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Top 10 Worst Cartoon Network Shows

May 08, 2024
what to LAUGH at this horror? Mr. Pickles is nothing more than a cruel, grotesque and painful experiment to watch. An experiment gone terribly wrong. Number two... 12 Oz. Mouse. At first I thought Microsoft Paint was a program we only used when we were trying to kill five minutes. And I just wanted to try that cool spray paint feature on a bunch of sticks and circles, but apparently Cartoon Network now considers it a legitimate tool for animation. And cardboard boxes are considered legitimate 3D. Which brings us to 12 Oz. Mouse. Just wow. This type of animation could only appear in .
top 10 worst cartoon network shows
When they think no one is watching them. I never imagined a professional animation studio could be so LAZY with their animation! With his everything. And the dialogue actually manages to take less effort than the animation! - Can I help you? - I can help you. (clock ticking) - What do you do? - I do everything. (clock ticks) - Take a seat. - I will, because that's something I can do. - Then do something. (clock ticks) - And what's worse is that I think he's actually trying to be funny. I mean, they included long, awkward silences. They clearly thought there would be something to laugh about with these... jokes?
top 10 worst cartoon network shows

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top 10 worst cartoon network shows...

No, they are not jokes. They are simply awkward dialogues. There is no deeper meaning behind any of this. They were just lazy and did whatever came into their heads. And only a drugged-out executive would have given the green light to this. Did the creators really find this funny or even remotely interesting? More to the point, how did they expect fully cognitively functioning adults not to find this terrible? (Peanut Cop and Fitz laughing) - Ha ha ha! You're so high, bro, come here! (all laughing) - Good God. Keep it up! 12 ounces. The mouse is annoying, pretentious, and more than anything else, it felt like no effort was put into it.
top 10 worst cartoon network shows
I can safely say that this is one of the stupidest


I have ever seen in my life. And I felt stupid for watching it! Don't make the same mistake as me. I do not recommend this show. I thought 12 Oz. Mouse was the


, but it turns out there was a Cartoon Network experiment that was even worse. But it was quickly hidden due to abysmally low ratings in the first few episodes. And believe it or not, it was designed for children. And the number one


Cartoon Network show of all time is... The Adventures of the High Fructose Pesky Orange. - La la la la la la!
top 10 worst cartoon network shows
La la la la-- (loud thud) - La la la la la la la la! (Strider shouts) - ...the love of humanity, someone put me out of my misery! (loud thud) I can't take it anymore! (loud thud) I can't stand it! - Ugh... In case you don't know, there is a very annoying and painfully popular channel on YouTube known as The Annoying Orange. According to their opinions, many people like this program. Somehow. But personally, I HATE it. The squeaky voice, the strange, creepy mouths on the fruit, the laziness of the design. I despise it! So our favorite old executive decided, "Let's give the creator his own TV schedule on Cartoon Network." Let me give you three seconds of the first pilot episode, to give you an idea of ​​how...incredibly brainless this


is. - I will be merciful... - Merciful?
I thought you said your name was Broccoli! (Orange laughs) - I think it was meant to be a joke? I mean, he giggled at the end. That probably means other people were expected to laugh? The only marginally tolerable part that doesn't make me want to claw my eyes out is the only human actor in the show. Probably because I was so horrified by the abominable horror fests that left my tongue in my mouth. Nickelodeon may have given us Breadwinners, but this... This is in a league of its own aggravating. You can watch ten frames and be disgusted!
Every five seconds of the show is a new violation of my senses. Every time this...THING talks, I just want him to die! If at least one executive was not fired for this program, there is no justice in this world. There is no justice in a world where this show is allowed to be on prime time. There is a small section of YouTube made up of people who get a devastatingly tragic amount of views by screaming into their webcam. - WOW-HOOOOOOOOO!!! (broken glass) - I can safely say that these little parts of YouTube do not belong in public broadcasting.
This is a show I can watch for four seconds before its high-pitched screech that half-destroys my speakers forces me to angrily close my browser. The Worst of Cartoon Network Cartoons is so much better than this. At least there's SOME creative consideration there, even if it's bad. At least there is original animation. But jeebus! I know there's a crowd for this show, but I'm certainly not in that crowd. And I personally don't understand how this program can attract people. Listening to this guy's squeaky voice gives me a migraine. It makes me want to destroy every orange I see after listening to this deafening garbage.
It's hard to even find any acknowledgment that Cartoon Network made this show. They made the show and it failed. Thank God. And they buried him where they hoped no one would ever find him. And thanks Internet. Thank you MUNDO for allowing the Annoying Orange not to spread its garbage beyond YouTube. (everyone screaming) I think I have a little more faith in humanity simply because this show was a failure. It's the ugliest, most incredibly annoying, rage-inducing Cartoon Network show I've ever seen. It's an easy pick for the number one worst Cartoon Network show of all time. But luckily, on MOST of these


, Cartoon Network is clearly ashamed of them and tends to draw as little attention to them as possible.
Most of these shows only have small time slots or are almost impossible to find. And honestly, there is only a very small or very young audience dedicated to these shows. More often than not, Cartoon Network shows deserve a silver or gold medal, as their shows continue to inspire me. - I'm fine. - Do you think I missed a particularly bad one? I know there are a couple of key issues not listed, so feel free to let me know in the comments. And as always, thanks for watching and we'll see you next time.

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