prison and the family once again cut all ties with In February 2013, a young woman named Kim finally moved out of her parents' house and moved into this small apartment that she absolutely loved.
Kim had asevere social anxiety and couldn't stand being in public talking to people I didn't know. and so she would do everything in her power to stay home, she had a job that didn't require her to travel, so having this little apartment was like her little oasis; when she was there, she was sure if she had to leave, she was practically running out of her car and running back so she wouldn't have to talk to anyone in those first weeks she was living there, no matter how much she tried to avoid all contact with other people, there was a person with whom she was forced to have an interaction. with and that was her landlady, but her landlady turned out to be an amazing old lady named olivia who she really liked kim and looked at her like she was her daughter and kim she was surprised at herself for wanting to interact with olivia very comforting and she was a really nice lady and even though they didn't really interact much, they developed this relationship where olivia liked to make food and she would go up to kim's door and knock and leave her outside. outside her door and didn't expect Kim to come out and talk to her.
He knew that Kim was uncomfortable being in public so he didn't pressure her to do that, but rather just hoped that she would eat something good and when Kim finished eating, he put the plates back outside the door and Olivia would pick them up and she was going to clean them and that was it, so Kim really grew to love Olivia and was very happy to have her there, it was like she made her feel. Two months after moving into this small new apartment, Kim started taking a new medication for her anxiety. Historically, she had taken a lot of different medications and she knew that when you start a new one it is not unusual to have a lot of side effects. which you're just not used to and they're kind of horrible and you need some time to get used to them, so at the same time that she's on this new medication, she starts to notice that she's forgetting things that are being kept in the department. she.
In places she doesn't remember putting them in and things are missing and she can't remember where she put them, so although she was expecting side effects from this new medication, she was really frustrated with the memory loss that she also noticed that this medication produced. She was exceptionally sleepy to the point that most days she had to take a two or three hour nap in the middle of the day just to get through the day because she Kim had such intense anxiety about being in public that she didn't want to. go. doctors getting a different prescription or even talking to the doctor about what he knows, is this normal because visiting the doctor would require a lot of interactions with people he doesn't want to interact with and that's why he decided he already knows what I do .
I'm just going to take my medication, I'm going to allow myself to adjust to this new normal and everything will be fine during the period where she is experiencing all of these side effects that she attributes to her new medication, she received a delivery from Olivia. It was a Greek salad that she knew Kim loved and Kim is excited about this Greek salad, she brings it to her apartment and decides: you know what I'm going to do. I'm going to have a good day for myself. I'm going in. my room I'm going to put on Netflix and I'm going to eat this salad in bed, it's going to be amazing, so she's sitting on the bed, she's eating her salad, she's watching Portlandia and then she falls asleep right in the middle like she's falling asleep.
I was eating it. salad, she's falling asleep, she's so tired when she woke up and she's like wow, I've never fallen asleep so hard and so fast before and she literally still has her fork in her hand after eating her salad and then she notices the other side of the bed the left side of the bed the sheets are all messed up like someone has been lying there and kim always sleeps on the right side of the bed it was almost like a compulsion for kim that she could never sleep on the left side like it was bad luck and she reaches out her hand and feels that side of the bed where it's been disturbed and is still warm and she quickly thinks to herself, well I guess I must have rolled over and lay down on that side of the bed and then rolled back . to this side miraculously again in the same position she was in with the salad fork still in her hand and that's when a click in her head like that's not possible, that's not possible, so what? what does that mean?
Does that mean someone is in my apartment? At this moment she jumps out of bed, grabs her phone, enters 9-1-1 and is ready to dial it and turns on all the lights in her apartment, she is running and there is no one in her apartment, the apartment is still locked everything is normal so she puts her phone away and her heart is still racing, she's so stressed about what just happened because in her mind, in the back of her mind, she knows anyway that she didn't turn around, that didn't happen, here it is when Kim started to wonder if all these strange happenings in my apartment were related to what just happened now because this incident here is not fueled by the side effects of the medications and suddenly she is looking at the other strange things in her apartment, like the lost toothbrush. and the missing shoes and the moving things suddenly connected and she realizes that maybe she's been blind to the possibility of something else happening, maybe someone is breaking into my apartment, so for the next few days, Kim watched her apartment like a hawk to see if there was any sign of someone breaking into her apartment at any time and there was nothing she always locked the door she always kept the windows closed the only thing that stood out to her was that when she woke up in the mornings her bedroom had a very distinctive look Smelling it, it wasn't her smell and it wasn't the smell she was used to, it was like someone else's smell and it really


d her, she decided it was time to tell my parents so when he tells his parents and describes them. out loud what's been happening in her apartment is the first time she's heard herself say these things out loud and it sounds so much creepier and scarier than it does in her own head and as she tells them she's afraid to say it again. his apartment and his father notices that and says, "Hey, I'll come back to you, we'll check your apartment and make sure it's safe and secure, and then on the way out, we'll contact your landlady and let her know what's going on." passing to get her and everything will be fine.
They go back to their apartment and when they walk in, everything seems normal. They do a tour of the apartment. It seems normal but before his father leaves, he says, "Hey, let me do it." a closer inspection of your entire apartment, let me look everywhere and make sure there's no special way to get in here just to give you peace of mind, so he went into his room." and he starts looking around and lifts up the mattress and He looks underneath and then opens his closet, which is a big closet, there are a lot of clothes in there, it's not a walk-in closet, but it's big enough for you to stand in there easily. and his father comes over and divides the clothes and uses his light to look at the whole back wall and pushes and taps on it, sees if there is some kind of special compartment, there isn't, but before he goes out again, he notices a little note written on the bottom right corner of the inside wall, an area that you could only see if you were standing in the closet looking for strange things on the wall inside this closet, kneel down to take a look. and it's this little blurb that says come back here so I can look at you and the only way you could write it is if you were lying in this little corner in front of the closet exit and that's when his dad looks at the back of the closet and there was one missing of the slats on the closet door, so in theory, if you were someone writing this message, you would be lying where your eyes would be looking through that slat right into their bed.
His father put it together and got up, walked towards her daughter and said: come here, he showed her what is in her closet and said: did you write that? and she says no and he says okay, it's time to go, they walk. Outside they go to her truck and she calls the police and says someone is breaking into my daughter's apartment. The police show up and using CCTV footage capture an adult man regularly entering Kim's apartment in the middle of the night and clearly has a key. he would turn out to be olivia's adult son named henry who lived with her and apparently as soon as he saw kim for the first time he fell madly in love with her and became very obsessed with her and developed this fake relationship in his mind where he believed that he and kim they were dating even though kim didn't even know henry existed she didn't even know he was living with olivia she had never seen him before during the interrogation henry said what he did was take sleeping pills and he crushed them up and every time his Mom would deliver food to Kim, which she loved to do and was always excited about it, so she would talk about it so he would know what was happening, he would put sleeping pills in her food, mix them together and then he would know how As soon as it was delivered she would be asleep and he would use his mother's spare key to get into the apartment and what he said he did is he never touched her, he never laid a hand on Kim, instead he lay down next to her in bed or watched her from inside the closet, so during the four months that Kim lived in this apartment where she believed that every time she entered and closed the doors she was away from society, she could be alone in her bubble, well, in reality.
There was a psychopath just a few feet away from her almost the entire time when Olivia found out about all this, she made a point of telling Kim that she had nothing to do with it and she was very sorry, but their friendship ended on October 17, 1941. Philip Peters, 73, was supposed to join his friends for dinner, but he never showed up. His neighbors knew that Phil was living alone at the time because his wife had recently fallen and broken her hip and was in the hospital, so they were worried about Phil. he was alone and they thought you know what, let's make sure, let's call the police and have them come check on him when the police came to his house, they knocked on the door, no answer, they tried the door handle, it was locked. key.
They tried the other door, which was also closed, they looked through the windows, it was all dark and they had to look for another neighbor who had a key to open the door for them. When they came in, there was blood everywhere on the walls, on the ceiling, everywhere. in the middle of the kitchen there is phil peter face down he has been beaten to death the police immediately take out their guns and they are looking around the house thinking there could still be someone here and they clean the whole house and there is no one there and so on An entire group of detectives converge on the house and begin investigating and quickly realize how strange the scene was.
Nothing in the house was vandalized. Nothing in the house was stolen and Phil himself was just a modest retired auditor who he certainly didn't know. He had no enemies, so the revenge angle didn't necessarily make much sense, but you have to remember that when the police first got there, before discovering his body, the house was locked and there were no signs of entry. forced, so whoever was in there with Phil at the time of his death must have known Phil well enough to have his own key or have Phil open the door for them, so investigators wondered what would motivate Phil. a person who is in Phil's inner circle to commit such a heinous crime. when the obvious angles like robbery, vandalism, revenge, have basically been crossed out, not to mention there was virtually no evidence of who could have done this, with the exception of the murder weapon, which was a large piece of metal called a stirrer. stove, but the person who had used it to kill him had taken the time to clean it meticulously so that nothing was left on it, no fingerprints, no anything, so for months detectives agonized over this case, but came up with no clue.
Part nine months later, Phil's widow hired a housekeeper to help. the house now that Phil was gone and she said that as soon as she moved in she started hearing strange tapping noises throughout the house but she didn't think anything of it and that day, the day she called the police, she was alone in Peter's residence and she hears the knocking and it comes from the kitchen and she thinks oh it has to be a woodpecker right outside the house outside the window and she said as she looked into the kitchen, on the other side of the kitchen there was a door that opened to a flight of stairs going to the second floor and she said it was opening slowly and from behind comes this white hand that reaches to the side of the door and starts to open it and she screams and the hand retracts into the space and then she hears it climb the stairs and run upstairs before becoming silent again, he ran out of the house and ran to a neighbor's house to call the police, the police immediately go to the house and they enter with guns drawn and they are looking for this person because they think maybe the killer has returned and they're searching the whole house and there's nothing, not even any signs of a robbery, so the police go back to the housekeeper, Antimiss Peters.Explain that we couldn't find anyone, but given the history of your house, we don't think it's safe for you to be there, so the housekeeper didn't return and Miss Peters was taken back to the hospital where she could be. attended during the police investigation at this point the police decide that we are going to permanently monitor this house, we will have two detectives who will be outside this house watching it at all times, so two detectives go and sit outside and for a couple of days they see nothing , they don't hear anything and decide to just go in and take a look.
They both enter the house. They go up the stairs. They look around. They don't see anything. They go down the stairs. As they are standing on the first floor getting ready to leave they hear what sounds like a doorknob going up the stairs, they both heard it so they go up and start searching different rooms and one of the detectives enters the bedroom and opens it. a closet. and past all the clothes, in the bottom left corner, you see a foot lunging towards a small gap in the back corner of the closet and without hesitation, this guy jumps headfirst into the closet and grabs this mystery person's foot who is getting into a small little panel in the back of a closet and he grabs onto this person who is fighting with his life to escape and he starts pulling them out and he yells for his partner to come, he comes charging and they both grab this person and they pull This person came out and they would describe him as the strangest person they had ever seen.
He was super tall but very thin and his skin was so dirty that he looked gray. His name was Theodore Coney and he had been living in this house for a year before. Coney moved there, he had fallen on hard times, he slept in alleys and when it started to get colder in September 1941, he decided to approach his old friend Phil Peters and ask him for some money and maybe a chance to sleep at his house for a couple of days, but it happened that when he got to Phil's house, Phil wasn't there. Phil was in the hospital visiting his wife, who had a broken hip, so the house was empty and Coneys saw an opportunity and walked in. and at first his plan was to just steal food, heat it up a little and then leave, but he realized when he was looking for things to take in the house that in the back of one of these cupboards there was a panel that led to this little A little almost secret space in the attic that was not used for anything because it was incredibly small.
You had to be incredibly thin just to fit through the little square opening that would take you into this little space and then once you got in you could just slide in upside down you wouldn't be able to stand up you would be lying down the whole time you wouldn't be able to extend your legs all the way if you You're a full grown adult so you're curled up almost in a pseudo-fetal position, but Kony saw this as a big improvement over living on the streets and decided that this is where he was going to spend the winter and so he went around the house gathering supplies. between blankets, food and water and filled his little space and then he went back downstairs and locked the front door again, he made sure everything was the way it was when he showed up and went into his little space and closed the door behind him and when Phil came home, At night he didn't notice anything and for the next few weeks Phil never noticed anything every time Phil left, the rabbits would run away, go downstairs, make themselves some coffee, eat something and then return to their little one space that even cut.
He wired the house and stole one of Phil's radios and brought it to the cubicle and he hooked it up to the new wiring and was able to listen to the news so he wouldn't feel so isolated from the outside world, but about a month later, Coney left. his little place to go downstairs because he thinks Phil is gone, he gets to the kitchen, he goes to the refrigerator, when he closes the refrigerator, he looks up and there's Phil standing there, looking at him like, what are you doing in my kitchen in a panic? grabs the stirrer from the stove and beats Phil to death not knowing what else to do, cleans the murder weapon, leaves it where it is in the refrigerator, gets more food and drink and goes straight back to where he lives, I would follow him. the investigation into phil peter's death on his radio huddled inside phil peter's home coneys was quickly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison after hearing his sentence read, he says out loud now i feel safe i will have a better more home than I've had in years so that'll do it guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories and if you found today's secret let us know in the comments what it is and where you found it.
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