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Top 10 HP Characters Who Could Have Been Sorted into a Different Hogwarts House

Mar 04, 2024
The sorting ceremony in Harry Potter has become iconic, each


takes on a life of its own and each


is full of great


today, however, we will look at what




as I list the top 10






. Sorted into the wrong house now, obviously this is just speculation and it's all in fun. I'm not saying that filming was bad. I'm just taking a look at each character's traits and based on that, I'll send them to a new house sooner. I get into this I feel like I should analyze the qualities that each house represents.
top 10 hp characters who could have been sorted into a different hogwarts house
We'll start with Gryffindor. They value bravery, valor and chivalry. Moving on to Slytherin. They value ambition. The leadership. Self-preservation. Cunning and ingenuity. For Ravenclaw. They value knowledge of intelligence. curiosity, creativity and ingenuity and finally, hufflepuff, they value hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty and fair play, so now that we know the qualities of each house, we will reorder the top 10 characters before starting with the video. I want to introduce you to the new me. now you can call me lord morgan that's right movieflame now he's an official lord how did i do it? I'm glad you asked me.
top 10 hp characters who could have been sorted into a different hogwarts house

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top 10 hp characters who could have been sorted into a different hogwarts house...

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top 10 hp characters who could have been sorted into a different hogwarts house
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top 10 hp characters who could have been sorted into a different hogwarts house
I said that, let's start with the video. Gilderoy Lockhart Slytherin Lockhart was a Ravenclaw in the books, but I think he might have been


into Slytherin for one. He is not overly concerned with acquiring knowledge or intelligence, the two main Ravenclaw traits, but rather he values ​​them. He cunning and witting like a Slytherin as he lies and tricks everyone into thinking that he accomplished all of those accomplishments on his own. It's clear that he rejects Ravenclaw goodies and takes on Slytherins, so it makes sense for him to don the green and silver. instead of the blue and bronze ron weasley hufflepuff now i don't want to slander in any way because honestly the movie slandered him quite a bit but ron was of course a gryffindor in the books and although we can't deny that he possesses traits. that define Gryffindor, we have also seen some examples where it is the opposite, we see his bravery, boldness and nerves falter a little when he is on the Quidditch pitch, as he constantly wants to give up and leave the team rather than challenge him.
He ends up challenging him, but only after a lot of pushing from his friends. He also has a great fear of spiders, which doesn't bode well when Ron is said to be brave. Can we panic now? Meanwhile, what everyone agrees on is that Ron. He is a loyal friend, especially to Harry, this is even the quality that Rowling herself loves most in the character, Ron is a loyal friend through and through and even though they have their ups and downs, Ron is always by Harry's side when it's important. , maybe you don't. you have to do all this alone mate, this strong drive for loyalty is of course the trait that hufflepuffs embody, which makes me think ron could have done the yellow and black harry potter, slytherin, harry is of course , a Gryffindor, but during the sorting ceremony he wanted to put Harry and Slytherin and only when Harry asked him not to put him in Gryffindor, not in Slytherin, not in Slytherin, not in Slytherin, huh, even Dumbledore confirmed that Harry would have fit well into Slytherin, a big part of that of course is that Voldemort transferred something. of his powers as a pack tongue for harry when he tried to kill him, but as the sorting hat said, you would have done well in slytherin, but I stand by what I said last year, you would have done well in slytherin, severus snape, gryffindor, snape era a slytherin which makes sense given the path he took to becoming a Death Eater, however, while his early life points to the hat making the right decision, his later life is what makes me think he should have been


into Gryffindor. .
Harry himself said that Snape was the bravest. Man, did he ever know that you were named after two Hogwarts headmasters, one of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I have ever met and that is the most notable trait that Gryffindors possess: bravery, Snape dedicated his life to help the good guys and he showed it. Incredible bravery in risking his life by lying right to the Dark Lord's face knowing he could have been exposed at any given moment but he didn't care, he showed incredible bravery and courage in dedicating his life to protecting Harry Percy Weasley Slytherin.
Percy was solved. in gryffindor like every other weasley, but he is by far the least gryffindor of the entire weasley clan and this makes sense since he abandoned his family for a few years for his own selfish reasons, percy actually checks almost all of the Slytherin traits . He showed more ambition than perhaps any character in the series, as he worked very hard to have a successful career in the ministry, even if it meant turning against his own family to side with Fudge, on top of that, he showed a desire for leadership. as I wanted. him work his way into the ministry, which could best be shown in the funny scene where he was reading a book titled Prefix that he gained power and showed a lot of self-preservation by abandoning his family, all because he didn't want to end it.
Being poor like his father, he also showed cunning and ingenuity as he was able to manipulate his way to the top by working closely with people like Barty Crouch and Cornelius Fudge and did so by manipulating and smearing people like Fudge Umbridge and Krautshop looking at everyone. this is clear that percy would have fit well in slytherin cedric diggory gryffindor cedric was a hufflepuff and was one of the few great hufflepuffs in the series, that's why it pains me to say that he could have been a gryffindor i don't want to accept far away the only blessing of hufflepuff in the original series, but it's true that Cedric was incredibly brave to put his name in the Goblet of Fire alone proves it and the fact that he faced everything that came his way in the tournament with almost no fear proves it even more, However, the greatest example showing his Gryffindor bravery was that he stood face to face with the unknown enemy approaching the graveyard knowing that Harry was suffering too much to do so, so he was ready to protect himself and Harry until the unknown thread and ultimately that.
His last act of bravery was his last. He came out like a true Gryffindor. Albus Dumbledore. Slytherin. Dumbledore was a Gryffindor in the books, but there can be a pretty strong argument that he belonged in Slytherin. His leadership skills are clear, as he ran Hogwarts for years and was even asked to be Minister of Magic at least three times. His leadership was also demonstrated when he planned to conquer the world with Grindelwald when he was a teenager, which also checks the ambition box for him. He is also very cunning and resourceful as he pulls the strings of everything that happens. happened in the series, whether it be tricking Snape into protecting Harry only for Harry to die.
You kept him alive so he could die at the right time. You've been raising him like a pig for the slaughter. Dumbledore manipulated and lied a lot. from people like snape, harry, hell, even newt and grindelwald in the fantastic beasts movies, he checks off almost all the traits listed for slytherins and looking at his ark, dumbledore sounds more like a slytherin than a gryffindor if you ask me , ruby ​​is hagrid, hufflepuff, hagrid was a gryffindor. in the series, but I think he would have fit well in Hufflepuff, he is incredibly loyal to his friends and loved ones, but especially to Dumbledore, never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me.
Hagrid was so loyal to Dumbledore that he gave Dudley a ponytail after Vernon insulted him. Albus slammed Karkaroff into the tree when he spat at Dumbledore and no matter what happened he was always there for Albus Hagrid He is also incredibly loyal to his creatures even when others discard them Hagrid will always defend them even when he shouldn't He also has a strong resemblance with another creature-loving Hufflepuff. We know it's clear that Hagrid's loyalty could easily have put him in the yellow and black. Hermione Granger Ravenclaw. Hermione was, of course, a Gryffindor, but the sorting had considered putting her in Ravenclaw.
We found this. when terry boot asked her why she wasn't at her house and she said well the sorting hat considered putting me in ravenclaw during my sorting but in the end she decided on gryffindor it can't be denied that hermione possesses many traits that gryffindors have , but she also embodies many Ravenclaw traits and intelligence is a given, as she is easily the smartest student in her year. You're brilliant, Hermione, really. In fact, I am very logical, which allows me to look beyond superfluous details and clearly perceive what others overlook. Yes, knowledge is also very important to her as she has read every book she can get her hands on which also marks the curiosity trade and furthermore her creativity and breadth are front and center whenever the Trio is in a bind, come with me.
I'll leave Hermione, you're mad, we wouldn't last two days without her, honestly it doesn't seem that strange to see Hermione dressed in blue and bronze. Peter Pettigrew Slytherin Peter Pettigrew is the least brave Gryffindor we've ever seen. This is just for fun and I'm like, oh yeah, they could have been in that house, but you know it makes sense that they're in the house they're in, but this is the only one I think no, they were put in. in the wrong house, he is an absolute coward who hides behind other powerful people to protect himself. Honestly, I don't think he possesses a single trait that defines Gryffindor, but he actually embodies almost all of Slytherin's traits.
Self-preservation is obvious, as I said, it is hidden. behind powerful people and does what's best for him, even if it means leading Voldemort to the death of his best friend, he's also very cunning and resourceful and before you say that having no pedigree is really stupid, look at the framing work he does. He did, he cut one of his fingers. he turned into a rat and was able to be adopted by a family that cares for him and would also give him information if Sirius ever escaped. That's incredibly clever and clever, if you ask me, he literally got away with it while another of his best.
His friends rot in prison, which also shows another example of self-preservation. He doesn't care what Sirius and Azkaban have to go through with the Dementors as long as he's safe. Pettigrew belongs to Slytherin and there are the top 10 characters he would turn to. Who else do you think was put in the wrong house? Let me know in the comments below and I'll see you in the next video. Thank you very much for watching guys. I hope you enjoyed the video. You can follow me on Instagram to see more of my personal life, like my cute dog Loki and some behind the scenes stuff from the movie Flame.
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