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Top 10 Wrestlers To Hilariously Get Another To Break Character

Apr 27, 2024
Breaking abroad takes us on a rollercoaster of different emotions and sport is often at its best when we can all just sit back, laugh and have fun, no matter how good it makes you feel. Smile, however, this may not suit everyone. wrestler


, but sometimes you just have to give in to the moment, whether it's laughing, dancing, or just


ing the norm, why don't you wear shoes when you do this? I don't have an answer for that today we will look at numerous occasions where specific


were made to laugh and dance as we highlight 10


known for making others



number 10.
top 10 wrestlers to hilariously get another to break character
John Cena Cena's quick writing charm has led to numerous wrestlers break character in the past, you and Sable fighting like something good for my health. Something about you makes me keep in touch with myself later tonight you want us to be together but I said that in a second like in the ring man oh it's a ground game John is also known for savagely knocking others down on the microphone and sometimes they all do it. What they can do in response is smile, there's just


case of big things with small packages, it's called The Promo, shut your mouth, over the top, slimy man in the corner holding the championship, you're going to kick my ass at SummerSlam. mugshots number nine Chris Jericho Y2J never fails when it comes to comedy, whether it's his iconic lines or his entertaining sense of humor Jericho always provides the laughs we are, however, he must be a House of a Thousand Corpses baby, he is a weird girl you want See Chris Jericho drink a beer with Steve Austin say What did he do?
top 10 wrestlers to hilariously get another to break character

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top 10 wrestlers to hilariously get another to break character...

I will never in a million years believe that would have happened, but it did. Give me some beer. The only Dogs I see or pedal idiots standing here. drink it and bring it man man close it man the pain maker always goes last man so stupid soccer mom hair let's make list number eight Goldust Goldust's brilliance was the fact that he did everything he was given and This usually made for absurd television but fun that left the fighters and fans hysterical. The first www.hello. Now I'm the coach and we have sausages and midgets waiting in the car just for you.
top 10 wrestlers to hilariously get another to break character
Come on, it's not the perfect family. tonight number seven Stone Cold Steve Austin oh Evolution, you better pay attention despite his foul mouth. Persona Austin has shown off his comedic talent time and time again, wear it on one of your t-shirts, you're a big fan of Chris Jericho, right? a big fan they ran out of toilet paper thanks what are you saying? I have to start with some people playing but there is a rocky La Land WrestleMania 30 right here at the Silverdome. It's good to be back here at the Silverdome, but if I just put your money or your little costume, oh, I have to be careful, I don't want your balls to drop by making people laugh out loud in the ring and in the legendary beer parties in the main, with some fun and funny moments.
top 10 wrestlers to hilariously get another to break character
I am using both. fans and wrestlers in the process what would they like to have legs like that sometimes oh I'm just a I'm not your football team sometimes Booker even makes himself laugh a parade of hoodies the legs feel right now but I know he's happy, OK? you're taking us out of the Beast Brock Lesnar uh excuse me the rock holds his own against Braun Strowman Booker in his spinning routine Rooney gave countless wrestlers a chance to relax and show a different side of his character yeah baby wow number five The Rock The Rock was the undisputed champion of the people and the microphone what you're cooking smells like 100 degrees for money back guarantees you a big bucket a canadian move piss do you like donuts get the biggest jelly donut you can find better im But I know what's all?
It's Stone Cold's fault, your arms are too big, check this out, The Rock is finally back in Milwaukee, he's finally back in the Super Dome and, not only was he hilarious on the mic, he made the fans smile from ear to ear whenever he performed the People's Elbow which was initially created to try to get the Undertaker to break character. I think I thought it was the funniest thing ever, but iconic, right? The cold laugh of Steve Austin number four of The New Day is similar to that of the wrestlers who do roulette. Rooney The New Day are famous for getting talent to break away from their usual personas to dance.
I will never be able to unsee this, including some names you just mentioned. I wouldn't expect to see them fall like they did, hey, hilarity always ensues whenever there's bare air around, so if they're not doing a wrestler dance, they're probably making them laugh, they don't know what we have to do when your instincts pass longer than you, you were absolutely nothing until your wife put you at number three on Total Divas. Sami Zayn during his time as part of the lineage. Sammy was a highlight of WWE TV in large part thanks to his ability to make everyone laugh.
It's funny watching the wrestlers try to keep a straight face to avoid laughing at Sami doing a little dance doing the dance yeah right you the two biggest ones all my dog ​​like a number two stain on the bottom of the tribal chief's stew , do you know what I do? I mean, oh, there it is, how do you know what Jimmy? He just hasn't been very drunk, in fact he's about to go to dinner. Yes, Waffle House Hey guys, you're right, they loved Waffle House. I have my dog. My dog. I'm here right now. every part of Sheamus' body has taken its toll over the past few months and that dumb Sami Zane number two, Santino Marella, at the end of the Ruthless Aggression era and throughout the PG era, Santino was the gift that kept on giving.
I lost my title to William. Regal of mispronouncing the names commando and the dollar can be called McDonald's Fandango Fandango look at me I'm a Baptist I see the lasers on my arms as if I were eight years old let's see how many neurons the Baptist animal has 12. and there is nothing I would like more to Christmas than having the opportunity to film it to make the wrestlers break character. Let's make this post match being just plain hilarious. Any man who hides behind a mask is either incredibly ugly or Batman. They were excluded from activities with the other kids because you're the number one redhead.
The whole truth, it's hard to keep a straight face at any time. Our truth is on the screen. We used to be a cool man. What is Houston? He is a Brewster rooster. You don't know anything about cool. He is about to lose. In the fifth game we have to do something when he doesn't make us laugh, he still makes us smile because of how entertaining he is. Entertainment Truth has even made Brock Lesnar laugh on two separate occasions. You will fly over the top rope. Paul Heyman. It's okay, but. I'm not in the Royal Rumble, the truth is certainly what the funniest characters in wrestling are, but the truth will be in Money in the Bank, you're not even in the match, this is my fault, Kane, my bad looking, too nice for zawa, do you think you can fool me being the Nature Boy uh, the fried fish they ate was pretty good.
I mean, if you'll excuse me, you probably didn't put tartar sauce in it. I want to be like my childhood hero, John Cena, which brings us to the end of this video, as always, if you enjoyed it, make sure to like and subscribe to the channel, and if you enjoyed this one, make sure to check out our similar video on top 10 wrestlers who are actually known for breaking character. a great day and see you next time

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