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Top 3 Pitches Mark Cuban Has Called Out As SCAMS! | Shark Tank US | Shark Tank Global

Jun 09, 2024
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is what business owners believe is a solution to a growing problem in America. My name is Barrett Jocks and I'm from Nashville, Tennessee, and I'm Prom Carmichael, also from Nashville, Tennessee, our company name is minuscal. Looking for 500,000 for 20% of the business, now 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, but the fact that 70% of adults are obese or overweight means something is wrong, we need more lettuce and less French fries, that's it. easy to say, harder to do. and it's always a lot less fun, that's where Minus Cal comes in a science-based snack bar and diet tablet that blocks fat when you eat it and how my scalp blocks fat, so imagine your digestive tract is a party and our ingredient is the co- going out is the bouncer when the fat shows up at the party without an invitation.
top 3 pitches mark cuban has called out as scams shark tank us shark tank global
Going out escorts the fat out of the party and out of your system by preventing you from absorbing those calories from fat. It's that simple and the cold is not a sketchy chemical cold sheet. It's an all-natural proprietary blend from fermented tea, which is Our trade secret and we can put cold leaves in a variety of delicious foods, without cow, it is a great way to lose weight and achieve better health, so


s that are ready to eat. your cake and eat it too with a lowercase letter. Do we get samples? I'm going to give them to you right now Lori, thank you very much, very welcome, oh, this pill is like in the matrix, that's right, one red, one blue, one red, one blue.
top 3 pitches mark cuban has called out as scams shark tank us shark tank global

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top 3 pitches mark cuban has called out as scams shark tank us shark tank global...

If you take two of these pills before a meal, it will help lower your cholesterol. I have been taking the product for about 12 years, it doesn't taste very good, but what doesn't taste so good, can you explain the cold leaf again and what did you talk about very quickly? It sure sounds like that's the essence of your business. Yes, co-director is an all-natural ingredient that is derived from fresh green tea and what we make is a particular molecule, the active ingredient in green tea. we extract it and increase the potency of that particular molecule 20 times, so explain to me, actually the result will do two things, it will help you reduce cholesterol and we have a clinical trial that we did 12 years ago, it reduces cholesterol. 17 to 20 percent and then our scientific director came back and looked at the test results when he said the evidence shows that people who took our product versus the placebo also lost weight, so we went to the University of Kansas and they came .
top 3 pitches mark cuban has called out as scams shark tank us shark tank global
He came back to us and told us what his product does as it works through the lower intestine when it leaves the body, it requires about a hundred calories from fat. Is there anyone who should avoid this product or is it safe for everyone? Safe, right? It's safe for everyone. It's completely natural, that doesn't necessarily make it safe for everyone, but at the same time look guys, you know I'm skeptical of all this stuff, you can't claim that it will reduce 100 calories from what you eat by taking two pills we don't make that claim that's what who said we're going to make the claim that it's going to block fat at a percentage that depends on our individual their t-shirts say less cow that's because that's the company's brand when a consumer looks at it what do you think they're going to think less calories fewer calories?
top 3 pitches mark cuban has called out as scams shark tank us shark tank global
What is your strategy? What did you do? The strategy is to make you think that's why we can't ask my question. Yes, how long does this take? The product exists, we just launched it, so I guess you have very few sales, that's right, okay guys, I'm standing, you are dealing with people with these questions, you really just incorporated, you have a bar, you have natural things.


let me say this


mark it's not air yeah it's not so you took the green mark mark let me say this I have the data to back it up so if you listen if you want to get out, get out but but you're wrong no I'm not a rocker like that who listens, you took green tea extract, right, and you invented a product


green tea extract, that's what you said, I said it's derived from green tea, we take a particular molecule, we increase that concentration 20 times because that green tea molecule can reduce cholesterol by 20, right, everyone knows that everyone knows what, so listen, I find Mark's points potentially persuasive, but in my philosophy, the way I like to eat are the ingredients, you can see them pronounce real food and I feel nature over thousands.
For years it has nourished us so that we can eat real things. Best of luck to you, but this is where I am, five hundred thousand dollars for twenty percent of a startup that has no revenue is too high. you asked for too much you made a strategic mistake I'm out I don't know about joint exit and I know it's dangerous to claim that certain products will do miraculous things like not have fat on your body or whatever so I don't like to associate myself with those things I don't have no problem with you but I'm out look I'm very frustrated I have no idea I really don't know what your business is I don't know what your strategy is I really don't know anything mark sometimes your level of arrogance really bothers me and I mark it leave me and I'm just saying that you don't give people a chance.
I wish I knew what their business was if you let people talk you know what their product is Robert your level of arrogance sometimes just surrounds the room and you are respectful to you Robert I won't say it when I think about people it intimidates people people and I'm just telling you that I have you. could be 100 true, I just wish I had a chance to hear it, I know how hard people work to get ahead, you know what's even harder, you don't give them the chance, you know, it's even harder than that, let me, let me tell you. one thing please none of us claimed that if you take this product you will lose weight, look at your shirt, I said none of us said we will lose weight, look at your shirt, what does your shirt say?
It says fewer calories, right? Do you lose weight? Wait, can I finish? We are not claiming that you will lose weight. We are saying that we are going to remove some fat from your body now. I do not care what you say. I know what my science says and you are wrong, you are just wrong, that particular molecule that is extracted will also help you with your weight, it won't, what did you think, it won't make you lose weight, it will help you. it will help you lose weight but it won't make you lose weight actually krom now now you're pissing me off yeah yeah you're digging up and it's got nothing you're losing you just said no you said You're not losing weight what does it say here?
I will stand behind the fact that the goal is to do it, no, but yes, it is to help people. I think we're done here for everyone watching, don't believe it. I'm fine thank you gentlemen thank you go in peace thank you Mark is never going to invest in a supplement millions of people take supplements it's like telling a personal trainer who says I can help you lose weight and then you hire him and he doesn't. I didn't lose weight, it was a scam, yeah that's not exactly fair or logical. Daniel, welcome to our very dysfunctional family.
Very dysfunctional family. You know, shit, they deserve it, but it's fair, passion, they deserve it. That's my point, drink the green tea. and relax, holding hands is a turning point in real estate investing Hello


s, my name is aaron mcdaniel from san francisco, california and i am the ceo of real estate mogul. I'm looking for fifty thousand dollars in exchange for five percent of my company for literally For hundreds of years, the most proven way to consistently build wealth has been through real estate investing. Unfortunately, traditional real estate investing is difficult, intimidating, and expensive. The best deals are only offered to the super rich behind closed doors, helping the rich get rich and locking out the rest.
Let's find out what's wrong with that, now you have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new business that will change real estate investing forever. Tycoon Real Estate is a crowdfunding platform that allows everyday people to invest in real estate for as long as possible. little like a thousand dollars I hate it I'm out wow I smell like jail wow mark that's aggressive what about you barbara what do you think I haven't even formed an opinion go ahead of course yeah let me go ahead and finish mine? Don't let that worry you, which is why all our deals are professionally vetted, we only work with the best developers and if the funding target for a given project is not met, everyone gets their money back, so now you can get from eight to ten times the performance you can.
This is compared to keeping your money in a savings account, so let me explain a little about how it works. First, let's go to the Tycoon website. Once you are here, you can check out our list of investment opportunities. There is a variety. of different types, from residential to commercial, each with their own unique investment objectives. For example, this is a marquee commercial property that is part of a large shopping complex on the outskirts of the Manhattan area. All you have to do is enter the amount of money. If you want to invest, follow a simple online process and once the investment objective is met, you will be a real estate investor and can sit back and enjoy the profits you make from the property's appreciation and cash flows.
We are on the brink of an exciting new era where literally anyone can be a real estate mogul. How do I get my money back? To a large extent, no, but explain to me a single model. I'm investing in that building in New Jersey. I'll give you ten thousand dollars. I guess I own a percentage. That's right. I guess that building is collecting so much rent that I'm earning. money, yes, then the building will be sold one day. I'm assuming I'll get a return on my 10,000 equal to the value of the building overall, so depending on what the value of the building is at the time I invest, what do we mean? as a dealmaker, the developer looking to raise money for the product, so there is a lead developer who is in charge of the right investment, are they charging a fee?
So what we take is a management fee, what is 1.25 percent? the amount qualifies how many existing buildings you have actually financed this way answer barb's question because she is the real estate specialist she did two proof of concept deals first it was a fully closed deal and what was the total increase from that was a hundred thousand dollars what was it? It was a real space, yeah, it was part of a house in San Francisco, part of the house, it was a part of the debt position and you charged 1.25 for that deal, uh, yeah, let's say I want to. invest in real estate i could connect online with one of the big players fidelity or schwab i can buy a crown a reit is a real estate investment trust so people can diversify into real estate total liquidity i can buy and sell them any day i want to get my yield of four and a half percent and I have five thousand properties within the reef.
Reits aren't sexy, no one brags about reeds, that's so horrible, but Aaron is very curious about sexy when it comes to commenting because that's not okay for anyone, any real estate investor and one of the main reasons why they talk about investing is the physical emotional connection they have with the building. I think people have a physical emotional connection to their life savings. I love investing in real estate, but I recognize that it is pure. luck, I don't know if that's true, if you can buy almost any real estate, you will make money in 10 years, if during that time you need liquidity, you can lose a lot of money, I think when it comes to people's lives. savings and I think this appeals to the type of person who wants a higher return for their retirement.
I think you have to be conservative with your money, be risky at work, be safe with your investments, and to that point, there are a number of conservative investments you can make. Also, this is not a conservative investment platform like this, it can actually help standardize things and protect investors so they can't protect investors. That's the reason I left and this is the same problem with many crowdfunding based investments, not just real ones. When Grandma hears about crowdfunding and how all these new opportunities are now available to regular Americans who want to touch and feel real estate, they put their last thousand dollars into their first thousand dollars, no matter how much they have left, but Someone gets sick, grandma gets sick, you know, the car breaks down, whatever it is, they need liquidity, yeah, they don't have any.
The ways the rules are outlined is that after a year of holding a crowdfunded equity investment, you have the opportunity to be able to sell it, yes. who is this is one of my market risks let me come in for a minute I don't like the idea of ​​investing in real estate online with a group of other people I don't know that seems risky and uncomfortable to me and for that simple reason I'm out, I think the Achilles heel in this and it comes from years of investing in real estate is your primary investor who is theof having rejected the deal with Mr.
Wonderful, but the The truth is that our company is building something much bigger than just money. We are trying to change human behavior and Kevin would not be the right partner for us to work with.

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