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May 27, 2024
These are the 10




in the




starting with number 10. An incredible situation occurred in the match between Eon Re and Thomas Kaplon where twice in a row the eight ball perfectly placed in the middle of the pocket by both players was expelled Number nine Bombones was completely surprised when the referee caught a foul while he had the ball in his hand and checked to see if he had enough space to place it correctly right behind him to see if he could pass both to the other pocket. foul ball in hand can't use the ball Q Ken Shan is called for a foul okay timeout timeout is against I thought he was measuring to see iFit the table in the measurement of the table he had the ball in his hand he is trying to place it Talk to both captains, I have the ball in my hand, well, but I can change my mind.
top 10 most unexpected moments in history of pool games
I was wrong, Carl, so I'll let you shoot anything. The eighth-place video review was conducted after the referee decided that Shane V Menning committed a foul when Noble made contact with the railing. after the shot the last support finally cost him the support needs to be railed for four hits oh yes then I think they need to come back here yes I think it's close because and the reason why I say repetition is ideal please expand I mean, you can't just say it hit the rail first, we have to see what happens after contact, yes, but how can the QQ ball break free from the rail without returning to rail number seven?
top 10 most unexpected moments in history of pool games

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top 10 most unexpected moments in history of pool games...

Another very controversial situation involving air. streetland where Jason Sha accused his opponent of not calling the ball he was pocketing at one point. Hello Mr. K, and if you are enjoying this video, I will be very grateful if you leave a thumbs up and press the Subscribe button to be updated with videos like this number six a very sharp exchange of words occurred between mik Mon and Jeffrey Duna after that Jeffre would stay that Mika hadn't announced that he would play combination 59 you sounded like a bingo player then Jim five and nine the Brighton line I said Nall N I said Nall I said N I said N I said n ball I said nine ball when I landed yes yes yes good that, but what I'm doing now is wrong well just go for a short break I think so, me and you know what fifth place Shane Ving was completely surprised when the referee called a time drop going up, he didn't hear the player ask for a extension Shane had a completely different statement saying he had clearly asked for it, it's a foul Shane Shan, yes CH, it's a time that fell.
top 10 most unexpected moments in history of pool games
The timer ran out and she didn't ask for his extension. I didn't hear the extension. Did you hear the extension? Rob. I heard no, there is no call. CH. I said extension. I didn't listen to Rob. Did you hear the extension? I didn't hear the extension. Rewrite it for me, please. Usually, but I've never seen him have a problem asking for that extension when needed. We'll see that from time to time, when there's a foul called by a referee, when it's okay, he called the extension before touching the ball for a long time. Before those whistles we'll see number four Erland, he broke his tail after a shocking Miss in a Moson Up match against himself, a little bit of length on this seven ball, but the length doesn't seem to bother the man and he doesn't have why do it. do something special with white Jerry oh oh he just broke his Q he just broke his Q he just broke his Q look at this, that's an action you see all the time from Strickland and very often he's in danger of breaking that cube, thanks , that's the first The first time I saw Earl break a club in all these years, first place on the podium, the referee in the match between Jason Shaw and Billy Torp in the Moscon Cup called a foul on ball number one, but everyone could see clearly in the replay that it was a big mistake I don't think that was the plan oh that wasn't good that's close that's close yes that's close too far from where he's lying Billy is laughing so hard both refs taking a look here there's a bit slow just caught the right one just one yeah now Jerry as you suggested they will so an apology is a beautiful thing isn't it?
top 10 most unexpected moments in history of pool games
Is incredible. The second place hotties were completely blindsided after missing the incredibly simple eight ball in the deciding rack of their match against L High in the world. Pool Masters, are you kidding me? They can't wait a minute either. He got it, he got it, what a finish, so guys and finally number one. Alex Pugon surprised everyone by considering the match against Jason Shaw in the decider after an incredible Miss in the last. ball number nine I've never seen anything like this before you can do whatever you want yes, okay G Alex puline offers his hand in concession yes, you conceded again yes, the match is over sha no need to pop the nine ball we're all in shock, can you believe it?
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