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Top 20 Darkest Movie Theories

Jun 08, 2021
danny, this is the end, welcome to see mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20




, let's go attic mode, people keep your accessories with you at all times, my chocolate, my beautiful chocolate, 10,000 years. I'll give you a headache for this list. We're looking at the


and most depraved



on the internet and ranking them based on how well each one works, no matter how twisted they may be. Do you have any strange film theories? Let us know in the comments below number 20 Rose imagined Jack to cope with his titanic depression.
top 20 darkest movie theories
There are many theories circulating the web about Titanic, but none are as dark as the theory that Rose imagined Jack to cope with his depression after all. The time Jack and Rose met, she is deeply unhappy with her life, stay back, don't come any closer, maybe she imagined this beautiful and charming man to deal with his misery and her abusive fiancé. he. This would also explain why there are no records of Jack, he just doesn't. it doesn't exist we never found anything about jack there is no record of him no there would be no wood there and i have never talked about him until now some people also believe that jack is a time traveler from the future and while it is a case it could be done for that , it's not as dark as a depressed woman imagines a charming man will save her from herself.
top 20 darkest movie theories

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top 20 darkest movie theories...

I don't know steps number 19. Kevin Mcallister grows into a puzzle of the Home Alone franchise and the Saw franchise. What was going to happen before, so backwards, isn't it? Mr. Holman Vader, as everyone knows, the first two Home Alone movies are about Kevin setting traps against a couple of stupid criminals, but doesn't he seem to have a bit too? He had a lot of fun torturing and causing these men extreme pain, according to some. Kevin never arose from his need to create elaborate sadistic traps. He changed his name to John Kramer, perhaps after serving time, and then became the Jigsaw Killer to satisfy his psychotic need to torture people.
top 20 darkest movie theories
Okay, the timeline doesn't really add up, since Kevin was eight years old in 1990, while Jigsaw was 50 years old in the early 2000s, but just ignore that and move on, oh, so I'm the puzzle that Kevin Mcallister drew to grow and become. saw puzzle and this is how he died yes yes I heard that a number 18 the ghostbusters died when they crossed the streams the ghostbusters and the ghostbusters there is also something very important I forgot to tell you what you don't cross the streams is very clear According to Egon, crossing the proton pack currents is catastrophic, but at the end of the movie the Ghostbusters intentionally crossed its currents to destroy the dimensional gate.
top 20 darkest movie theories
Some fans posit that the Ghostbusters died and that Ghostbusters 2 takes place in purgatory. Try to imagine your whole life like you. I know it stops instantly and every molecule in your body explodes at the speed of light. This would explain the repetition of the plot of the first film. The bad reputation of the Ghostbusters and why no one else believes in the supernatural despite the events of the first film. Sorry. said that crossing streams was bad crossing streams you're going to put us in danger you're going to put our client in danger finally ghostbusters 2 ends with a chorus of old lang syne a song often sung at funerals and a painting of heavenly ghostbusters which both could mean that the ghostbusters are finally moving on after having completed their mission in purgatory sorry people use me ghostbusters number 17 the joker is a disgruntled ex-soldier the dark knight i think everything that doesn't kill you It just turns you into a stranger.
This isn't so much dark as just sad and scary. According to a popular theory, the joker is a war veteran who has gone psychotic. There are numerous traits in his character that seem to support this, including his knowledge of weapons, his physical fighting skills, his tactical knowledge, and his ability to perfectly perform the funeral ritual. Some of his quotes also suggest military experience, including never starting with the Head, the victim becomes confused and resentful, as if tomorrow he would tell the press that, as if a gang member was shot or a truck full of soldiers were shot. he's going to explode no one panics the joker is clearly psychotic but he could also be a very pained and traumatized man look i'm not a monster i'm just ahead of turn 16 donnie died in vietnam the big lebowski we're talking about unbridled aggression, here my rug, forget it, Donnie, you're out of your element.
One of the most popular aspects of the Big Lebowski is the friendly but hateful relationship between Walter and Donny. However, some fans believe that Donnie does not actually exist. You see, Donny. He is actually an old friend of Walters who died fighting alongside him in Vietnam. The reason Walter always tells Donny to shut up is because he knows Donnie isn't real and is trying to control reality. This also explains why people barely address Donny when the nihilists attack Walter reminds him of his time in Vietnam and confronts the memory of Donny's death, allowing him to release both his guilt and the memory of Donny meant by donny's heart attack call the doctors number 15 the briefcase contains soul pulp fiction by marcellus wallace we're happy yes, we're happy that the mysterious briefcase is a classic example of a macguffin, it drives the plot, but understanding it is ultimately instance, without consequences.
Theories abound, but some have gone so far as to suggest that it contains the very soul of Marcellus Wallace according to the theory that the devil took it. Marcellus' soul from the back of his neck, hence the strange band-aid on his neck, the code on the briefcase is also 666, suggesting Marcellus' deal with the devil. Another thing to note is the orange glow that flashes after Brett's death, which is perhaps indicative of his soul leaving. His body is orange, the color of our souls and he is Marcellus contained within that briefcase and you will know that my name is the law when I take my revenge on you number 14 aladdin is set in a dystopian future aladdin first that fez and vest combination is much to the third century these patches what are we trying to say?
Not a beggar. Some Disney fans apparently have a thing for the post-apocalypse. According to them, the cars take place in the distant future where humans have become extinct and Aladdin takes place thousands of years from now. a dystopian social reality, why does the genie claim that Aladdin's costume is so 3rd century and make several imitations of modern celebrities such as Jack Nicholson, indicating that it was between the 3rd and 20th centuries? Alright, sparkle, here's the deal if you want to woo the Little Lady, you have to be frank, you understand, what do you tell her that?
But he also claims that he has been imprisoned for 10,000 years, meaning Aladdin could take place around the year 12,000, when humanity was ruined by a catastrophe that decimated modern life. technology and lifestyles 10,000 years will give you a 13th headache. all greece is sandy's death fantasy greece danny is this the charming nostalgic musical ending or elaborate death fantasy you be the judge because you secretly know every word Summer nights you know Dany's line, but what if she didn't? According to the theory, Sandy drowned and the entire movie is a wish-fulfillment fantasy that Sandy's brain plays out as she dies.
This certainly helps explain the strange ending where Dany and Sandy fly. in the car, which can be interpreted as Sandy's final ascent to the afterlife for those who have always wondered what the deal was with that scene. They have a possible explanation, but not a very happy one. I just had the best summer. of my life and now I have to go it's not fair number 12 everything is in the spectrum of bond's head james bond meets a worthy old adversary inspector after being directed to the Blowfeld base blofeld tortures mon with a Bond's brain drill then escapes with the help of two perfectly synchronized Madelines defeats Blofeld and destroys his base in video game style, or perhaps the ridiculous escape and subsequent third act are simply visions Bond has while dying from the drill.
Blowfeld brain. This theory is based largely on Terry Gilliam's brilliant Brazil. where the tortured character imagines his rescue and subsequent heroic acts by him, does that mean the rest of the series will be James Bond's adventures in the afterlife? No time passes number 11 Josh killed Heather and Mike the Blair Witch Project Josh Josh the end of The Blair Witch Project is already dark, but this theory makes it even darker halfway through the movie. Josh disappears and Heather discovers a package of sticks containing bloody clothes and teeth. However, Josh's body is never found and Heather and Mike continue to hear him screaming that he is there. still alive at the end of the film, both heather and mike are apparently murdered by the blair witch, however it could very well have been josh who murdered the students either out of possession or of his own free will, the lack of answers is precisely what makes this movie so divisive that it invites this kind of dark hypothetical interpretation number 10 michael becomes travis bickle the deer hunter and taxi driver now that we have robert de niro played two of the most iconic film characters of the years 70 mike bronski a pennsylvania veteran dealing with the consequences of his tour and his friends in the vietnam war and deranged taxi driver travis bickle another non-vet honorable discharge may 1973 boy in the army marines, while nom was obviously A hot topic for 70s movies, the relationship between these two characters could be much deeper.
The Deer Hunter ends in 1975 when Mike buries his taxi driver friend Nick. It takes place the following year with the troubled Travis unable to sleep. maybe mike changed his name and moved to new york city in a futile attempt to get rid of his old life and inner demons you're talking to me you're talking to me number nine peter pan is the angel of death peter pan oh peter i knew you'd come back okay For this whimsical children's story there are numerous theories about Disney's Peter Pan and many of them boil down to Peter Pan as a child's grim reaper and Neverland is the afterlife.
One theory postulates that Wendy dies of leukemia and Peter guides her to the most There, also known as Neverland, where many of Wendy's real-life acquaintances are cartoonishly exaggerated. Another theory posits that Wendy John and Michael died, were transported to the afterlife by Peter, and met more dead children, also known as Neverland. Like lost children, why do you think they never grow up well? If you died in childhood, you literally can't. I am certainly proud of you. They're fools number eight bruce wayne died in the nuclear explosion the dark knight rises what are you doing? I Can Get Him Over the Pain Set him to fly over water he expels Many fans had issues with The Dark Knight Rises, including the overly dramatic ending that sees Batman taking a nuclear bomb out of Gotham, while many rightly assume that Batman He is dead having sacrificed himself for Gotham.
Alfred later sees Bruce and Selena very much alive while he is on vacation in Italy. What are the chances that some people will believe it? was simply a figment of alfred's imagination bruce really died in the nuclear explosion and the grieving alfred traveled to florence to ease his pain, he then struggles to imagine the happy couple and finally lets go of his pain, happier at the thought of the bruce's satisfaction number 7 Toy Story 3 is about the Holocaust Toy Story 3. We all know that Toy Story 3 is the saddest movie of all time, but this theory makes this seem impossible by making it even sadder to begin with, the toys they are left behind, similarly to the Jews in Germany. during the third reich they then discuss what happened and what to do in a scene very similar to that of the pianist and a rumor suggests going to the attic like Anne Frank we go in attic mode people carry their accessories with you at all times they are then transported in a box like a train to a daycare full of unwanted toys like a concentration camp.
Here they are mistreated and eventually sent to an incinerator. We're not sure if this was intentional or not, but the parallels are heartbreaking. Number six Ferris Bueller. is a product of cameron's imagination ferris bueller's day off then i looked at myself from the inside i realized that it was ridiculous to be afraid to talk about imagination there is a widespread belief that the events of ferris bueller's day off take place entirely within from the head of the bed - Cameron mounted, this is also known as the fight club theory due to its similarities to the plot of that film.
He posits that Ferris is a symbolic representation of Cameron's desire to be more confident and bold while,Lying in bed, he imagines his confident alter ego, Joy, riding. a fancy car getting close to his sexy girlfriend and generally enjoying a carefree existence. It could also be a meditative method that Cameron uses to exert more control over his life, symbolized by the destruction of his father's controlling self. Who do you Love? Who do you Love? five totoro is the god of death my neighbor totoro this miyazaki masterpiece is about two girls who move into an old house after their mother falls ill and then befriend a forest entity they named totoro, but who or what is this creature could be the god of death according to legend, only people who have died or are close to death can see the god of death and near the beginning of the movie the girls see soot sprites that Rumored to represent impending death in Japanese folklore, according to the theory, Mei actually drowns in the pond and satsuki. she commits suicide out of grief, then they posthumously visit her dying mother with the help of totoro and she fills his presence number four edna gave the syndrome a cape on purpose the incredibles the cape and boots without capes edna was scheming the whole time she leaves It's painfully clear that Ella doesn't give superheroes capes since previous superheroes have fought and died due to her syndrome.
The superhero suit comes equipped with one. Yes, it's entirely possible that Syndrome designed and created the suit himself, but did he go to Edna for help knowing that she was the creator of top-of-the-line superhero suits and could therefore make a better suit? than he ever could and Edna dressed his suit with a cape knowing it would hinder his plans maybe even hoping he would get trapped in a jet turbine just when Stratagalese hit him number three The secret ingredient of Willy Wonka Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, I cut this my beautiful chocolate throughout the movie, it is established that Willy Wonka is a candy genius, as his candy tastes much better than his competitors', perhaps indicating a secret ingredient, that secret ingredient, children , at least according to this theory, Wonka brings children to his factory under the guise of a tour, then turns his factory into a huge death trap to capture the children.
This would explain his indifferent attitude toward the child's health and safety. Don't just stand there, do something, help the police. It would also explain human sized pipes and how. Wonka's boat and mobile have no vacant seats. wonka knew the numbers would dwindle because he had every intention of using those kids for his candy stop, don't come back, doctor number two wanted to get hit by the Delorean back to the future. Doc Marty, you did it, yeah, have you ever wondered why the doctor was getting in the way of the Delorean? Don't ask me more, according to this theory, he didn't want to live any longer right before sending the Delorean back in time.
The doctor laments his many past failures. which speaks to why he himself feels like a failure. It took me almost 30 years of my entire fortunate family to realize the vision of that day. He too is being hunted by the Libyans and perhaps plans to crack down before they can, the doctor sees it. a win-win situation, either the time machine is a success and his work is respected or he dies and his problems with failure and the libyans die with him, if so, he had every intention of taking marty and Einstein with him, Einstein, hey, Einstein, where's the period boy?
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Fans of this many dark theories point to numerous supposed pieces of evidence, such as the fact that the boy is wearing a different coat, others point out. Finally, to the child's visible shortness of breath, and perhaps most popular, is the concept that the bottle is actually full of gasoline and McCrady was testing a child who inadvertently demonstrated that he was not human, causing McCready's demoralized laugh after the boy takes a drink. Do you agree? our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

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