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Top 10 Failed Oscar Bait Movies of All Time

May 30, 2024
No, I will be heard, I do not accept this welcome to watch Mojo and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Oscarbate Failed Movies of All Time We long for love, we wish we had more


and we fear death for this list. We'll be looking at the most obvious Oscar gold tactics that missed the mark, which Oscar


movie made you roll your eyes. Let us know in the comments below number 10. Diana, there have been a host of notable memorials to the late Princess of Wales, Unfortunately, Diana 2013 is not one of them.
top 10 failed oscar bait movies of all time
Now you see, you keep telling me that everything is going to be fine, it's not fine, everything is wrong at first glance. It's easy to see why many felt that Naomi Watts' star vehicle would be a big contender during Awards Season and to be fair, her performance isn't bad, it's a little dramatic, dramatic, dramatic, my whole life has been dramatic, has been filled with the sound of people slamming doors, but it's possibly impossible to really tell beneath the lackluster dialogue in a cheap production. values ​​many found the film intriguing and exploitative rather than insightful and that kind of bad press ruins awards prospects long before they started I guess it's something I enjoy now.
top 10 failed oscar bait movies of all time

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top 10 failed oscar bait movies of all time...

I no longer feel the need to be caught, so maybe I'm not falling if it's more like flying Not only did the movie fail to generate any serious buzz for Garner, it couldn't even reach double digits on the Rotten Tomatoes Tomato Meter Number Nine Cats, classic musical adaptations have historically been hit or miss in academia, yet director Tom Hooper won Les Miserables. eight nominations in 2012. So hopes were high that he would do the same with cats going to the dance. I wouldn't do it if I were you, you could become dangerous. Unfortunately, C couldn't make lightning strike twice, not even close, really, without even broaching the subject.
top 10 failed oscar bait movies of all time
Ridiculous visual effects, the film was so flawed that audiences longed for a memory of something other than cats alone in the moonlight. In the end, this unintentional parody ended up winning at a very different kind of awards show than the golden raspberries there. the film notably won worst picture, cementing its place in the crop of musical films and just when you think it's half asleep, it's always number eight Alexander, a roughly three-hour long historical epic sounds like the kind of thing most of moviegoers would eat, but if this movie was taught in film classes, it would probably be to discuss how things ended up going so horribly wrong that he'll never give you the throne now.
top 10 failed oscar bait movies of all time
Alexander never started the movie. Maybe he seemed more interested in reciting the story than in representing it, which meant its star-studded cast. he didn't have much material to work with, which arguably led to some of the worst performances of his career across the board. Come on, did you forget so quickly? Fortune favors the Bold on the guards' side. What is this? He wanted the rice turned and he had this to return. Audiences and critics alike shrugged and he


to get any of the Oscar nominations he was seeking. In the end, the only thing Alexander took away was a legacy that is anything but a great return to Babylon and strengthen the Center of it or return home. to Macedonia and regroup, but don't chase your dream any further this number seven music Sia's first foray into directing a feature film possibly left a lot to be desired after all, despite her best intentions, the music ended up offending many in the same community he was trying to represent.
Surprise, George George, hey, the casting choices for her troubled portrayal of autism sparked a strong reaction, and the first official screenings did little to quell those concerns. Sia publicly apologized and edits were made while the music still snuck into some Golden Globe categories that the public was unhappy with. However, she launched an unsuccessful campaign to have her nominations rescinded. The film didn't get any Oscar recognition, which ended up being the least controversial part. She can take care of herself. No, she can not. No, why don't you worry? I Care About You Collateral Beauty Number Six, speaking directly to the concepts of Love, Death and Time, is the kind of heady acting exercise that has earned many artists golden statues, unfortunately Collateral Beauty falls apart because that's everything you try to do.
Howard doesn't He doesn't write letters to people, he writes to things, what kind of things,


, love, death, the three abstractions, in fact you could say he works so hard to appear sophisticated that he forgets to give them to its actors something to do, unfortunately, Will Smith is the biggest victim. Just like his turn and the equally faded seven-pounder, you can practically feel how hard he's trying to get some recognition. Where did you get who you are? Who did you write the letter to? I wrote the letter until I died. Pleased to meet you. Well, the acting is. certainly committed, there's only so much he can do, the actor would go on to deliver much better performances in much better films, meaning collateral beauty is just a footnote many try to forget, you've got to be facing me.
I'm eating number five in Amsterdam, you'd think. that an Oscar-nominated director teaming up with some regular Oscar nominees and winners would result in an Oscar-worthy film. Wow, yes, it's a long story, but with YouTube it will be a piece of cake, and besides, I'm much better at forging documents now. Unfortunately, that equation leaves out the most important variable that everything has to equal a good movie. In the end, suffice it to say that Amsterdam is not exactly that. The cast and crew of The Talented are wasted on a movie that's too messy to say anything and too safe to stand out please let's go we should have left for Dillon Backs hours ago that's the only hope we have to get out of this situation with the police, in fact, was not good enough to recover its budget at the box office. alone, something close to a prestigious industry award, sadly, the most important thing Amsterdam will probably be remembered for is an unprecedented misfire are you okay? you're fine, it comes and goes, I'm fine, yes, you feel fine and suddenly you feel dizzy. dizzy comes and goes number four welcome to marwin if anyone could make this eclectic true story work as a movie it was robert zemeckis the director's contributions to the


winning film back to the future in forrest gump had many hoping for a similar screening for welcome to Marwin, damn, you've got to be kidding, you know all the ingredients were there, but that could have been the problem.
Many times the film felt like it was checking off boxes of Zemeckis' signature formula; despite a worthy central performance from Steve Carell, the film never managed to overcome its mediocre critical reception Park hello hello Roberta I'm making some coffee, do you want a little, no, thank you. Jeep looks good. Mud splatters are really cool. It's going to take a lot of time and a lot of miles to get the right amount of wear on those tires, so welcome to marwin probably won't be talked about in the same way as zemeckis' other


at least not the ones that won academy awards that bothers you no, it doesn't bother me in the least number three the last duel this one perhaps feels more like a victim of circumstance than quality, after all, with Ridley Scott behind the camera and Matt Damon in front of it, it's not too Surprising that this medieval actor delivered you have a lot to live for, who do I have to live for here, what is his name?
In fact, many enjoyed the film enough that it being named among the National Board of Review's Top 10 Movies of the Year seemed like a shoe-in for some big boys. nominations, especially in the craft categories, poison my Lord with bad advice whispered in his ear, blackening my name, surely you didn't say that, you did and yet, despite all that, the disinterest of the theatrically acclaimed public turned to the Oscar contender in a box office bomb, The Mouth's word apparently wasn't there and neither was the final duel when the Academy Award nominations were announced. Make fun of me if you can, but you can't change good from evil or evil from good, enlighten me, so let's do the right thing number two, the greatest showman despite Due to the merits of his true story, many felt that this brilliant musical prioritizes style over substance, as evidenced by its haul of awards this season, while a nomination for best original song is nothing to scoff at, it's obvious that people expected the film to do better, But although certain critics were not completely captivated by PT Barnum's revisionist version, the public told a different story.
I know what it would look like if they didn't. It would worry me. I mean, it just needs a little work. The same popcorn entertainment that probably doomed the movie's Oscars. possibilities made it a bonafide hit in theaters where moviegoers flocked for its stirring themes and infectious soundtrack, so while The Greatest Showman wasn't an awards giant, it was successful in other ways before let us reveal our best choice. Here are some hon. mention Cherry, not even Tom Holland could save this plot adaptation, he called your name like 10 times sorry, uh, my music was loud, hey, I like your sweater, dear Evan Hansen Ben Platt couldn't translate his winning hit from a Tony to an Oscar J Edgar, maybe Leonardo DiCaprio.
The most transparent film as Oscar


, give me Robert Kennedy immediately Mr. Hoover President Kennedy has been surprised Babylon despite her talent pool this one did not inspire many major rumors Jesus Christ, will someone fix her face get her out of here Rebecca this remake made many If you want to see the 1940 movie or read the book well, I always wanted to try them, so try them before they get hot before continuing. Make sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell to receive notifications about our latest videos. You have the option to receive notifications for occasional videos or for all of them if you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and turn on notifications, the number one anthropoid if there's one thing the academy can't seem to get enough of is war.


, so when one comes out based on a famous military operation, people talk about it not being the foreign mission operation Enterprise, add respected actors like Killian Murphy and you get an anthropoid that almost feels like he was designed in a laboratory specifically to win. an Academy Award, so it must have been a blow when the reviews were good.
I wish I had an answer for you. I think this all makes sense to me. So go there, Maria, they weren't bad by any means, but. They weren't particularly enthusiastic either, that lukewarm response probably spelled doom for the film and the anthropoid


to score a single domination at any major awards show. The Oscars included a film of your caliber, if it had been handled properly it could have done much, much better, why are you like this? I didn't think you were really going to do it. Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other WatchMojo clips and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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