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Top 10 Tank Mates For Bettas

May 29, 2021
I remember when I got my first beta about 20 years ago, people at the pet store were like, "Hey, these are Siamese fighting fish, they'll kill anything you put in the


with them." I was always afraid to put anything in the


with betas. so they were always left there alone and it was a bit boring, the truth is you can put other fish in with


but not just any old fish will work so we've put together a list of our favorite tank




to use. help you decide for yourself what to buy, let's be honest, what fish doesn't go well with cardinal tetras, as long as it's a fish that isn't big enough for the cardinal to fit in its mouth, they can go with pretty much anything .
top 10 tank mates for bettas
This one is absolutely beautiful. Little fish with the striking red and blue with the neon sharpened up to there, perfect for taking


for bettas because they won't do anything to hurt the betta or even rip off its fins. It is also common to see cardinals with bettas because you will usually find them in smaller tanks and cardinals are tiny and can fit in almost any tank. Cardinal tetras are schooling fish, though like many of the fish you'll see on this list, so don't just stick to one. Put them in a group of 5 to 6 to keep them super happy.
top 10 tank mates for bettas

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top 10 tank mates for bettas...

I have said it many times on this channel. Harlequin raspberries are one of my all-time favorite fish. They have a super cool T-shaped marking on the side that makes them really easy to identify, plus they get along with just about everything, are super durable, and get along perfectly with betas. We currently have Harlequin razz borĂ¥s in three different tanks and in all three they are in there with betas, they are just a perfect match, this is another school of fish that doesn't get huge, but you will want to have them in at least a 20 gallon tank.
top 10 tank mates for bettas
We have to make sure we say the name correctly when we make these videos because when we're off camera Lisa and I call these fish Harley Quinn Halls are another little member of the catfish family, they're super cool and won't bother anyone and They won't bother your betta fish either, for the most part they are super. Active little fish that will do a great job scavenging for food which means yes they are another fish that will help keep things tidy which is always good although some sectors like to be in small groups so make sure to investigate.
top 10 tank mates for bettas
Check them out before you go pick them up, it's always great to see them interact as a school too, they will be all over the bottom of the tank and doing this in a small group it's great to see that Cory's are like snails, although some of them are They come back larger than others if you have a smaller tank like a 10 gallon, use the Panda Cory's, but you don't want to put Pepper Cory's in a 10 gallon because they can get almost 4 inches in size, see what I do? I'm saying just check with him before purchasing them, but the important thing about this list is his excellent tankmates for betas.
We all know that most betta tanks you will see out there will be really small at times. As small as five gallons, one of the most common questions is what can I put in my five gallon tank to help with algae control and help keep the tank clean? Obviously you can't put bigger plecos and things like that in there, so what do you do? do it right, this is where snails come in, if you've never had snails you might be thinking, well snails are a bit boring, okay I'll admit it, they won't provide much action and movement in the tank. but they are not boring at all or maybe that's just me.
Snails come in a lot of different varieties, some of them are really unique and although they don't move very fast, they will still provide something visually interesting in every tank if you do. If you are looking to put one or two snails in a smaller tank, such as a five-gallon tank, look for snails that will stay smaller, such as ramsheads or narrated snails, if you have your betta in a larger tank and you want some bigger snails. For mystery snails or assassin snails, be careful because assassin snails will eat smaller snails as narrated, this is a good thing if they invade you, but if you have a pair of mare's rights and introduce a killer, don't be surprised.
If they disappear, neon tetras are very similar to cardinal tetras. I know we've already talked about them, but these are a staple fish in the hobby and we had to include them on this list. This is another super small fish that can't resist. Raising any room will not create a huge load on the tank and will not bother your betta. This is another great fish for the betta keeper who wants to add some movement to their tank, but it's only like 5 gallons so you don't have a ton of options, you can easily throw five to six neons in a tank. five gallons with your betta and they will be perfectly fine.
The good thing we have seen in our tanks is that sometimes the betas become friends and school with the neons is great, I know it may sound a little strange but I think it makes the bettas very happy as if they are hanging out with their friends. You can find neon tetras anywhere and sometimes you'll even find them for a dollar. each, so if you have a medium sized tank grab a dozen of these little guys and watch them fly around, they are amazing little fish, bristlenose plecos are a fish we talk about quite a bit on this channel.
They are super cool alien looking fish that will patrol all over your tank looking for something to suck on. I didn't mean that to sound weird, seriously, these are really cool little catfish that have never been known to bother any other fish. It will help keep everything tidy around your tank and won't be a problem for your betta. The most important thing I like to mention when it comes to plecos is that these are not fish that will keep your tank clean to the point where you can't. There is no need to do any maintenance, yes they will pick up little things and some of them will help with algae control but they will not prevent you from having to do routine maintenance, don't be lazy, otters are everyone's dream fish.
Wait a minute, they're little catfish, so how can they be a dream fish? Well I will tell you that everyone is looking for a fish that can go in smaller tanks that doesn't hurt the other fish in the tank, they stay small and help clean. Well, algae, that just described Otto. I told you that the fish everyone dreamed of. Otters are fantastic little algae-eating fish that do very well in groups and in tanks of 10 gallons or larger, they will help you clean algae from your decorative plants and even glass. I will also do a very good job.
The only warning I will give you about them is that if you buy five or six and put them in a 20 gallon tank with your betta and maybe some neons or harlequins, they will clean up the algae. Very fast people automatically think that if their tank is clean it's great that everyone else is doing their job, but it could be that they cleaned everything and ran out and now they're starving we sold cars when we had our store and we brought people in. We go in and say, we put them in our tank, they did a great job, and then they started dying in a nice way.
If we said to them, "Well, did you feed them?", they would say that they are now eating the algae and I would say. Yes, you said the algae are gone, so what are they eating now? The point is to feed your cars, give them some algae wafers and they will keep your betta tank nice and tidy. Cooler loaches are one of the most fascinating small ones. The worm fish that you will never see in this hobby are quite small, they are not aggressive and well, they look like little worms. What really needs to be said is that it is a super easy fish to keep, but it has a disadvantage and that is that you will put them in your tank and they will disappear.
I'm serious, they'll be gone and you'll say, hey, we had one in an angel tank years ago and I totally forgot about it. I literally had it. I hadn't seen him in years, so we moved into this house and lowered the tanks. I emptied it completely and when I went to take it off the shelf I saw something dark at the bottom. I thought, what the hell happened? That loach was in my tank. I have no idea where it was all that time, but anyway, these are amazing little fish that you can find anywhere, just remember that they are very shy and skittish so you won't see them much, but for a group of them and you might have a better chance of having a bunch of really cool little worms swimming around your tank and they won't bother your betta, let's look at your new fish keeper and you're getting used to this. everything and how it all works you are still learning the ins and outs and are nervous about adding more fish.
Well I have the perfect fish for you, go get yourself some Pilates or mollies, they are super cute, you can't understand each other. Huge and the best part is that they are super sturdy so they will be great while you are still learning all of this. They will also make excellent tank mates for your betta. I won't even try to mess with them and Molly. I also don't mind being in a school, so you can buy one or two and they'll be perfectly happy. The only thing I would warn you about with these fish is that they are bear-like in life and are constantly putting out new babies.
If your tank is small, I would make sure to only get females or males, that way you won't have all those babies. Platys and mollies are available in tons of different colors and patterns, they are easy to find and super cheap, so if you are a new or even experienced fish keeper and want to give your betta some company, grab some and put them there with him, everyone will get along very well, ah yes, rummy knows Tetris, the gift for fish keepers everywhere. I love rummy. I know I always have and always will, in my opinion, they are the best schools of fish in the entire hobby and I can assure you that you will never come to my fish room and not see a school of rummynose in at least one tank in this moment.
It is an amazing tetra that doesn't get huge and won't bother any other fish in your tank. In fact, if you put a school of them in your tank, they will just run around together all day and never bother anyone. They have the most striking red heads and a beautiful black and white tail that stand out from across the room. I love these fish so much and I love them with bettas again. The rummy nose will just do its thing. Leave everyone alone. Seriously, I think we should make a whole video about rummy I don't know the only problem is that the list would be number 10 they are amazing number 9 they are super cool number 8 I love them number 7 they are the best number 6 they are my favorites

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