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Top 25 BEST POOL SHOTS of All Time

Jun 04, 2021
Dr. Foreigner Dave here with the 25




of all


for 9-ball, 10-ball and eight-ball. Enjoy professional matches. I present the


to you as a countdown from 25 to 1, with number one being the


shot of all


, so be sure to check them out. until the end, the first shot is from Efren bada Reyes, who owns many of the top 25. Shane Van boned Efren behind the eight with creativity and skill. Efron kicked two cushions to thin out the three, sending the cue ball safely off four cushions, not many. people could have made it, well, I was lucky.
top 25 best pool shots of all time
Clunt Takashi played a decent deep hiding the cue ball with distance, but Jason Shaw plays a masterful Marseille kick to pocket the last stripe from him and leave a perfect short side shape for the eight. Clint showed something. Strange but well-deserved respect here. Shane didn't take a look at the ten ball player calling for the 10 in the corner. He manages to jump the cue ball over the rail over the three to get it out of one and pocket the 10. to win nothing but the net Efron plays a great safety hiding the cue ball and leading the distance, but snooker great Jimmy White finds a way out Alex paglion plays a good safety snooker at three with distance, but Shane manages to escape masterfully again calling the 10 for the victory nothing more than net Johnny Archer achieves this 10 ball break with good power but does not pocket a ball.
top 25 best pool shots of all time

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top 25 best pool shots of all time...

Efren doesn't have much chance to get fit in the two of one, but he re-manufactures the position, he is rising slightly, so he is going to bounce on the four ball with his left hand English J yes, talking about master of creativity, did you see that shot? It's a shot you might see once every 10 years. What he just did was just a small jump for fans at home. So, a beautiful position shot. I was lucky. Nick Vandenberg played a poor safety but left Shane long at two with no direct shot, but Shane designed a great two-way shot and executed it perfectly for a big win.
top 25 best pool shots of all time
He's going to hit nine. of the day to give you the total score, what a great shot from Shane Van Bony here, Efrén's opponent left him in a tough situation behind the nine, needing a hit on the one, but the magician knows a little how to kick our son . Corey is shooting the last stripe of him and tries to get the eight out, but things aren't working out, but no problem for Creative Corey. I don't think you can get past all seven, no, he moved the settings, what a great job, I really came up with some shots.
top 25 best pool shots of all time
Wow, I'm crazy, here's a classic security battle with an interesting three-row rule. Escape the bot lane and go turbo, that's the shot. Oh, it has to play, here we go. There have been many excellent power shots across the table over the years. but here are two of the best Corey plays a push after the break and his opponent lets him shoot, oh, take a look at this. Sid Corey raised the back of his cue trying to cross, he did, he came back all the way. on the other side of the table I hope we can see that shot again that was incredible what he had to do with his cue to get that ball across the table just an incredible shot look at this that white ball dancing on the table he got everything that spin to bring it back here Jason Shaw makes a nice two way kick to escape a safety, but Jeff can draw the ball like Corey even with side spin when necessary, these type of throws, yeah, look at that look at this one shooting, ladies and gentlemen, wow tournament shooting wow, that should get a standing ovation here Efrén finds himself hooked after an impressive jump Safety on the bench, but you can't leave the object ball hanging in a pocket against the creative magician Efrén just starts the pocket point to regain control here playing against Nick Varner Earl needs to get a hit on both of them, but he decides to get a lot more than a hit and the girl has almost nothing to shoot here, she doesn't like what she's doing at all He's left with this shot, oh, there's so many reasons Earl is so excited, I mean he would make a shot like that, it was really, really, an amazing shot.
Earl hides the cue ball but leads the one hanging in the pocket, the magician hits again with a two-way kick to pocket the one he has. a two-way shot at a carom on nine to win. He wouldn't hit that hard. I told you you wanted to make sure I did. Look at this kiss. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, the wizard, well, I got lucky here. Corey overcooks himself. the shot shot and it hooks on the ground, no problem if you can jump with some amazing shooting action from the cushion and now to see the top 10 shots of all time here, Alex Kazakis plays in incredible form in the two with a ball shot on the side. but he forgets to make Albin face an even more difficult position game in the two.
He simply folds the long band with a right top twist for a perfect shape. He also pockets the only ball, oh, look at this for a shot, look at this, look at this. for a shot, how do you like that mountainous ocean? Carlo is in a difficult situation shooting at the six who need to escape or leave a short side shape at the seven. He decides to use the reverse spin from the first rail, which he takes to the second rail for a perfect shot. Leaf, looks like he might try to get underneath, oh my gosh look at that spin, oh my gosh he'll play the short side, yeah that's pretty amazing, wow that was a beautiful circle, here's a great safety battle between Efren and Mika, imminent what he is getting into. the rail at least the object ball is safe and maybe the bonus thanks Efrén plays a masterful kick.
Karem shoots but is unlucky and snags, but he continues with even more masterful confidence. Escape incredibly in this game Mika matches Efrén's kicking prowess, yes, beautiful. but strangely he misses the relatively easy shot and Efron gets the win after all here playing the eight ball. Mike does the one on the side and leaves a good shot on the seven, however, he still needs to hit the four, no problem if you know how to do it. jump over an obstacle ball with mom says action for Rafael to hit and force it Go ahead wow, wait a second, did you see that I certainly did?
I've seen him do that before, but it was the best thing I've ever seen in my life. he do it Alex has two stripes left before eight unfortunately the 14 doesn't have a clear path to the top corner no problem if you know how to make the object ball jump over a hazard ball he is doing everything I warn you not to look At this, he jumped on the ball, jumped on the object balls with a low left English to turn three rails and reach the eight ball. His smile shows that even Alex knew that shot was special and now, the top 5 shots ever.
At that point, Corey was trying to play it safe, but he pocketed the three by mistake, but that gave him the opportunity to show off one of the greatest shots of all time. The jewel is a very difficult shot. What was that? Listen, I'm going to have to cast my Look Away because what I just saw defied the laws of physics. Elaine's opponent plays what appears to be a blocked safety, but that doesn't always work against a trick artist. He will have to use every table knowledge he has. He has to try to get out of this mess.
Will he try to jump up that railing and jump over the ball or will he try to mask a hard shot from behind that he tried to jump and, like a few others, he's on his feet? Cheers folks, you want to see Artistry on the table, you just saw that shot again, that's the shot you're seeing. The trick shot shows where you enter the railing and jump off the railing, what a shot and that was exactly what he was trying to do. In this great match, Nick pulls off an incredible comeback from being down nine games to two in a race to 11 starting with Mike Siegel's safety escape.
Nick takes a look at the one table but he can't shoot the two down table. This is where the magical comeback begins with an amazing sequence of shots that won't stop just short of the small side English right hand English left hand can you hear me well? He may be trying to land a fine blow. He has kicked two balls on this rack. he alone on the rack he kicked two balls when he had to when his life was at stake the six doesn't go to the corner you have to delay this overseas well, that's a good shot, isn't it?
It was a great shot, another slow turn. at Vic he runs these last three balls which may be the best I have ever aspired to and for aspiring players, if you wanted to see the benefits of a great attitude, what better example, it doesn't get any better than that, friends. It doesn't get any better than that, well that's probably the biggest comeback he's ever made, Chris, that's a good eight-ball break, but he gets a bad license by the rules of this tournament, since he pocketed the solid, he must shoot solids. This table won't be easy to run, especially since there's no apparent opening shot, but Chris finds a way to do some Effron-like magic several times himself.
Wow, give that man a round of applause, he's falling behind the six, okay, come on, he's trying to make this ball. It has to go between all the balls, that's a chance, wow, what a shot, oh my gosh, I just came up, oh my gosh, that might be the best shot I've ever seen overseas, now for the shot most famous of all time. Of course, it's because of the wizard. I bet you knew this one was coming. Efrén hits him a little trying to clear the nine of the three. He tries to play a blocked safety, but he hits a 3 8 combo by mistake from this position.
He seems desperate and his opponent, Earl Strickland, must think that now he's the favorite to win this Hill Hill game in one of the greatest games of all time, but Efron kicks better than most people. You don't get any movement like you said and you might lose this ball. I was lucky. I played all of them. He's the best and will probably go down as one of the best shots I think I've ever seen. I was lucky. I hope you enjoyed my top 25 shots of all time. I didn't include any pockets or many safety shots in this video, but many can be found through the links in the video description.
If you think I left out any important shots from the Pro 9, 10, or eight, please list and link them in the video. comment if you want to see the videos of the original game or see the shot analysis and reenactments, they are also linked in the video description. Good luck with your Dr. Dave game foreigner foreigner well, I got lucky.

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