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Top 10 Prison Breaks Of All Time

Jun 10, 2021
all that to get trapped in the shed welcome back to the escorts react today you have me myself harry ethan what was that what just happened what just happened vic just did to me today we are looking at the 10 craziest


escapes of all


i'm excited, i'm excited for this, i love a good


, prison break, what elite series, what series, season one, prison break, undefeated, everyone here watching prison break, right , yeah, one of the series I really enjoyed, yeah, yeah, even harry, yeah, harry's not even a TV guy, that's when you know, mate, he doesn't watch anything, okay, I'll put the video on the richest.
top 10 prison breaks of all time
Coming to prison is not what most of us plan and if we become prisoners, the first thing we want is freedom. some prisoners will go to extreme measures to make sure that happens here are the top 10 craziest how i escaped from prison i made a helicopter stop i respect him brother jack shepherd he's okay in the circle 1723 when he was a kid it's just a representation of his head it's not his jack shepherd was originally going to be a carpenter but he decided to start stealing and become a thief to pay his bills in just one year in 1724 shepard was arrested five


s and managed to escape four times it is even likely that he invented the trick of tying sheets by window.
top 10 prison breaks of all time

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top 10 prison breaks of all time...

He was also very charismatic and began to attract crowds, thus becoming a small-scale celebrity. With each capture, the chains became heavier and the locks stronger, but in the end they did not stop Shepherd. He was captured and hanged in 1724 and the crowd that came to see the hanging prevented his friends from recovering his body so they could take him to a doctor to revive him. Yes, he even had a plan to escape death. Oh, you're looking at the plan. Can you imagine if that still existed today? Imagine, I don't know, yeah, but imagine, imagine, Bazinga, I tried to steal from the House of Commons or something and they just added me outside the London Eye.
top 10 prison breaks of all time
Okay, today Bazinga is getting it if you got on a flight to some country no no no no no no no john dillinger john dillinger was known to the FBI as public enemy number one who looked at him a lot, he is known as one of the banks most notorious thieves of our time, he and his gang went on a robbery spree in the Midwest, for just 30 grand at the time, robbing banks and even some police stations. He was finally incarcerated in January 1934 in the escape-proof Lake County Jail in Crown Point, Indiana. However, on March 3, 1934, Dillinger and an inmate used a fake gun carved from wood and painted with shoe polish and managed to escape from the prison.
top 10 prison breaks of all time
Freedom did not last long, as Dillinger was shot dead by the FBI a year later. After a year, I imagine driving the VA was nice, but yeah, they felt like a god. He was simply taking out a prison. Frank Lee Morris and John and Clarence England. Alcatraz was known as one of the most isolated prisons in the world that I have ever been to. There you go, yes, you did time, yes, one day, one day back in 2004. Is it still active? There are some inmates there. It was like no, no, no, no, like a museum now and it was considered impossible. to escape as it was a lone rock in the middle of San Francisco, however, on June 11, 1962, frankly, Morris John England and Clarence Anglin devised an ingenious plan to escape the rock, they used spoons over the course of a year that the three inmates used. tools to dig a tunnel in the adjacent walls that led to an unused service corridor, then climbed up a ventilation shaft to the roof.
I don't understand how you do this. They'll probably come and check and see, buddy, there's a hole in your wall. now they cover themselves with something, they covered it, yes, then they made a raft with raincoats and contact cement from the prison supply depot, after filling the raft with air, they left Alcatraz around 10 at night to make it look like who were still in their cells. the inmates made fake heads out of hair soap and toilet paper, it wasn't until the next morning that the guards realized what had happened, morris and the englands were never found, they could have died for 17 years before concluding that the three men probably drowned, oh but I only said that because they were furious, yes, yes, yes, if any of your children are seeing Simon today, let us know and then tell us the story, oh yes, 100, get them about frank abagnale.
The name probably sounds familiar to you, since leonardo dicaprio played frank abagnale in the film. catch me if you can in real life frank was a world renowned con man in 1971 american prisons were being evaluated due to numerous civil rights violations it just so happened that the us marshal forgot his prison detention papers when abagnale arrived in atlanta, georgia The guards thought Abignale was an undercover inspector and he took advantage of it, they gave him special privileges, better meals and incredible treatment, then he asked his friend Gene Sebring to give business cards to the doctor to make it look like they were from the government, he is Well, posing as Abigail's fiancé, she slipped him. both cards, one for himself and the other for a fake FBI agent whose number was on a pay phone in Atlanta that was answered by Sebring Abagnale, told a story about how he needed to contact the FBI and offered both cards to the guards . and arranged for Sebring to pick him up at the main gate of the prison while the guards patted themselves on the back thinking they hadn't been fooled by the fake prison inspector, rope weapons, someone else was wrong and they just played, no, he is.
I think he convinced them the FBI was coming but he said someone else forgot his papers, no yeah someone else messed up so okay I guess he didn't know his history and then they thought he was faking but then he got a A fake FBI guy came to pick it up and then they said, "Oh, we got it, we turned it over to the FBI." They're going to fix it now, he doesn't come back with the right papers, but it's actually just this guy and he left they were twerking for him that's what I think I don't know that's what I understand but yeah, we're also about to see the helicopter from Mount Joy prison escape by helicopter on October 31, 1973 three members of the provisional group Irish republican army jb o'hagan sheamus toomey and kevin mallon had an escape worthy of a scene from a movie it's reasonable not damn anger friend they know they know they will stop escaping from them they will give a good effort they will definitely can do it pull-ups while he was serving time in Mount Joy prison the ira was making plans to get his three members out they hijacked an alouette ii helicopter from a village called strad valley in countless ireland armed men of the ira forced the pilot to fly to the prison and landed on the exercise yard, from there the helicopter flew to Bal Doyle racecourse, where the men got into a car and headed to Dublin.
The escape was seen as an embarrassment to the Irish prison system and even the Wolves wrote a song about it called Wolf Tones. the creative name of the helicopter song, well wait, wait, I didn't see a pull-up, yeah, I'm just saying at the same time, like a helicopter lands in your prison yard and there's three guys with Aks there, like If I didn't know. I don't know if you can really plan that, no, that's a bit surprising, isn't it? Yeah, what's happening in the garden oh oh oh oh wait, oh wow, have a good day everyone, andrew roger, keith rose and matthew williams, andrew roger.
Keith Rose and Matthew Williams made history in 1995. After practically breaking out of Parkhurst Prison in the United Kingdom, they worked in the prison's body shop and managed to make all the tools they needed to escape. They made a 25 foot cannon. a steel ladder to help them scale the fence, as well as a skeleton key that could open all the doors in the prison, how did they manage to be able to carve the key from memory after seeing another one, oh my god, they also had it hung a weapon? How do you remember the kit that some people have built?
But you know what? If you're locked up in jail for the rest of your life, that's going to make you, it's going to give you some kind of superpower. His superpower was the other. However, the other thing is that they might try it and make mistakes in order to do it. They could try it if it doesn't work. They could change it a little. Try it. If they trusted them enough to just work in the metal shop and then gg, how do they make a 25 foot ladder without being timed? I don't know anything about that one.
They opened the back door of the gym, punched a hole in the inside door and scaled the outside fence. They were caught four days later hiding. in a shed and they were trying to plot a plant, all of that to get trapped in the shed, that's the unleashing of the Texas Seven in December 2000, seven inmates forced their way out of the John B Connolly Unit in Kennedy, Texas, which was a maximum security facility. prison, the men managed to overpower two guards and eight maintenance men stole their clothes, the keys to a truck and locked them in a closet led by George Rivas, thirty years old.
The group was able to trick several other guards into giving them their weapons earlier. Tying them up and escaping in the van, the group then embarked on a crime spree in San Antonio in Dallas, as well as killing an officer and then heading to Colorado before they were eventually captured. One of the men committed suicide before being recaptured and the rest were taken back to the prison you just freed, big idiot tj lane in 2012 tj lane killed three of his boys and was sentenced to serve three life sentences in the Allen Correctional Institute in Lima, Ohio, on September 9, 2014, Lane Together with convicted murderer Lindsay Bruce and convicted kidnapper Clifford Operud used a homemade ladder to scale the walls to climb to the top of the Hilton Building and then jump 15 feet to the other side of the prison walls and escape on foot, the three of them were able to build the ladder after breaking into a closed space and finding their materials, so it's like you see the ladders as duct tape and stuff, yeah, Lane and the other inmates were found nine hours after their escape in September 2012.
Choi Gap Bach, 50, was arrested on suspicion of robbery and then placed in a holding cell at the police station in the city of Daegu it seems. a fish look my fish he didn't have to do them like that gatbock was a 23 year old yoga practitioner and he had stayed in the cell for five days then he applied skin ointment to his upper body and managed to escape through the slot of food while three guards were sleeping in the food store, that's why he looks like a fish buddy because he's gap bock. he was only 5'4 and the slot was 5.9 inches tall and 17.7 inches wide.
He bought himself some time by putting pillows and blankets on his bed to make it look like he was sleeping. Gatbock earned the title of Korean houdini who ran towards a remote control. Afterwards, the Mountain Cleared Through the Gap David Sweat and Richard Matt in June 2015 David Sweat, 34, and Richard Matt, 48, executed a Shawshank redemption style escape from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora New York City cut off the steel wall in his cell, then crawled across a walkway, through a brick wall, in and out of a steam pipe and then cut the chain and locked himself into a manhole cover outside the prison, then the two had to slide down the pipe before cutting.
They got themselves out again, Sweat and Matt were serving time for murder and spent about three weeks on the run before coming to a standoff with the police. matt was killed and sweat was recaptured well we didn't even sweat ah toby i mean before if you're in prison it's probably a good way to occupy yourself do a little planning okay how much extra time will you have if you escape and do they catch you? Because it sure depends, man, that changes, I think most of these people are doing time. so long anyway that it doesn't really matter, yeah he'll never get parole, it's probably worth it, so I'd say go for it, no we're not going to tolerate this, I'd say don't be there in the first place, for favor. thank you okay see you for the next peace

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