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Top 10 Longest Home Runs in Baseball History

May 27, 2024
On July 3, 1999, Jim Tomy hit one of the




of all time. The


run came in a win over the Kansas City Royals at home in Cleveland, Ohio, on Jacob's field from the start. There was no doubt but where he landed. Surprising everyone, the ball would end up landing over the left-center field fence to the right of a section of the stands after the ball bounced off The Concourse, out of the entire stadium and into the street, the home run was measured at 511 feet Jim Tomy. He was one of the greatest power hitters of all time and has 612 career home


, this was the


of his career and they ended up building a statue in the stadium near where the ball landed also in Jacob's field only 2 years before, on April 30.
top 10 longest home runs in baseball history
Mark Maguire hit the longest home run ever seen in the stadium, the Cleveland Indians were playing the Oakland Athletics and Mark m guire hit a long home run at Oral Hershiser. The ball hit a sign behind the seats in left field, no one had ever seen a hit ball. Up there and measured at 523 feet, there is no statue for this home run, although Maggu was one of the strongest players of the 9 and hit many long home runs. He hit 58 home runs that season and would be traded to the Cardinals later. The next year, he hit 70 home runs, which was a record at the time; he took steroids, which no doubt helped.
top 10 longest home runs in baseball history

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top 10 longest home runs in baseball history...

The next furthest home run was hit by Daryl Strawberry in 1988. It took place on April 4, 1988, when the Mets were in Montreal. playing against the Expos, the game was at Olympic Stadium in Montreal, Strawberry hit the ball so high into right field that it hit the roof near where they have lights on the right field line, it's hard to see on the video, but After hitting the roof by The Lights, the ball bounced into the playing field, causing a little confusion as to whether it was even a home run, but it was quickly ruled to be a home run and the home run would be estimated at 525 feet.
top 10 longest home runs in baseball history
Strawberry would reach 39 home runs that season and 335 in his career in May 1997, just a month after Mark Maguire's long home run in Cleveland, the Rockies were playing the Marlins in Miami, Andrees Galaraga arrived with the bases loaded for the Rockies and hit a grand slam that went into the upper deck in left field, no one seemed to be in the outfield stands, but the ball still landed in a place no one had seen before, it was estimated at 529 feet and was the longest home run in


that season Dave Kingman was a power hitter in the 1970s and 1980s.
top 10 longest home runs in baseball history
He hit 442 career home runs in 16 seasons, but his longest was in 1979 when he played for the Chicago Cubs, who were playing the Phillies in Wrigley Field and the 6'6 Kingman hit. one of the entire stadium, the ball went over the fence and the stands and towards the street you can see the ball bouncing down the road after landing, it was measured 530 feet and was one of the longest home runs of all time in 1971, the MLB. The all-star game was at Tiger Stadium in Detroit during the game. Reggie Jackson hit a home run so far he almost left the stadium.
He hit from a transformer on the roof in right field above the stands. If he didn't hit the transformer, he probably would. The home run was the longest in All-Star Game


and measured 532 feet. It was also the farthest in the career of Jackson, who had a total of 563 home runs in his career. The home run helped the American League win the championship. Adam Dunn was one of the great power hitters of the 2000s. He hit 462 home runs in his career, many of them very long, the farthest being In August 2004 against the Dodgers, the Home Run went immediately to center field and the ball ended up going over the batter's eye and it left the entire stadium in the deepest part, which is extremely difficult to do.
The Home Run was measured at 535 feet it is said that after the ball came out the stadium bounced to the banks of the Ohio River. It is also the longest home run in Great American Ballpark


. There is no video of this home run available, but in 1978 Willie Starel hit a 535-ton home run. It took place in Montreal at the Olympic. stadium in the fourth inning against the exposed star of the Pirates he hit a long home run to right field the ball landed in the upper deck and it was the first time that a ball landed so high that it was estimated at 535 feet the home run would come it ended up being the home run longest ever hit at Olympic Stadium Mark Maguire returns to the list with another home run, this time it was one he hit in 1996 when he was with the Oakland Athletics and they faced the Seattle Mariners at the Kingdome in Seattle.
Randy Johnson pitched for the Mariners and was known as one of the fastest pitchers in the league. Maguire took him to a part of the Kingdom where he had never hit a home run before he estimated at 538 feet, the home run was the longest. in the history of the Kingdom and is also one of the longest in the history of Major League Baseball, also in 1989 the Oakland Athletics were playing against the Toronto Bluejs in the American League Championship Series, the game was at the Sky Dome in Toronto during the game José Cono of the A's hit a home run until it reached the fifth deck, the home run was estimated at 540 losses, which some people consider to be the longest home run of all time.
Cono was known as one of the strongest players in


throughout his career. He also took steroids. during his career, so some people don't count this as a home run either, either way, the ball traveled very far, the Oakland Athletics won the American League Championship Series and the World Series that year in April 1953. Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees hit a long home run The Yankees were playing the Washington Senators at Griffith Stadium in DC in the top of the fifth the Yankees were leading 2 to one Mickey Mantle was batting right-handed against left-handed pitcher Chuck stabbed, hit the ball over the left field fence and over the 32 rows of seats the ball went out of the entire stadium and bounced off a sign that was 460 feet from home plate the ball went into the street behind the stadium and it bounced into someone's yard the total distance of the home run was 565 feet this is approximately where the ball landed and Howard University Hospital is on the site where Griffith Stadium used to be when Bryce Harper was in high school, it was said he hit a 570 foot home run, it happened when he was 15 years old when he was a freshman in Las Vegas high school after the game his coaches measured where the ball landed and it was 570 feet from the game at home.
Bryce Harper was so good in high school that he graduated early and got his GED from him around that time. He turned 17, then played one season at Joo before declaring for the MLB draft, where he was chosen first overall. He ended up reaching the big leagues at age 19 and never looked back. On July 18, 1921, the New York Yankees were playing the Detroit Tigers at Naven Field. In the game, Babe Ruth hit home run number 139. of his career in the eighth inning and with the home run he broke the record at that time for most home runs in MLB history.
He also came quite a long way. The home run was hit by Tiger pitcher Bert Cole; up to that point in the game, Babe Ruth had basically been intentionally walked in every at-bat. Tiger player manager Tai Cobb told his pitchers not to give Ruth anything to hit. Babe had received four tickets and had not done it. He even took the bat off his shoulder until his eighth inning home run, the first swing he took of the day, he hit a home run to center field. Winds were also said to be about 20 mph and blowing toward center field.
Also a wall measured 560 feet from home plate where the ball passed. The home run was measured at 575 feet and may have been one of the longest home runs in history. Josh Gibson is one of the greatest power hitters in baseball history and played 14 seasons in the Negro Leagues in 1937 with the Grays farm Gibson was playing at Yankee Stadium, he hit a home run to center field and the ball is said to have hit the back wall behind the center field seats 2 feet higher and would have gone over the wall. The estimated distance of the home run was 580 feet, as reported by Sports News.
The longest home run ever hit in professional baseball was by Joey Meyer. He happened on June 3, 1987. He was in AAA for the Milwaukee Brewers playing in the Denver Zeph. The game was at Mile High Stadium in Denver against the Buffalo Bison in the seventh inning Meyer hit a home run to left field that went over the wall and hit an empty second deck seat. The home run was measured at 582 feet, which is the farthest home run ever officially recorded. They changed the color of the seat where he hit the ball so everyone could know where his home run landed.
Mile High Stadium was demolished in 2002, but the seat was saved. Joey Meyer was a great power hitter in the minor leagues. but he only played two seasons in the majors for the Brewers, he still holds the record for the longest home run in professional baseball, although there are a few other home runs that are said to have gone further but have not been officially verified. Babe Ruth and Josh Gibson are both said to have hit home runs over 600 feet. Mickey Mantle is also said to have hit home runs not just over 600 feet but one over 700 feet, but the way those home runs were measured was not confirmed as accurate.
That's all for today's video, thanks for watching and see you next time h

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