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Top 3 Objections I Get When Selling a Roof: How to Close The Sale!

Jun 06, 2021
Hey guys, Adam,


ing strategist here. Today we'll cover the three main


that stand between you and closing a


. Although these are the three main ones raised by the owners. The three questions that make you uncomfortable. This is what causes that obstacle. where you think you're going to get that deal and all of a sudden they throw a big question at you and you get caught and you leave the house without inking it. Now I want to give you the knowledge you need to overcome those


with confidence and clarity so that the owner will confidently sign with you and then give you more references now, after we watch this video, if you leave some comments here in the comments section at next, if there are others that you see below, maybe we can make some videos on that in the future, so let's move on to the first one, the right to deductible, so homeowners always question the deductible, they think that for some reason they don't have to pay it or have heard that a


er will eat the deductible. true, that is, although with the language they will eat the deductible or waive it and then you get into this price war that destroys the profitability of the job, whether you are an owner or a seller, jobs must be profitable so that we can live and provide the quality product that our customers deserve and that gives you the commission you need for


the job, so if you give a $1,000 deductible or a $5,000 deductible on this job and let's say you're John and then John gives you a referral, he'll tell his friend, this guy is going to eat your deductible boom, there's $10,000 out of a door that you just lost a commission on that could be five hundred thousand dollars, fifteen hundred dollars depending on how your company pays commissions.
top 3 objections i get when selling a roof how to close the sale
So don't give anything away now, my job in overcoming the deductible question objection is to flip the switch in your mind to go from oh my goodness, I have to pay my deductible to then, oh thank goodness, I just have to pay my deductible and I'll show you how I do it. I coined this. phrase that has worked really well called a fixed price guarantee, okay and the fixed price guarantee is built into the roofing


s accelerator marketing pact, so if you are interested in that, there is a link below that is turnkey, fill in the blank and click print marketing materials. to help you get more sales, so let me explain what this fixed price guarantee is again.
top 3 objections i get when selling a roof how to close the sale

More Interesting Facts About,

top 3 objections i get when selling a roof how to close the sale...

My job is to change that conversation in potential clients' minds. To do this, I want to tell you to listen


you work with me. I make sure you don't pay a dime more than your deductible unless there are elective upgrades that you choose to do that we can discuss or if there is something hidden in the project that is not covered by insurance, on rare occasions we can find some rotten deck and that usually costs $50 a sheet. or whatever your company charges well, so we want them to feel comfortable about what they can expect so that we don't set false expectations, so what that means, Mr.
top 3 objections i get when selling a roof how to close the sale
Owner, is


I'm going to defend you with the insurance company that we're going to To evaluate. all the damage, get your roof properly approved and all you owe is your deductible, no more, no less, that's my fixed price guarantee, which means I can't get your roof approved for say fifteen thousand and then go back to you and apologize, friend. I'm charging twenty, okay, now you and I know that would never happen, but this is how you change that dialogue in the prospect's mind to stop being shit. I have to pay my deductible to thank God.
top 3 objections i get when selling a roof how to close the sale
That's all I have to pay now. I use this. in my marketing material to announce that we have a fixed price guarantee that piques people's interest, what does that mean? Think they will save money. It gives them a sense of security and that's how contingency works, so next time you face the deductible. Mention that fixed price guarantee and educate the homeowner that all they owe is their deductible, no more, no less, unless there are elective upgrades or any rotten decks you can find good. The next objection we often see is that my insurance rates are going up.
By the way, my handwriting is horrible and you'll just have to deal with that. My insurance rates will increase. We've all heard this. I don't want to file a claim because my rates are going to skyrocket and They're going crazy, they're sad, right? It means money, what we don't want to do is let that come between us and closing a deal. Now I will do my best to find out that this article came up about eight years ago, but it was produced by an insurance regulatory board that states that a claim for a casualty cannot affect your insurance rates, so people often They anchor your homeowners insurance to auto insurance.
I had an accident. I couldn't claim that my rates increased. That happens, but when a random act means it rains. storm a wind storm a hailstorm something that's out of your control happens to your house they can't raise your rates so it's very different if your house was burglarized or if you were a fool and left the stove on I left the house and you house burned down that's negligence, but by an act of God, okay, that's insurance language, act of God, insurance rates can't be raised, so I'll do my best to find that video, if I can , I'll put a link in the comments to reference that article, but it's very, very powerful in educating people about the difference between a negligence claim and an act of God.
Okay, that shouldn't increase rates naturally every year. Insurance rates go up, sorry, that's my cat walking and He talks a little today, that's how we get over the objection that my rates are going up. Now the final objection is and we've all heard this one. This is when you think you got the sale, but the owner says I don't want it. sign something yet, have you heard this? Oops, that's supposed to be an exclamation point, they say, hey, I don't want to sign anything yet, let's see what the insurance company says or I don't know you.
I don't feel comfortable signing this. contingency, we need to let them know that our contingency agreement depends on the outcome that we can fix the entire roof for them, and they should also know that if we don't get the outcome that we all agreed to. Whether it's a full or partial roof replacement, this contingency agreement is dust in the wind, they don't owe us a cent, tear it up, you notice. I think it's the best for them. They literally have everything to gain by having a professional. on site assisting them and speaking to the insurance adjuster on their behalf to properly assess their damages.
It would be like going to court and trying to represent yourself without a lawyer, no one would do it by signing this contingency authorizing me. To you, I am representing your best interests because the outcome is in my best interest because the only way we get paid is to do the work, which is why we offer this initial service to work with the insurance company to represent the homeowner and to supplement the claim if necessary for any lost coverage in the best interest of the owner and obviously we wouldn't take the risk yet because we would waste our time if we don't get paid, you know, and I've said that directly to the owners. and you understand, I'm not hiding anything, right, everyone is in business to get paid this way, they know they have everything to gain and nothing to lose, and I always do that, that dramatic thing like this isn't working, break the scam. contingency is dust in the wind, you don't know what a penny is, so those are the three main objections, deductible insurance rates increase or they don't want to sign anything and now you are armed with the knowledge to overcome with confidence.
Those, so if you like what you heard, hit like, hit subscribe, feel free to leave any comments in the comments section below and if you're interested you can click to download the marketing pack of the roof sales accelerator. I put it at an incredibly low price. I will receive it instantly. delivered to your inbox click download fill in the blank enter your business information click print you're ready if you're not ready you can also download my three tricks to get to the kitchen table and that's it You'll arm yourself with three simple tactics to get past the front door and into the kitchen table where the sales actually happen, so thanks for joining me, see you next time.

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